Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 367 – 368

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Chapter 367

Fredmen Willson shivered in shock at what his mother said.

Because he offended that pauper Charlie, not only did he not save him, but he wanted to make a clean break with his family?

This old thing was blinded by Charlie’s medicine, right? !

He was full of resentment, but he could only say to Bihua Willson: “Mom, that old dog with the surname Shi is not a good thing!”

Bihua Willson gritted her teeth and cursed: “I don’t care what you do. On my eighty-fourth birthday, Tianqi must come to Eastcliff to check my body and diagnose and treat my problems. Otherwise, I will not forgive you!”

Many people are more selfish as they get older.

The older you are, the more you are afraid of death, and the more you want to live longer. Therefore, Bihua Willson doesn’t want to know why Fredmen Willson and Tianqi are in conflict. She just wants Tianqi to continue to be a health doctor for herself.

With him as a health doctor, it is no problem to live to be over ninety years old, but without him, she may not even be able to pass this year’s hurdle.

Fredmen Willson was also depressed. He wanted to explain and complain, but Bihua Willson didn’t give him a chance at all. After giving the order hard, she immediately hung up the phone.

Fredmen Willson smashed the room angrily, and then finally gritted her teeth and picked up the phone to call Tianqi, trying to use repentance and pleading to ask him to continue to see his mother.

But Tianqi’s cell phone was turned off.

This made Fredmen Willson even more angry.

But no way, he dared not disobey his mother’s orders, so he dressed in embarrassment, went downstairs, and drove to Tianqi’s Clinic.

When the car arrived at the gate of the Clinic, it was already closed.

Fredmen Willson gritted his teeth at the door but saw two figures walking out of the darkness not far away.

One of them limped and seemed a bit familiar.

So Fredmen Willson hurriedly hid to the side and observed it secretly. As the two people approached, he saw that it was a middle-aged man in his fifties with a young man in his twenties.

The twenty-something young man was leaning on a cane in one hand and a huge green oil drum in the other.

There are already some defeated middle-aged people next to him, holding the lame young man in one hand and carrying the same green oil drum in the other.

Fredmen Willson recognized the young man. When he came to see Tianqi for treatment today, the young man was being driven out by the pharmacy.

It seems that this guy is seeking no cure and is about to set fire to Tianqi’s Clinic!

The two people who came were Junwei Gao who had pretended to be forced by Charlie in the hospital before and was finally thrown down from the third floor by Mr. Orvel.

Junwei Gao left his legs with sequelae and became lame. He hated Charlie in his heart. He wanted to find Tianqi to heal the injury before going to Charlie to settle the account, but he didn’t expect Tianqi to directly prevent him from entering the door.

He returned to the hospital and complained to his father Jianjun Gao. The two were too angry, so they bought two barrels of gasoline and wanted to burn Tianqi’s Clinic.

The two people’s plan was to set the Clinic on fire, teach Tianqi a little lesson, and then find a way to find Charlie for revenge.

Fredmen Willson heard Junwei Gao say to Jianjun Gao at this time: “Dad, you said that the Old Master named Shi can’t live in the Clinic?”

“How do I know?” Jianjun Gao said coldly: “Well, he can’t live here, he just burned him by a fire! dmn, fcking with me, it’s d*mn!”

Junwei Gao gritted his teeth angrily, and said: “This surname Shi, he couldn’t save him. It would be cheaper to burn him to death with a fire!”

Chapter 368

After that, he opened the gasoline tank and said to Jianjun Gao next to him: “Dad, I think I will pour the gasoline in through the rolling shutter, let the gasoline be fully spread inside, and then make a fire outside to ensure that there are even cockroaches inside can’t live!”

Jianjun Gao nodded, snorted coldly, and said, “Okay! Burn them to death!”

Although Jianjun Gao’s strength is not top-notch in Aurous Hill, it is not top-notch, but when it comes to doting on his son, he is really the number one in Aurous Hill.

This old grandson’s ancestors have been singles for several generations. He has given birth to several daughters in a row, and he has such a baby bump as Junwei Gao. Naturally, he has been spoiled and spoiled since childhood.

When Junwei Gao was in elementary school, he was beaten with a ruler on the palm by his teacher’s hand because of his poor study and class trouble. Jianjun Gao took someone to the school and broke the teacher’s right arm, leaving him disabled for life

When Junwei Gao was in junior high school, he suffered a lot from fighting with others at school. Jianjun Gao directly hired someone to knock his classmate who beat his son into a vegetable;

Such examples are countless in Junwei Gao’s growth process.

In the eyes of Jianjun Gao, anyone who bullies his son will end up dead.

Tianqi wouldn’t heal his son’s legs, d*mn it!

That Charlie actually harmed his son to look like what he is today, even more d*mn it!

Therefore, he planned to burn Tianqi to death today, and then according to the planned plot tomorrow, he would kill Charlie!

Fredmen Willson saw that the two of them were really going to set fire to Tianqi’s Clinic, and might even burn Tianqi to death. Suddenly he became anxious, and he did not hesitate to jump out and say to the two of them: “Two! impulse!”

Gao father and son were shocked!

They had thought that no one would notice them at night, but suddenly a person would come out.

When Junwei Gao was shocked, he also recognized Fredmen Willson, and said in surprise: “Are you the one who came to see Tianqi before? Why, are you going to help him?”

Fredmen Willson hurriedly waved his hand and said: “I don’t care about Tianqi’s life or death! But his magical medicine is worn close to his body. I believe his magical medicine can not only heal your legs, but also my injuries. If you burn him with such a fire, then his magical medicine must be burned too!”

Junwei Gao suddenly realized!

Yes indeed!

I didn’t expect it!

Tianqi really has a magical medicine, and that magical medicine can cure even high-level paraplegia with spinal injury, let alone his lame leg.

If he burned him to death with fire, wouldn’t there be no chance to heal the lame leg?

Thinking of this, he suddenly hesitated.

Fredmen Willson said at this time: “Two people, I don’t think so, don’t burn the old dog’s shop first, find a way to tie up the old dog, then grab his medicine, and finally kill him! “

Jianjun Gao frowned and asked, “Why, you also an enemy of Shi?”

“Of course there is a grudge!” Fredmen Willson said coldly: “And it’s an unshakable hatred! I also want to kill him quickly, but first I have to get the magic medicine to cure the disease!”

Jianjun Gao said: “In this case, it’s better for us to tie Shi together and force him to hand over the magical medicine, and then kill him alive!”

“Okay.” Fredmen Willson nodded and said, “In this case, let’s leave contact information. Let’s find a time tomorrow. Let’s meet to discuss the details!”

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