Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 365 – 366

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Chapter 365

When Bihua Willson heard this, she immediately asked nervously: “Tianqi, what’s the matter with you? Our two families have been in friendship for so many years, so how can you stop it?”

Tianqi said earnestly: “Sister-in-law, Big Brother Willson was kind to me back then. I have repaid the Willson family for so many years without asking for anything in return.”

“This is natural!” Bihua Willson hurriedly said, “But, what is the reason for you to break up with our Willson family? If it’s an old woman, where I didn’t do well, you tell me, I will definitely correct it!”

Tianqi said: “Sister-in-law, it is not your problem, but your son Fredmen who is the problem.”

“Fredmen?” Bihua Willson said in surprise: “What’s wrong with him? Did he offend you? But he is in Aurous Hill now!”

“I’m also in Aurous Hill.” Tianqi said earnestly: “I saw Fredmen Willson, but he didn’t offend me much, mainly because he offended my benefactor. This benefactor has the kindness to recreate me, so I am healthy now. The gratitude of the benefactor can only draw a clear line between the Willson family, my sister-in-law forgives me.”

Bihua Willson felt a little in his heart.

His son actually angered Tianqi in Aurous Hill? What a b@stard! Tianqi is a well-known traditional medicine master in China. How many super-big people are ill and demand him to be treated. There is often a saying in the circle of the rich and powerful in Eastcliff, saying: “If the king of Yan made you die for three shifts, and Tianqi can keep you until five shifts!”

The meaning of these words, that is to say, even if the dying person, as long as Tianqi takes the shot, they can live for a while. This is simply a dream for the powerful class!

Macau gambling king Stanley Ho has been using various high-tech methods in the hospital to extend his life in recent years. The money spent in the hospital alone is hundreds of millions each year, but to him, what is the hundreds of millions? No life is more precious!

If life comes to an abrupt end, what if you have billions of wealth? Didn’t it burn out and live in a small wooden box?

Therefore, the more powerful, the more fond of Tianqi.

No one of Eastcliff’s rich and powerful envy the Willson family. The reason is that they are family acquaintances with Tianqi. Others abandon their wealth, and they may not be able to change Tianqi’s treatment once, and because of their friendship with Tianqi, Tianqi goes to Willson almost every year. This makes countless people jealous to death.

Bihua Willson’s husband, Fredmen Willson’s father, had cancer more than ten years ago.

If Tianqi hadn’t done everything possible to sign up for him, how could he live until last year and leave?

When the Old Master left, he was already eighty-six years old, and his life was long enough to make healthy people envy.

Bihua Willson was even more hopeful that Tianqi could live to be over ninety years old, or even over a hundred years old. She did not expect Tianqi to have a break with her family at this time. This made her nervous, and she blurted out and pleaded: “Tianqi, don’t follow Fredmen’s words, after all, he is your junior, some places offended you, please be more tolerant, I will call him when I turn back, scold him, let him come to you and apologize to you immediately… .”

Tianqi said indifferently, “Sister-in-law, no need. If he offends me, I will forgive him, but who he offended is my great benefactor, so you don’t need to talk about it anymore, and I won’t change my mind. I hope you will live a long and healthy life in the future, goodbye!”

After speaking, Tianqi immediately hung up the phone, then turned off the phone directly, and said to Zhovia: “Close the door and go back to the hotel.”


On the other side, Fredmen Willson took Noah Willson’s car and returned to the Willson family villa.

Once back to the villa, he poured a glass of water in the living room on the first floor, took out v!agra directly, looked at the instructions above, and said, “Eat one pill at a time?”

Old Mrs. Willson felt ashamed to see him directly taking out this medicine.

Noah Willson’s wife, Horiyah, was even embarrassed to see.

Although Wendy did not speak, her expression was expectant.

Since Noah Willson lost that ability, his attitude towards her has become very poor.

Chapter 366

Don’t talk about giving her pocket money, even the promised follow-up investment will not be followed.

It now seems that only if Fredmen Willson quickly restores his male power, can she continue to benefit from him.

Otherwise, Fredmen Willson will definitely abandon her, even the entire Willson family.

So far, the 10 million invested by Fredmen Willson is only able to sustain the Willson Group, and it is far from enough to bring the Willson Group back to its peak.

Noah Willson laughed at the side and said, “This one can do it one at a time. It is very effective.”

“Yeah.” Noah Willson nodded, and then, directly removed three of them from the medicine board and took a bite of it.

He hoped that the imported western medicine would be effective, so he said to Wendy: “Wendy, follow me upstairs.”

Wendy nodded hurriedly, came over to grab Fredmen Willson’s wrist, and said flatly, “My dear, let’s go back to the room and try again.”

Fredmen Willson gave a hum, pulled Wendy into the room, and then asked her to use her best efforts to help him find confidence.

But it is a pity that Wendy has been tossing for a long time, but these medicines are of no use!

Fredmen Willson swallowed three more pills, but still couldn’t find the slightest feeling.

This moment made him feel down.

Seeing Wendy still showing off on him, he was so angry that he kicked her under the bed and shouted: “I don’t need you here, get out!”

Wendy was afraid that Fredmen Willson would be angry with her, so she hurriedly said, “My dear, don’t be too anxious. I believe I will find a way to cure you soon!”

“Get out!” Fredmen Willson yelled annoyingly and threw the pillow at Wendy.

Wendy dared not stay to touch him, hurriedly wrapped her clothes, and hurried out.

Fredmen Willson lay on the bed alone, trembling with anger.

A successful man, after reaching the pinnacle of his life, what he most looks forward to is to be able to appreciate the amorous feelings of countless beautiful women.

However, once he lost his ability in that area, wouldn’t all that money has nothing to do with him?

He can’t accept it!

Just when he was furious, the phone rang suddenly.

It was his mother who called.

Fredmen Willson hurriedly connected the phone and asked respectfully: “Mom, you haven’t slept at this late hour?”

Bihua Willson cursed on the other end of the phone: “You b@stard! Are you going to kill me? Do you want me to be eighty-four years old this year or not?”

Fredmen Willson hurriedly asked: “Mom, what kind of thing are you talking about, how can I harm you?”

“bulls*it!” Bihua Willson blurted out: “I ask you, how did you offend Tianqi? He is going to make a clean break with our family. Do you know how much loss this will cost to our family?!”

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