Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 410 – 412

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Chapter 410

Silla looked at what was in her hand while pressing her leg: “The expenditure of the stationery store.”

“Didn’t you pay much attention to it before?” Evana changed his posture in confusion.

“I don’t pay attention, but is it charging? In case you encounter such a character in the future, you can know something.”

In fact, only Silla knew what it was for.

“Wow, Sister Silla, you are so thoughtful.”

Evana slapped a rainbow but Silla turned his eyes back.

“I will call you your monthly salary. Don’t worry, even if you don’t have a job, my spare money can still raise the two of us into rich little women.” Silla said with a smile.

Evana jumped up directly: “Oye, I must hug Silla Sister Silla’s thigh.” As he said, he was about to go up and hug someone, but Silla Yu kicked away.

“Brother Wen.”

At night, the cold wind whizzed, and the assistant put a leather jacket on Wen Yi who had just left the studio.

“What happened to Silla recently.”

Wen Yi got on the RV and said tiredly.

After he finished that thing, he went to work directly, and the isolation came out almost a month later, and finally ended.

As the RV drove to the hotel, the assistant took out the thermos and placed it next to Wen Yi.

“Miss Yu’s matter is over. She held a press conference and clarified it herself.”

Wen Yi closed his eyes and hummed softly.

“But.” The assistant hesitated, seeing Wen Yi faintly lifted his eyelids, looked at him coldly, and then said: “Ms. Yu is now blocked by AE. What is posted on the Internet is that AE doesn’t like such trouble-making. Artists, the specific reason seems to be that someone is making trouble.”

After squinting his eyes, thinking that Silla must feel uncomfortable, Wen Yi sank his face and said for a while: “The work behind is pushed.”

“But, Brother Wen, some signed the contract, and the penalty…”

Wen Yi glanced over with cold eyes.

“Ok, I see.”

After Wen Yi was sent back to the hotel, the assistant started to make calls one by one, pushing out the contract and paying the penalty.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wen Yi drove to Yu Mu’en’s apartment with sufficient energy.

“Ding Dong.”

Silla stood up from the sofa, got up and ran to open the door: “Here.”

“Huh, brother, why are you here?”

Looking at Wen Yi outside the door, she was really surprised. She knew that Wen Yi was very busy, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to see anyone after posting a Weibo.

Wen Yi entered the room: “I’m looking for you, I know.”

Seeing the man getting cold, Silla quietly stuck out his tongue.

“Hey, are you here to persuade me?”

Wen Yi turned around and patted Silla’s head with his right hand.

“No, take you out.”

“Go out, where, why?”

Silla led people to the small kitchen and asked, “Black coffee?”

Wen Yi nodded, leaning against the cabinet next to him.

“It just so happens that you are free to go abroad to relax.”

The coffee machine buzzed, and Silla concentrated on the movements of her hands.

“Don’t you still have a job? I heard that you are very busy this time.”

Wen Yi’s expressionless face: “When am I not busy?”

Silla blinked his eyes: “Hehe, that’s it, then why do you have free time to take me abroad for travel?”

Taking the cup, the black coffee juice dripped in slowly.

“Here, you drink first, I will make a cup of hot cocoa.”

Wen Yi moved her brows, and felt that this girl was not afraid of getting fat, hot cocoa was like drinking white water, and she saw her drinking when she was free.

Seeing Wen Yi taking a sip, Silla smiled happily.

“How is it? It’s delicious.”

Wen Yi nodded and took another sip.

Silla was playing tricks, then continued the previous topic, and said: “You haven’t answered my question yet, so how come you have time to come out and play.”

“It’s okay, there is still time to squeeze.”

Holding the made hot cocoa, the two walked to the sofa.

“But, brother, I don’t really want to go out.”

Wen Yi smiled as he watched Konstantin Stanislavsky’s series of books about actors’ cultivation on the coffee table.

Sure enough, his children never give up on themselves.

“Which one did you watch?”

Seeing Wen Yi glanced at the book on the table, Silla smiled a little shyly.

“The second part, almost finished.”

“That’s right, I will also go to Russia this time.”

Silla’s eyes lit up suddenly, and to be honest, she was really interested in Russia.

“Let’s go to Switzerland, Australia and so on.”

Seeing that Wen Yi was talking about the capital of artistic celebrities, Silla was a little moved. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and agreed under Wen Yi’s gaze.

Wen Yi’s lips twitched slightly, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

“You clean up these two days, and we will leave the day after tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Silla made an ok gesture.

In the evening, Evana came back, and the two agreed to eat hot pot today, and Silla took the opportunity to talk about it.

The hot pot restaurant is full of enthusiasm, eliminating the cold outside the window.

“Really, that would be great too.” Evana said with a look of envy after taking a bit of lamb.

Silla smiled faintly.

“However, Sister Silla, can’t you really take me there? That’s several countries.” Evana looked depressed.

“My brother said there are only two people, and he doesn’t bring an assistant.”

“Then you two can do it, what if a fan finds out.”

The two of them were talking without stopping their chopsticks.

“I said so too, my brother said don’t worry, no one will recognize him when he goes abroad.”

Evana curled his lips: “I’m about to cry. Why is Teacher Wen so good to you? I also want to recognize a brother.”

Silla raised her hand and said, “It’s okay, you can recognize Brother Li.”

“Oh ha ha, forget it, I’m almost the same as his brother.”

Evana rolled his eyes and ordered another plate of cuttlefish. The two ate for a while before going home.

When it was the day after tomorrow, Silla was carrying her luggage, and Evana followed down the stairs, nagging worryingly, telling her to be careful in everything.

“Basically, I took everything with luggage and clothes for you. Some were transported to the airport first. I also took the medicine box for you. If you are injured, you must apply it.”

Silla beckoned with Wen Yi, who was waiting downstairs early, and turned to Evana who was still nagging and worried, and said: “Okay, housekeeper, I know, I will take care of myself, I I will definitely send it to you if I take pictures that are delicious and fun.”

After finishing speaking, he hugged Evana tightly.

Evana turned into a sad face: “Sister Silla, you are good or bad, I want to play too.”

Pinching Evana’s face, Silla smiled and said, “Well, next time I take you, let’s go out.”

“Really!” Evanaxi smiled.

“Of course, when did I lie to you.”

Wen Yi walked over, took Yu Mu’en’s luggage, reluctant to leave it to Evana, turned around and put it in the trunk, closed the door, and said to the two women in front: “It’s time to go. “

In the sky, I don’t know when the dark clouds gradually increased.

Chapter 411

The two looked at it together, and Evana cast a quiet glance at Wen Yi.

“I’m leaving, I’m here to contact you.”

Silla said, walking to the front of the car, Evana nodded and watched the two leave.

The two arrived at the airport and waited in the VIP waiting room.

“Something to eat?” Wen Yi asked.

The flight between the two was around one o’clock, and it was almost noon this time.

Silla touched her stomach, nodded, and the two got up and went to the restaurant.

As I was eating, I noticed that the airport lights were on and the surrounding sky became dark.

“Hello everybody, everybody, the emergency notice is now broadcast. Due to heavy snow and wind, the flight is currently suspended. Please be patient.”

Silla raised his eyes and looked out the window.

“Brother, it’s so snowy, can we not make it out?”

Wen Yi followed and looked over: “I will ask.”

“I’ll go as well.”

“Then go again after eating.”

There was a little left, and after the two of them had finished eating, they went to the service counter together.

“Hello, when will the plane to Russia fly?” Silla said.

“Hello, wait a minute, let me check it for you.” The service staff said and looked down.

Around, more and more passengers who heard the news rushed over, Wen Yi clasped Silla’s shoulders.

“Excuse me, the plane to Russia is now grounded. There will be no flights past these days. There was a blizzard there.”

Silla wrinkled her nose and smiled faintly: “Thank you, are there any flights to other countries?”

The service staff shook his head: “No, the wind and snow here are also increasing, and I guess it won’t work in the afternoon.”

Wen Yi was expressionless, and tightly held Silla in his arms.

“Trouble, we refund the ticket.”

“Okay, sir, show your ticket.”

Silla took out the tickets for the two of them, and the two of them turned around and walked outside.

“Brother, it’s a pity, we were restrained before we went out.” Silla said to Wen Yi in frustration as she walked.

Wen Yi shook his head: “It’s okay, let’s be together next time.”

“Ah, Evana must be gloating.” As he said helplessly, Silla ran into someone.

“Be careful.” Wen Yi rushed forward nervously.

I don’t know when the unfastened suitcase of the passenger next to him fell directly and hit Wen Yi’s arm.

“Is there any injury there?” Wen Yi half stood up and asked Silla in his arms.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” The passenger who bumped into Silla apologized guiltily, and the one who didn’t take care of his luggage hurriedly helped Wen Yi up.

“Brother, are you injured?” Silla stood up and looked over nervously.

Wen Yu was expressionless, enduring the pain in his arm, without replying, turned to the two people around him and said, “Be careful when you walk.”

“Okay, okay, are there any injuries? Do you want to go to the hospital.” The two looked at Wen Yi with concern.

At the airport, because the New Year’s Eve was approaching, there were a lot of people going home, and the place that was already lively, was hit by the heavy snow, and it was boiled around the service desk.

Wen Yi looked at the place where he was not talking, and the attitude of the two people was relatively good. He shook his head lightly and let them leave.

Silla has been paying attention to Wen Yi, seeing the cold sweat on his forehead, knowing that he must have suffered a lot of injuries, and coldly pulled him aside.

“Where did it hurt, brother.”

Wen Yi’s chest shook, and he snorted. He didn’t expect that the man’s suitcase would be so heavy that he couldn’t bear it directly on his arm.

“The arm is probably dislocated.”

Silla stared anxiously: “Then you don’t have to say, everyone is gone.”

Wen Yi looked at Silla who was crying anxiously, and smiled faintly.

“Hey, go to the hospital.”

“Right right, hit 120.”

Silla pulled out her phone in a panic, but Wen Yi stopped it.

“It’s snowing. I guess the driver hasn’t left. Call him first.”

“Okay, I’ll call him.”

“Well, wait until the snow gets a little smaller and go there, first hold on to the ice.”

Listening to what Wen Yi said, Silla called the driver, went to the service center to get ice cubes, and waited for someone to come.

It was almost two hours before the snow stopped. The driver took the suitcases of the two and the three went to the hospital.

In the hospital.

Wen Yi sat on the sofa, her handsome face pale because of the pain.

“Hold it up.” The doctor glanced at Wen Yi and said something.

Wen Yi hummed faintly, her expression unchanged.

Hearing a click, the bone returned to its place.

“Okay.” The doctor got up and wiped his hands by the sink, “I will give you a plaster later. Do not touch the water. Observe in the hospital.”

“Then doctor, do you need to pay attention to what you eat?”

The doctor looked at Silla’s eager look, and said amusedly: “No, eat more ribs and the like, just make up.”

“Okay.” Silla thanked her.

Wen Yi looked at the doctor who started to put him in a plaster and frowned, “Doctor, there is no need to be hospitalized.”

The doctor concentrated on applying the medicine, and Silla became anxious before speaking.

“No, I want, in case something happens.” After a pause, “Ah no, bah bah, I’m going to be hospitalized anyway, brother, this matter must be my own.”

Wen Yi’s face was dark, and he was staying in some hospital for this little injury, and resisted silently.

The doctor helped Wen Yi get it right, and said with a smile: “Boy, just listen to your sister. Okay, it’s okay.”

Silla smiled and thanked again, and walked out the door with Wen Yi looking helpless.

The two came to the exclusive ward, and Silla let Wen Yi lie on the bed.

“Silla, I’m fine.”

“No, the doctor said that if you want to observe, you must observe.” Help Wen Yi fix the quilt, stand up and say: “I will go to the restaurant to see if there is any rib soup, and I will buy it for you to stew until tomorrow. .”

Wen Yi sighed and nodded helplessly.

Watching Silla’s busy schedule, it was also very useful.

“Brother, you have some snacks first, I’ll go buy food for you.” Silla opened the suitcase and took out the snacks prepared in advance and placed them in front of Wen Yi.

Seeing Wen Yi squinting, Silla smiled and said, “Evana personally prepared this. Let me think of you when I eat.”

Wen Yi picked up a packet, tore it open and ate it.

Silla smiled and went out to the restaurant.

“You said Wen Yi was injured, what’s the matter.” When the driver returned to the company, he received a call from Liu Yue. He accidentally revealed the incident. Liu Yue knew it and said it in a dark face.

“I will go down now and wait for me downstairs.”

The driver hung up the phone, waiting for Liu Yue, hey, why do you owe so much.

Liu Yue went to the hospital and walked straight to Wen Yi’s exclusive ward.

“Master, how are you doing.” Without saying a word, he opened the door.

The two who were eating were startled.

“Why are you here?” Wen Yi clipped Silla’s spare ribs and frowned. “Is everything done abroad?”

Liu Yue was a little stunned, looking at Silla in front of him, the two of them behaved intimately, and their faces immediately became gloomy.

Chapter 412

She always thought that the rumors between the two were just rumors, but this time it seemed to be true, and she glared at Silla fiercely, and walked quickly to the bed.

“I heard that you were injured, so I came here. The work abroad has already been dealt with. What’s the matter? Where did the doctor say the injury.”

Silla looked at Liu Yue so caring about Wen Yi, her expression changed a little, but she didn’t talk.

“It’s okay, little injury.” Wen Yi said lightly, leaving Liu Yue’s hand extended.

Liu Yue was a little embarrassed and glanced at Silla, who was eating with his head down and not paying attention to the two of them.

“Isn’t it going to travel? How did this hurt?”

Silla took a sip of water and said guiltily: “It’s because I was not good. I accidentally tripped over and tired seniors.”

What Liu Yue wanted to say was snatched by Wen Yi.

“It’s okay, as long as you are not injured.”

Liu Yue pressed her lips tightly and looked at Silla opposite with jealousy.

Silla still smiled guiltily at Wen Yi, turned her face to Liu Yue and said calmly: “Have you eaten? The food in the hospital restaurant is good, do you want to eat a little.”

Liu Yue sneered, “No, I’m not hungry yet.”

In this way, the three of them fell silent, the hour hand turned and the twilight darkened.

“Wen Yi, are you a little tired? Rest early.” Liu Yue said distressedly looking at Wen Yi’s somewhat exhausted expression.

“No…” Before Wen Yi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Silla who had just returned from outside.

“Sleepy, brother, go to bed early.”

With that, I must shake the bed chair down.

Looking at Silla who was stubborn and concerned, Wen Yi chuckled helplessly, and lay down accepting it.

When the two saw Wen Yi asleep, Silla planned to go to the small living room, but Liu Yue held her back.

“Come out with me.” He said, and walked out the door.

Silla followed.

“What’s the matter?” looked at Liu Yue suspiciously.

Liu Yue said with a cold face: “It’s pretty good that the young master can treat you this way. Don’t make any small moves in your mind.”

After blinking, Silla was a little embarrassed when he didn’t understand Liu Yue’s intention to say this.

“Did you make a mistake? I didn’t do anything. I used to be good friends with the predecessor, but later recognized him as the brother. Our relationship has always been pure.”

Liu Yue curled his lips with a sneer on his face: “Pure, Silla, how pure people can be in the mixed entertainment industry, huh, I was a good friend before, but now I am my brother and sister, and I won’t get the certificate directly after that.”

Silla frowned: “Miss Liu, please be respectful when you speak.”

“Respect, I tell you, don’t try to climb Wen Yi, he is just confused by you now, I will definitely let him see your true face.”

“Miss Liu, let me say it again. There is no weird relationship between Wen Yi and I. If you read the previous rumors, I just want to say that your young master is also in the showbiz, don’t you know? Is it true?”

Liu Yue only felt that Silla’s methods were really powerful, and said angrily: “Hmph, of course I know, but I don’t know what you are thinking about. I tell you, you’d better stay away from our young master.”

“Sorry, it’s impossible.” Silla was determined.

I just feel a little impatient and don’t understand what Liu Yue is doing. She has said so clearly, even if she doesn’t believe in herself, doesn’t Wen Yi still believe it.

This Liu Yue has been at odds with her since the first meeting, and the brain circuit is simply surprising.

Liu Yue stepped forward directly, with a gloomy face: “Don’t shame your face.”

Silla looked at the woman in front of her coldly, without saying a word, took two steps back and planned to leave.

“I said you don’t toast or not eat or drink fine wine.” After speaking, he grabbed Silla’s arm and fanned her face with the other hand.

Silla’s head moved back reflexively, and within a second or two, he was held in his arms.

“what are you doing.”

A sharp baritone sounded in the corridor, and Liu Yue’s wrist was held tightly.

“Henry Chu, why are you here?”

Henry Chu lowered his head and looked at Silla in his arms. Without replying, he looked at Liu Yue who was facing the reddish face with cold eyes.

Liu Yue bit her lips: “Let go, it hurts.”

“Cut.” Henry Chu squinted, throwing away his wrist, “Fortunately, it came in time.”

He turned his head and looked at Silla’s face carefully. Fortunately, he was not injured.

Silla patted Henry Chu’s arm, came out of his arms, and looked at Liu Yue who was opposite.

“Miss Liu, what on earth are you going to do, do you know that I can call the police if you hit someone.”

Liu Yue pinched her reddish wrist and looked at Silla and Henry Chu with no expression on her face.

“Silla, since you have a man by your side, don’t provoke our young master again, he is not something you can move.”

Silla really didn’t know what to say, Yu Guang was even more speechless when she saw Henry Chu who glanced at her after hearing this.

“Miss Liu, I don’t care about your slap for the time being, but I’ll say it one more time. Wen Yi is my brother. He is my brother in this life. Although I only recognize it, I will treat it as my brother. Please don’t talk about it. Make ill words and slander either of us, otherwise I can sue you for slander!”

Liu Yue, who was choking with this, couldn’t say a word, Henry Chu glared at her contemptuously, and then pulled Silla aside.

“What are you doing here, are you uncomfortable?”

Silla shook her head: “It’s not me, it’s Wen Yi, my arm hurt.”

Henry Chu raised his eyebrows: “Then what are you doing here.”

“Take care of him, the assistant beside me is not there, and it is because of my injury. I can’t take care of it.” Silla was a little speechless, and then said: “No, what are you doing?”

“A friend came to visit when he was sick.” Henry Chu shrugged, seeing Liu Yue staring at Silla on the opposite side, frowning, “Are you going to stay here? I think there is something wrong with the woman’s brain. If someone comes to take care of Wen Yi, don’t take care of it yourself.”

“No.” After taking a look at Liu Yue, Silla said indifferently: “You don’t have to worry about this person. I have to come to take care of my brother in person. I can’t see him heal, and I feel uneasy.”

Henry Chu sighed, “Then you can be smart, don’t let people bully, call me if you have anything to do, and wait anytime.”

“It’s easy to talk.” Silla smiled and patted Henry Chu’s shoulder.

“I’m leaving.”

“Okay, pay attention to safety on your way.”

Silla turned around and shook her hand to Henry Chu, exhorting, watching him walk around the corner without seeing a figure.

Turning around, I saw Liu Yue was gone. I opened the door of the ward softly and no one was seen. He shook his head helplessly and raised his foot into the ward.

Henry Chu leaned back against the corner wall with a bitter expression on his face, is it really out of his turn?

It was William before, but Wen Yi now. Does Henry Chu really have no chance?

He sneered slightly, got up and left, alone and lonely.

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