Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 413 – 415

Read Chapter 413 – 415 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 413

Before Liu Yue watched Silla talking with Henry Chu, she felt extremely nauseous. He also heard that Silla was unwilling to leave. He was even more disgusted. His eyes turned straight, and his heart made a plan. He turned and walked around. A hidden corner.

“Hey, housekeeper, this is Liu Yue, have they rested?”

“Not yet, wait a minute, Xiaoyue.”

Liu Yue smiled sweetly: “Well, yes, no hurry.”

After a while, Mrs. Wen Jia answered the phone with a kind voice.

“Hey, Yueyue, why do you think about calling this time.”

“Oh, it’s okay, I just wanted to call you when I was in the hospital.”

Mrs. Wen was a little anxious: “What’s wrong, are you injured?”

“It’s not me, it’s… it’s the young master.” Liu Yue said something like a stumbling.

“I was injured, how was it injured? Are you not careful in the crew? How is it now? Oh, no, I have to go.” Madam Wen hung up and went to the hospital after she said anxiously.

Liu Yue hurriedly shouted: “Madam, madam, don’t worry, the young master is fine now, but the arm is dislocated, and the doctor has cured it. Don’t come at this late hour. I’ll be here.”

“Oh, Yueyue, I have worked hard for you. Why is he so careless? Even such a big person doesn’t know how to take care of himself.”

“Madam, you have wronged the young master. He was injured because of someone else.” Liu Yue curled his lips and said with squinting eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Madam Wen frowned slightly.

Liu Yue hesitated: “Madam, that…”

“Is there anything you can’t let me as a mother know?” Madam Wen thought.

“How come, that is… the young master is for a girl.”

“What girl.” Madam Wen’s face sank.

Liu Yue seemed aggrieved: “Before speaking, I pushed all the work away. If you want to take that girl abroad, you can pay for it. If you pay a penalty, you can pay for it. It is not that we can not afford the money. But in order to protect that girl, she broke her arm. Besides…” After a pause, she continued: “If this girl has a better reputation, it will be fine, but her conduct is not very good. I just got hid by the company, and there have been many messy scandals before. What do you think I should do? I’m really afraid of the young master…”

After saying this, his tone was still crying.

Mrs. Wen was annoyed for a while: “What the hell does this kid want to do, what is the girl’s name, and why is she so ignorant of what is good or bad? Is it something she can afford in our family?”

“Silla.” Liu Yue said.

“It’s this girl, I’ve seen her news on the Internet before, and it is indeed a bit noisy.” Then he turned around and soothed: “Yueyue, don’t worry, I will call tomorrow and talk about this kid. That woman won’t jump too high.”

“Madam.” Liu Yue said aggrievedly.

“Okay, okay, there is a lady in charge for you, right. Is that girl gone?”

Liu Yue glared at the wall fiercely, and said indifferently: “No, ma’am. I told her to go back and she has been entangled in it.”

“Oh~” Mrs. Wen was silent for a while before she said: “It’s okay, so be there. I will work hard on you tonight. Take care of that kid.”

“Hmm, don’t worry, Madam, I will definitely not let the two have too much contact.”

“I will call Ziqian tomorrow morning, and his father and I won’t go to see him, lest he should complain about you again.”

Liu Yue’s face was a little red, and she felt that Mrs. Wen was so considerate, and her heart felt warm.

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Okay, okay, it’s not too early, and you should rest earlier.”

After speaking, the two hung up the phone, Liu Yue looked at the phone, and the corners of his lips faintly sneered.

Silla, I see how you want to play, now Madam Wen hates you so deeply, you still want to enter the door of Wen’s house, it is just wishful thinking.

It’s a pity that the facts are quite slapped. Later, Silla not only entered the door of Wen’s house, but also the old lady and his wife happily welcomed them in.

Of course, this is a story.

Turned around, stepped back to the ward with high heels, looked at Silla who was lying next to the bed, snorted and sat down on the bed.

Early the next morning, Silla woke up early, stretched out her stiff arms and lazy waist, and saw the Zhengxiang Liu Yue who was lying on the bed opposite, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

This Liu Yue seems aggressive, but in front of Wen Yi, she is clever. As long as she doesn’t do excessive things, it’s not that she can’t get along well with her.

After taking a deep look at her, without disturbing the two of them, he washed quietly and went to buy breakfast by the way.

Wen Yi took a rest for the whole night. He woke up as soon as Silla’s forefoot was gone. When he moved his arm, he felt that there was someone around him. He turned his head and frowned.

Liu Yue, why is she here? Didn’t she go abroad to handle official duties by him?

Slowly got up from the bed, opened the quilt and got out of the bed to go to wash, not wanting Liu Yue to be awakened by this movement.

“Ah, it’s sour.” Muttering in his mouth, he got up from the bed.

Rubbing his eyes, looking at Wen Yi who glanced at her from the other side, his eyes opened slightly.

“Master, you are awake. How about it? Does your hand hurt? Do you want to call a doctor.”

Wen Yi shook his head lightly and went to the bathroom.

Liu Yue smirked, Master was just looking at himself, hehe.

I was so happy, and suddenly my face changed and I took out a small mirror from my bag: “Ah, shit, I want to cry.” He said, buried his head in the bedding.

After Wen Yi came out of the bathroom, he lowered his head and quickly ran in.

As soon as the door closed, Silla came in with a lunch box, and Wen Yi stepped forward to help take it.

“Brother, you are awake, just because the soup is still hot.”

Wen Yi smiled, intending to help clean up, but Silla refused.

“Don’t move, you are now a genuine national treasure. You can’t bump into it. You sit down and go to the sofa.” Looking at Wen Yi with a helpless look, he pointed to the sofa next to him.

Wen Yi couldn’t, but walked over obediently, watching Silla busy.

“Is Liu Yue awake? Why didn’t you see her.”

“Why did she come?” As soon as Wen Yi finished speaking, he heard the door of the washing room being opened.

Liu Yue came out from inside, his face sinking slightly: “Why can’t I come, Master, you are all injured, and you want to hide it from someone.”

Wen Yi frowned and ignored her. Silla remembered the dispute last night and was a little embarrassed. She arranged the food and said to Liu Yue regardless of the predecessors: “Um, come over for dinner, I even bought your share .”

Liu Yue glanced at her coldly, struggling her neck and reluctant to go, Wen Yi first picked up a bowl and ate. Silla looked over and sat down secretly, she was really hungry. As for the rest, let her go.

Liu Yue looked at the two people who were eating incense, and no one came to call again. He was hungry and flat. He didn’t eat last night, curled his lips, and sat down cheeky.

Chapter 414

“Ah, I’m looking at the face of food.”

Silla listened, bowed her head and drank the porridge with a slanderous expression, rolled her eyes, Wen Yi glanced at it, smiled to herself, silent for a while, only the voice of three people eating.

After half an hour, when Liu Yue finished eating, Silla stood up and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. Wen Yi wanted to help and was hit on the back of her hand.

“Brother, don’t move, let me go, you get up and turn around, I will wash the dishes, and then fetch water.”

“Yes, Master, your arm is still injured. Let your good sister do these things. I will accompany you to sit on the balcony.” Liu Yue took the opportunity to answer.

Silla glanced at her, and secretly curled her mouth: “Well, brother, you can go to the balcony to get some fresh air.”

Smiled at Wen Yi, took the things to the sink outside.

Wen Yi ignored Liu Yue, got up and walked to the balcony with long legs.

“Buzzing.” The phone rang, Wen Yi turned around, picked up the phone on the bedside table, and looked at the caller ID as his mother, her eyes soft.

“Hey, mom.”

“You also know that I am your mother, and I don’t know to say it when I enter the hospital.” Madam Wen felt out of breath when she heard her son’s soft voice.

“How did you know?” Wen Yi frowned slightly and glanced sideways at Liu Yue, who was sitting on the balcony with his back facing him.

Mrs. Wen was choked by his words, and immediately said strongly: “You don’t care how I know, you kid, you don’t know how to tell your parents if something happens, do you know how anxious we are when we receive the news.”

“Mom, I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Madam Wen snorted: “Of course I know you are all right, otherwise how can I sit still.”

Wen Yi’s face softened even more as his mother murmured aggrievedly.

“By the way, have you met a little girl recently.”

“What girl.”

Mrs. Wen said angrily: “You are still hiding it, it’s Silla, you and her are not both rumored, I tell you, this kind of girl just doesn’t know how to cherish herself, she is beautiful and deceives everywhere. , You have to be careful and stay away from her. I heard that you have been walking with her lately. Tell me about you, you, Yueyue, who is such a good person, don’t get in touch with that much. Why do you provoke those messy girls.”

Wen Yi sank his face: “Mom, don’t listen to people saying that Silla is a very good girl. The two of us have already become brothers and sisters, and the rumors outside are not true.”

“Whenever you recognize a sister, you won’t tell us.”

Mrs. Wen still knows his son, and the people who can let him recognize his sister will definitely not be as bad as what is said on the Internet, at least they still believe in their son.

“Mom, I will bring her back then and let you know her. She is very nice and cares about the people around her. Although she has been caught in the storm several times, she has never lost hope. She looks like our family.” Wen Yi Explaining patiently, he felt a little painful in his heart. He wanted to tell his parents directly that this sister did not recognize it, she was dear, but their baby daughter.

“You, don’t be afraid to be heard by this little girl, how do you know that people are willing to come home.” Madam Wen groaned.

Wen Yi switched the phone to his right ear and sat on the sofa.

“Don’t worry, there will be me then. As for the gossip of the outside world, you just need to listen to it. This is not the case.”

“Okay, okay, I know. Since you are not in that kind of relationship, I am relieved, but I still want to warn you that we will never accept the daughter-in-law of the entertainment industry, do you understand? “Mrs. Wen frowned and warned.

Shaking his head, Wen Yi helplessly said, “I and Silla are just brothers and sisters, and we can never be together. Don’t worry.”

“In that case, I don’t have any opinion. But your kid has recognized his sister. This is not a trivial matter. I have to talk to your dad to see when we meet.” Madam Wen sighed softly, although I believe Wen Yi His eyes, but still worried.

The entertainment industry is a mixture of people and snakes, who knows what kind of person that little girl is? What if she is so scheming and even cheated by her precious son?

Wen Yi faintly replied, “Okay, I will find time to talk with Silla.”

Hung up the phone, walked to the balcony with a calm face, standing behind Liu Yue.

“looks good?”

Liu Yue listened to the whole process, knowing that he was exposed, bit his lip, and calmed down: “It looks good.”

The two raised their heads to look at the sun in the distance, with golden light rustling among the leaves blowing in the breeze.

“Then be honest and leave me alone.”

Liu Yue stood up all of a sudden and turned to look at Wen Yi with a pale face.

“Master, I, I just don’t want you to be cheated.”

Wen Yi sneered: “You know what you want to do, and next time, I won’t be able to hold you by my side.”

“You… Master, how long have I known you, how long has she known you, you want to let me leave because of that woman.” Liu Yue looked incredulous and said in a higher voice.

“Yeah.” With a faint sentence, he stepped up to the chair and sat down, ignoring the woman who was on fire.

Seeing Wen Yi being so indifferent and ruthless to herself, Liu Yue felt uncomfortable and annoyed in her heart, pursing her lips, turning around and walking towards the door with her bag.

As soon as the door opened, she saw Silla who was about to come in, gave her an annoyed look, and stepped on her high heels angrily and left.

Silla felt inexplicable, looked at Liu Yue’s back in a puzzled way, and entered with something in her arms.

“Brother, did you quarrel?” he asked while putting the lunch box and the kettle.

Wen Yi said lightly: “No.”

“Then why Liu Yue…” Seeing Wen Yi shrugged, Silla swallowed the words back, “Why don’t you know how to cover it with a blanket.”

After speaking, he went to the cabinet and put the blanket on Wen Yi’s body.

She is not stupid, and she won’t guess why they are angry, but Wen Yi doesn’t want her to know that she won’t worry about herself and let unhappy things happen again.

“What are you going to do later.” Wen Yi asked softly while watching Silla, who ran in to get hot cocoa again.

“I don’t know, I will accompany you.”

“Let’s study, did you bring it?”

Silla’s eyes lit up: “Hahaha, brought it, brother, you are so amazing, how do you know I will bring it.”

Putting two cups of hot cocoa on the table, Silla took out “Actors’ Self-cultivation 2” from the suitcase, and the two sat on the balcony.

The daylight is just right, the ground is full of silver light, and the weather is cold and cold, and it can’t block a window of warmth and relaxation.

Two days later, the doctor came back for a follow-up visit, checked, and then told Wen Yi that she could go home for training.

“Great, I can finally go back, but the doctor said you still have to make up, brother, don’t worry, I will learn how to make soup when I go back. Although your arm is injured, you can still guide me by the side.”

Chapter 415

Wen Yi looked at Silla who was inexplicably excited, and an invisible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Go to your home?”

“Of course, it is inevitable that you still have to go back to your own home. How can your assistant, a rough man, take good care of you, and because of me, he must come to my house and take good care of you before he can let him go. “Silla said aggressively.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Wen Yi rubbed the woman’s head with a face of doting.

The two packed up and looked good, the driver came over with things, and the three went to Silla’s house together.

“Thank you, uncle driver.”

Silla thanked him and closed the door.

“It just so happens that you have everything with your luggage, so you don’t need to let the uncle go back to get it.” Silla said as he sent Wen Yi’s luggage to the guest room.

“Brother, I will help you change the sheets and quilts later.” Turning to look at Wen Yi who was following behind, he said helplessly: “Brother, don’t follow me, you go to the small sofa, read a book, drink tea Or coffee or something. By the way, I see if there are any dishes at home. I don’t know if Evana has eaten them all. If not, we will buy them.”

While talking, he pushed Wen Yi into the small living room, and walked to the refrigerator again.

“Great, that fellow Evana is quite kind, knowing that I didn’t go to Cheng, he bought the goods and kept them at home. When she comes back, she must be rewarded.”

Wen Yi sat on the sofa, listened to Silla’s twittering, and watched this man running in the kitchen and the bedroom. The whole person felt very relaxed, and the smile on his mouth gradually widened.

Silla came out holding a quilt just to catch a glimpse, and said in surprise: “Brother, you laughed, wow, so handsome, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Wen Yi immediately changed his expressionless face and looked at Silla who was still staring at him seriously, and the tips of her ears turned red quietly.

Silla saw it and laughed nonstop, covering her mouth.

“Well, I didn’t see anything, I stopped smiling, really.” Having said that, the smile in the corner of his eyes was obvious.

Funny Wen Yi directly put her palms on Silla’s head, and gently pushed the person back: “Work.”

Silla leaned back slightly, stuck out his tongue, stood up, and whispered, “Well, I just saw my ears red.”

After that, he quickly ran to the bathroom, closed the door and laughed.

Wen Yi was stunned, touched the tips of her ears, and couldn’t help but grin out with a facial paralyzed expression.

Outside the window, a ray of sunlight came in secretly, listening to the laughter in the house.

At the same time, a newspaper office.

“Yes, where did the news come from?” The man sitting in the boss chair smiled while looking at the photo in his hand, and said to the person with the camera opposite.

The man was silent, half-sounding: “Send it?”

“Send it, why don’t you post it now, copywriting…” Touching his chin, he didn’t think of anything for a while.

“I have already thought about the copy.”

“Then don’t you say it earlier, wait for something, go now, this month’s bonus, there is a fall.” He said, patted the shoulder of the opposite person.

The man nodded, turned to the door, looked at the photo in his hand, and slightly lifted his lips.

At noon, Wen Yi taught Silla to simply order two noodles, and they went to a nap after eating.

At this time, it was the leisure time of office workers, and the news that a certain v and a certain newspaper broke out was just pastime.

“Tsk tusk tusk, it’s big noon, is it so hot?” commented by the crowd.

“Is this a stone hammer for the two of you?” Someone commented.

“No, that’s my literary spirit.”

A group of people waited, watching the news and pictures of Wen Yi living with Silla on the Internet, wailing and cursing.

“Who said they were fake before, come out and die.”

“I want to cry, Wenshen is mine alone.”

“Who is this overwhelming 18th-line woman?”

“That’s right, I saw her come out to explain before, and still feel kind, this turned around and came to the international superstar, the three-time actor, tusk, this method.”

“Recently, does this woman have a lot of melons, about Silla’s melon collection [picture].”

“Hey, there are no more activities in our family, Silla, can you stop talking nonsense, even if they are photographed, what if they are friends.” Silla’s fans stood up to refute their idols.

“Hehe, upstairs, do you believe what you said?”

“If you don’t believe me, even if they are together, what will happen to them? Isn’t Silla worthy of Wen Yi? What about the actor.”

This sentence aroused the anger of Wen Yi’s fans. Originally, many girlfriends fans, cp fans have long seen Wen Yi and Yu Mu’en rumored to be unhappy, and they kept suppressing Wen Yi in order not to disturb Wen Yi. This happens to be a punching bag.

“Well, take a good look in the mirror, you are not worthy of shoes for my Wen Yi.”

“I don’t look at what Silla’s woman looks like. It’s the ugliest female artist Wen Yi has worked with.”

“My Wen Yi is only from our family. How can Silla be worthy of this woman? Who in the entertainment industry dares to say that she is worthy of my Wen Yi.”

“That’s it.”

“I’ll go, you fans, please go away.”


“Buzzing.” The phone was shaking on the table.

Wen Yi half-opened his eyes, stretched out his arm and took the phone over.


“Brother Wen, something happened. Someone photographed you entering Miss Yu’s house, and now it’s exploded online.” The assistant said hurriedly.

Wen Yi immediately sat up, frowning slightly: “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know how Miss Yu’s address was exposed. The most likely reason is that it was discovered in the hospital.”

“okay, I get it.”

“When will you make a statement?” the assistant said immediately.

Wen Yi squinted and was about to say something when he heard the door knock.

“No hurry, I’ll talk to Silla first.”

Hung up the phone, got up and opened the door.

Silla held the phone and looked at Wen Yi anxiously.

“Brother, I’m sorry, I don’t know how this happened, I…I’m causing you trouble again.”

Holding Silla’s little head, Wen Yi soothed: “No, just clarify, don’t care what people on the Internet say.”

“Brother, right…”

Wen Yi pulled La Silla’s cheek: “I’m your brother, I’m sorry for what you say between your brothers and sisters. It is okay for your brother to help deal with the trouble. Besides, this is not your business alone.”

Seeing that Silla settled down a little bit, she asked her to go back to the room to wash, and later the two would gather in the living room.

Silla returned to the room, only to feel that she was really unlucky lately. Since returning to China, she hasn’t stopped. No matter who is with her, she can suffer.

what happened? From returning to China until now, all kinds of negative news have been chasing her and biting her. It is too strange that she can be pushed to the cusp of the storm if she is hidden in the snow.

Feeling depressed, lying in the quilt, looked at the phone again, and writhed twice before getting up to wash and clean up.

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