Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 341 – 343

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Chapter 341

“No, I have to ask clearly.” After saying this, Silla took the phone to William and made several calls, but it kept showing that there was no answer. Finally, the phone was knocked off, and then it showed The other party had turned off, and Silla didn’t respond as he looked at the phone that was hung up.

I don’t know how long it took, she sat on the cold floor with her legs tightly hugging her legs, tears slid from her eyes, and she seemed to have lost her soul.

“Silla, don’t think about it so much. I believe William is a person. He doesn’t know how to do that kind of thing. This picture must be a composite photo.” Tucker tried to convince Silla to convince her of William.

“How can I trust him? How can I trust him after he has done this kind of thing? He told me that there was something going on when he went back to England. Can anything talk about the woman’s bed? When it comes to answering a message, I will make a call There is no time.” Silla completely broke down, she no longer knew what she should do, she gave all her trust to William, and this is how he repaid herself?

“Silla, what kind of person is your Uncle Willy? I think you know better than me. If he really liked Siara, he wouldn’t divorce her for you in the first place. Be sober, things are definitely not as simple as you think. , Let’s not be deceived.”

Tucker sighed fiercely. Why does this kid always like to be horny?

“No, I’m going to the UK to find him? Brother Tucker, you take me to find him, I also know he can’t do this kind of thing. I want to ask him personally, as long as he says it is fake, I will Trust him. If he says it is true…”

Thinking of this, the corners of Silla’s mouth slowly raised, and her bitter smile made her look more haggard.

Regardless of whether this matter was true or not, even if William was really designed, he was really with Siara and still so close.

No matter how magnanimous she is, seeing her beloved man and other women rubbing their ears, it is difficult to accept.

“Okay, I’ll take you there. If William really does something sorry for you, not only you, even I can’t spare him.” Tucker gave Silla the last shot.

“Brother Tucker, thank you.” Silla nodded slowly.

The next day, Tucker took Silla to the UK.

The weather in the UK is not so good, and Silla did not meet William as she wished, and naturally did not get the answer she wanted.

After resting for a while, Tucker looked at Silla’s pale face and frowned distressedly, “Silla, I will take you to the hotel first, take a good rest today, and we will…”

“I want to see him, I want it now.” Silla pressed her red lips tightly, her small face full of determination.

In any case, she must see William today. Otherwise, she can’t eat and sleep.

“It’s getting late today, let’s take a rest first?” Tucker knew that Silla was very anxious now, but it was useless to worry about some things.

Seeing Silla’s eyes reddening at a speed visible to the naked eye, he quickly compromised: “Okay, well, Brother Tucker will take you to find him, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.”

“Yeah.” Silla’s eyes were red, and the syllable came out from her nose.

Looking at her haggard face, Tucker felt more distressed. This girl was spoiled from childhood to adulthood, always smiling in front of them, but now she was tortured into this look by a photo.

But he always felt that things were not that simple. William has always been the kind of person who can do what he says. Since he has broken off his marriage contract with the Ruan family, he will naturally not fool around with Siara again.

But he in that photo does not seem to be reluctant. What is the reason for this?

Tucker couldn’t think of a reason, so he sighed heavily and took Silla straight to the Lu Family Mansion.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected.

The Gu family is a partner of the Lu family, and Tucker and William are good brothers. Although they have not come to the UK many times, they are still distinguished guests of the Lu family.

It’s just Silla…

“Master Gu, you can go in, but this lady is afraid…” The guard at the gate was embarrassed, and his eyes were full of sorry when he looked at Silla.

He didn’t mean to bully Silla, the order from above is here, he didn’t dare not listen.

“Give me a reason.” Tucker is not a good talker. He looked at the security guard coldly, with a bad tone, “I think you all know who she is. This is the person your young master puts on the cusp of your heart. Dare to stop her?”

The security guard was sweating coldly, wiping the sweat bead on his forehead with one hand, and kept shaking with the other: “Master Gu, don’t get angry, how dare I stop Miss Yu? This is actually all because of the master’s meaning, and I can’t help it.”

He is a little security guard who has no right to speak in the Lu family. Whether it is the young master or the master, he dare not offend. The current situation made his sad face pale.

One side is the young master, and the other is the master, he really doesn’t know what to do.

But in the end, he still stood on Father Lu’s side.

“I’m sorry, Master Gu, I really can’t let Miss Yu in.” The security guard bowed apologetically, and the cold sweat on his forehead broke out faster.

Tucker wasn’t a nice guy, and everyone had a good temper. He was really worried that Tucker would give him a second shot.

Fortunately, although Tucker is a bit young master, he is not unreasonable. He naturally understands the difficulties of security, and there is no need to embarrass him.

Turning her head and looking at Silla, she found that her mood was getting lower and lower, and the state of her whole person was really bad.

He tentatively discussed with Silla: “Silla, it seems that William is not at home, or should we find a place to live first, and I will look for it later?”

Silla seemed to understand that it would be useless to make trouble without reason, so she nodded obediently, and let Tucker take her away.

She is so tired, not only physically, but also spiritually.

Since receiving that photo, she has basically not closed her eyes for three or four days, and her mind is full of the charming scene of William and Siara lying in bed.

She wanted to trust William very much, but when she thought of all the things that William had done before, all the trust suddenly broke like a mountain, and she couldn’t breathe.

It’s just that the picture is too strange, she still has hope in her heart, hoping that all this is just a hoax.

“Brother Tucker, did Uncle Willy really want me?” Silla was sitting in the taxi with a bitter smile on her lips, but her voice was full of crying.

“Stupid girl, what do you think? You should be very clear about your Uncle Willy’s feelings for you. I said this is definitely not that simple. Don’t think too much.” Tucker sighed leisurely.

Chapter 342

Silla is good at everything, she can be regarded as a calm little girl, but as long as she encounters William’s things, she will become a ignorant little girl.

Faced with the girl who looked like a frightened little rabbit in front of him, Tucker, who had been for a long time, couldn’t help feeling distressed.

He thought to himself that if William really did something that was sorry for Silla, he would be the first to not forgive him.

Not long after Tucker took Silla into a five-star hotel, he only opened the smallest presidential suite for Silla. This little girl always feels insecure when she lives in a big room alone.

“Brother Tucker, where are you going?”

As soon as Silla sat down, she saw Tucker walking out. She stood up subconsciously and looked at her hesitantly.

Tucker raised her thin lips slightly and stepped forward and rubbed her little head: “I’m going to find your Uncle Willy. You should rest first. If there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible?”

“Yeah.” Seeing Tucker said that he was going to find William, Silla retracted the little hand holding the corner of his clothes.

“Stay in the room obediently, there is a phone for ordering food on the table, do you know if you are hungry to order something to eat?” At this moment, Silla is like a newborn child, extremely insecure, Tucker has to cautiously coax Hold him.

“Well, come back early, I want to know the result.” Silla lowered her eyes, and her usual vigorous eyes lost their color at the moment.

“I will come back as soon as possible. Just stay in the hotel and don’t run around. I’ll take care of William’s affairs, understand?” Tucker was really helpless, and he could only make arrangements like this for the current situation.

When Tucker moved out, he turned around one step at a time. To be honest, he was really worried about leaving Silla alone in the hotel. But now, there seems to be no better way. Thinking of this, I feel a little irritable.

And Silla watched all the way when Tucker moved out, as if she wanted to see some clue in the other’s eyes. She didn’t really get scared until he finally went out and the eyes of the two were separated by a door.

Brother Tucker, can you find Uncle Willy?

Silla sat on the sofa alone and looked at the empty room. She felt terrified inexplicably. She was afraid that Uncle Willy didn’t want him anymore, so what should he do if he doesn’t want to be by himself?

She stood up, walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked down from more than thirty floors. Is the person underneath as small as an ant? Her heart suddenly tightened, and she took a few steps back, closed the curtains and ran straight into the bedroom into the quilt.

Tucker, who had left the hotel, went straight to Lu’s house. This time he had no worries about going there alone. When the security saw that he was the only one, he let him go, and he entered the Lu’s hall unimpeded.

There was no one in the hall, only the rustling sound from the upper floor. He frowned slightly, and all the way up, he saw only one servant who was cleaning the corridor.

“Where are your master and master?” Tucker asked.

“It’s Master Gu. Are you looking for Master and Master?” The servant quickly let go of the mop and rubbed her hands on the apron, before leaning over and replied, “Master Gu doesn’t know, Master and Master haven’t come back recently.”

“What’s the matter?” Tucker’s expression changed slightly. Could it be that something happened to the Lu family?

Speaking of this, the servant sighed deeply and was rather sad: “The young master came back a few days ago, but when he came back, he had a fight with the master and put the master into the hospital alive. However, these days, he has not Come back, I am an old lady who is cleaning, and I don’t know where he is now.”

Tucker’s mind was startled, his eyes moved slightly: “Which hospital is Uncle Lu now? I’ll go see him.”

The servant thought for a while and gave Tucker the address.

“Master Gu, if you see our young master, please persuade him to see the master.” The servant looked gloomy, worried about the anxious relationship between the father and son.

Tucker slightly chinted his head slightly and said he agreed.

After leaving the door of the Lu family, Tucker went straight to the hospital. Of course, he did not forget to bring fruits and flowers.

When he came to the ward, Tucker frowned when he saw Father Lu, who was haggard.

“Tucker? Why are you here?” Father Lu looked surprised when he saw Tucker.

Tucker smiled and approached him like an okay person, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes: “Uncle Lu, your body…”

Father Lu shook his head slightly: “It’s normal for my old bone to be sick and painful, don’t worry.”

“Then I’m relieved, Uncle Lu…” Tucker narrowed his eyes and stopped talking.

“Do you want to ask about William’s whereabouts?” When Tucker suddenly visited, Father Lu naturally understood what he meant.

Seeing that Father Lu’s expression was normal and there was no other reaction, Tucker had no choice but to get straight to the point: “Yes, I haven’t heard from him for a long time. Do you know where he is now?”

When Father Lu heard what he said, his eyes were cold, and he said with a smile, “Is your kid looking for him, or are others looking for him?”

“What is Uncle Lu talking about? Naturally, I want to find him.” Tucker looked at him with a smile, without any clues on his handsome face.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to find him or Silla wants to find him. Tucker, I just want to remind you that the door of our Lu family is not accessible to all odd women. You are William. My good brother should help him, not harm him.”

Lu’s father was so eloquent, and the off-string voice criticized Silla a lot.

Tucker heard uncomfortably, and couldn’t help but retort: ”‹”‹”What Uncle Lu said is that I have arbitrariness in my heart regardless of whether it is right or wrong. And Silla is not as unbearable as you said. As an elder, you may say that Lose your identity.”

“Why? Even you have to help William to accuse me?” Father Lu’s haggard face added a bit of irritation, as if he didn’t expect Tucker to irritate him.

“Uncle Lu, I didn’t mean that. Since you don’t know the news about William, then I won’t bother you to recuperate.” Tucker tucked the quilt for Father Lu likewise, and politely charged him a little. Head, then turned and left.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would stun Father Lu directly like William.

When Tucker came out of Lu’s house, he went directly to the hotel. Once back to the hotel, Tucker saw Silla anxiously walking back and forth in the room.

Silla was also very anxious at this moment. Although he came to the UK as he wished, the closer the distance, the more panic Silla felt. Tucker settled her down, and went out alone. After all, she was unfamiliar with her hometown, so she couldn’t go out, so she could only be anxious here.

At this moment, when I saw Tucker, it was like seeing hope, so I hurried over and asked, “Brother Tucker, how is it? Have you got any news? Where is Uncle Willy?”

Tucker pursed her lips and glanced at her a little sorry: “Silla, there is no news yet, but you can rest assured that I have already contacted my friends in the UK. I believe there will be news about William soon. Don’t worry.”

Chapter 343

Silla’s eyes were red when she heard this, and her whole body was limp as if sitting on the sofa next to her, muttering, “Where did Uncle Willy go? Could it be that he really got together with Siara? If this is the case, why doesn’t he tell me in person? As long as he speaks, I will leave without hesitation, without hesitation…”

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller.

go away?

It’s easy to say, but can she really do it?

She has been with William since she was a child, and her feelings for him have already deepened into her bones. How could she say that she can leave by leaving?

After all, Tucker watched Silla grow up, and saw her look uncomfortable, so he could only comfort her over and over again while grasping the trustee’s news about William.

In the office of Lu’s branch.

The corners of Lu Ziran’s mouth raised, obviously in a good mood.

“Oh? Really? Tucker is looking for William? This is really good news.”


As soon as the assistant’s voice fell, Lu Ziran sneered, and said in a bad tone: “It seems that my cousin and that little girl have a deep relationship in the film, okay, I will reveal it compassionately, otherwise it seems that I am too close. Favor.”

Of course the assistant didn’t dare to say anything. Lu Ziran snorted and said evilly: “I’ll go to meet Tucker, I want to see what he can do.”

After the assistant went out, Lu Ziran lowered his eyes. He actually envied William. Although William had always been separated from his father Lu, his heir had always favored William, and he actually had Tucker desperate for him. friend.

This is what makes him the most jealous. Why? Why does William repair everything? But he is destined to be William’s foil?

He never!

When Lu Ziran thought of this, he suddenly sneered. What’s wrong with him? He Lu Ziran doesn’t need these useless emotions, no matter whether he has Father Lu’s support or not, he must get the position of heir! William, Father Lu, and Tucker must clean up these stumbling blocks one by one!

When Tucker learned that Lu Ziran was coming, his face was not beautiful, and there has been no news of William. This made Tucker an unclear premonition in his heart. Now that Lu Ziran is coming, it is even more unkind to come.

Nevertheless, he still invited Lu Ziran in.

As soon as Lu Ziran came in, he was not polite at all, sitting on the sofa against the guest, and commanding Tucker: “Blue Mountain, no milk or sugar.”

Of course, Tucker has never taken Lu Ziran seriously, and it is impossible to pour tea obediently at this moment.

His reaction was also expected by Lu Ziran, but he didn’t care much.

Tucker was too lazy to deal with Lu Ziran, and said coldly: “I don’t know what’s the matter with Master Lu coming here.”

Lu Ziran raised his eyelids and said with curiosity: “It’s nothing big, but I heard that Shao Gu has been looking for William. As a younger brother, I was very anxious when I learned that my brother was gone, so I wanted to come over and see what I need. I helped.”

Seeing Lu Ziran’s unsatisfactory appearance, Tucker had a plan in his heart. He faintly raised his thin lips: “What can Shao Lu do?”

Lu Ziran raised his eyebrows: “I can’t talk about advice, but I want to reveal some clues to you.”

“Oh? Really?” Tucker put his hands around his chest and didn’t seem to care.

Seeing Tucker, Lu Ziran didn’t ask further. After waiting for a long time, Lu Ziran couldn’t help but speak, “Mr. Tucker Gu, aren’t you curious, what clue is it?”

“Since Master Lu doesn’t want to say it, why should I make it difficult for me?” Tucker remained calm as before, with an indifferent and alien smile on his face.

His unhurried appearance made Lu Ziran look more and more angry. William always looked at him with such disdainful eyes, and now is Tucker looking at him like that?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he looked at Tucker with a vicious expression on his face: “Tucker, why don’t you follow me? William is an impotent scammer, and you are just ashamed to follow him. A dull man who can’t extricate himself from being immersed in women because he is in a bad mood. What is the difference from trash?.”

I have to say that Lu Ziran’s words are very informative. Tucker’s mind automatically shielded the words from the front. He only heard the words behind. William was in a bad mood and was immersed in women’s piles.

He almost felt that his ears were not working well, who was Lu Ziran talking about? William? Indulge in a pile of women?

Tucker and William have known each other since they were young, and I dare not say anything else, but Tucker knows exactly what William is. He holds Silla in his palm every day, and it is impossible to mess with other women!

Therefore, Tucker asked as if he heard a joke, “Do you think I will believe you?”

Lu Ziran snorted and said, “I know you don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter. Seeing is believing. I will show you. If you don’t believe it, you have to believe it.”

Tucker gritted his teeth after seeing Lu Ziran’s unbeaten look, and decided to go with Lu Ziran to see what he said.

Lu Ziran took Tucker to a luxury hotel. Below the hotel was a large bar. As soon as he entered the bar, Tucker couldn’t help frowning while looking at the misty surroundings.

He often wandered around Fengyue places, and he didn’t think it was weird, but when he thought that William might really indulge in such places, his mood became even lower.

When Lu Ziran saw Tucker’s appearance, he was quite proud, and thought to himself, I hope you can say that you believe in William’s personality later.

Lu Ziran took Tucker to the door of a private room. Before pushing the door, he heard the sound of laughing and playing inside. Tucker and William have known each other for 30 years, and it is absolutely impossible to hear them wrong. The voice belonging to William kept saying all kinds of explicit words, even his love veteran could not help but blush.

Seeing Tucker’s unbelievable appearance, Lu Ziran’s mood was simply not good. He pointed to the door of the room, “How about? Believe it or not? Would you like to go in and have a look? Presumably William saw you, he must Would be surprised.”

Tucker only felt that Lu Ziran’s face was evil, so he pushed him away and walked away.

After leaving the hotel, Tucker still didn’t get over. Now there is news about William, but compared with no news, it makes him more irritable. Especially when he thinks of going back to the hotel and facing Silla’s wet eyes, he feels tired. How does this situation make him speak like Silla?

Tucker sat in the car, scratching his hair depressed, but he still had to face it. He could only drive back to the hotel.

When she arrived at the hotel, Tucker went to see Silla as usual. Silla’s expression was not very good these days because of the unaccustomed water and soil. But when she saw Tucker, she hurriedly asked, “How is it? Tucker Brother? Any news?”

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