Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 344 – 346

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Chapter 344

Tucker was a little afraid to meet Silla’s eyes, and changed the subject vaguely: “Are you feeling better? Can’t go to the hospital?”

Perhaps women all have a keen sixth sense, especially when Silla looked at Tucker’s hiding, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

So Silla stared at Tucker and brought the topic back: “Brother Tucker, what’s the matter with you? Is there news about Uncle Willy? You tell me!”

Tucker also tried to conceal it, trying to raise a smiley face, and explained: “It’s okay, I’m just a little tired, Silla, there is no news about William yet. I will definitely…”

“No! Brother Tucker! Are you lying to me, are you?” Silla stood up suddenly and continued to ask anxiously, “Brother Tucker, tell me, where is Uncle Willy now?”

Tucker pursed her lips and did not speak. Silla looked at Tucker’s silence, and she understood instantly. She saw her face becoming paler and paler, her eyes slowly reddening, and hot tears came out in the next second.

When Tucker saw Silla crying, he panicked and said incoherent comfort: “Silla, don’t think about it, it’s nothing, don’t scare yourself, it’s all right…”

Silla just murmured like a Zhongxie while crying: “I’m going to find Uncle Willy, I’m going to find Uncle Willy…”

Although Tucker couldn’t bear it, he knew better now that he couldn’t let Silla know what William looked like now. Even if he had a premonition in his heart, it might not last long. Maybe Silla would know it sooner or later, but it definitely won’t be now.

So Tucker had no choice but to stop Silla hard, and his tone became tough: “Silla, you are calm and calm, you are obedient, don’t go out now, I will inform you as soon as I have any news, are you obedient? “

Silla raised her dim teary eyes and could only agree. Although Silla compromised, the atmosphere between the two of them was not good, and Tucker knew very well that Silla probably guessed something by himself, but he still pretended not to know anything. After all, he can only hide it now. A moment is a moment.

That night, Tucker went out again. But the two did not live together, Silla did not know.

This night, Silla could not sleep. Tucker’s unspeakable expression kept in her mind, and she was sure he must know something.

Is it true that Uncle Willy is really with Siara?

Heaven, is it getting brighter, Silla rubbed her eyes that had not rested all night, an indescribable sourness made her extremely uncomfortable.

He dragged his exhausted body to knock on Tucker’s door, without any response, it seemed that he had gone out.

Silla closed her eyes, guessing that Tucker went out to find William, so she could only go back to the room and stay in the house.

As soon as she sat down, she heard the doorbell ring. She thought it was Tucker who had come back, and quickly opened the door.

However, the familiar face outside the door made Silla roll her eyes in disgust, and she wanted to close the door without saying a word.

Seeing her movements, Siara turned pale in anger, and sneered: “Silla, not seeing you for a while, you are still so disgusting.”

Silla stared at her irritably, “What are you doing?”

Siara raised a triumphant smile, and raised her eyebrows at Silla with a spring breeze: “I’m here, of course to appreciate your ugly manner of failure.”

After speaking, Siara was afraid that she would not understand the same thing, and kindly explained: “I am already going to marry Chen Xian…”

“What are you talking about?” Silla didn’t wait for Siara to finish, and interrupted her directly, “What are you talking about getting engaged? Uncle Willy is going to be engaged to you? This is impossible! Uncle Willy doesn’t like you at all! You are lying to me I won’t believe it!”

Silla’s sentence of Uncle Willy didn’t like her at all, and it was undoubtedly a prick in Siara’s sore spot. She said angrily: “Do you like me and you? Anyway, you just need to remember that William is going to be engaged to me! We are going to be together soon, that’s enough!”

Silla couldn’t listen to what Siara said, but repeated: “I don’t believe it, don’t lie to me! Uncle Willy will not be engaged to you…”

“Shut up! I said, why are you toasting and not eating fine wine?” Siara directly pushed Silla, his face was not pretty, “I made a special trip to tell you the whereabouts of William, don’t you believe me? You are getting engaged to William. Believe it or not, it’s your business. If you are acquainted, go back to your country as soon as possible. Don’t be embarrassed.

After saying these words, Siara seemed to feel that his attack power was not enough, so he said again: “Besides, we have already had a relationship, maybe, I have a baby in my stomach, William will definitely marry me! As for you? Go where it came from!”

Silla didn’t check that the one pushed by Siara staggered and fell to the ground. She reacted and immediately got up from the ground and rushed out regardless: “I’m going to Uncle Willy to ask, it’s impossible! This is impossible! You are sure You are lying to me!”

Siara snorted coldly, raised his hand directly to stop Silla, and pushed her to the ground again. Her eyes were unabashedly disgusted, and her tone was even worse: “Save you, William and I have already Raw rice is cooked into cooked rice. If you don’t believe it, you have to believe it. Silla, your favorite William has left, and your dreams should be awakened. Get out.”

Silla got up from the ground and exhausted all his strength to push away Siara who was blocking the door: “You should get out! Uncle Willy will not be engaged to you! No! Siara, you shameless woman. Before Uncle Willy If you retired, you won’t get engaged again. It must be you, and you threatened Uncle Willy! You…”

“Pop!” Siara slapped her backhand directly without waiting for Silla to speak. She coldly looked at Silla who hadn’t reacted and said, “I’m shameless? Silla, I advise you to figure it out, Williamyi The first fiancee was me! It was Siara! As for you? Just a random cat or dog. Do you really take yourself seriously?”

Silla’s pretty face flushed, and Siara’s words made her angry.

After reacting, he directly fought with Siara.

It’s a pity that Silla hasn’t eaten and rested normally for several days, and her physical strength has also dropped severely. After less than a minute, she was directly restrained by Siara.

Siara pressed Silla to the ground and said with a grinning smile: “I thought you were capable? But that’s it? Silla, I think you are such a joke. You probably don’t know why your Uncle Willy is so good to you. Do you really love you? What dreams do you want?”

Siara saw Silla struggling hard, held her with greater strength, then patted Silla’s cheek with one hand, and humiliated her to his heart: “Don’t struggle, Silla, you can count on what does not belong to you. If you fight for your life, it doesn’t belong to you, so give up.”

Chapter 345

Silla tried to raise her face, trying to find the clues of her lying on Siara’s face, but Siara’s expression could not find any emotions other than the irony to her.

Only then did she become scared, the confusion in her eyes deeply pleased Siara, Siara was not anxious to let Silla go, but looked down at her as a winner.

Seeing Silla still didn’t seem to believe it, Siara sneered and took out his mobile phone from Silla and dialed William’s number.

Silla thought that William wouldn’t be able to take it, but she didn’t expect things to go beyond her expectations.

The phone was connected.

A familiar voice came from the other end: “Hello?”

“Uncle Willy, it’s me, where are you?” Silla didn’t care about William’s indifferent voice at the moment, and wanted to know his news urgently.

It’s just that William is obviously a little impatient: “Where I am has nothing to do with you.”

“Uncle Willy?” Silla was stunned, as if he didn’t expect him to say that.

“Don’t call me again, I’m not free.” The cold voice accompanied by the busy tone on the phone caught Silla by surprise.

Her face was getting worse and worse, and her whole body froze in place and couldn’t move, letting Siara press down on the ground.

Seeing her desperate expression, Siara became more and more proud: “What? Now believe it?”

When she wanted to say something sarcasm about Silla, a big hand stretched out from beside her and threw Siara aside. Siara supported a nearby clothes rail in a panic and looked at the door viciously.

I saw Tucker carefully hugged Silla who was embarrassed on the ground, his eyes were full of love and pity for Silla.

Siara contacted William’s attitude towards her again, and her heart was even more frustrated. Why is Silla’s trash can get so much love, but she is an orphan, so what qualifications does she have to fight for her?

But when he thought that William was like a puppet and let her do things, Siara’s mood suddenly improved by two points.

It’s just that Silla, no matter what, is so obstructive.

While Siara was still cursing Silla, Tucker had already picked up Silla, put it on the small sofa aside, and looked at her distressedly.

As early as when Siara started his hands, his eyes were flushed like a bunny, tears flowed down her cheeks, but Silla’s face didn’t have too much expression, but those eyes that usually hid thousands of stars were left behind. Only barren.

Tucker gently wiped away tears for Silla, and then turned his gaze to Siara who was sitting on the ground, “I’m wondering, who gave you the courage to treat my little Silla like this? It depends on your Ruan family’s influence. I think it’s not difficult for my Gu family to devote everything to ruin’s family.”

At this time, Tucker’s face was no longer soft to Silla, and some were just deserted and disgusted.

Siara slowly stood up from the ground, tidyed up his makeup, and forced to put up red lips at Tucker calmly, but the jealousy in his eyes could not be hidden: “Tucker, you can I misunderstood me. I came this time mainly because I wanted to share the happy event between me and William with Sister Silla. Who knew that she actually wanted to disadvantage me and the children in my belly, but I had to fight back.”

What did Tucker just say? Do everything to destroy the Ruan family?

Thinking of this, Siara’s face changed slightly, and his eyes looked sharp at Silla. What is so good about this stinky girl? One or two are towards her and protect her?

Why! ?

Silla didn’t expect Siara to be so shameless, and immediately sneered: “The ability to reverse black and white is yours in this world. Siara is the first in the world. You will be pregnant with Uncle Willy’s child? This is absolutely impossible!”

She said impossible, but her tears that hadn’t dried yet fell again.

Tucker didn’t expect that Siara was still thinking about stimulating Silla at this time, his face instantly became gloomy, and he dragged Siara out of the room forcibly.

Siara staggered into the wall outside the door, feeling shocked in her heart. She didn’t expect Tucker to ignore the child in her stomach, and the expression on her face no longer pretended, and the hideous expression made Tucker. My heart is even more disgusting.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with women like Siara, shut her out vigorously, and turned around to comfort Silla.

The words Lu Ziran said and the scenes he saw with his own eyes were flashed in his mind, and the gaze towards Silla felt pity.

Silla calmed down quickly under Tucker’s comfort. Although she was still choked, this did not prevent her from wanting to know William’s recent situation: “Brother Tucker, brother, you have been there for so long, yes, yes I don’t know the truth or not of what Siara said. Uncle Willy will not marry her, right? She is not pregnant, is she?”

Looking at Silla’s hopeful eyes, Tucker felt that what he had just known could not be said anymore, and wanted to change the topic: “How did that woman come in just now, you will…”

“Don’t change the subject, Brother Tucker, I just want to know where Uncle Willy is now!” Silla’s sixth sense as a woman immediately made her aware of Tucker’s weirdness at the moment, and she interrupted his words, eyes Staring straight at Tucker, she wanted to know the answer.

The hot gaze made Tucker feel that his cautiousness had no way to hide, so he had to move his gaze away and make his voice more gentle: “Don’t be afraid, Ms. Silla, brother Tucker will always protect you.”

Silla realized that Tucker had never given her a definite reply, and she made a “thump” in her heart. When thinking about the phone call to William, she would naturally connect together, and her eyes began to blur again: “Brother Tucker, You don’t need to say any more, I understand, what Siara said is true. Uncle Willy, Uncle Willy really doesn’t want me anymore.”

Talking about Silla, she ran out of the door crying. Regardless of Tucker’s yelling behind her, she just wanted to find a place where there was no one in her heart and cry.

Silla ran out of the hotel, followed the flow of people, and kept running regardless, until she was exhausted and pale, and then stopped panting at an intersection, standing by the red street light and staring blankly at the sky.

After a while, Silla’s physical strength gradually recovered. She looked at the park opposite with her godless eyes, and crossed the road with heavy steps. At this moment, Silla’s ears were buzzing. She couldn’t hear clearly and didn’t want to listen to what the person next to her was saying. She moved her legs away mechanically, and her eyes didn’t realize that it was already a red light.

When Silla was about to walk halfway through, a truck drove towards her, and people on both sides of the road were shouting, trying to make Silla avoid it, but it was too late. Someone turned his head and dared not watch the bloody scene. . Suddenly, a figure passed by them and rushed towards Silla who was in front of the truck. In the last three seconds, he threw Silla to a safe place, then quickly got up and pulled her across the road.

Chapter 346

Silla hadn’t reacted yet, but smelled the faint familiar smell on the person’s body, her eyes were flushed, and she slowly raised her head. What caught her eyes was the familiar face. She said in surprise, “Uncle Willy, it is really You, how can you leave me? Do you know that I am looking for you crazy these days, Uncle Willy, I miss you so much.”

With that, she habitually leaned towards William and hugged him tightly.

William originally wanted to say something. Seeing Silla’s appearance, he could only sigh. Just about to touch her hair, he heard Silla’s choking voice: “Uncle Willy, Siara said you are getting married? Not really? Right?”

William fell silent, and even took the outstretched hand back. Silla saw William’s eyes avoiding, and the anxiety in her heart became even stronger. She grabbed William’s sleeves, and her voice couldn’t help but bring some prayers: “Uncle Willy, I I believe you, as long as you tell me this is fake, I won’t ask. You tell me it is fake, okay?”

William didn’t answer, but looked at Silla with a hint of guilt in his eyes. Silla felt even more uncomfortable at this time, and relentlessly threw away William’s holding hand, her eyes were full of complaints and sadness towards him, she stopped talking, turned and left angrily, never looking back.

Otherwise, she must be able to see the distress and injury in William’s eyes.

It’s just that she reluctantly supported her body and walked a few steps before her eyes became dark, and she slowly fell to the ground like fallen leaves.

She felt herself falling into a warm embrace, and she couldn’t help muttering: “Uncle Willy…”

“Doctor, may I ask why the patient in this bed fainted?” A familiar male voice sounded, and Silla seemed to have caught something in the chaos. It was clear that her consciousness had gradually become clear, but her eyes could not be opened. I can only listen to the outside world in resignation.

“She, she fainted because she didn’t eat or drink for a long time, she was not in good health, and she didn’t get enough sleep, so she fainted. I didn’t say it, you young people need to have a relationship. Do you want to die?”

The doctor sighed with emotion: “As a patient’s family, don’t irritate the patient when she wakes up. Alas, you say that such a beautiful little girl will become what she is now, so you can bear it. I won’t say more, otherwise you will have to I am annoying. She has nothing to do now, take a good rest, and eat three meals a day normally…”

After that, Silla lost consciousness and slept until the next afternoon before waking up quietly.

“Ah…Where is this…” Silla’s slight movements awakened Tucker who had been accompanying the bed next to him. He gently lifted up Silla, arranged her pillow, and let her She was able to sit more comfortably: “Ms. Silla, you finally woke up. This is the hospital. Yesterday you suddenly rushed out of the hotel. I didn’t have time to stop you. Fortunately, fortunately, nothing major happened, otherwise, how could I explain to your uncle.”

“I’m sorry.” Silla apologized, she was indeed impulsive yesterday.

Thinking about it, there are actually many doubts about the whole thing. If William really liked Siara, he would have been with her a long time ago, so why wait until now?


Hearing Silla’s voice a little hoarse, Tucker moved a glass of water and handed it to her.

Silla sipped the water. After her throat was soothed, she said in a low voice, “Brother Tucker, I saw Uncle Willy yesterday. It was he who rescued me and the hospital he sent me to. There must be some between them. Misunderstanding, you help me find him, I want to ask clearly.”

After hearing what he said, Tucker was silent.

“Brother Tucker, you take me to Uncle Willy, he must be the one who called the ambulance, right? He is worried about me, he has me in his heart, otherwise, why would he save me?” Silla’s voice trembled. It seemed that he wanted to show a smile, but the corners of his mouth couldn’t lift up.

Tucker hugged Silla distressedly, patting her back gently with his palm.

However, his actions made Silla’s heart deeper, and she understood that Tucker was comforting her. Why should I comfort her?

why? She doesn’t believe this is true!

Seeing Tucker not speaking, her face instantly turned ugly, “You don’t believe what I said? Doctor! Doctor! I want to be discharged! I want to return to China! I want to find Uncle Willy. This is absolutely impossible. I do not believe!”

When she said that she was about to pull out the infusion needle in her left hand, Tucker saw her intention first, silently hugged her, stopped her movement, and pressed the call bell.

After a while, the doctor arrived. Looking at Silla’s excited expression and what she said, he instantly understood, and silently stepped forward to give Silla a tranquilizer.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief until Silla calmed down.

He looked at Tucker with disapproval eyes: “Isn’t it all said that you can comfort the patient? If her current state of mind is not taken seriously, it is likely to become a serious psychological problem in the future. Your family member is really incompetent at all.”

When Tucker faced the doctor’s accusation, the guilt in his heart had almost swallowed him. If he could stop Silla at that time, maybe she would not be almost hit by a car, would not meet William, and would not enter. The hospital, in the final analysis, his brother did not take good care of her.

Tucker knew Silla’s temper, and knew that if she didn’t convince her, she would definitely return to the country regardless of her body. He could only calm down: “Don’t worry, you have not eaten for a long time, even if you are discharged from the hospital. When you return to China, your brain supports it, and your body is not allowed. Good boy, you are taking care of yourself now. Brother Tucker will help you find William, okay?”

Silla looked at Tucker’s tired eyes because of her and nodded silently, agreeing to his suggestion.

But Silla’s grief is still difficult to resolve, and even her appetite is getting weaker. At first, she could eat some fruit at Tucker’s request, but now she can’t drink water anymore, and she misses William too much at night. And insomnia.

She hasn’t lifted water for a long time, and every time the nurse leaves, she unplugs the infusion tube and throws the bottle into the trash can.

The doctor found that Silla’s physical condition was getting worse and worse. He also complained about this patient who didn’t take his body seriously. He also secretly reminded Tucker’s relatives to take care of Silla’s concerns.

Tucker had no choice but to talk to Silla every time he took the trouble. At first, it was a little effective. As time passed, Silla became weak even to speak.

Tucker was distressed and annoyed. Silla now has no meat at all. Before, there was a fat baby on his face. Now he is skinny and skinny, and even those eyes are slowly losing. The light turned into a pool of stagnant water.

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