Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 308 – 310

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Chapter 308

Although it has always been known that William adopted Silla to deal with Bai Qihua, he has never investigated Silla’s life experience from beginning to end. He only knows that her father is Bai Qihua, but he knows nothing about her mother.

The more Tucker thought about it, the more it felt something was wrong: “You said that Sillachang and Wen Yi are so similar, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that they are brothers and sisters.”

Every time he said something, he saw William’s expression ugly.

At the end Tucker whispered in his ear: “William, if Silla and Wen Yi are related by blood, then she must not be allowed to recognize her ancestors and return to her clan. I’m afraid it’s hard to deal with.”

William didn’t speak, but his expression became increasingly ugly.

“William, are you listening at all?” Tucker narrowed his eyebrows.

“Stop talking, I know what to do.” William closed his eyes impatiently, as if he didn’t want to discuss this topic with Tucker.

Seeing him resist so much, Tucker’s expression also became heavy: “William, I know you are cruel, not as good as us…”

“I’m telling you to stop talking!” William shouted at Tucker with all his strength, with a murderous air in his narrow eyes.

“Okay, I won’t say anything.” Tucker knew that William couldn’t listen.

He turned around and walked outside, calling the assistant according to William’s instructions and asking him to check Wen Yi’s identity.

From afar, he looked at William’s back in a wheelchair, so lonely and helpless.

From the beginning, he kept persuading him not to get stuck, but he still…

If things really come to that day, can he really bear the heart to push Silla out?

Tucker shook his head helplessly. He had already said everything that should be said, and it was William’s business whether to listen.

After a long period of treatment, the lights in the operating room went out again.

William stared at the door of the operating room fascinatingly, and saw a white corner appearing. If it weren’t for the weakness of his hands, he could not wait to run over immediately.

Tucker saw his thoughts and pushed him to the door.

“How is she?” After all, this sentence was asked.

The doctor took off the mask and his face was relaxed: “Mr. Lu, please rest assured that Miss Yu has been out of danger. If you take care of it, you will be able to recover in two months.”

William breathed a sigh of relief, and Tucker nodded hurriedly: “That’s good, that’s good.”


The doctor’s sentence just caused the hearts of the two of them to be picked up in an instant, especially William, whose handsome face immediately changed color.

“Just what?” Tucker asked.

The doctor saw that they were nervous, and laughed again: “Don’t worry, it’s not a big problem. Although Miss Yu is out of danger, the scars on her body may not fade in a short time.”

“How long will it take?” William frowned.

“According to the normal recovery time, at least half a year.” The doctor sighed. “She was burned all over by the explosive airflow. Although the burns are not serious, they are spread over a wide area and recovery will be slower.”

Tucker was frightened to death, and asked quickly: “She is a girl, she must not leave scars, is there any other way?”

“Plastic surgery.” The doctor spread his hands, “There is no better way.”

“How can this work?” William didn’t speak, but Tucker immediately retorted, “She definitely can’t accept plastic surgery.”

The doctor was helpless: “If you don’t accept plastic surgery, you can only remove scars with good scar removal products and surgery, but the process may take longer. Of course, it depends on her own recovery. .”

William nodded: “I’m sorry to trouble you.”

“No trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do.” How dare the doctor ask William to thank him, this is not a shame.

Immediately after, Silla was also sent to the ward. For the convenience of care, of course, she repaired the ward with William.

As for Wen Yi, he was too weak after the blood transfusion and was sent to the next ward.

The men and women of the crew were sent to the hospital, and the TV series could only be shelved.

Upon learning that Silla and William had both been involved in car accidents, the director and cast members came to visit. But because Silla was still unconscious, everyone was turned away.

But after Silla’s sleep, she woke up three days later.

One morning three days later, Silla finally opened her eyes that were as clear as water.

Xu Shi has slept for too long, she feels tired all over, and is about to move her muscles and bones, and what catches her eyes is snow white.

She frowned and said, “Hmm…”

“Silla, are you awake?” Hearing the movement, Tucker quickly put down the apple in his hand and rushed to Silla’s bed.

“Water.” Silla pulled her throat and shouted laboriously.

Tucker quickly poured a cup of warm water and fed it to Silla’s lips. He smiled and said, “Ms. Silla, you have finally woken up. If you don’t wake up again, William is afraid that you will be crazy.”

Silla’s eyes suddenly changed, and her face instantly became anxious. She frowned and said, “Where is Uncle Willy? How is Uncle Willy?”

She still remembered that William was blown up at the time, was he okay?

“Don’t worry, he is not as badly injured as you, you are all right now, can he be okay?” Tucker gently wiped the water stains from her lips, explaining patiently.

Knowing that William is okay, Silla sighed with relief, and then got out of bed.

“What’s the matter?” Tucker moved when she saw her move, and didn’t understand what it meant. “Are you uncomfortable?”

“I’m going to see Uncle Willy.” Silla couldn’t wait to see William. If she didn’t see him safe and sound, she wouldn’t be at ease.

Tucker pushed her to the bed in an angry voice, and warned in a low voice, “You are wrapped up like a mummy now, and are you still in the mood to care about him? It’s better to care about yourself. When the time comes, you will leave a scar. Who will pay? Dare to watch your play.”

“Leave a scar?” Silla was stunned, then looked down at her body.

At this moment, just as Tucker said, her whole body was wrapped like a mummy, with bandages everywhere, and even her whole head showed only that face.

This looks so funny and funny, the point is that it is not convenient to move.

She waved her hands in a panic: “Brother Tucker, am I disfigured?”

“It’s not that serious, but it may be a little slow to recover. You probably won’t be able to get into the crew during this time.” Tucker looked at her sympathetically, wondering if she could accept the blow.

“How long will it take?” Silla swallowed, already mentally prepared.

“The doctor said that it will take about half a year to completely fade. Of course, if the recovery is good, you will be treated obediently, and the scab will fall off naturally and then use the scar cream to recover soon.”

Tucker smiled and signaled Silla not to worry.

Chapter 309

After listening to him, Silla breathed a sigh of relief again: “You said it earlier, I thought I was really disfigured.”


“How can girls not be afraid?” Silla groaned.

“Don’t worry, it’s all skin injuries, not that serious.” Tucker wanted to reach out and rub Silla’s head, but she could see her zongzi-like head, but in the end she couldn’t handle it.

At this moment, William, who was pushed out for a walk by the medical staff, came back.

Seeing that Silla had woken up, he hurriedly pushed his wheelchair to the bedside and looked at Silla worriedly: “Silla, is there anything uncomfortable?”

“Uncle Willy, I’m fine.” Seeing William’s good condition, Silla was finally relieved, but when he saw him in a wheelchair, she couldn’t help asking, “Uncle Willy, your legs?”

Isn’t it lame?

“Ms. Yu don’t need to worry, Mr. Lu’s leg is only temporarily strained, and he will be healed within half a month.” While a few people were chatting, the doctor who came to the routine checkup explained with a smile.

Silla nodded, and smiled at William: “It’s okay.”

William smiled back: “You are fine.”

Seeing that the two k!ssed me and I, Tucker dragged the doctor to give Silla an examination.

After the examination, the smile on the corner of the doctor’s mouth became more obvious: “Ms. Yu has a good body function and has recovered very well in the past few days. According to this recovery rate, I believe she will be discharged in less than two months.”

“Then what’s wrong with her voice?” Tucker asked.

“Because the explosion dust got into the throat, it will cause some damage to the vocal cords. But the problem is not big, just take some medicine.”

“That’s good.”

Silla opened her mouth and said nothing.

She found out that her voice was wrong, but she only thought it was because she slept for too long that her vocal cords could not be opened, but she did not expect her vocal cords to be injured.

Fortunately, there is no big deal, otherwise her star dream would be broken.

After the doctor left, the nurse re-applied Silla with a new bandage and wrapped her into a mummy again.

Facing her own appearance, Silla sighed deeply, but she was helpless.

According to the doctor’s tone, she guessed that she would have to be wrapped in this way before the wound was crusted, because she reached out and scratched it when it had to prevent fleshy wounds.

So Silla was tragic.

She is now a disfigured person, and she can’t eat anything with color or pigment.

Every time Aunt Liu brought big fish and meat, she could only eat the pig’s feet and drink the porridge. The other dishes were all made by William.

Silla sighed, “I want to eat too.”

“Silla, the pig’s feet are also delicious, you can taste it.” Tucker coaxed Silla in a good voice.

However, Silla’s eyes seemed to fall into the food in front of William, and she couldn’t move them away. She wiped the saliva that was about to flow out from the corner of her mouth, her eyes full of desire.

This small appearance can make William and Tucker feel distressed. If it weren’t for her body, how could William withstand the small eyes.

“Uncle Willy…” Silla called William softly.

William turned his head and glanced at her, then shook his head firmly: “No.”

“Just one bite!” Silla was about to cry, she also wanted to eat sauce-flavored pork ribs and Gongbao chicken.

“Do you eat fish?” William pointed to the steamed sea bass and asked her. The food on this table was spicy and heavy, not suitable for Silla.

Silla shook his head: “I want something with flavor!”

The pig’s trotters and white porridge that I ate in the past two days didn’t taste much at all, and she felt that her mouth was going to fade out.

Sometimes Silla felt that William was deliberate. Knowing that she could not eat these now, he couldn’t restrain himself and had to eat in front of her. Is this testing her ability to bear it?

“Then I won’t eat anymore? Okay?” William was helpless.

Silla was a little upset, but still nodded and said, “It’s pretty much the same. Everyone must be fair. What do you eat what I eat? Why do you specialize.”

At Silla’s strong request, William also lived a life of clear soup and water.

When the rules and Xiao Meng came to see Silla, William and Tucker were not there, only seeing Silla’s eyes and nose wrinkled while holding a bowl of congee.

“Is it so bad to drink?” Xiao Meng couldn’t help but feel amused when she looked at her clasped expression.

“White porridge is not terrible, but if you drink ten or eight meals in a row, do you still feel good?” Silla exhaled deeply, looking out the window sadly.

After hearing the regulations, he nodded in agreement: “That’s true. Even if you eat the delicacies of the mountains and the sea every day, you will be bored.”

“How do you know that something happened to me?” Silla was silent for a few seconds before suddenly remembering this question.

“The news reports have come out, how can we not know?” Xiaomeng said, putting the perfume lily that he had brought into the vase on the side, and then took out a letter from the bag and handed it to her, “Henry Chu gave it to you. .”

Silla’s body was shocked when she heard Henry Chu’s name. Since the last time she said goodbye, she hadn’t seen each other for a while.

“How is he?”

“What can he do?” The charter shrugged and whispered, “He wanted to see you, but you know his f*cking character, so…”

Silla curled her lips: “I understand.”

Since they have seen the report by the regulations, Henry Chu’s mother must have seen it too. With her temper, she definitely wouldn’t let Henry Chu come to see him.

“But don’t worry, Henry Chu is still very worried about you, so let us bring you a letter.” Xiao Mengsheng was afraid that Silla felt uncomfortable, and quickly comforted her.

Surprisingly, Silla smiled and shook his head: “Even if he doesn’t come to see me, I can understand it. I didn’t handle the matter before, so I should apologize to him.”

If it weren’t for her, Henry Chu wouldn’t have been targeted by William, it was her fault.

“What stupid things are you saying? He has never blamed you. Besides, who is right or wrong with this kind of thing?”

The bylaw waved his hand to signal Silla not to take it to heart.

Since Henry Chu likes Silla, these pressures must also be endured. If he can’t bear this, what right does he have to stand beside Silla?

Silla pursed her lips and said nothing. She slowly opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

The letter briefly explained Henry Chu’s current situation, and also said a lot of blessings, and between the lines revealed his concern for Silla. He told Silla not to care about the previous things, he had never blamed her.

After Silla read the letter, her eyes were slightly moist, and she always felt sorry for him.

Seeing her suddenly sad, Xiao Meng laughed lightly: “Look at you, it’s not a big deal, as for crying?”

“I don’t have a crying nose.” Silla denied it.

“Anyway, you have to get better soon, don’t let me send you the two boxes of bird’s nests.” Xiaomeng stuck out her tongue at Silla and said playfully.

Chapter 310

Silla smiled back and blinked at her: “Don’t worry, I will get better soon, and I will never disappoint your two boxes of good bird’s nests.”

“That’s right.” Xiaomeng gave a thumbs up.

“When did your relationship become so good?” The charter was confused.

Xiao Meng gave him a white look, and raised her chin with her arms around her chest proudly: “The relationship between us has always been so good.”

Silla also echoed: “Girls’ friendship, that’s something you guys can understand.”

“That’s it.”

Cheers and laughter came from the ward, which stopped Wen Yi standing at the door.

He stopped the hand that was about to open the door and walked out.

He waited quietly for the charter and Xiaomeng to leave before he appeared.

After sending them away, Silla was about to lie down and rest. There was a knock on the door.

She let out a sigh of relief and smiled: “Come in.”

“Is it better?” Wen Yi walked in carrying a lunch box, his eyes were not as cold as before, with a few more warmth.

“Senior, you are here, sit down and sit down quickly.” Silla was flattered, she knew before that Wen Yi gave her a blood transfusion to escape her life from danger.

Wen Yi is now not only her predecessor, but also her savior.

I heard that after Wen Yi gave her a blood transfusion that day, she was so weak for several days that she was recuperating at home these days.

“Looking at her complexion, it should be much better.” Wen Yi saw Silla’s face ruddy, much better than at the beginning, and his hanging heart slowly fell.

Silla laughed: “Thanks to you, I am fine now.”

Wen Yi did not speak, but slowly opened the heat preservation box, took out the golden chicken soup inside and handed it to Silla.

The fragrant chicken soup instantly evoked the gluttons in Silla’s stomach. She stretched out her hand to take it. Suddenly she saw her hands with no gaps, and she looked at Wen Yi with embarrassment.

“Open your mouth.” Wen Yi instantly understood what she meant, and took the chicken soup with her hands and fed it to Silla’s mouth.

This was the first time Wen Yi and Silla got along so closely. Both felt it was natural and there was nothing inappropriate.

Liu Yue, who followed Wen Yi, saw this scene and almost jumped angrily.

“Senior, this chicken soup is really delicious.” Silla squinted happily, immersed in the fragrant chicken soup and couldn’t help herself.

This chicken soup is three points better than Aunt Liu’s craftsmanship.

“Of course, is our young master’s cooking skill comparable to that of ordinary people?” Liu Yue pushed in and looked at Silla with disdain.

Silla didn’t lift her head, her little mouth drank the chicken soup Wen Yi fed to her mouth before slowly speaking, “You are?”

“Miss Yu is really a noble person who forgets things. I remember I introduced myself to you last time…”

“I’m sorry, I can’t remember those who don’t matter.” Before Liu Yue finished speaking, Silla interrupted.

As soon as she said this, she clearly saw Liu Yue’s face change color.

“Miss Yu is really good-natured.” Liu Yue sneered.

“Naturally, it is not as good as your elder’s education.” Silla quickly countered.

She has never been a soft persimmon for bullying. Liu Yue is obviously hostile to her, and she doesn’t need to be polite to her. If it wasn’t for Wen Yi’s person, she would just let her go.

Liu Yue didn’t expect Silla to have such sharp teeth, but she underestimated her before.

Just as I was about to say something more, a frosty voice came from my ear: “If you don’t want to stay, go back.”


“Am I not clear enough?” Wen Yi glanced coldly, and Liu Yue’s horrible eyes made Liu Yue take two steps unconsciously.

Liu Yue pursed her red lips and wanted to say something, but was frightened again by Wen Yi’s cold eyes.

She glared at Silla unconvincedly, and slammed the door to leave.

Silla looked at the dangling door of the smashed room, and couldn’t help but slap her tongue: “Your subordinate has a good temper.”

“I made you laugh.” Wen Yi raised her thin lips and made a faint smile, and gently fed Silla a bite of chicken soup.

“I can’t talk about it, I just don’t understand why she is so hostile to me.” Silla tilted her head for a moment, as if she had never provoke Liu Yue from beginning to end.

Logically speaking, they are not rivals in love, nor do they have a competitive relationship at work. This makes Liu Yue’s attitude towards this pair unreasonable.

Wen Yi saw her seemingly confused and kindly explained: “She thought I like you.”

After hearing this, Silla waved her hand subconsciously: “How is it possible! Although you are really good to me, senior, I don’t feel that you have a man and woman affection for me.”

Wen Yi was indeed very kind to her, but she was not stupid, and she could clearly tell that Wen Yi looked at her like an elder caring for her junior, without any affection for her.

His eyes were completely different from William’s.

“How do you know that I am not a man or woman for you?” Wen Yi saw what she said so eloquently, suddenly her eyes flashed, trying to tease her.

Sure enough, these words made Silla stunned for an instant, and she smiled awkwardly: “Senior, don’t make this kind of joke, how can you like me for a perfect family son like you?”

“Can William like it? Why can’t I?” Wen Yi said calmly.

“How can this be the same? Uncle Willy and I have been since childhood…”

“Then why don’t you define his feelings for you as something else?”

Wen Yi’s repeated questions caused Silla to be frightened. She opened her small mouth for a while before making a sound: “Senior, don’t you really like me?”

How can this work!

This will never work!

If Uncle Willy knows this, they will inevitably have a conflict.

“What? What’s the problem with liking you?” There was no emotion on Wen Yi’s face, but Silla’s words were shocked again and again.

She bit her red lips and just wanted to speak.

William suddenly pushed the door and walked in, followed by Tucker.

“Seven, Uncle Willy.” Silla was startled, and reflexively called William.

Unexpectedly, William didn’t pay attention to her at all, and his cold eyes fell on Wen Yi.

Silla groaned secretly in her heart. She suffered. According to Qi Shu’s temper, she was afraid that Senior Wen Yi would never be let go, and there would be a quarrel at that time.

“Do you like her?” William looked at Wen Yi coldly.

Wen Yi was not afraid, and even replied with colder eyes: “So what?”

“Don’t think it’s the blood you donated to Silla, I dare not do anything to you.” William beckoned, and Tucker behind him pushed him to Wen Yi with the heart, so the two of them got closer. Four eyes face each other.

“Even if I don’t donate blood to Silla, what can you do to me?” Wen Yi has never been afraid of William from beginning to end. What’s more, he is still a half disabled in a wheelchair. Upper hand.

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