Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 311 – 313

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Chapter 311

Seeing his fearless appearance, Tucker smiled and said, “Mr. Wen seems to be very confident, do you know the relationship between Silla and William? Is it inappropriate for you to be a third party at this time?”

Wen Yi still had that cold expression, and opened his mouth: “It has nothing to do with you who I like.”

Seeing the smoke in the ward, Silla became more anxious, she wanted to stop it.

But every time a word came out, they were blocked by these people, and she was completely ignored.

“I really can’t see it. Mr. Wen still has this habit. If he doesn’t do well, he has to be a third party to intervene in the feelings of others. If you say this, I’m afraid your reputation in the entertainment industry will plummet. ?”

Tucker mocked.

“My reputation naturally has nothing to do with you.” Wen Yi’s pale face showed a touch of disdain on the ice cube’s face, as if he didn’t take William and Tucker seriously.

Silla was stunned. She was accustomed to seeing people nodding and bowing to William and Tucker. At this moment, seeing Wen Yi’s fearless and fearless appearance, she couldn’t help but beat a drum.

If William really started to fire up later, Wen Yi’s position in the entertainment circle would definitely be threatened.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t take much care of it, and immediately raised her voice to excuse Wen Yi: “Uncle Willy, it’s not like that. The senior was joking with me just now. How could he like me? It’s impossible, right? senior.”

While she was talking, she tried to wink Wen Yi, who knew that Wen Yi just didn’t see it, shook her head and said, “I just like you, is there any problem?”


Silla was silent, she didn’t even know how to answer.

How can it be wrong to like someone? She couldn’t say this, if Wen Yi said it, he would definitely express his feelings more directly, which was obviously provoking the majesty of Uncle Willy.

Thinking of this, Silla pursed her red lips, really don’t know what to do.

William’s face is also ugly. Isn’t he really going to fight Wen Yi?

Standing calmly behind William’s self-cultivation, Tucker didn’t seem to have the intention to speak anymore. Instead, he raised his thin lips with a smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Silla was a little curious, she was finally brought back to her thoughts by the rattling atmosphere in front of her, and she wanted to open her mouth to dissolve the murderous atmosphere at the moment.

Unexpectedly, William was one step ahead of her, and said coldly to Wen Yi, “You go.”

“Do I have to go if you let me go?” Wen Yi raised his eyelids faintly, and didn’t shame William at all.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment again.

Silla coughed slightly, and came up to complete the battle: “Senior, or go back first, and come back to see me when you have time. Don’t worry, I’m fine with everything.”

After listening to Silla’s words, Wen Yi’s expression eased slightly. He turned his head and showed a gentle smile at Silla: “Silla, take care of yourself, I will see you tomorrow.”

“Good senior, be careful on the way.”

Before leaving, Wen Yi stood up, his icy eyes swept over William, the warning in his eyes was quite obvious.

And William lightly hooked his thin lips and stared back lightly.

The battle of eyes did not tell the outcome, and Wen Yi had no intention of staying too much.

After he left, William came to Silla’s bed like a okay person, and said gently: “Silla, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?”

“I just drank the chicken soup sent by the predecessor, and I am not hungry anymore.” After finishing speaking, Silla quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

According to William’s domineering personality, if she knew that she had drank the chicken soup that Wen Yi had brought, she would be unhappy again.

Unexpectedly, William’s reaction was completely unexpected. Not only was he not angry, he did not even show any dissatisfaction on his face.

Although very curious about why this was, Silla still didn’t dare to ask, for fear that William would change his face after a while.

In the afternoon, Silla felt sleepy after taking the medicine, and fell into a deep sleep without talking to William.

After Silla fell asleep, William left the ward with Tucker.


The warm autumn wind blew his face, and William sat on the swing, looking into the distance.

Tucker didn’t know where to take out a few pieces of information and handed it to him, and explained: “You asked me to investigate Wen Yi’s background, but now it’s a bit eye-catching.”

“tell me the story.”

“Wen Yi is the son of Wen Yi’s family, formerly known as Wen Ziqi. The Wen family is one of the best in the country, and it is not much more than your Lu family. And according to my inquiries, Wen Yi is not the only son.”

Speaking, Tucker pointed to the information and motioned to William to continue reading.

“More than ten years after Wen Yi was born, her mother became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. Because she was the only girl in the family, that girl was loved since she was a child. But when she was less than three years old, the little girl disappeared for no reason, and her whereabouts are still unknown. .”

Every time Tucker said something, William was sure of it.

I’m afraid Wen Yi and Silla are indeed inextricably linked. This is why Wen Yi blatantly said that he likes Silla today, but he is not really angry.

If the two are really siblings, then some things are not that simple.



Tucker frowned: “It can be seen that Silla is very likely Wen Yi’s sister. If she is really Wen’s daughter, will the relationship between her and Bai Qihua be mistaken?”

“Impossible.” William said solemnly, “I have been investigating him for so many years, how can I make a mistake.”

“William, the facts are in front of you, maybe this is just an accident. If Silla is indeed Wen’s child, then she can’t be Bai Qihua’s daughter.”

Tucker sighed deeply: “If she is not Bai Qihua’s daughter, you don’t need to worry about hurting her anymore, right? This is a good thing for you.”

“She is.” William’s eyes were fixed.

“But this is unreasonable. Since Silla is Bai Qihua’s daughter, how could he have anything to do with Wen Jia?” When facing Bai Qihua, William’s proud reason always flees, Tucker shook his head helplessly, he just I hope William can calm down and consider this matter.

“Stop talking, I won’t make a mistake.” William’s eyes were full of certainty that he would never make such a low-level mistake.

Tucker didn’t know what to say about him, so he only softly advised: “There is no absolute in the world. No matter how smart you are, you will always make mistakes. Think about it yourself.”

He knew very well that these things had been in William’s heart for more than 20 years, and what kind of suffering and pain he had endured over the years.

But Silla was always innocent.

If possible, Tucker also hoped that William could let go of the hatred in his heart and spend a lifetime with Silla. If he really can’t let go, I hope he will not ruin his love with his own hands.

Chapter 312

It was a pity that he couldn’t empathize with William’s pain, and naturally he was not qualified to let William let go.

Before leaving, Tucker told William: “The Wen family has been looking for their daughter for so many years. You’d better block Silla’s information.”

Once Wen Jia discovers Silla’s identity, everything William has prepared over the years will fall short.

“Yeah.” William replied lightly, as if he didn’t care about it.

At the same time, Wen Yi did conduct an investigation into Silla’s identity, but unfortunately his investigation progress was not as smooth as William’s.

Since he planned to take Silla back, William had already done a good job of confidentiality and blocked all the information about Silla. No one could find out any news about Silla.

And what they can find is what William wants them to find.

Liu Yue handed Silla’s information to Wen Yi, puzzled: “Master, all Silla’s information is here, nothing special. Why are you so interested in her?”

“This is not something you should be concerned about.” Wen Yi took the information indifferently, without even giving Liu Yue a straight eye.

“Master, no matter what, then Silla will never be worthy of you. If you let the old lady know that you like a stinky girl in the entertainment industry, they will definitely be furious.”

Liu Yue tried hard to persuade Wen Yi, but she didn’t understand, what is so good about Silla? It’s okay if there is one William who is stupid, why even their young masters are also stupid?

How can an actor be worthy of their young master?

“Shut up!” Wen Yi’s long and narrow phoenix eyes burst out with cold light, as if as long as Liu Yue said more, he would directly choke her to death.

Liu Yue was taken aback. He swallowed his saliva and dared not say more, but his eyes revealed dissatisfaction.

She left silently, not daring to say more.

However, after leaving the room, her eyes became more and more bitter, and she murmured: “Silla! It’s all your fault. Since you have to come out to do my things, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

As soon as Silla appeared, Master’s attitude towards her plummeted. In the past, she said that the young master would follow her, but now it’s better to shout at her for a stinky girl?

If it weren’t for her appearance, she would be the most important woman around the young master.

The old lady is willing to betroth her to the young master, as long as the time is right, she can smoothly join the Wen family and become the young master of the Wen family.

“Damn Silla.” The more Liu Yue thought about it, the more angry he felt, and he wished to rush to the hospital to kill Silla.

But at this moment, Wen Yi looked at Silla’s information and fell into deep thought.

The information is just some ordinary information, and it can be found out by simply searching it on a search engine, which is of no use at all.

He frowned slightly and his face was sad.

In fact, he does not need to think too much, he also understands the reason.

Even now, maybe I can only have a good talk with William.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wen Yi made a delicious turtle soup again and was ready to visit Silla.

Seeing that Liu Yue was busy following up, she whispered: “Master, can you take me with you?”

“No need.” Wen Yi replied lightly.

“I also want to see Miss Yu…”

However, Wen Yi didn’t give her a chance to finish speaking. He got in the car and started the car and stepped on the accelerator and left.

After a while, the handsome body disappeared into the air, leaving only Liu Yueqi stomping in place.

I don’t know how long it took before she finally stabilized her mood and restored her previous image of a strong woman.

Wen Yi came to the hospital, and Silla happened to be eating dinner. Seeing the turtle soup he sent, he couldn’t wait to open it and take two sips.

“Senior, your craftsmanship is really nothing to say.” Silla exclaimed sincerely after taking a few mouthfuls of turtle soup.

“You like it.” Wen Yi looked at Silla dozingly, then took the soup to her mouth, “Drink more if you like it.”

Aunt Liu who was standing on the side sighed pretendingly: “Oh, the lady has grown up and doesn’t like the stewed ribs made by Aunt Liu.

Seeing this, Silla waved her hands hurriedly: “No, no, the stewed ribs made by Aunt Liu is also my favorite.”

“Really?” Aunt Liu didn’t seem to believe it.

“Really!” Silla made a promise with her small hand that had not removed the bandage.

Hearing what she said, Aunt Liu immediately smiled, and carefully removed the meat from the ribs and fed her: “Miss, what do you want to eat tomorrow?”

Silla tilted her head and thought for a while and said softly, “As long as Aunt Liu did it, I like everything.”

“You will make me happy.” Aunt Liu still laughed from ear to ear even if she knew that Silla was talking politely.

The ward was full of joy, but William was nowhere to be seen.

Wen Yi looked around for a week without seeing William, and asked unconsciously, “Why didn’t you see your Uncle Willy?”

Silla replied while drinking the soup, “Uncle Willy is almost fine now. I have been doing rehabilitation for the past two days. I should take a walk in the park now. What’s wrong? Is the senior looking for Uncle Willy?”

“It’s okay.” Wen Yi pulled her thin lips, “Come on, have some soup.”

Wen Yi didn’t leave until Silla drank a full pot of soup.

Just as he was going downstairs, he ran into William who was walking upstairs with his cane.

When the two passed by, Wen Yi said coldly, “William, let’s talk.”

“It seems that there is nothing to talk about between us.” William didn’t turn his head back, sticking his cane to leave.

At this moment, Wen Yi grabbed his arm, his tone was unspeakably strong: “I want you to make peace.”

“Let go.” William repaired his eyebrows.

“Don’t let go.” There was no expression on Wen Yi’s face.

The two stood in a stalemate for two minutes. In the end, William still failed to overcome the persistent Wen Yi, and followed him out of the hospital.

In the coffee shop.

Soothing music lingered in his ears, William sat on the sun lounger, his face chilling: “If you have something to say, I have no time to spend with you.”

“Why are Silla’s identity information blocked?” Wen Yi didn’t plan to fix ink marks with William, and directly stated his purpose.

“It has nothing to do with you.” William sneered again and again, and did not intend to bother with Wen Yi.

“You do this, you want to cover it up. Even if you don’t let me check, I know that the relationship between Silla and me is definitely not that simple.”

This is probably Wen Yi’s longest sentence in history.

He stared straight at William’s face, as if he wanted to see something from his face.

However, from the beginning to the end, William didn’t show any emotions, and even a slight mockery on his plain face.

He said in a deep voice, “What can Silla have to do with you? I’m afraid you have some hypothesis.”

“She is my sister!” Wen Yi insisted.

“I have never heard that you have a younger sister. It is better not to recognize relatives by Mr. Wen, otherwise you will be the one who is ashamed.”

Chapter 313

“William!” Wen Yi’s patience had obviously endured to the limit.

But the person he faced was not someone else, but William who was not losing to him in every aspect.

Seeing Wen Yi seemed a little impatient and wanted to know Silla’s identity, William became more calm.

“Is Silla my sister?” Wen Yi asked again.

William still had that light and breezy appearance, his face could not show any expression, he took a sip of coffee and slowly said, “What are you talking about, why can’t I understand?”

Wen Yi’s face chilled: “You know the truth of this matter best. Don’t pretend to be garlic.”

“Since you have identified Silla as your sister, then I have nothing to say. But the habit of confessing relatives is really bad. I hope you can change it.”


“If it’s okay, I’ll leave first.”

William stood up with some effort and walked out with his crutches. Despite the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he did not lose in terms of momentum.

Looking at William’s leaving back, Wen Yi’s face was gloomy, he patted the table heavily, and said firmly: “No matter how you stop it, I must figure out Silla’s life experience.”

Since no useful information can be found from William, the only way to start is from Silla.

In the next few days, Wen Yi went to the hospital more and more diligently, and even stayed in the hospital longer and longer.

William expressed dissatisfaction with this, and drove him repeatedly to no avail, so he had to go with him.

However, in order to let Wen Yi and Silla not have a chance to be alone, William even sacrificed his own rehabilitation time and stayed with Silla every day.

Although Silla felt strange, she was naturally happy with William.

Time flickered, and more than half a month passed. William’s repairing was a minor injury, and now it is almost healed.

After the doctor gave him a full-body examination, he was relieved: “Mr. Lu is recovering very well. After a day or two of training, he can go through the discharge procedures.”

“What about me?” Silla saw that William could be discharged from the hospital, and couldn’t help but ask about her situation.

Unexpectedly, the doctor looked at her and shook his head helplessly: “Miss Yu, your body is recovering pretty well, but I am afraid it will take a while before you are discharged from the hospital. You can live with peace of mind.”

“Isn’t there an exact time?” Silla drooped her head, instantly losing her anger.

She has been in the hospital for more than half a month, and she has had enough of the days with clear soup and water. She started to miss the food made by Aunt Liu, coffee, milk tea and cakes.

It is said that people take food as their heaven, although she is not a person who pays attention to appetite, and she is tired of this kind of constant hospitalization.

“The wound on your body has recovered very well. If nothing happens, you may be discharged from the hospital in one month.” Silla’s injury recovered quickly, far exceeding his expectations.

It was estimated to be as little as two months or more than half a year before, but now it seems unnecessary.

Silla’s eyes drooped, she looked at her unremoved bandage, and fell into deep thought.

“Are you sure it will do in one month?”

The doctor nodded affirmatively: “Of course the premise is that no accidents happen.”

“What’s the accident?”

“For example, the wound is open.”

After the doctor left, Silla looked at William with envy: “Uncle Willy, will you come to see me after you leave the hospital?”

“When did I say I was going to be discharged from the hospital?” William smiled softly.

“What do you mean?” Silla’s mouth paused while eating, “Are you going to be discharged from the hospital when you recover?”

“Why? I don’t want me to be with you.” William said as he put the apple into Silla’s slightly opened mouth, and watched her chewing like a hamster, his mood was surprisingly good.

Silla nodded after eating the apple, and then shook his head: “You can accompany me, I am very happy, but is it appropriate for you not to go to the company?”

William lifted his thin lips: “Work can be done here.”

“Anyway, you haven’t been back to the company for a long time. Go back and take a look.” Silla said in a low voice and whispered, “Besides, you forgot the purpose of our return? Siara suddenly returned to the UK, you Are you not curious?”

I don’t know if the sixth sense of a woman is at work. She always feels that Siara’s sudden return to the UK is not that simple.

Having said that, William’s hand feeding Apple paused, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

After a while, he said solemnly: “Then I will go back and have a look, and I will come back to accompany you immediately after dealing with these matters.

“Okay.” Of course, Silla didn’t have any objections. Siara surrounded her like a time bomb from beginning to end. If the bomb was not handled properly, she would never be at ease.

Who knows, with her extremely vengeful mentality, will she make another moth.

Two days later, William went through the discharge procedures. He didn’t want to leave, but under Silla’s repeated urging, he had to get in the car and return to the company.

In the car.

Mr. Liu gave a detailed report on the company’s recent situation. Since his car accident, many things have happened to the company.

“Master, although I have tried my best to suppress your car accident, I still can’t stop the crowd. Our domestic stocks have also fallen sharply because of the car accident. Now the situation is not optimistic.”

“Hold a press conference immediately. It is time for the new products previously studied to be introduced to the market.”

While Jacob Liu reported, William talked about the solution.

“Yes, it’s just that the UK side seems to have also received news of your car accident. Master frequently contacted me during this time…”

William’s mouth raised a thin smile, the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: “What? What advice does his old man have?”

Jacob changed his expression slightly, and said softly, “Master seems to be extremely disappointed in you. Hearing that tone, it seems that Master Ziran intends to take over the management rights in Asia.”

“If you want me to surrender the management rights, it depends on whether they have this ability.” William’s long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed with a cold light, and his thin lips raised slightly, evoking a curve of disdain.

Even if the things he repaired by William were given to him by Lu Ziran himself, he might not be able to hold them securely.

“Master, one more thing.”


Jacob hesitated for a few seconds, and finally spoke: “Your study, someone has gone in.”

Without thinking about it, William blurted out a name: “Siara.”

“Yes.” Manager Liu nodded.

He had long known that Siara was not a benevolent, and he suddenly left China. It would never be that simple.

“She moved my medical record sheet.” William said this in a positive tone.

“Yes.” Jacob Liu had a low expression and automatically pleaded guilty, “I didn’t guard the young master’s study. I should be punished.”

William raised his hand and made a pause: “You can’t be blamed for this. Even if you were there at the time, you couldn’t stop her.”

“Then what should we do next?” Jacob is already ready, and he is afraid that there will be a tough battle to be fought next.

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