Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 182 – 184

Read Chapter 182 – 184 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 182

At the entrance of Gulan Bar.

Silla paid the taxi driver’s fare, but he was delayed in getting off the bus.

The driver became impatient, “Miss, do you want to get off? I still have a lot of orders to pull.”

Silla was initially distracted, but when she said that, she was shocked.

Even though she knew that she could not delay the work of the driver, she really did not dare to get off the car.

Her two hands pressed tightly to her pockets, with chili powder in them, and her nervous palms were a little sweaty.

“Hey, get out of the car, okay? If I don’t get out of the car, I will continue to pull you away!” The driver’s cell phone keeps ringing, all orders are for people to call.

Silla plucked up the courage to let herself not think about anything, and then opened the door.

She stood at the door of the bar still hesitating.

Gu Lan sent a text message again, “You have five minutes left. If you don’t come again, just wait and see what the headlines are tomorrow!”

Silla swallowed, keeping nervous, and finally walked in.

Gu Lan was waiting in the hall, her tight face suddenly smiled the moment she saw Silla, “I knew you would come.”

“What do you want me to do?” Silla looked around, and there was no one.

“It’s very simple. A few big bosses will come later, just drink and drink with them.” Gu Lan checked the time, “It should be ten minutes away.”

“Why should I listen to you?” How could Silla be willing to drink with others.

“Just because you have the video in my hands, do you still need to remind you of this over and over again?” Gu Lan actually feels guilty every time he talks about the video, after all, she doesn’t really have Silla in her phone. video.

The big bosses who came tonight are all very good characters in his WeChat group. They want to play something new, so Gu Lan called Silla over.

In terms of freshness and quality, Sillake both took the first place.

Silla looked at him warily.

“Don’t look at me like this. The female artists under Aiyu’s banner are all coming here. Do you think they are all doing well now? It’s not a matter of life, don’t be afraid, and as long as you accompany the big group Boss, your benefits are definitely indispensable.” Gu Lan took a glass of wine and drank it in one go.

Silla suddenly remembered that he saw Vivi and the others at the company that day. Although Gu Lan couldn’t believe what she said, she still stayed true to her.

Ten minutes later, Gu Lan kept looking at his watch, but none of the bosses came.

He asked about it in the WeChat group, but he said there was nothing going on today.

Gu Lan thought to himself, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come, his leg was injured by Henry Chu a few days ago and he has been raised for several days. Now he is finally discharged from the hospital, so he can’t play!

What’s more, he hasn’t had a chance to play Silla, so it is better to take advantage of today.

“Follow me.” Gu Lan asked Silla to follow him.

Silla hesitated, unwilling to move, “Where to go?”

“Don’t you know when you go?” Gu Lan took out his phone and poked the screen, indicating that there was Silla’s video in his phone.

Silla subconsciously wanted to cover his pockets, but was afraid of being discovered, so she held back.

She followed Gu Lan to the previous office. Silla was extremely resistant and afraid of this place. She felt like she had inhaled a psychedelic when she came in. It might also be a psychological effect.

Silla breathed as carefully as possible.

Gu Lan locked the door of the room back, and Silla suddenly panicked, and put his hand into the pocket containing chili powder.

“I won’t let you accompany that group of bosses to drink for the time being. Let me accompany my rumored boyfriend today!” Gu Lan smiled, “You haven’t had time to look at your phone these days? The headline is that you come to the hospital to see me, and you still It defaults to the relationship between us.”

“Since you have all acquiesced, it is better to settle the relationship, what do you think?”

Silla felt that something was wrong when she went there, but now she understands that everything was designed by him.

Silla raised his vigilance to the highest level and stepped back.

Gu Lan raised his eyebrows, “You can’t retreat anymore. There are only the two of us in this room, and people outside will not come in.”

Gu Lan looked at the blow-up kitty in front of him. Although he felt a bit tricky, he felt that Silla was a girl after all, and it was a simple matter to conquer a girl.

“Just be obedient, I’ll be gentle.” Gu Langang wanted to reach out and grab Silla.

Silla immediately grabbed a large amount of paprika from his pocket and smashed it on Gu Lan’s face!

While Gu Lan couldn’t figure out the situation now, Silla covered her nose and mouth, and then grabbed a handful and threw it at his eyes.

“Ah—-!” Gu Lan screamed, covering his eyes in pain!

Silla snatched the phone from him, then ran to the door tense nervously, opened the door and rushed out.

“Quickly catch her for me! Quickly–!” Gu Lan screamed and chased her out to let his men catch her!

Silla was like a desperate, ran forward like crazy, the surrounding waiters were all around, but after all, they were just waiters, not the underworld, so I didn’t dare to do anything to Silla.

“Hurry and stop her!” Gu Lanqi jumped his feet. He was heart-piercing as soon as he opened his eyes.

Just when Silla ran all the way without looking at anything, she didn’t know what was blocking her way, she didn’t look up, and ran into it!

As a result, the person hugged her tightly!

At this moment!

Silla felt the breath of William!

She suddenly raised her head and saw William’s extremely cold eyes staring at the people around her, Silla’s tears burst out, and she instinctively hugged him back.

“Uncle Willy…” Silla was really terrified. She could only smell safety in William’s arms.

William’s muscles stiffened, and the words “Uncle Willy” that came suddenly seemed like the sun at noon in spring, directly shining into the darkness of his heart. For a short while, he seemed to vaguely think of Yu. When Silla called him Uncle Willy for the first time.

But it was a short while, and soon it was gone.

Gu Lan kept washing his eyes with mineral water on the side, but the more painful he washed, he didn’t know that there was another figure in his bar at this time.

“Have you caught her? Did you catch her!” Gu Lan almost roared, his eyes hurt little, the most important thing is that his mobile phone is in Silla’s hands!

Once the content of the mobile phone is exploded, he is finished!

“Old…boss…someone…” A waiter was frightened by William’s aura, and he stammered a bit.

“Don’t f*cking bullshit!” Gu Lan kicked along the source of the sound, but the person hid for a while, Gu Lan kicked.

Then a center of gravity was unstable and fell directly to the ground.

William didn’t want to watch him play tricks. He faintly raised his hand, and a man in black walked over behind him.

“Take it away.” William hugged Silla horizontally, and then left these two words blankly.

Immediately afterwards, the man in black gagged Gu Lan’s mouth, tied it up, and took away.

Chapter 183

It’s been too long since Silla was held by William like this, she was greedy for her current feelings.

William carried her into the car, and Gu Lan was in the car behind. Jacob called after she got out of the small shop.

Silla was still holding Gu Lan’s mobile phone tightly, but it couldn’t be opened without the password.

But now at least I put things in my own hands, and I will breathe a sigh of relief.

“Why… why did you come…” Silla bit her lip.

Today, if it weren’t for William, I still don’t know how terrible the result would be.

William turned his head slightly to look at her, did not answer this question, but asked: “What are you holding in your hand?”

Silla subconsciously clenched, if there was a video of herself invisible on the phone, she didn’t want this to pass into William’s ears, let alone let him see those things with his own eyes.

Otherwise, she will collapse.

“Nothing.” Silla pretended to be calm, then put Gu Lan’s phone in his pocket.

Jacob Liu was not in this car, but went to another car to take care of Gu Lan.

Silla moved to the door of the car, she was afraid that if she was too close to William, she could not help but forget that she still hated him.

The driver obeyed the command of Jacob and drove into a single-family villa, which was the villa where Lin Xin was last dealt with.

Silla didn’t know exactly how many properties William owned, and she didn’t care about it, but entering this villa meant that William would definitely know what happened between Gu Lan and her.

The driver opened the door to Silla and asked her to get off. Silla didn’t move, she hesitated.

“Miss Silla?” The driver asked in confusion, “Are you not going to get off the bus?”

William said, “Let her stay here.”

Silla’s eyes were red, she knew that William was going to interrogate Gu Lan now.

“Could you… let him go…” Silla didn’t know if any of her muscles were upset, and started begging for mercy for Gu Lan.

William said coldly: “No.”

William now concluded that Gu Lan must have something threatening Silla, and he wanted to deal with it from the bottom of his heart.

Silla didn’t know what to do. She knew that once William decided, there was absolutely no room for recovery.

William took a deep look at Silla, who made people want to hold her in his arms to comfort him, his heart seemed to be hurt by something.

He strode into the hall and must settle the matter today.

Gu Lan’s mouth was blocked, and then tied to a chair, unable to move, his eyes were red, and he couldn’t open at all, and he groaned in pain.

William sat on the sofa indifferently, staring at the person who provoke him.

“Young Master.” Jacob Liu respectfully stood beside William, “All have been found out.”

William nodded slightly and motioned for him to continue.

“Gu Lan, 27 years old, signed with iEntertainment at the age of 17. He is a very popular traffic star now. He opened a bar privately, which is where Miss Silla went just now. On the surface, it is a bar, but in fact, behind the scenes. Doing some dirty work here, we have found out a few people who often go to bars, most of them are real estate agents.”

When Gu Lan heard this from Jacob, he immediately stopped grunting, and tried to open his eyes. He wanted to see what kind of person he was who could hide him for so long in such a short period of time. !

“Because of time is limited, only a part of it was found. He often took some female artists to his bar, but I don’t know whether those female artists are voluntary or forced to go.”

William’s perfectly indifferent face showed a little killing intent.

Jacob motioned to the man in black to take down the thing blocking Gu Lan’s mouth, and the man in black did so.

Gu Lan was finally able to speak. In fact, he looks very handsome, but now it seems that he is almost described as ugly.

“Who are you! Why do you know this!” Gu Lan moved vigorously, but he was tied tightly, and it hurt more and more.

Jacob Liu asked: “Now I will explain clearly the affairs between you and Miss Silla.”

Gu Lan suddenly smiled grimly: “It turned out to be Silla’s gold master! Who is it? Henry Chu?”

When William heard the words Henry Chu, a strange wave flashed in his eyes. He didn’t know who Henry Chu was, but he didn’t want to hear any unfamiliar name associated with Silla.

“I will ask you again, what is the matter between you and Miss Silla?”

Gu Lan proudly refused to say, “I advise you to let me go as soon as you said. Those people who come to my bar are real estate agents and they are all very identifiable. If you provoke me, naturally Someone will help me out.”

“You just can’t eat it and just walk around!”

Jacob’s expression remained calm, and he motioned to the man in black, “Let’s start.”

“What should you start?” Gu Lan was startled.

Immediately afterwards, the man in black picked up a very thick wooden stick and slammed it towards Gu Lan’s stomach!

Gu Lan let out a miserable scream, and a trace of blood burst out of his throat!

“You…you…help…” Gu Lan didn’t expect them to beat people like this! This is kidnapping!

“The kidnapping is… to go to jail…” Gu Lan was painful.

“Answer my question.” Jacob Liu said.

Gu Lan still didn’t say, “You dare to try again–“

Before he finished speaking, Jacob Liu raised his hand, and the man in black was hit with a stick again!

Because William’s men in black are all professional thugs, Jacob thinks that it is enough to deal with a Gu Lan with a professional thug. There is no need to mobilize the top international ones. The top international ones are all serious killers, and the killing leaves no trace. .

Gu Lan’s blood was originally only in his throat, but when the second stick was hit, his blood spurted out!

“Don’t tell me? If you don’t tell me, continue to fight.” Jacob was already light-handed.

“I said… I said…” Gu Lan’s weak and painful voice came from his throat, already a little hoarse.

“Nothing happened to Silla and I…” Gu Lan’s current thinking was that she hadn’t gotten anything cheap, and she was beaten badly.

Jacob raised his hand again, and the man in black was hit again with a stick, this time on the thigh.

Gu Lan’s leg had just been injured by Henry Chu and finally recovered a bit, but now he was beaten again, and this time he was hit much harder than Henry Chu’s.

“I’m serious…really!” Gu Lan panicked, tears almost came out, and then both eyes were remnants of chili powder, trembling faintly when he encountered tears.

“I have already checked your affairs. You’d better explain everything clearly, otherwise, hitting you a few times is just a warm-up.” Liu Manager asked.

Chapter 184

Gu Lan was really scared, “That’s…I didn’t shoot her video that night, and then I said I did, and it’s on the phone. Doesn’t she believe it… Actually, I really didn’t shoot. I really didn’t touch her!”

When William heard the words “touch her”, his face instantly turned pale, but he never said a word.

“So you threatened her to let her go to the bar?” Jacob Liu asked.

Gu Lan nodded painfully, “I… knew that there was a gold master behind her, I wouldn’t do that…”

“Where is your phone?”

“Snatched by Silla, she sprinkled chili powder on my face, so I became like this…”

Jacob Liu bent down slightly and asked William in a low voice, “Master, do you want to ask Miss Silla for a mobile phone?”

Only then did William understand why Silla was very protective of what she was holding when she was in the car, and even wanted him to release Gu Lan when she got out of the car.

It turned out that she thought there was a video of her on that phone.

“Bring her in.” William ordered.

Jacob responded and walked to the courtyard, “Miss Silla, Master asked you to go in.”

Silla’s breathing started to become rapid, and she did not dare to enter.

“Ms. Silla, don’t worry, you are clear about your cross-examination. There is no video of you in the phone.” Jacob Liu comforted.

Silla was taken aback, her eyes suddenly seemed to have beams: “Really?”


Silla breathed a sigh of relief. She had suspected that there was no video of her on the phone before, but she was only suspicious, not very sure, so she was led by the nose by Gu Lan. Now it’s fine. If the phone is really Without her video, then there is nothing to worry about.

Silla followed the housekeeper Liu into the living room. As soon as he saw the bloody scene, he couldn’t help frowning in resistance.

She sat next to William, her hand holding the phone slightly less energy.

“Give me the phone.” William stretched out his hand.

Silla obediently handed the phone to him.

“Password.” William glanced at Gu Lan with disdain.

“052194…” Gu Lan knew that he was being forced to this level now, and if he didn’t move, he would be dead.

William turned on the phone, and Silla leaned in to take a look. The album was just opened and it was full of dirty and unsightly videos. Although Silla was mentally prepared, he saw that the lines were neatly arranged. The video is still a bit unbearable.

Silla thought about the time of that day, and then meditated in her heart to watch the video of that day, but after flipping through the whole month, she didn’t see the video and photos of that day.

It turns out that Gu Lan really lied to her and didn’t make her video.

William handed the phone to Jacob Liu, “Dispose of it all and check if he has backed up and spread it.”

“Okay, Master.”

“You… Since I have said that there is no Silla’s video, and you have checked it, then let me go…” Gu Lan thought that this group of people was just coming to help Silla, but did not expect to confirm it. After there is no video, I have to check others!

No one cares about him.

The more this happened, the more frightened Gu Lan became, and finally he became grinned and shouted: “You are kidnapping! Let go of me! Otherwise I will definitely call the police!”

William didn’t want to see him anymore, he got up from the sofa and prepared to leave.

Silla subconsciously followed, bowed her head and wandered away. As a result, she ran into William’s back just two steps with her front foot.

The corners of William’s cold and intimidating mouth suddenly curved, like a winter iceberg melted by the warm spring sun.

He became more and more curious about Silla, and more and more curious about the relationship between him and Silla.

From the various performances of William, he was clearly aware that he had a very special feeling for Silla. He had lost his memory and he could not remember everyone, but he had an impulse towards her, which was from instinct. , Indelible.

“You…you go…” Silla’s cheeks were a little red, and she rubbed her forehead, a little embarrassed.

William’s Yu Guang felt Silla’s shyness, so he went out and got in the car, but Silla walked into the courtyard and didn’t know whether to take William’s car again.

“Miss Silla?” Jacob opened the car door and saw that Silla didn’t move.

“I’ll take a taxi.” In order to avoid the embarrassment of sitting with William, Silla rebuffed Jacob, and then ran out to take a taxi back.

Jacob Liu glanced at William’s expression, and said nothing more.

Because Silla was not familiar with this place, she didn’t find the road for a long time after she walked out. She went around as if she was going back to the same place. She was already confused about the pattern here.

However, William’s car suddenly appeared in front of her, waiting for her here as if he had expected it a long time ago.

“Miss Silla, get in the car.” Jacob came down specially to open the door for her.

Silla was a little annoyed, she didn’t believe that she could not get out of this area.

She made a small mouth, lost her temper, turned and left, this time she was going to change the direction.

And inside the car.

Jacob Liu looked at William, “Master, what should I do if the lady went right this time?”

William glanced at Silla’s direction, his eyes drooped, paused for two seconds, and then got out of the car.

He walked behind Silla, and then took her hand, taking advantage of Silla’s failure to react, and picked her up effortlessly.

“William, let me go!”

“Your face has become so fast.” William couldn’t help but smile. When she was in the bar, she still got into his arms like a little cat was injured. Now that the matter is done, she immediately A face changed.

Silla knew what William meant, and immediately blushed, but at the same time he became even more angry, “Let me go down!”

“Don’t you change your face quickly? Let me be your woman one second, and then marry another woman the next second!” Silla became anxious, and suddenly vented out of control!

As soon as he finished speaking, William paused, and Silla himself was stunned.

She…she can’t wait to slap herself hard now! Why do you say this inexplicably! Don’t be ashamed!

“My woman?” William lowered his eyes slightly to look at her face, the base of his nose was lit by the girl’s wonderful fragrance, and it went directly into his heart.

Silla covered her flushed face and became angry from embarrassment: “You are not worthy!”

William’s smile gradually smeared at the end of his delicate eyes. It turned out that she was already his woman.

William’s strength to hug Silla increased a bit, and then he hugged her into the car. With the words of Silla just now, William’s actions on her seemed to be enlarged many times.

He leaned close to Silla’s ear with great interest, stared at her big watery eyes, and said, “So you are my woman.”

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