Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 185 – 187

Read Chapter 185 – 187 of the novel Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep free online.

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Chapter 185

Silla didn’t pay attention to the meaning of the two words’original’. She only understood the second half of the sentence. There were also the driver and the housekeeper Liu in the car. She was really embarrassed by William.

The driver has always been William’s driver, so he has been used to seeing things a long time ago, and Jacob Liu is a transparent person who is naturally used to seeing them.

Silla wanted to push away William who was pressing on him, but the more he pushed it, the tighter he made Silla really helpless, “Go away…”

Silla couldn’t hear this, but she thought she was losing her temper.

But everyone in the car knew that Silla was acting like a baby.

Jacob gave the driver a look, and then the driver understood in seconds and started the car to go home.

On the way, William’s somber and indifferent face finally improved. Jacob Liu gradually began to feel a little relieved. Sure enough, only Silla could make William express. It used to be, but it will still be after amnesia.

Silla’s cheeks were hot and could not go away for a long time.

Because her head kept humming, she didn’t even know that the car had reached the door of William’s house.

Seeing that she was still in a daze, William couldn’t help touching her head, “I’m home.”

Silla felt the warmth of William’s big hands, but she was different from before, and she opened his hands without hesitation.

“Don’t touch me.” Silla looked up, only to realize the environment she was in now.

William’s hand froze for a while, Silla thought he was angry, but who knew that he actually picked her up again and got out of the car!

“William, are you a bandit? Just hug it!” Silla’s cheeks that recovered a little after a while began to burn again.

The driver and the housekeeper Liu, and Aunt Liu who was leaving the house after hearing the sound, saw them all.

Silla’s mind was not finished, she covered her face with her hands, as if she could not be recognized by this.

Aunt Liu doesn’t care if there is any contradiction between them. Only when the family is well, she will be extremely satisfied, and then she will look at each other with Jacob Liu and smile knowingly.

William hugged Silla to the sofa and gently put it down. He vaguely felt as if in the past, Silla would wait for him to get off work on the sofa every day.

He tried hard to remember something, but when he thought of the past, he got a headache. William felt that his head was filled with a heavy object, then his brows suddenly frowned, his body sank, and one hand pressed his temple. , With one hand on Silla’s side.

“Hmm–” Silla looked at William in surprise, the most important thing is that the faces of the two people are almost touching now!

Silla’s eyes kept turning back and forth. She originally wanted to push him away, but William’s painful expression made her feel that things were not that simple.

She was a little worried at first, but she didn’t say anything.

After William slowed down for a few seconds, he finally got better. He then looked at Silla carefully, his heartbeat was slowly accelerating.

At this moment, Aunt Liu came in from outside the door, Silla’s Yu Guang saw it, embarrassed, immediately pushed William away!

In fact, under normal circumstances, she couldn’t push William away, but at this moment William’s head was still in a painful state, so she didn’t have much strength on her body, and she was pushed away by Silla at once.

William’s head seemed to be violently hit, and he knelt on one knee in pain!


“Uncle Willy!”

Aunt Liu walked over in a panic, not to mention Silla, and hurried to help him.

Seeing this, Aunt Liu walked away wisely.

“You…what’s the matter with you?” Silla didn’t expect that she would just push him…how come it’s just like that…

No matter how she pushed him before, I never saw him like this…

William took a deep breath, then sat on the sofa and closed his eyes, and faintly waved his hand to indicate that it would not be a problem.

“Obviously something is wrong, what’s the matter with you?” Silla has already noticed something wrong, but she just can’t tell what’s wrong.

William opened his eyes after a while, his indifferent eyes were as calm as water, “I want to know our past.”

Silla was taken aback, grabbed his arm nervously and worried, then slowly released it and returned to her position.

She couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

Silla’s nose was sour, she couldn’t help but sneered: “Our past? Who are you mocking? Who are you mocking?”

William did not answer, he was observing Silla’s attitude and reaction.

“It’s late, I should go, and I will go to the program group tomorrow.” Silla’s expression began to be cold, she got up from the sofa and was about to leave.

“Stay.” William stretched out his hand to hold her.

Silla didn’t look back, “I’m afraid the hostess of this house won’t agree.”

After that, she broke free of William’s hand and left decisively.

Jacob Liu waited outside the door. When he saw Silla, he couldn’t help but want to say something, but William didn’t even tell her that he had amnesia, so he might not be so good to talk about it. After thinking about it, he stopped.

Jacob Liu sent someone to send Silla back. The intention was to know where Silla lives, but Silla was not stupid, so he asked the driver to take her a lot, and then stopped halfway.

Silla took a taxi again and went home.

After arriving home, Silla took a hot bath, and she felt relieved when she thought that the video problem had been solved.



William was still sitting on the sofa, leaning back and taking a nap with his eyes closed.

Jacob came in and stood aside respectfully and said: “Master, Gu Lan’s affairs have been checked out. He has a WeChat group with big bosses. All the chat records on the phone have been found out, and on the computer. Video backup.”

“Continue.” William didn’t open his eyes, a little tired.

“He will bring female entertainers into the bar, drugged, and filmed videos. Of course, there are also some 18-line starlets from other companies. Eighty percent of female entertainers are forced to Yes, after all the videos are in Gu Lan’s hands, they have to listen to Gu Lan.”

“Gu Lan will post the captured video to his WeChat group for those bosses to choose, which is equivalent to an auction, and the higher price will get.”

Jacob Liu took out a thick copy of information. Except for the identity investigation of the bosses in the WeChat group, all the rest were printed out of WeChat chat records.

“Master, what should I do next?” Jacob Liu asked for instructions.

“Leave it directly to the police.” In William’s heart, as long as Silla’s affairs are handled, other messy things are not interested.

Jacob knows, “Okay, Master.”

In fact, Jacob is still a little selfish, because Silla saved him, so even if Gu Lan didn’t actually shoot Silla’s video, bullying was bullying. He not only gave all the evidence to the police, but also gave them all. To the media.

The next day, all the headlines in the newspapers were all news that Gu Lan was arrested for crime.

After William saw the newspaper during breakfast, he couldn’t help but glance at the Jacob Liu who was standing by, with a smile on his lips.

Seeing this, Jacob Liu couldn’t help but smiled.

Chapter 186

Program group.

Even though Silla didn’t want to go to the program group, she agreed with the director yesterday morning to take a day off, and she would be back right after the day, so she had to hurried over after breakfast.

Tiantian has been forced to retire, so now there are only nine girls in the show group.

After seeing Silla coming, the remaining eight regarded her as air.

It was still breakfast time, and they had breakfast while chatting. Only Silla had eaten it and sat quietly in the seat without saying a word.

“I liked Gu Lan before, so handsome! But I didn’t expect him to be such a person in his heart. It’s terrible.” Xiao Kui’s body couldn’t help shaking. This kind of news is indeed true for female artists. It’s scary.

“Yes, I remember that I heard that Gu Lan had just signed several movies and TV shows, as well as variety shows. Now he is becoming popular, and he has done this kind of thing.”

“It is estimated that someone has offended, and was picked off.” A girl glanced at the newspaper and analyzed calmly.

Silla listened quietly, as if it had nothing to do with her.

The eight girls discussed and discussed, and in the end, probably all that should be discussed was finished. Everyone expressed their opinions, and now the rest of Silla did not speak.

They all looked at Silla, “Why don’t you speak?”

“I have nothing to say.” Silla really didn’t know what to say.

Xiao Kuibai glanced at her, and said: “Although the newspaper does not clearly say which female artists Gu Lan has taken to the bar, you and Gu Lan are in the same company. During this time, there are still scandals. I am afraid…you are too. One of them…”

After Xiao Kui said, the other girls all laughed.

Silla still refused to speak, and the other girls also felt boring to ask themselves, and simply ignored her again.

When the director saw that everyone had finished their meal, he immediately came over to announce today’s itinerary.

“Attention everyone,” the director shouted.

All the girls got up from the table and stood in a row.

“I don’t need to practice vocal music and dance today and tomorrow. It’s a two-day holiday for everyone.” The director laughed and sold it.

“Really director!” Everyone was so excited.

“But–” the director said but.

“Everyone should go to the mountainous area to do public welfare and go to a primary school to support teaching.” The director temporarily decided this schedule because of the above policy. If you don’t add something positive, the program may stop broadcasting.

Because the cameras are shooting, even if there are girls who are not happy, they still agree with the director.

“Great director, we have always wanted to do charity work, this time we finally have a chance.” Xiaokui excitedly took the girl next to her by the hand.

Silla is not calm now. She has been seeing the children in the mountainous areas in magazines and TV before, and always wants to help them.

At that time, Bai Qihua was still regarded as a great philanthropist.

At that time, William had not abandoned her.

“Well, everyone bring your belongings, because you are going to spend the night there, so you can bring a little quilt yourself, otherwise you may not get used to sleeping.” The director has already known the environment in advance, and to be honest, it is possible to change anyone Can’t get used to it.

What he said is to give everyone a shot, and he hopes that nothing will happen then.

On the surface, all the girls hurry to pack their things, but everyone has a sad face when they return to the room, and some even lose their temper.

Perhaps it is the reason for being spoiled, there are always people who are not willing to go to the chaotic place like the mountain.

Silla also returned to the room, Tiantian had been forced to retire, so there was no more her belongings in the room, only her own.

She thought about what to bring, brought two close-fitting clothes, and then brought a few books and a few pens. Although she knew that the children might not understand them, she could put them in the library of their school. The pen can be given to those children.

Silla always feels that there are too few things. What if there are too many children?

She looked around in the room looking for something that would be helpful to the child, only to find out later that the things she brought to the show group were really rare…

I wanted to go out and buy it, but it was too late for time.

“Please gather in the living room within five minutes, and set off in six minutes.” The little speaker began to urge.

Silla packed a book, a pen, and two personal clothes, then took a thin blanket and went to the living room.

After all the girls had assembled, the director stood in front of them and took a look.

Except for Silla, the other eight girls all carried a lot of things in large and small bags, and some of them carried a 28-inch suitcase.

“What did you all bring?” the director couldn’t help asking.

“Cosmetics, quilts, clothes and shoes.” Everyone brought similar things.

The director asked Xiang Silla again, “Are you bringing these things?”

Silla nodded. There was really nothing to bring. She felt that the cosmetics bottles and jars were a bit heavy, and the mountainous area might not have the conditions to make and remove makeup, so she simply didn’t bring those things.

The director saw that Silla had brought a small blanket, so he was relieved. If Silla was frozen in the mountains or what happened, his job might not be guaranteed!

“Okay, let’s go.” The director waved his hand to signal everyone to follow, and the cameraman to follow.

They all got on the bus of the program group, Silla sat at the back, sitting in a row alone, leaning against the window, silent.

All the other girls wanted to show their faces in front of the camera, and they all sang before and after. Later, they even played singing solitaire.

They wished that Yu Mu-en would not speak, and wished that Yu Mu-en had no camera. After all, Yu Mu-en’s camera was less, so they could be the first.

It’s just that after a long drive, everyone couldn’t hold it, and gradually fell asleep.

When the car stopped, the girls thought they had arrived at their destination. They all got out of the car with excitement and stretched their waists. For the seven-hour drive, everyone was tired.

As if the director wouldn’t be tired at all, he took out his trumpet: “Assemble.”

“There are still three kilometers away from the destination, and it will take a blink of an eye. Everyone should work harder,” said the director.

“Great, there are only three kilometers left!” Several girls clapped excitedly.

“But, hesitate, the road inside is uneven, so the show crew can’t get in. Now everyone can only go by themselves.”

This sentence was just finished, and everyone was stunned.

Everyone looked at the things they brought, and looked at the director eagerly: “Director, we have so many things, so we can’t carry them…”

“The cameraman will help you to share the burden, but the staff are as tired as everyone else. Their cameras are so heavy that you can’t carry them at all, so they can only help you share a small part, and you can only rely on you for the rest. Up.”

Chapter 187

“No, the director… We are all girls, I really can’t go…” A few people began to complain, “Is it the one who came to participate in the show or was the one who suffered? I really don’t understand.”

The director solemnly said: “Don’t say anything! Either go forward or retire!”

Putting this down, no one dared to squeak.

“Okay, I know everyone will be very hard these two days, but you think about it another way, the more pitiful you are in the show group, will it be more distressed in the eyes of fans? Fans are distressed, won’t they give you tickets? Everyone is doing all of this to achieve the ultimate goal, that is, after the show is released, you can become famous and be known to the public. Don’t think that those international superstars who look bright on the surface are easily famous. Everyone has put in hard work and hardship that you can’t imagine. The hardship they endure is one hundred times more than you are now walking three kilometers with your luggage.” The director became a little angry.

“Let’s go.” When the director saw that what he said had really reached their ears, he was relieved.

Everyone started to walk with their luggage. Silla was the easiest person in the whole program group, because she really had very few things.

When they arrived at the destination, a few girls with extremely heavy suitcases almost collapsed and they all were crying.

The three-kilometer road just now was full of bumps and bumps, and it was very difficult to walk. Now when I see where they are going to live at night, I can’t help being angry and sad.

The house in front of me was a mud-breaking house. It was only half an afternoon when the sun was still there, but it was dim like night.

The windows are still made of paper, the four corners are a bit damaged, there are spider webs everywhere in the room, and even the bed is covered with dust…

“Director… How can I live here!” Xiao Kui couldn’t help it anymore, she wanted to buy a ticket and go home by herself now!

“Yeah, director, there is no way to live in it! Isn’t the program group rectifying us?”

The director is very calm, “I’ve been vaccinated with you a long time ago, didn’t you wear the quilt? You can sleep when you spread it out.”

Silla looked at her little blanket in embarrassment and couldn’t help swallowing. She had already brought a bed sheet when she knew it…

The girls finished their grumbling, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and start making the bed.

The director walked to Silla and whispered: “You come with me.”

Silla was taken aback, not knowing what was going on, followed out.

The director took her to another house. This house belonged to a local household. A grandmother and a grandson lived together. The child’s parents went out to work. It was considered the richest family in this mountainous area. The house is well maintained.

“You live here, I have already greeted my master.”

Silla wanted to ask why she was special, but thinking that her little blanket was not enough to support her living in the house just now, she simply acquiesced.

She walked to the bed, it was indeed very clean, and the sheets were spread, and there was a slight smell of washing powder.

Silla put things beside the bed and took out the small blanket.

“Hello, sister.” A little boy’s voice came from behind Silla.

Silla panicked and turned around, only to see a short boy with a black face, about eight or nine years old.

Silla smiled suddenly: “Are you the young master of this house?”

“Well, I live with my grandma, she went to chop wood.” The little boy has been standing by the bedroom door and not coming in.

“Why don’t you come in?” Silla walked over.

“Grandma said that the new sister is from the Quezlennd would not like us being close to you.”

Silla was stunned, she walked up to him, then squatted down and took his hand, “I like you very much, how old are you?”

“I’m nine years old.” The little boy replied, his eyes dark and smart.

Silla forgot, “Then you should be in three or four years now, right?”

The little boy shook his head, “I am in second grade.”

Silla didn’t know the level of education here, she thought it might be popular here to go to school late.

“What’s your name?”

“He Dashan.” The boy thought for a moment, “Grandma calls me Xiaoshan, sister you can also call me Xiaoshan.”

“Okay, my name is Silla, you can call me sister Silla in the future.”

“Sister Silla, you are so beautiful, like a fairy.” Xiao Shan shouted, with a sweet smile. It was the first time he saw a beautiful sister like Silla, the skin was so white, so clean, and still fragrant.

“You are a clever ghost!” Silla was a little shy of the little kid, and couldn’t help but nod his nose.

“Come on, I’ll give you a present.” Silla walked in with his hand.

Xiaoshan looked at Silla expectantly, “What gift?”

Silla took out a pen from her bag, which was a beautiful mechanical pencil, “Give it to you.”

Xiaoshan took the mechanical pencil and exclaimed excitedly: “I’ve seen it once before, and I wrote a few words!”

“Before? Didn’t you sell it here?”

“Before, someone sent a lot of schoolbags and notebooks, as well as pens, but after they were sent to us, they took them away after taking the photos.” Xiaoshan recalled, “but our Chinese teacher has one, but hers Not as good-looking as Silla’s sister.”

Silla didn’t think about the matter elsewhere, probably because he was tired, so he listened halfway.

“But I didn’t have time to bring the lead used in the mechanical pencil. There is only half of it, but it can be used for a long time. Will I bring you the lead when I come next time?” Silla felt a little apologetic.

“Okay! Thank you Sister Silla!” Xiaoshan seemed to really like this mechanical pencil.

The gift-giver and the gift-receiver are very happy.

Xiaoshan looked out the window, “Sister, it’s getting dark, and grandma hasn’t returned yet, I’m going to find her.”

After speaking, she wanted to run, and Silla pulled her back, “It’s so late, how can you go out alone?”

Xiaoshan looked at Silla in a puzzled way. There was nothing in his concept of being alone or alone, “Grandma hasn’t come back yet.”

Silla frowned, “I will go with you.”

“That’s okay.” Xiaoshan took a flashlight, and then went to the mountain to find grandma with Silla.

It got dark early in the autumn night, and it was already dark just after I went out.

To be honest, Silla was very scared. It was the first time she came to this kind of place, and she was extremely unfamiliar.

The hill walked quickly and energetic, almost always jumping around, Silla followed, for fear that he would not be seen if he was not careful.

“Sister Silla, hurry up!” Xiao Shan shouted.

Silla struggling to follow, was already out of breath, “Shan Shan, are you sure grandma is here?”

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