Love Knows No Bounds Chapter 179 – 181

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Chapter 179

“Oh! I am doing everything right now, it’s okay.” Henry Chu was already ready to get out of bed.

Silla had no idea what to say to stop him.

If Henry Chu left the hospital now, then Silla would be their accomplice. She remembered what Dad Chu said in her heart, and she just took a simple look at him today without any other thoughts.

“Come on, quickly, let’s go as soon as my mother is not back!” Henry Chu got out of bed and walked freely.

The charter took Henry Chu a coat and put it on him.

“Did you drive?” Henry Chu asked.

The regulations scratched his head awkwardly, his facial features were a little twisted, “My car was detained by the traffic police…”

“What! What are you doing?” Henry Chu looked at him disgustingly.

“It’s not that Mia Zeng is all to blame. The night you were hospitalized, she insisted on asking me to send her to find Silla. When I lost my mind, I soared to more than 200 yards…”

“…” Henry Chu blinked his eyes disgustedly, speechless to him.

“Then how the hell are you going!” Henry Chu was helpless.

“Can’t you take a taxi? It’s very convenient…” When the regulations said this, I didn’t have any confidence in my heart…

“You are stupid! If you go out of the hospital and take a taxi, won’t you meet my mother? Can you be a little bit more brainy? No wonder Mia Zeng complains about you every day, you are really stupid!” Henry Chu held the phone and sent a text message , “I called my friend to the underground garage, let’s go to the garage first.”

The charter nodded, “Okay, good idea.”

Silla sighed next to him: “Henry, can you stop walking, and it’s easy to be contradictory if your parents don’t know it.”

“What’s the contradiction? They can’t restrict my personal freedom no matter what! Silly wood, don’t think too much, we are out of this hospital now, no one knows our existence.” Henry Chu still started Silla analyzed, “I just call my mother back and say it. It’s not disappearing out of thin air. Think about it, I hide and raise myself after I get out of the hospital. What I want to do is better than being stared at every day in the hospital. Is it strong?”

“You can only recover quickly when you are in a good mood. Is this the truth?”

Silla originally disagreed with one hundred people, but after hearing what Henry Chu said, she suddenly felt that it made sense, so she inexplicably refused to stop her.

Henry Chu nodded in satisfaction, and then gave Yu Mu’en a look, “Today is the day when Henry Chu escaped from prison, so get up!”

Silla was amused by him and wanted to laugh, but she was still held back, still with a serious expression on her face.

Henry Chu learned that the cartoon character in the cartoon kept raising his eyebrows. The charter suddenly felt disgusted and said, “Brother, can you be more normal like me?”

Henry Chu glared at him, and said excitedly: “Go–!”

Then just when Henry Chu had just stepped out of a few steps, his legs suddenly softened, and he fell directly to the ground, falling a dog to eat shit.

“Henry Chu!” Silla and the charter hurriedly helped him in a panic, really frightened.

Henry Chu shook his hand indifferently, “It’s okay, it’s just that I haven’t gotten out of bed for a few days, so I feel a little uncomfortable.”

“It’s good to adapt… It’s good to adapt…” Henry Chu didn’t know how he said this, and neither Silla nor the regulations observed his subtle expression.

This sentence seems to be what he said to himself.

Henry Chu’s leg has had sequelae since the last surgery. On the surface, Chu’s father and mother told him that there will be no major issues in the future, but he knows better than anyone what his legs are like.


I can’t walk in the future and it’s hard to say…

A trace of pain and sadness flashed in Henry Chu’s eyes, which was fleeting, and then continued to smile: “Go, go, or you will be in trouble when you fail to escape from prison!”

Henry Chu pretended to inadvertently break free from the hands of Silla and the charter. There was more firmness in his heart. In any case, he must show that there was nothing wrong with his legs in front of Silla.

“The steps that I took when I got out of bed just now were pretty good. Why did you fall with this one? Can you do it?” the regulations asked.

Henry Chu said impatiently: “You stupid pig, the man didn’t say he couldn’t do it!”

The regulations and Henry Chu suddenly flashed a smirk in tacit understanding.

Silla looked embarrassed, half understood.

Henry Chu pulled up his jacket, basically covering half of his head, and then the regulations and Silla escorted him to the underground garage together.

The friend Henry Chu called should also be a friend of racing cars. He came very quickly and was already waiting for them in the underground garage.

As soon as Henry Chu and the charter got into the car, Silla suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked at her body and down, only to realize that the small bag she had just carried was gone.

Silla thought about it for a while, it should be that she put her bag on the bed when Henry Chu fell.

The phone is still inside, so you must go back to get it.

“Silla, get in the car!” Henry Chu called her when he saw her motionless.

“I forgot my bag on it, I want to go back and get it.” Silla was going to get it back.

Henry Chu just wanted to say that it would be safer for her to get the regulations for her, but Silla went too fast, and Silla disappeared just after explaining the regulations.

After calculating the time, Henry Chu shouldn’t see the f*ck, so he didn’t think much about it and waited in the car.

Silla hurried back to the ward, but as soon as she entered the ward, she saw Henry Chu’s mother looking through her bag.

Silla paused. She didn’t know for a while whether she should enter or retreat. Liana turned over Silla’s phone and just wanted to open it.

Silla stopped and said, “Auntie!”

Chu’s mother turned her head, her face was pale when she saw Silla, “I thought it was Mia’s, but it was yours for a long time?”

“I…I took my things and left…” Silla felt a little confused. She stepped forward and took her bag, and then carefully took her mobile phone back from Liana’s hand.

“Auntie, I’m leaving now…” Silla bit her lip, just about to run.

“Stop!” Chu’s mother is not stupid, how could she let her go!

“I’m asking you, where is A Xi?” Liana saw that Henry Chu was missing when she came back. She originally thought he was in the toilet, but there was no him in the toilet. Now she suddenly understood Silla.

Silla had a guilty conscience and shook her head. Of course, she would not reveal the regulations and Henry Chu’s strategy…

“I’m asking you, did you Henry Chu discharged from the hospital? Didn’t you!” Liana frowned, disgusting Silla to the bone.

Silla was shocked by Chu’s attitude. She felt wronged, but she didn’t know how to explain it. After all, she was indeed a participant in Henry Chu’s discharge.

“Are you dumb? I’m asking you something!” Chu’s mother has always been anxious and straightforward, and she speaks very aggressively. She sees Silla like a jelly, and she doesn’t give a response no matter how fierce she is. The more impatient is coming.

Chapter 180

“You uneducated dead girl!” Liana didn’t know what was going on, and suddenly stepped forward and slapped Silla severely!

The sudden pain made Silla’s head hum!

At this moment, her nose was sour that she wanted to cry, but she was as stubborn as her and resisted.

“Are children with no fathers and no fathers the same as you?” Chu’s mother spoke so badly that even she herself was a little surprised.

Her apologetic eyes faded faintly, showing a hint of indifference.

Silla let go of her hand covering her cheek and looked at her with a very incomprehensible look.

“I respect you because you are Henry Chu’s mother, but it doesn’t mean you can beat me, let alone humiliate me.” Silla feels guilty towards the Chu family, but this does not mean she can. Let them bully.

“The Chu family is a famous school. You are Mrs. Chu. You should look like Mrs. Chu. I don’t understand why you always talk badly at each other and beat others.” The education Silla received from the age of nine is a famous education, although William almost hides her. She has seen very few people from large families, but among the people she has seen, they are all highly qualified people.

When Chu’s mother heard that Yu Mu’en a little kid turned her back and educate her, she couldn’t help but sneered, “You still know that my Chu family is a famous family. I’m afraid you have been pestering Henry Chu because Henry Chu is the only child of the Chu family, right?”

Silla replied coldly: “I have never thought about it like this.”

“How old are you, do you play this kind of trick with me? I have eaten more salt than you have traveled, and I have seen more people than you have eaten. I understand your thoughts too well. “Liana suddenly changed her tone and said something very deliberate.

“I know, you are William’s woman, and I can’t afford it, but then again, I saw William expose you like trash before, and I guessed that you would never have the result, even if he took it for you. I have Chu family equity, but I bet he will definitely abandon you.” Liana looked at Silla’s eyes as if she was looking at a joke.

“You must be aware of this yourself, so you tried to climb up to Henry Chu in order to enter the door of my Chu family.”

Silla didn’t expect that she would mention William. If Silla’s name is the last name in this world, it must be William.

She doesn’t allow others to mention him.

She didn’t allow others to say that she was William’s person.

Silla’s eyes gradually became fierce, and all the respect in her heart disappeared.

Chu’s mother was a little imaginary by this look, but her psychological reaction was to continue adding, “I don’t know what’s going on in this society now. She was the second wife of a family at a young age, and she was adopted by her name. I really don’t understand.”

“Did you say enough?” Silla suddenly seemed to be a different person, as if he had just returned from the dark hell, with a palpitating light shrouded in her body.

At this moment, Liana seemed to see William’s shadow on her body, and she felt a little afraid.

But after thinking about it, Silla is a young kid after all, afraid of what she will do!

“As an elder, I will educate you for your parents. I ask you, is Henry Chu’s signing of the entertainment company because of you?” Chu’s mother suddenly remembered this. She was very disgusted with her child being a star. , Because being a star is a shame for the famous family.

“No comment!” Silla didn’t want to pester her anymore, because she was Henry Chu’s mother, she didn’t care about Chu’s mother after the slap just now.

“You bastard! I knew it must be you!”

Silla turned around and was about to leave, but she didn’t expect to be caught by Chu’s mother.

When Silla was touched by someone else’s hand, the cells all over her began to resist, and she instinctively exhausted her strength to throw her away!

But I didn’t expect it!

Mother Chu couldn’t stand still, and she fell straight back!

Silla looked at her in astonishment and shouted: “Auntie––!”

Fortunately, Liana stood not far from the hospital bed. She fell back and leaned her waist on the edge of the bed. Although it was nothing serious, she hit her waist and couldn’t stand up in pain.

“Auntie! I’m going to call a doctor!” Silla’s eyes were red, and she was impatient, knowing that she was in a disaster this time!

She immediately ran out to call the doctor, and when she talked to the doctor, she was sobbing and almost crying.

The doctor followed Silla to the ward, and then checked Liana’s waist, “It’s hard to say whether there is any damage to the inside, let’s take a film and check it.”

Chu’s mother couldn’t move at all, lying on Henry Chu’s hospital bed in pain and sweating.

After all, Silla is a newly grown-up child. One of hers accidentally killed Henry Chu’s mother like this. She is really…really feeling helpless and guilty…

“Are you the patient’s daughter? Let’s rent a mobile bed first and take her to make a film. I can see it directly on my computer.” He ordered.

“Okay, I’ll go right away!” Silla threw the bag aside, and immediately ran to the nurse’s desk to rent a bed.

Because of lack of manpower, the nurse confirmed with Silla, “Now you can only push the patient over by yourself.”

“Good.” Silla pushed the mobile bed into the ward after signing.

Mother Chu’s phone was placed on the bedside table, but her waist couldn’t move, and she couldn’t get it when she reached for it.

Silla realized that she wanted to call Henry Chu, and immediately handed her the phone, “Auntie, I will push you to shoot the film first, and you will ask Henry to find us where the film is filmed.”

“I don’t want you to take me, I have to wait for my son…” Liana refused her.

The doctor on the side said: “You, why are you so patriarchal? Isn’t she your daughter? It’s all the same. Go quickly. It’s not good if you are late.”

“She’s not my daughter!” Chu’s mother tried hard, and began to feel pain, “Ouch…”

“Auntie, let me take you there first.” Silla didn’t care about that much, and the doctor helped her move Liana from the fixed bed to the mobile bed.

Silla struggled to push, but the fault was that she caused her to send Liana to the filming place even if she tried her best.

On the way, Chu’s mother called Henry Chu, but Henry Chu didn’t answer for several consecutive calls.

Then Silla gave her her mobile phone, “Auntie, let me call…”

Chu’s mother knew why Henry Chu didn’t answer her call. Although she didn’t want to use Silla’s cell phone to make a call, she couldn’t help it. This is the only situation now.

As a result, the phone rang before being connected, and Liana instantly felt the gap.

My son didn’t answer his phone, but he got on that dead girl’s phone within a second, Liana almost cried out of anger.

“Henry… I can’t move anymore… Come and save my mother…” Chu’s mother choked a little, she was very weak when she spoke, but she could still growl low on the bed just now…

Chapter 181

Silla doesn’t care so much, whatever, now the most important thing is to take her to film.

“Mom fell down just now… I was pushed by Silla… Now I’m going to make a film, come and save my mother!” Chu’s mother looked like a child who had been bullied, and she was very pitiful when she spoke to Henry Chu .

Silla pushed her to the radiology department for a long time, but at this time she was already tired and almost collapsed, a little embarrassed.

Because the doctor just opened the film directly, just queuing up and waiting, no need to go to register, so soon, it was Chu’s turn.

Silla pushed her inside, and then walked out at the doctor’s instructions.

At this moment, I saw Henry Chu rushing to her, Henry Chu’s anxiety and worry seemed to pierce her heart like a needle.

Silla’s tears burst out immediately, and she secretly turned her back to wipe it clean.

“Silla! Where’s my mother!” Henry Chu ran over.

“I’m sorry Henry Chu…I’m sorry…” Silla kept apologizing, she was ready to be blamed by Henry Chu.

“Is my mother embarrassing you?” Henry Chu said, but it was warm to Silla.

At this moment, the door of the radiology department opened, and the little speaker called for someone to push Liana out, and then Henry Chu and the charter went to push her.

After seeing Henry Chu, Liana started shouting again, as if she couldn’t stand the pain.

Henry Chu was not worried, but felt strange. His mother’s health has always been very good, and there was no problem in the annual physical examination.

Let’s not say whether it was Silla who pushed her, even if it was, with Silla’s strength, it could not have been hurt so badly.

“Mom, don’t you, it’s so embarrassing to be heard.”

Chu’s mother didn’t expect her son to say this, and it’s even worse.

They went to the doctor’s office and the doctor saw the film directly on the computer.

“Doctor, is my mother okay?” Henry Chu asked.

The doctor glanced at Liana and said, “No problem, it’s just a moment of rest.”

Henry Chu and Silla were relieved.

The doctor said again: “I heard the nurse say that you were arguing with a girl in the ward. It was very fierce.”

Liana looked embarrassed and did not speak.

“Okay, it’s okay, just take a break.” The doctor motioned to them to go out.

Henry Chu looked at his mother helplessly, but he didn’t expect such an adult to pretend to be sick.

After arriving in the ward, Silla saw that Liana was fine, and apologized several times, but Henry Chu stopped her from letting her apologize.

“It’s not your fault.” Henry Chu knew the temper of his mother.

Chu’s mother is on fire. In fact, it is more of a particularly uncomfortable feeling in her heart. If her son doesn’t turn towards herself, he always turns towards an outsider, so who is not uncomfortable?

“Henry Chu, are you still my son?” Chu’s mother asked with red eyes.

Henry Chu was stunned for a moment, and she didn’t understand why she was crying properly, “Mom, I’m not your son, is it your son?”

“If you are my son, don’t speak for an outsider!”

Silla immediately stood up, “Auntie, I was really bad today, I’m sorry, now that I’m sure you are all right, then I will leave first.”

Before Henry Chu had time to speak, Silla left.

Silla was very decisive when she left. She divided the matter very clearly. It was one thing that she accidentally injured Liana, and it was another thing that Liana scolded her and beat her.

Now that she is sure that Chu’s mother is fine and everything is fine, then she doesn’t need to stay here anymore.

Silla seldom hates someone from the bottom of his heart, and Chu’s mother takes one of them.

After Silla returned home, she was really exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted. She finally returned from the program group one day off. She originally thought that she could have a good rest, but she didn’t expect that the daytime today was worse than in the program group.

It was already dark, Silla wanted to take a good bath and then sleep.

As a result, just when she got up from the sofa, her cell phone rang suddenly.

She didn’t name the phone, but when she saw the tail number, her hand shook.

It’s Gu Lan.

Silla’s heart suddenly cracked. She was not only afraid that there might be videos on Gu Lan’s phone, but also that she was really defiled.

The sense of fear prevented her from answering the call.

Gu Lan called several times in a row, and finally sent a text message directly, which was threatening.

“Give you half an hour to my bar, otherwise you will be at your own risk.”

Silla’s heart was incomparably tormented, she really didn’t know whether she should go or not.

An idea suddenly came to her mind. She ran to the kitchen and rummaged through all the cabinets. What she was looking for was some paprika, but she never cooked at home, so she didn’t find it after searching for it for a long time.

There is a living shop outside this community, and Silla hurried out to buy it.


The same time.

Not long after William left the company, there was an accident on his normal way home and the traffic jam caused the driver to spare the way.

Jacob was sitting in the co-pilot and was busy making up for the lack of a complete project recently. That Xiao Li was still young and had no experience in many things.

William looked out the car window faintly, this was a road he had never been.

On the way home, he would frown and be constantly busy with official duties, but now that Jacob Liu is back, the overall state is different.

Before William found Jacob Liu, he didn’t think that Jacob Liu was important to him. After all, he lost his memory and couldn’t feel that kind of psychology. But now, he did realize the importance of Jacob Liu.

It’s not that he can’t do it if Mr. Liu is not there, but he’s a lot easier if Mr. Liu is there.

William leaned back in a relaxed chair. After so many days of busy life that there was no time to think about other things, he could finally take a break.

Although the road is not very crowded, it is a bit small and the car drives slowly.

William inadvertently saw a familiar figure running into a small shop. When he saw that figure, his heart touched inexplicably.

“Stop.” William fixed his eyes on the store.

The driver parked the car on the side of the road and was afraid to ask why.

Less than a minute later, the familiar figure ran out of the shop, and William could see clearly that it was Silla.

Why did she panic?

“Go and ask what she bought.” William didn’t look at anyone to speak, but Jacob Liu knew he was talking to him again.

“Okay, Master.” Jacob Liu went to the small shop immediately.

Then came back soon, “Master, Miss Silla bought chili powder.”

William frowned slightly. What did she buy chili powder for? Do you want to cook by yourself?

“Master, Miss Silla can’t cook, buy chili powder… I don’t know why.” Jacob knew that William had lost his memory, and actively reminded.

William vaguely felt that something was wrong, “Follow her.”

Silla got into a taxi, and the driver followed closely. Fortunately, there were not many people here, otherwise it would be difficult to follow along like this.

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