His True Colors Novel Chapter 4958 – 4959

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Chapter 4958

George Han moved his hand directly, and in the next second, a piece of paper flew over directly.

After removing the food in the air, the paper was laid out, and a pen flew in front of Huya.

Taking the pen, Huya quickly drew a picture on the paper.

He first roughly drew Yetian City and the enemy’s formation and then drew a strange curved route.

“Is this the dragon vein?” George Han frowned as he looked at the picture on the paper.

In the underground of the entire primeval forest, there is actually a dragon vein hidden deep underground.

“Yes.” George Han nodded: “So, if my guess is correct, can these dragon veins still control the extreme

cold near Yetian City?”

I don’t know much about it.”

George Han could understand that

it was normal for Huya not to know about such a complicated and advanced matter.

Although to a certain extent, even knowing the dragon’s veins but not knowing the extreme cold makes Huya’s words seem a bit false, but it’s normal when you think about it.

After all, there are many things involved in the extreme cold, and the cloth of a famous store alone is enough to explain many problems.

To put it bluntly, the matter of profit binding is sometimes far more important than life.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about this matter, at least it’s not something that traps us right now, let’s talk about it when it really becomes our fetter in the future.” After saying that,

George Han focused more on the map.

According to the current map, it seems that there may be possibilities for them to let the underground dragon veins come up everywhere.

Especially near the enemy base camp.

“Can you know their specific points?”

George Han asked.

Huya shook his head: “We’ve been working in Yetian City for a long time, and it’s hard to get out. Besides, isn’t there a battle, how can we know what happened on the battlefield, and we dare not inquire about it.” Hai Jin

looked Looking at the picture, he frowned and said, “But if we don’t know the specific point of the other party, then if we launch a surprise attack, isn’t it the same as finding a needle? Besides, finding a needle is not terrible. The most terrible thing is that it will make Our plan directly fell through.”

After all, it is best to do things like cutting off people’s food quickly and quickly.

George Han nodded, but his eyes were always on the drawing. He knew that it was useless to say anything else. If Huya really didn’t know the specific place, he could only rely on guessing.

Therefore, instead of having this time, it is better to think about where

the other party is most likely to put the food points.

From the perspective of possibility, in fact, no matter which point is in line with the conjecture.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the vicinity of the base camp. The first is convenient for guarding, and the second is convenient for use.

It is also understandable that the base camp is a distance away. Not only does it have the above advantages, but the most important thing is that it is also some distance away from the base camp so that the peace of the base camp will not be affected when the men take food.

So, the more you think about this shit, the more question marks you will have.

Seeing that George Han was concentrating on research, Huya and Haijin didn’t speak anymore, and started to study together on the map, where food points might exist.

After being silent for about ten minutes, George Han raised his head and looked at the two of them: “Do you two have any ideas?”

Hai Jin shook his head: “From Shan Ping’s intuition, it

is actually possible within a radius of ten miles from the enemy’s base camp.”

But the problem is that if the distance of ten miles is spread out in the form of a circle, then the range will appear to be Huge, this is actually not much different from looking for a needle in a haystack without purpose.

George Han didn’t expect too much from Haijin to give an answer, he trusted Huya more.

Although he hasn’t been out of Yetian City much, he has an ability that no one else can match, and that is his intuition as a spy.

Sometimes, a person’s intuition may be something illusory, but sometimes, the intuition from the professional point of view of some professionals is an interesting answer that is almost unsolvable.

Obviously, he is the latter.

Huya gritted his teeth, and then suddenly pointed to a point in the picture.

Hai Jin frowned on the spot, looking at Huya strangely…

Chapter 4959

Is it because he is so wicked that he still wants to rebel and go back. Because the place he marked was about twenty miles away from the entire base camp. With such a long distance, it is almost hard to believe that this will be the enemy’s food point. You know, food and grass are the most important thing when marching and fighting. Therefore, regardless of the scale of the battle, it is actually taboo to stretch the front line too long, so that the supply line will be too long. Naturally, the possibility of food and grass being attacked will increase. With the battle line tightened and food and grass in hand, this is the safest and normal way to play. But Huya is good, and directly placed the food point nearly twenty miles away. What kind of concept is this? This is completely out of the battlefield, which means that they have to eat, and their logistics must go to fetch food in advance from at least twenty away. Isn’t this a waste of time and energy? ! However, George Han directly blocked Haijin’s questioning, looked at Huya and said, “Why did you choose to be here?” “You don’t need to think too much, just say what’s on your mind Huya nodded: “First, the people above are very careful about this battle, so it is possible to move the important food and grass back. Second, because I have been in Yetian City all year round, so, for The situation around Yetian City has also been investigated, as you know, it is related to our work after all.”

George Han can understand this. After all, the spy not only wants to explore the places you need to explore, but you must at least be familiar with its surrounding environment. Otherwise, it is just a mouse locked in a cage. What does the cage look like.

If you want to go out to send

messages, or follow people, or hide yourself, it will not work at all.

“The point I drew is actually the weakest link every time the extreme cold comes. Therefore, I suspect that the underground dragon veins there may be larger. Given the large number of enemies, what is needed There should also be more food, so I think it is the most suitable place to dig and drain.”

George Han was basically satisfied and explained: “You continue to talk.”

“No, the rest is just intuition, but I have a A small request.”

George Han said, “Tell me.”

“Can we know their military strength and structure? If there is this structure as a standard, then the judgment will be more accurate.”

George Han smiled slightly. In fact, he also has the same intention, no matter how much he thinks, no matter how much he talks, it is not as good as taking a look.

“However, if you want to see it, I can go alone. With your cultivation base, if you dare to appear on their heads rashly, I think, no matter how much you hide, you will definitely be discovered.” George Han said .

Huya and Haijin have no opinion on this.

“Okay, if that’s the case, then wait for me here, and I’ll go check it out and provide more accurate data.” It’s

obviously not all about luck if you want to guess something about the other party, sometimes you have to Put a lot of effort into this.

George Han smiled slightly, flew out of the bamboo house in the next second, and disappeared into the entrance after a while.

Hai Jin knew very well that his leader was absolutely alone in the sky above the enemy to scout for information.

However, with his ability, Hai Jin didn’t have too much to worry about.

After the two of them waited for George Han to come back, it was already a full

day .

During this period, Huya subconsciously worried about George Han’s safety, after all, there was no news for so long.

It was Haijin who reminded him that there was a time gap between the world here and the outside world, and he suddenly realized.

After George Hanyi came back, he didn’t exchange greetings with the two of them. Instead, he walked to the previous table in a few steps, and roughly drew the structure of the opponent’s force in the previous drawing in the original drawing.

Huya has been observing the situation on the map as the number of troops increases, and the structure of several places also makes him frown wildly, which seems to be far from his original idea.

And the food point he had settled down and selected was also forked out again.

After observing for about ten minutes, he seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and after glancing at George Han, he moved his hand and dropped the pen on a place that surprised even George Han…

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