His True Colors Novel Chapter 4514 – 4515

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Chapter 4514

three sides, like three long arrows, suddenly slammed into the gluttonous gluttony.

The glutton of evil roared, and the one eye suddenly opened.

The next second, it suddenly changed its angle directly, and in a frenzy, it rushed towards the fourth column.

“Damn it!”

Seeing this scene, the fourth captain was so shocked that he almost missed the spot.

This guy who has been passively beaten all the time, suddenly counterattacks.

The point is that if you’re a fu**ing counter-attack, you’ll be counter-attacking, why should you follow your own team?

Damn, the fourth column is their own brother.


Sure enough, in the desperate and depressed eyes of the fourth captain, the evil glutton rushed directly into the crowd, relying on his huge body and absolute strength, rampaging like a bull.

Although the people in black were extremely agile, in this situation, it was almost impossible to move, and many people died tragically on the spot.

“Attack!” The

first and third columns did not suffer such losses, so they ordered the entire unit to turn their guns and attacked the gluttonous eaters again.

Evil Knowing Taotie was also unequivocal, he turned around and took a big mouth, and several men in black were instantly swallowed into their mouths on the spot.

“Kill!” The

bloody fight between the two sides officially began.

And almost at the same time, on the other side of the underground pass.

With the collapse of the last line of defense at the pass, Ah Zuo has understood.

The gate is unstoppable.

“Captain, what should we do?”

Behind him, a brother asked him nervously.

He glanced back, and there was only one brother left behind him.

But even if this brother is still alive, he is almost the same as himself, covered in blood, and his eyes are extremely tired.

This bloody battle can be described as tragic.

They are just dozens of brothers, but they have resisted the attack of thousands of elite troops.

The terrain is important, but the determination of the brothers is actually more important.

None of them said they were afraid, and none of them stepped back even half a step.

They only have one thought, the one at the front wants to hold on for a while, while the one at the back wants to replace the fallen brother as soon as possible!

In this way, their group is like mushrooms after a rain, you finally kill the guards of the pass, and soon, one or several people who are also not afraid of death will stand in front of you.

Repeatedly, until now, people are completely defeated.

A Zuo looked at the enemy who was about to rush in from the entrance, and patted his brother on the shoulder: “Go back and tell Madam that we have completed the task she gave us.”

“No, the task was given to you by Madam. Naturally, you should be the one who will report back to this task. Zuo, although you are my current captain, you have to call me big brother when it comes to age in private.

” There is also a younger brother, you help me take good care of him, the elder brother has lived a few years longer than you, and now, he will go on the road first.” After the

words were finished, the man directly pushed A Zuo behind him, and then clenched his teeth. Go directly to the enemies who rushed in.

In fact, both of them knew very well that only one of them would survive.

Zuo wanted to give him the opportunity, but he also wanted to give the opportunity to Zuo.

Looking at him who was instantly stabbed into a hornet’s nest by the enemy who rushed in because of the blocking, Ah Zuo held back his tears and patted his chest heavily, he had already swore to himself.

From now on, your brother’s life is mine, and I will do everything to protect him.

Turning around, Ah Zuo wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and he desperately rushed to the Underground Dragon City regardless of anything else.


Behind him, as the pass was captured, a large number of men in black rushed in like a spring.

They roared excitedly, as if venting their depression after being blocked for so long.

“Ma’am, it seems that the entrance to the pass should be lost.” Scar said sadly.

Amelia Su looked at the top of her head quietly, as if she was praying for her dead brother.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes full of killing intent: “Come on…!”

Chapter 4515

Amelia Su’s eyes are not the slightest fear, nor the slightest fear, on the contrary, her eyes are even permeated with death* ***.

She knew very well that this battle could not be avoided at all.

So, she was already prepared.

There is nothing to be afraid of, on the contrary, it should be embraced with enthusiasm.

If you have no choice, you have to do the most beautiful thing when you have no choice.

Thinking of this, Amelia Su shouted softly: “Everyone, take your place!”


Although there were not many people left, at this meeting, the fighting atmosphere of Ah You’s gang was still exceptionally high.

“If we lose, all our efforts will be in vain. Those women we rescued will fall back into even greater despair.”

“So, for ourselves or for them, I I want to ask, are you willing to lose like this


After speaking, the remaining brothers shook their heads.

Of course not!

No one would give the fruit to the enemy so obediently.

“Madam, tell me what to do, we will fight with them.”

“That’s right, Madam, just do whatever you tell me.”

Amelia Su was very satisfied seeing everyone’s determination.

They were at a disadvantage, so pre-war mobilization was very important.

In terms of psychology and morale, it is the only thing they can take, or have an absolute advantage.

Amelia Su nodded: “Okay, then we will fight with them to the end.”

“For every minute we persist, the group of women behind us will be able to live another minute, and he will be able to breathe for another minute. “

Yes!” Everyone responded in unison.

As soon as the words fell, Ah Zuo had already rushed over.

Before he could speak, Amelia Su

had already gently pulled him behind her.

“Needless to say, we have all seen what happened.”

“It’s hard work for you.”

A Zuo shook his head: “It’s not hard work, it’s just a pity, I didn’t have to sleep these bastards any more time.”

Amelia Su There was no time to answer, because at this time, the troops of the second column had already been killed.

A group of people quickly occupied the city entrance.

The captain of the second column couldn’t help sneering for a while when he saw Amelia Su and others on the road.

“You bastards, all of you are bold enough to even dare to move here.”

“Someone, take down all these bastards for me.”

A group of men in black immediately started to act.

Amelia Su sneered, and the next second, she raised her hand.


Suddenly, fires were blazing everywhere around the captain of the second team.

Many shadows didn’t even

react , and were immediately surrounded by the fire. When they wanted to break out again, they were surprised to find that their surroundings were already surrounded by the sky.


In an instant, the entire second column was clearly panicked.

“You guys!” The second captain pointed at Amelia Su, obviously anxious and angry.

Damn, they are all surrounded here, these idiots don’t know how to surrender, how dare they be so presumptuous here?

This is simply unbearable!

Amelia Su sneered, not afraid at all.

In fact, when Ah Zuo and the others went to the pass to defend against them, she had already executed the second plan with Scar and others.

The so-called second plan is actually very simple, that is, what should George Han do if they don’t get out in time.

Amelia Su saw the fire attack at that time, so she quickly thought of the current plan.

Fire trapped!

She ordered people to make a general ambush for the surrounding houses of the entire underground dragon city.

Once the enemy army rushed into the city from the pass, she would immediately set fire to these places. When the fire started, Amelia Su believed that this could definitely effectively stop the enemy’s attack.

Although this is only a temporary solution, Amelia Su believes that this is their only solution at the moment.

“Scar, get ready to act.”


Although Scar is still seriously injured, after a short recovery, this bull-like guy can already walk or run by himself.

“Prepare to split up.”

“Madam, be careful.” Scar urged nervously.

In fact, this time it was obviously more difficult for them, but Scar cared more about not himself, but Amelia Su.

Amelia Su nodded.

Then, she took the lead…

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