His True Colors Novel Chapter 4462 – 4463

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Chapter 4462

“No, it’s really not right.”

Amelia Su shook her head, and the more she thought about it, the more chills she felt behind her back.

“It shouldn’t be investigated.”

Amelia Su suddenly raised her head and looked at Scar.

What’s the meaning? !

For the first time, Scar felt that his IQ was so low that he was anxious. At such a fu**ing critical moment, he was completely dumbfounded? Why can’t he understand anything? !

“Why don’t people check it again?”

Amelia Su frowned: “I said just now that there should be countless daggers around. If people check it at this time, isn’t that the same as letting them hit the muzzle? “

I’m worried, no matter how many spies are sent to investigate, the result will always be the same.”

“That is, there is no return.”

Since the enemy has laid a net, this net is even aimed at George Han.

Even George Han might eat turtle stuff when he arrives. How can ordinary people get close? !

“That’s miscellaneous, don’t you want to check it?” Scar was a little depressed.

He understands this very clearly. If the enemy is in the dark and he is in the light, it will be even more dangerous.

“The investigation is definitely going to be investigated.”

“How about I send a few more troops? Some are the main charge, and some secretly find out their positions?” Scar said.

Once you figure out the secret posts of these guys, then their ambush will be clearer and clearer, and the threat degree will naturally be greatly reduced.

This point, Amelia Su originally agreed, but after thinking about it, she quickly rejected it.

If these people have really completed the heavy armor equipment, naturally, there is no problem.

But at the moment, they are civilians, not even ordinary soldiers. If they go, they will always die by themselves.

It is almost a nonsense to rely on them to complete the tactics of Chen Cang in the dark.

“Wait, Darkness Chencang?!”

This idea suddenly spread wildly in Amelia Su’s mind, and then, Amelia Su suddenly smiled.

“It is possible to play this trick.”

After hearing Amelia Su’s words, the scar immediately laughed.

Finally, I was a reckless man who helped me at a critical moment and came up with a good idea.

“Then I’ll make arrangements now.”

“Wait a minute.” Amelia Su stopped him again.

“What else is there to tell Madam?”

“I think you must have misunderstood what I meant.” Amelia Su smiled softly: “What I said about Darkness Chencang is not the Darkness Chencang you imagined.

” After turning around, the clown was still himself.

“Oh, ma’am, I…I…I…I’m stunned. What is Darkness Chencang is not the Darkness Chencang I imagined. Isn’t it all one word and one meaning?”

“Otherwise, I don’t think so If the darkness is too dark, let’s go straight to it. We have so many brothers, what are we afraid of, we will send them directly as cannon fodder. Will those dark whistle-blowers dare to use dark guns?”

“As soon as they are released, the positions of these people will be exposed. , they’re a shit.”

Scar panicked.

He had just joined, so he was naturally eager to express himself, and George Han gave him such a great gift that changed his life in the future, and he spared no effort to prove and give back.

Amelia Su’s repeated denials made this product a little gross.

Anyway, it’s a big deal to fight with those dog days, and it’s okay to order me not to.

“Scar, it’s pointless to do that, it will only add casualties. Are you going to kill all three thousand old ones? Besides, what if you try a dark whistle?”

“Aren’t they going to adjust their positions soon? When the time comes, shall we rush again?”

“Is there anyone else?”

Scar lowered his head, what Amelia Su said did have her reasoning.

“But this doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either, let’s… let’s just watch the leader of the alliance be beaten alone?”

Amelia Su smiled coldly: “Of course it’s impossible. If you beat my husband, does he think I’m Amelia Su dead? “



“Listen to me!”


Chapter 4463

“Immediately organize two elite teams, the requirements are as follows, run fast, be able to hide, familiar with the city.”

“Subordinates understand. “

“I ask them to constantly intersperse, horizontally and vertically, and aim at me, to attract the attention of those secret whistleblowers on the ground. However, be sure to remember one thing, don’t hit hard, just lead and hide, can you do it?”

In other words, these The task of man is to be a mosquito and a fly.

They don’t need to do anything, just be careful to keep yourself safe while constantly harassing them.

For this, it seems a little difficult, but when you think about it, it is not impossible.

Thinking of the scar, he nodded: “Madam, don’t worry, our brothers in the Demon Castle may not have any other skills, but they have been hiding under high pressure for many years to save their lives. The task is simply to do your own

work .”

Amelia Su nodded, but still warned carefully: “These men in black are far stronger than the previous soldiers, so don’t be careless.”

“The number of our troops should be as large as possible. At the same time, we must be as careful as possible. Scar, this is the support for all our actions next, so…”

Hearing this, Scar instantly understood.

“Madam, don’t worry, I know what to do. I will select as many candidates as possible to form more reserve teams. Even if there is a problem with the troops in front, I will quickly let the reserve troops take over.”

“In short, I promise that in this link, not only will we not have any problems, but we will harass them infinitely and make them very annoying.”

With the guarantee of Scar, Amelia Su nodded with satisfaction: “Next, I need another batch of excellent players.

“There are a few requirements.”

“They must be as flexible as the advance harassment troops. Incomparable, familiar with the map, the most important thing is that they can fight, they are powerful, and the number of people is about fifty people.”

“Can it be done?”

“Fifty people?” Scar frowned.

To be flexible and able to hide, Scar believes that almost every one of the 30,000 people can do it. After all, in the previous environment of the Demon Castle, if they couldn’t hide, they would have died long ago.

It’s just that there are not too many to be able to fight.

After all, most of their people are civilians.

“Is it a little difficult?”

“It’s not difficult, but my subordinates just don’t know how much my wife can fight. I’m afraid that this group of people won’t be able to help my wife.”

Amelia Su shook her head: “It doesn’t matter, try your best. “

My subordinates will do it now.”

After he finished speaking, Scar turned around and left.

Ten minutes later, Scar

returned with six people.

“Subordinate, I have seen Mrs.” The

seven people bowed their heads respectfully and said in a salute.

Amelia Su glanced at the six people he brought with him. All of them were extremely strong. At first, glance, even if they didn’t have cultivation, they were the kind of people who could fight.

It can be seen that the person who picks the goods is still reliable. It’s just that this guy may have set Amelia Su’s expectations too high, so he is worried that the person he chooses will not be able to help at that time, which is a bit embarrassing.

“Madam, these six people and I happen to be the leaders of the seven teams.”

“The number of each team is about 12, and there are a total of 84 people.”

Amelia Su nodded: “What about the harassment team here?

” Team leader, each team consists of twenty-four people, divided into

leading and reserve teams.”

“At the same time, I also asked these brothers to select more people as soon as possible, and I will directly give him a viral spread.”

“However, there are too many people, so I didn’t bring them here to see you, Madam.”

Amelia Su smiled slightly, but he couldn’t tell that Scar was still a very delicate person.

“Well done, Scar.” Amelia Su praised.

Hearing this, Scar touched his head a little embarrassedly for a while and smiled.

As long as the lady is satisfied, he is happy as long as he can help.

After all, it was the first thing Scar did when he took the post.

“Madam, what should we do next?” Knife Scar asked, “Just tell us.”

Amelia Su looked at Knife Scar’s eagerness, smiled lightly, and then summoned Knife Scar over to her own. The plan told him…

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