Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 606 – 608

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Chapter 606

Back in Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou’s bedroom, the Leng Lords finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Brother, why are you doing this if you don’t like the girl, just tell her well, we will sooner or later reveal ourselves like this.”

Jasmine Tong was really a bit confused.

“If talking to her works, then I don’t have to hide from her.”

The cold lord accidentally told the truth.

This is the first time I’ve been to the hospital.

Leng Lords immediately cleared his throat and looked a little nervous, “Little Man, you rest well.”

Saying that, the cold lord climbed out through the window, he would never go out through the front door.

The first time you see a cold owl so nervous, he can’t be a little bit interested in that girl, right?

And Monroe Jiao, who was also sagging in her room, immediately dialed her brothers’ battle lines and everyone started a group video.

“The boss was really nice to that woman and even gave her food. It was killing me.”

Meng Rujiao told the brothers everything about today’s events.

“Then he shouldn’t really love the woman but should we spoil them,” said Monkey.

“If this woman loves the boss just as much, then he shouldn’t let him give up his career this woman is too selfish”

“People even have sons, is it really good to tear them apart in childbirth?”

“This woman is very scheming at a glance, she’s got the boss all charmed up, definitely don’t let them be together”

We are basically divided into two gangs, one gang believes that the cold owl and Jasmine Tong is really like each other, and besides, the son has, should not be in the rampage to break up people’s families.

The other gang thinks that Jasmine Tong is not a good person and should not be allowed to be together.

This confused Meng Rujiao as well.

“You guys stop arguing, what am I going to do now? This woman wants me to be the bridesmaid.”

“Pepper, why don’t you have to do some snooping there, and if you find out that the boss and that woman are really in love, then it’s better to be positive and quit bothering people’s families, so you can accept your fate.”

Soldier concludes with a closing statement, and everyone’s video closes.

Meng Rujiao was lying on the bed, feeling miserable.

Ever since she had been taken away by the Cold Lords, she had never thought that one day she would be separated from them.

The Leng Lords and another woman are so close, Meng Rujiao is even more jealous to go crazy.

She is not happy, but she also does not want the Leng Lords to be sad, after all, people two people have children, but also to get married.

The next day, when Meng Rujiao appeared in the restaurant with a pair of panda eyes on top, Leng Lords and Jasmine Tong were already having breakfast in the restaurant.

They’re even wearing couples’ housecoats.

I can’t believe how well they look together.

The two men were laughing and eating breakfast, beside themselves.

“Miss Montgomery is up, join us for breakfast.”Jasmine Tong invited.

Meng Rujiao sat awkwardly at the table, these two are just you and me.

“Honey, I’m done eating, go check on your son, you take your time.”The Cold Lords spoiled and stroked Jasmine Tong’s head and got up directly out of the restaurant.

Meng Rujiao’s eyes followed him, and he didn’t even look at her.

In front of the Cold Lords, it was as if she was transparent.

He only had eyes for Jasmine Tong, not himself at all.

Jasmine Tong thinks this is too cruel for a girl, but he promised Leng Lords that he would accompany him to act.

“Miss Mon, are you all right?”

Meng Ru smiled and shook her head, “I’m fine.”

“I’m going out with him today, there’s so much going on at the wedding that it’s really too much trouble, so you walk around the house and if you’re bored, let the driver drive you around.”

“Good.”Meng Rujiao didn’t know what else she could say.

A day the cold owl and Jasmine Tong are not at home, Meng Rujiao always feel a lot of surplus.

The next three days, Meng Rujiao even more knowledgeable, always indifferent cold owl is actually a cold person, he can say the care of Jasmines in every possible way.

It’s a far cry from the little bit of concern for myself.

“Guys, I can’t hold on much longer, I’m ready to pull out today, the boss is very close to that woman, they’re going to be happy.”

Meng Rujiao was sending tweets to his brothers.

She ignored the replies, packed up her things and headed out the door.

No farewell to Jasmine Tong, more so to say goodbye to the Leng Lords, a person silently walked out.

Leng Lords and Jasmine Tong just stood in the upstairs window, watching her distant back.

“Brother, I suddenly think this is cruel, this girl is really pitiful, in fact, I think you can think about it, am I thinking that she has no education or is she an orphan?”

The cold lord’s gaze was very deep and followed Meng Rujiao’s back.

“She’ll always grow up, and that’s good for her.”

Leng Lords did not directly answer Jasmine Tong’s question.

“Brother, you just really don’t want to give her a chance” Jasmine Tong continued to pursue the question.

“I’m doing her a disservice by giving her a chance, she’s so young, she hasn’t seen what the world is like yet.”The cold owl’s words are profound.

“How do you know it’s hurting her if you haven’t tried it I think she really likes you, she’s been with you for years and you’ve been so cruel as to write her off.”

Leng Lords withdrew his own gaze to look at Jasmine Tong, “What exactly did she say to you?”

“Didn’t say anything.”

“Let’s pretend she never existed.”The Cold Lords turned away.

Jasmine Tong turned to look out the window, and Meng Rujiao’s figure had disappeared.

She patted herself on the head and wondered if she was doing this thing right or wrong.

Maybe it’s been so dependent on Albert Ou that she can’t think anymore.

Meng Rujiao walked out of the door and finally couldn’t help but cry.

The two gatekeepers at the gate were terrified.

“Girl, don’t cry here, you don’t know what’s wrong with you.”

Meng Rujiao cried even harder and simply squatted on the ground and wailed.

The two gatekeepers were big boys, where had they seen such a battle.

“What should I do? Should I ask my wife?”

“Why Mrs. ah this girl is gone, it is not good to see Mrs. think we have done Mrs. how, quickly get her away.”

“Girl, get out of here, if you cry you can cry somewhere else, it’s really hard to tell at our door.”

“Yeah, girl, we’re just trying to make a living, so just be considerate, okay?”

The two gatekeepers, you and I, advised each other.

Meng Rujiao, however, wailed as if he couldn’t hear her and wailed on his own.

Just at that moment a car pulled up to the door.

Chapter 607

The man in the suit stepped out of the car.

As soon as Albert Ou got off the plane, he rushed home and saw a woman in front of his house from afar.

“What’s going on?”

The most annoying thing about Albert Ouir is that women cry, usually it is heartbreaking to see Jasmine Tong shed tears, but it is disgusting to see other women cry.

“Sir, we don’t know what’s wrong with her, she squats and cries when she comes out, and she won’t leave even when we tell her to.”

The gatekeepers felt aggrieved and helpless when they ran into someone like this.

“What do you mean one out, and she’s gone home” Albert Ou led a brow, taking a good look at the girl crouched on the floor, how she didn’t recognize her.

“The girl is here to see Mr. Cold.”

“Mr. Leng, when did he get here?”

Why didn’t Jasmine Tong report to him all this time?

“Came back the other day.”

Albert Ou walked up to the girl and kicked her shoes.

“Hey, where are you from?”

Meng Rujiao raised her eyes to look at the man in front of her, “What’s it to do with you ah”

Albert Ou simply squatted down as well, “Tell me what he did to you, and maybe I can help you get justice.”

The woman who came to look for the Leng Lords, Albert Ou is simply too interested, unexpectedly the Leng Lords even have female friends.

Meng Rujiao looked Albert Ou up and down, “Can you really help me?”

“Of course, what are you Leng Lords” Albert Ou’s gossipy heart rekindled.

“I’m his” Meng Rujiao didn’t even know how to describe her relationship with the Leng Lords, “Gee, I don’t know I just like him.”

Albert Ou’s stupid little heart became even more active.

“You like him then, you can just go in and tell him.”

“But he doesn’t like me ah besides he has the woman he loves, he even has a son, soon people will be having weddings, I’m too redundant here.”

“What what?”

The Leng Lords already have a beloved woman, and even a son has been born, how come he does not know about this matter?

“The woman he loves is still a famous movie queen, she’s a big star, and she’s beautiful, what am I going to compare her to? Forget it, I’d better go.”

Meng Rujiao stood up and patted his butt.

“You stop right there.”

“What’s wrong ah did I say something wrong? “Meng Rujiao felt that she was merely whining a bit.

“You just said that the Cold Lords have a woman he loves and that the woman he loves is a big star.”

Albert Ou sort of understood.

“Yeah, it’s that Jasmine ah, isn’t she very popular two people even have a son.”

Albert Ou suddenly felt a green light appear in front of his eyes, what the hell was going on

“I’m not talking to you anymore, I’m leaving.”

“You come back here and give me a clear explanation inside” Albert Ou dragged Meng Rujiao inside.

“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong with you man, untie me, untie me”

Albert Ou only ignored that set and dragged Meng Rujiao straight into the living room.

Jasmine Tong just happened to come down from upstairs and felt bad about something big as she watched Albert Ou drag Meng Rujiao over.

“What brings you back?”

“I’m going to have grass on my head if I don’t come back,” Albert Ou growled grumpily.

Jasmine Tong immediately walked up to Albert Ou and pulled him away, “Don’t make a scene yet, listen to me.”

“What to say, give me an honest account of what’s going on I’ll tell you, Jasmine Tong, if you don’t give an honest account today, you’ll be served with a big punishment tonight” said Albert Ou while poking Jasmine Tong’s brain.

Jasmine Tong is having a hard time with Albert Ou on one side and Meng Rujiao on the other.

Meng Rujiao looked at the man and woman in front of him and wondered what had happened, it looked like they were also familiar with each other.

Just at this time the cold owl heard the movement also downstairs.

“Leng Lords this period of time I’m not here, are you cuckolding me” Albert Ou pointed at the Leng Lords and shouted angrily.

“What is it? This is where and where is it? Sister Jasmine Tong, aren’t you and the boss about to get married?” This can really put Meng Rujiao in the dark.

“This is my wife is my wife and I are getting married” Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong behind him in a declaration of sovereignty.

“That little kid,”

Meng Rujiao plainly saw that the Leng Lords were very good to that child, just like their own father.

“That’s my son.”

Jasmine Tong had to smile awkwardly towards Meng Rujiao.

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that the man in front of me was the real husband of Jasmine Tong, and the Leng Lords and Jasmine Tong were just acting in front of their eyes.

This cold owl is embarrassed.

He didn’t know what to say, so he just turned around and went upstairs.

“Stop for me, don’t run away are you still thinking about my wife you and I make it clear” Albert Ou scattered his legs and chased.

Jasmine Tong was so helpless, everything was fine, but then Albert Ou suddenly came back and messed things up!

“Sister Manny, that fierce man just now is your husband.”

“Yeah, his name is Albert Ou, he’s the one who’s my husband, I’m so sorry, Miss Meng, but my brother made me do it, so don’t blame me.”

Jasmine Tong had to account for all of it.

“Then this wedding,”

“It’s mine and my husband’s, we’ve been together for quite a while, but the wedding hasn’t happened yet, so this is kind of a make-up.I’m so sorry, I should have told you earlier.”

“It’s okay, it’s not too late to talk about it” Meng Rujiao’s mood was suddenly great.

The Leng Lords are not married, no beloved woman, and no son, which is great news for her.

At the lunch table, the cold lord’s face was bruised, and that was from being beaten by Albert Ou.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t beat him, he just didn’t want to fight him, after all, he had borrowed his wife without permission.

The atmosphere at the table was oddly awkward, but Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong were as close as ever.

Meng Rujiao, who had been preparing to leave, didn’t leave this time.

After lunch, Albert Ou dragged Jasmine Tong into the bedroom.

A princess hug picked her up.

“Why did you come back out of the blue today?”

“I was going to surprise you, but I didn’t think you’d give me such a big surprise” Albert Ou had something to say about that.

“What surprise am I giving you ah, didn’t I explain everything to you I have nothing to do with brother, brother just wanted to oust Miss Meng, that’s why he let me pretend to be his woman.”

“How to pretend to give me a good account of every ten and ten there is no hugging there is no k!ssing there is no doing anything out of the norm.”

Albert Ou was still having trouble getting over it.

Jasmine Tong really looked so raw.

Chapter 608

Jasmine Tong tightly wrapped her arms around Albert Ou’s neck, “Honey, we haven’t seen each other for many days, I miss you so much.”

The voice was delicate and soft.

The voice drifted into Albert Ou’s ears, and Albert Ou felt his bones crisp.

“Really missed me.”

“Yeah, I’m going to miss you, take me with you on your future business trips.”

Albert Ou smiled and squeezed Jasmine Tong’s cheek, “Good, next time I’ll take you with me, I miss you too, Jasmine, I miss you so much I’m going crazy.”

Albert Ou k!ssed deeply on Jasmine Tong’s lips, wanting one k!ss to end, but who knew a k!ss would be too much to stop.

k!ssing and k!ssing he realized he was trapped.

“Jasmine Tong, you’re playing tricks on me.”

“What’s the trick” Jasmine Tong took the initiative to get to Albert Ou’s lips and gagged him.

Albert Ou’s brain is lacking oxygen so he doesn’t bother with her and takes her down first.

When the clouds had rested and the rain had ended, Jasmine Tong still did not escape the fate of confessing and told Albert Ou everything that had happened in the past few days.

After Jasmine Tong said for the tenth time that she did not engage in intimate contact with the Cold Lords, Albert Ou finally stopped asking.

“You really are too, he’s your brother, how could he steal your wife”

“Don’t tell me history is full of brother and brother stealing wives, but there are plenty of sons and sons stealing wives too.”

It was broad daylight and the two of them had been bored in the room for so long that Albert Ou asked while wearing clothes, “What’s the name of that petite one likes him.”

“Yes, the two are very close, Miss Meng was raised by my brother, and it is said that he brought her up when he was thirteen.What happened?”

“Nothing, I’m going to check on my son.”

“And you know you have a son.”

Albert Ou went straight to the nursery without talking to Jasmine Tong.

On the other side, Meng Rujiao had already blocked the Leng Lords at the door.

“Boss, why did you lie to me?”

The cold owl is feeling oddly embarrassed, may now the child brain missing a string, like, this kind of thing even straightforward to ask out.

“Pepper, do you really not understand or are you pretending to be confused”

The cold lord who was punched was still cool.

“I want you to tell me.”

“Well, I’ll just tell you, because I don’t want to be with you, I want to get rid of you, so I’m pretending to be with Mandy, see what I mean? You can’t even see something as simple as that, I don’t know what’s going on in your head.”

Leng Lords poked Meng Rujiao’s head.

“Do you dislike me that much?”

“Yes.”The Cold Lords didn’t hesitate, “We’re not going to make it.”

“You’re not married, so why not?”

“It’s true that I’m not married, but the person I love is still Mandy, but unfortunately she can’t be with me anymore, so I can’t love anyone else.”

“Then do you plan to end up alone? You definitely want to get married and have children ah” Meng Rujiao blinked a pair of innocent big eyes, some of the words indeed could not be understood.

The Cold Lords found themselves talking to Meng Rujiao as if they were playing to a bull.

“Yes, I plan to die alone, so stop pestering me and get the hell out of here” the cold lord just closed the door with an angry rebuke.

“Boss, Boss, you can’t do this” Meng Rujiao rapped on the door hard, but the door would not open again.

“A cough” came from the other side of the hallway.

As soon as Meng Rujiao turned her head, she saw Albert Ou holding her son in her arms.

If it wasn’t for Albert Ou today, she would probably have left, and she wouldn’t have known about the Cold Lords at all, so she was still very grateful to Albert Ou.

The two men found a small parlor and sat down.

“Mr. Ou’Brien, thank you so much for today.”

“There’s nothing to be thankful for.”

“If you hadn’t come back in time to tell me today that Sister Manny was your wife, I might have left.”Meng Rujiao’s mood was a bit low.”But, Mr. Ou, I’m curious what your relationship is with the boss.”

“He’s my brother.”Albert Ou was blunt.

“Your brother’s biological, no wonder I look a little like you guys” Meng Rujiao is very surprised, so their boss is not an orphan, there are brothers “but his surname is Leng, and your surname is Ou ah”.

“He made that damn name himself, so don’t bother.”

Albert Ou’s words revealed his dislike for the Cold Lords as he took a sip of his tea cup, “You like him a lot.”

“Yeah, I like him a lot, why don’t you go put in a word for me, I really like him, I want to be with the boss, I’ve been with the boss since I was thirteen, the boss raised me to be exact, and we’ve been together all these years until”

“I’m not interested in your story.”

Albert Ou immediately interrupted Meng Rujiao, and he probably understood the feelings of these two.

Meng Rujiao was like being splashed with a pot of cold water, “It’s just a pity that what he always liked in his heart was Sister Manny.”

“He told you that,” Albert Ou squatted his teacup right on the table.

“Yeah, he told me himself to give him up.”

“It’s now, and you’re even thinking about my woman,” Albert Ou muttered.

“What did you say, Mr. Ou.”

“I asked if you really wanted to be with him, to be his woman” Albert Ou’s eyes were deep.

Meng Rujiao nodded her head solemnly, “Otherwise I wouldn’t have come all the way here to find him”

“Will you wait then?”

“Wait what” Meng Rujiao was confused by Albert Ou.

“Waiting for the right time.I can help you get him.”

“Really? “Meng Rujiao was overjoyed and grabbed Albert Ou’s arm with both hands, Albert Ou glanced at Meng Rujiao’s hand in disgust and Meng Rujiao hastily took her own hand back.

“Excuse me, Mr. Ou., would you really like to help me? You can let me stay with the boss.”

“Just cooperate with me and wait for the right moment.”Albert Ou looked like he had a chest.

“I will, I will cooperate with you, I will wait if you ask me to” of course Meng Rujiao would not refuse, this was great news.

“Then from now on you should stop pestering him, take your time and wait for the time to come, when the time is right, I’ll naturally have a solution.”

“I can wait if you want me to, but can you tell me your solution so I can be prepared in advance.”

Meng Rujiao’s heart was also muttering.

“I have my ways, you don’t need to prepare for it, you’ll see then.”

After saying that, O Zeno stood up and walked straight out of the small parlor, leaving Meng Rujiao alone.

Meng Rujiao sighed grudgingly, the brothers were strange enough, but she had no other choice but to trust Albert Ou now.

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