Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 609 – 611

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Chapter 609

The Crystal Garden is just too big, so big that there’s a chance that two people might not actually see each other if they don’t want to.

The two of them really couldn’t see each other except for meal times, and the Leng Lords wouldn’t even eat at normal times to avoid meeting Meng Rujiao.

In addition, Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong’s wedding will soon arrive, the Lengæž­ this big brother also began to busy, he and Meng Rujiao also more unable to see each other.

When Meng Rujiao has nothing to do, she watches those wedding arrangements with Jasmine Tong, and occasionally helps Jasmine Tong with her ideas.

And then, when you’re bored, you go see Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou’s son.

After almost a week of this, Meng Rujiao couldn’t sit still any longer, and she happened to be home to Albert Ou.

Knocking on the bedroom door, it was Albert Ou who opened the door.

“You told me to wait for my chance, I’ve been waiting all week for it, when will it come?”

Meng Rujiao looked very impatient.

“If I tell you to wait you’ll just wait your ass off, being so down and out and trying to catch up with men.”

“But how long is this going to take? The boss has been avoiding me, and I haven’t seen him all week” Meng Rujiao stomped her foot in a hurry.

“When I tell you to wait, you wait, where’s the nonsense” Albert Ou looked a little impatient.

“Geez, will you tell me your plan now” Meng Rujiao was beginning to wonder whether to trust Albert Ou or not.

“Tell you the plan won’t work, get back in there and behave yourself, if you really can’t wait, then figure it out, I’m not helping you.”

Meng Rujiao trailed off, she could only pin her hopes on Albert Ou now, what could she do on her own?

“Well then,”

“I’ll tell you when the time comes.”Albert Ou just closed the door.

Jasmine Tong came over worriedly, “What timing, what plan are you and Miss Meng up to?”

“What the f*ck can I do with her, if I do, it’s with you too hehehe”

“You less playful with me, are you trying to set up Miss Meng and Brother ah this matter how do you also need to know, Brother is not interested in Miss Meng, if the two do not love each other, how can they get together?”

Albert Ou pressed the back of Jasmine Tong’s head and pressed it directly to his lips.

“Oooh you,”

Albert Ou refused to give Jasmine Tong a chance and just carried her slowly to the bed.

Walking out of their bedroom, Meng Rujiao just happened to pass by Leng Lords room, Leng Lords just happened to go out, and the two of them bumped into each other.

Leng Lords were also stunned, he had been avoiding Meng Rujiao these days, but he didn’t expect to bump into her.

Meng Rujiao was overjoyed, “Boss, where are you going”

The Cold Lords still had a cold face, “Why haven’t you left yet”

As soon as the Leng Lords opened their mouths to ask why she hadn’t left, Meng Rujiao was indeed a little disappointed.

“I’ve told you, we’re not going to work, there’s no use in you relying on this, I’ve been cuddling with Ono and Manny’s wedding lately, I don’t have time to pay attention to you, so you’re on your own.”

After saying that, the Cold Lords directly prepared to leave from the other end of the corridor.

“I’m not relying on this, if it wasn’t for Little Manny asking me to be her maid of honor, I would have left long ago You think I’m staying here for you? Don’t dream of it.”

Meng Rujiao turned around with a grunt and walked away, although shamelessly following the Leng Lords for so many years, but in the end she is a girl, but also has dignity.

This is a shock to the Leng Lords, since childhood, Meng Rujiao has always listened to him, and this is the only time he dared to speak to him like this.

The Leng Lords’ conversation has really stimulated Meng Rujiao, and she really won’t leave.

Never mind what Albert Ou’s plan is, she’ll just hang out here the more he tries to get her to leave.

In the blink of an eye, Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong’s wedding was finally approaching.

It’s a big day.

With Jasmine Tong’s status in today’s entertainment industry, half of the entertainment industry would come over.

The original Star King International willing to stay and Jasmine Tong together to hit the river of artists did not get married to form a bridesmaid group, is ready to make a good noise.

On the side of the best man group, Mo Yiang and Leng Liao were the absolute main best men, and the rest were Albert Ou’s secretary Russel Cheng.

Normally, the number of bridesmaids and best men should be about the same, but Albert Ou’s popularity wasn’t too good, so he had to forcefully bring in Hoshi Jie as his best man, as well as a few Dark Empire executives to form a high-profile best man group.

This wedding of the century has finally begun.

Jasmine Tong doesn’t have a mother’s family and her uncle’s house is so far away, so she chooses to get married in the villa she was previously in with Albert Ou, which is her other home for her.

The entire villa has been decorated, Jasmine Tong a red wedding dress sitting on the bed, red wedding dress embroidered with dragon and phoenix designs, the headdress is also asked master specially created.

The entire bridesmaid group was dressed in pink gowns and clean-cut pretty girls.

“Let’s quickly think about it, the groom will come later, how we can toss him can’t let him marry off Sister Jasmine Tong so easily” Xiong Jin Jin looked like he was going to make a big deal out of it.

“That’s right. They say there’s a posh best man group over there too, and they can’t get away with it.”

“Gee, you can do whatever you want, we’ve got this son,” Jasmine Tong spoke.

“Manny-san, why do you hate marrying so much what we’ll do later, you can’t say anything”

“Well, I won’t tell you, I was afraid you wouldn’t dare.”

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the company’s website.

“Here it comes,”

As soon as the words died down, I heard firecrackers going off outside.

The girls were busy barricading the door and the best men were soon upstairs.

“It’s not that easy for someone outside the gate to marry off our sister Manny.”

As soon as Xiong Jinjin’s voice fell, a few red envelopes came through the door.

“Oh my god, the red envelope is here before we even speak, look at how much it is, less is not good.”

Xiong Jinjin hurriedly picked up the red envelope and opened it, but there was no money inside, only bank cards.

“Mr. Ou, what a big deal, to give a bank card.”

There was also a note inside: password Ou’s birthday, 8888 in each card.

“I go, that’s too generous.”

The bridesmaids one by one where have seen such a large amount of money, so many bridesmaids, each 8888888, this is also too generous.

But when is Albert Ou’s birthday?

Jasmine Tong’s face is black, this man ah, like to hit with money

“O, what’s your birthday?”

Albert Ou’s unmistakable voice came from outside the door, “Open the door, and naturally I’ll tell you.”

Chapter 610

“Ou total, that you can keep your word ah don’t we open the door, you don’t tell us again,” the bridesmaids all moved.

It’s not small money, but it’s 8888.

Since Mr. Au is so generous, they have to open the door!

“Don’t worry, Ou is always who he says he is, and his word is definitely his word” came the voice from the door.

Jasmine Tong sighed, “You bunch of women, who said that the poor can’t move, the mighty can’t bend, the district 8888 opened the door”

“Sister Manny, Mr. Ou has put in a lot of effort, and it won’t be nice if we make things difficult for him.”Xiong Jin Jin hurriedly explained.

The door opened and Albert Ou and the best men swarmed in.

“Look for the wedding shoes,” the bridesmaids began again, “and if you can’t find them, the red envelope must be there.”

Albert Ou coughed and gave Moichiro a shove, “Leave it to you.”

Mo Yiang stroked his chin, with a bad smile, sweeping the whole field, and finally his eyes fixed on Bai Mucheng holding the bag!

Bai Mu found Mo Yiang looking at him and immediately turned his head to the side with a guilty conscience.

“It’s in her bag. Grab it.”

Mo Yiang pointed smoothly, the best men quickly surrounded Bai Mu, Bai Mu was usually quite honest, so he had to take his shoes out.

“There’s another one. I’m sure you’ll never find the other one,” Xiong Jinjin said confidently.

Mo Yiang turned around the room, his eyes fixed on Jasmine Tong.

“Uncle, you can find this last shoe yourself, it must be on Manny, either under his skirt or tied to his thigh.”

The bridesmaids’ faces were all a little hung up, they racked their brains to figure out where to hide the shoes, but Mo Yiang guessed it so quickly.

Albert Ou lifted Tong’s skirt without finding it, and finally found another wedding shoe tied to Tong’s thigh.

We found both wedding shoes.

Amidst the firecrackers and the cheers of the crowd, Albert Ou carried Jasmine Tong to the wedding car and then personally put on her wedding shoes.

The long motorcade departed for the hotel to begin the official marriage ceremony.

The entire wedding venue was carefully chosen by Jasmine Tong and completed with Albert Ou’s consultation.

The scene was so romantic, the flying cherry blossom petals as if to bring people into a fantasy world, all sides of the big screen, the big screen displaying two people’s wedding photos.

Their wedding photos are unique in that they are all of Tong’s previous roles, and then Albert Ou changed into her costume and re-shoot scenes or posters with her.

This wedding, half of the entertainment world and half of the business world all came, known as the wedding of the century.

Perhaps because the two have been together for so long, the wedding part didn’t go in the middle of the road, but instead added a true confession.

The microphone was first given to Jasmine Tong’s hand.

Jasmine Tong was in a happier state this whole day, after all, she had instructed the officiant from the beginning not to incite emotions, she didn’t want to shed tears at her once in a lifetime wedding.

“Honey, I remember that I once wrote you a note to confess my love to you, and it took me a long time to write it, and finally that confession letter only had one sentence on it, and that was that I was in love with you, and the other day the master of ceremonies told me that I should write a true confession in advance, and I really couldn’t write it, so I only had one sentence prepared for you today.”

At this point, many people on stage should have tissues ready.

What kind of wedding is there that doesn’t involve tears?

That’s a touching statement that’s sure to bring a tear to your eye.

Moreover, Jasmine Tong said in a previous interview that the two of them were very difficult together and had experienced life and death.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Jasmine Tong’s words.

Jasmine Tong took a deep breath, “Honey, let’s have another daughter.”



Even Albert Ou couldn’t help but laugh!

This woman really doesn’t play by the rules. She even applied to have a daughter with Albert Ou.

The master of ceremonies also laughed out, “Mr. Ou, our Mrs. Ou asked you again if you agree to have a daughter, what do you think”

The microphone was handed to Albert Ou’s mouth.

Albert Ou fidgeted and couldn’t speak.

He wasn’t going to have any more children, they already had a San San at home, and Rameen Tong’s son, Xiao Qi, who would definitely announce Xiao Qi’s arrival to the world in a while.

Besides, he went through the previous three months of Jasmine Tong’s coma, how could he possibly let Jasmine Tong give birth again?

“Mr. Ou, are you feeling stressed,” said the emcee, hastily joking.

The people in the audience all began to rouse.

Albert Ou stared closely at Jasmine Tong, the culprit, she knew he didn’t want to regenerate, but still asked him such a question on such an occasion

What do you want him to say?

Jasmine Tong did it on purpose, she just wanted Albert Ou to promise her in the presence of everyone so that Albert Ou wouldn’t go back on his word.

“That question was answered for you today.”

Albert Ou winked badly at Jasmine Tong.

The audience laughed once again, and the message couldn’t have been clearer, tonight is going to be big.

Jasmine Tong was still a little stuffed, but she didn’t expect Albert Ou to directly avoid the question.

“Okay, here begins Ou’s true confession.”

Albert Ou took the microphone in his hand, he didn’t like this kind of occasion, if it wasn’t for Jasmine Tong, he probably would never have shown his face in front of everyone.

“Jasmine, I didn’t have anything I wanted to say today either, but I’ve got a present for you, the first one.”

A bar love letter bar appears on the big screen.

Of course Jasmine Tong remembered that this was the place where they first met.

“This is where we first met and I bought the bar.The Second Gift.”

A store appeared on the screen, named: Blossom Mano.

“Just today this store opened its doors, it’s a mountain resort with casual entertainment and dining, we can go over there for a pastime anytime.”

“And the third gift, this is my application for the Blossom Mano Charitable Foundation, I know you have a good heart and like to do good things, so this foundation will help anyone you want to help in the future.”

After a few seconds of stunned silence, the audience erupted in thunderous applause.

Albert Ou is so rich that his gift is not a luxury villa yacht or diamond jewelry, but a leisure mountain resort and a charitable foundation with special care.

The Hills need to be maintained, the foundation needs to be maintained, and this is a clear indication of Albert Ou’s perseverance.

Jasmine Tong’s eyes were a little moist, she hadn’t thought that Albert Ou had been secretly preparing these.

“I have one last gift for you.”

The applause stopped, and this last gift was unknown how valuable it was.

Chapter 611

Jasmine Tong tried to take a breath, worried that her fragile little heart couldn’t take it.

Albert Ou carefully picked up Jasmine Tong’s hand.

He placed Jasmine Tong’s hand on his chest.

No one quite understood what was happening.

“The last birthday present is my heart, the heart that will love you and protect you for the rest of your life.”

Jasmine Tong’s tears flowed for a moment as she threw herself into Albert Ou’s arms.

She didn’t want to shed tears, but she couldn’t help it.

Once again, the applause didn’t stop for a long time.

The Leng Lords also laughed on the side, “Bastard, talking about love words one way or another.”

That was the end of the ceremony part, followed by the wedding reception.

Because there were a lot of guests there, Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong also had a table by table toast.

The groomsmen are very useful at this time, taking turns to drink for Albert Ou. Jasmine Tong is fine, as she is the bride after all, and no one will make it difficult for her.

After this whole day’s work, it was already 12:00 p.m. when we returned home, and originally Mo Yiang was going to bring the army over to make trouble for the bridal chamber.

As a result, he was reprimanded by Albert Ou, and Mo Yiang never dared to make a mistake again.

Their bedroom was decorated as well, with red roses spreading all over the floor and bed, and the fragrance was overwhelming.

Jasmine Tong took off her high heels and rubbed her feet.

“I’m so tired. Never get married again.”

Albert Ou, however, left the door open a crack towards the outside like nothing.

“What are you doing, come over here and rub my feet.”Jasmine Tong felt that there was something not quite right about Albert Ou today.

“You go to sleep by yourself, I have things to do” said Albert Ou and walked out the door.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

A maid was carrying a plate with a clear glass full of warm water on top of it.

Albert Ou coughed and the maid stopped in a hurry, “Mr. Albert Ou.”

“That’s water for Mr. Cold, right?”

“Yes, Mr. Leng has had a little too much to drink, let me pour a glass of water and a sobering pill over.”

Albert Ou took the cup right out of his pocket and pulled out a packet of medicine and dropped it into the cup to stir for a while.

The maid looked at Albert Ou in surprise, “Mr. Albert Ou this”

“Don’t talk too much, when you get to his room, put the glass down and come right out and don’t say anything.”

Albert Ou’s order, where the maids dare to disobey, had to nod and take the cup to the cold owl’s room.

Albert Ou was overjoyed, then knocked on Meng Rujiao’s door.

Meng Rujiao was also tired today, she was a bridesmaid, and her legs were tired from walking all day in high heels.

“Here’s your chance, little girl.”

“Ah,” Meng Rujiao was all ready to sleep.

“I mean here’s your chance, I thought I told you to keep waiting for your chance, now’s the best chance” Albert Ou winked down at her.

Meng Rujiao was still in a trance.

“He’s a little drunk, I just put a drug in his water, the most powerful aphrodisiac, so you’re going to have to work a little harder tonight.”

“Is this okay? I’m not going to lie, I tried to do this before and it failed, he was drugged or pushed me away.”Meng Rujiao was also a little frustrated, how bad was she to be pushed away by a man with an aphrodisiac?

“The fix is so strong, you’d have given him twice as much if you knew but I figured the aphrodisiac was strong, plus he’s a little drunk again, so don’t worry, it’s never going to be a problem.”

Meng Rujiao was still a little unsure, “But even if we did have sex, would the boss accept me?”

As time dragged on, Meng Rujiao’s confidence was about to wear out.

“Isn’t that still me? do as I say tonight, tomorrow it’s up to me you have to trust me, I’ll do what I promise, don’t believe me go manman”

Meng Rujiao nodded, “Okay then.”

She was just about to leave the house when Albert Ou called out to her again, “Wait a minute and put this on.”

Albert Ou took a set of clothes to Meng Rujiao, a very s*xy set of pajamas that he had taken from Jasmine Tong.

“It’s not quite the right size, you’ll just have to get it together, I’ve been so busy with the wedding I forgot about it.”

Meng Rujiao changed her clothes and carefully went to the Leng Lords’ room.

Albert Ou crept to the cold owl’s door, his ear pressed to the door.

I’m afraid we have a good show coming up tonight.

Jasmine Tong is in the bedroom by herself, but Albert Ou still hasn’t come back!

What does this man want? He’s sneaking around.

Jasmine Tong got out of bed and looked around, finding that Albert Ou was putting his ear to the door of the Cold Lords.

“What are you doing in front of my brother’s room?”

Albert Ou was shocked and rushed over to cover Jasmine Tong’s mouth pulling her to run away.

“Let go of me, what are you sneaking around for” Jasmine Tong broke away from Albert Ou.

“I accomplished something big tonight” Albert Ou gave a thumbs up towards himself.

“What’s the big deal?”

Albert Ou leaned close to Jasmine Tong’s ear and told Jasmine Tong everything.

Jasmine Tong was scared to death when she heard Albert Ou’s words.

“Brother’s already drunk and you drugged him.”

“But a super powerful drug, yo.”Albert Ou was complacent.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting killed? You’re really a brother.”

“It’s okay, he’s fine, he’ll be fine, and for once, when they’re done, no one will miss you.”

Albert Ou stroked Jasmine Tong’s chin.

“Honey, it’s really not good to force the two of them to have sex.”

“What’s wrong with it, he said we two are not also the first time we met on the bed? Then the feelings are now developing not also quite good, it is called first cut.”

Albert Ou hugged Jasmine Tong’s shoulders and returned to the bedroom.

“It’s not the same as ah brother and Miss Meng and us.”

“Aren’t they both men and women? What’s the difference? Come on, let’s get down to business. “Albert Ou hugged Jasmine Tong to the bed.

“No more seriousness.”

“Isn’t that why you were just out looking for me?”

“Of course I went out to find you where for the wedding night you didn’t come back.”

“Yeah, isn’t that what you asked me back to do on wedding night?”


Jasmine Tong found that she really couldn’t win against Albert Ou in this matter of mouthiness.

“The two of them are in that room, the water’s deep, we definitely can’t lose do you want me to take some pills too, I still have some left”

“Albert Ou, you’ve had enough.”

It’s getting out of hand.

But Jasmine Tong is vaguely worried about the Cold Lords.

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