Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 576 – 578

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Chapter 576

Jasmine Tong searched all the rooms without finding Yarwen Tong, and according to the maid, the baby was placed in the hallway.

And Yarwen Tong didn’t even take a cell phone.

“Where do you think he could have gone? Could it be that he got upset when I said something to him the other day and just left?”

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine, he probably has something, unresolved.”

Just when Jasmine Tong didn’t know where to look for Yarwen Tong, Yarwen Tong had appeared in front of Moji’s window.

Today is the weekend, Mo Yi Xin did not live in the school, but went home.

After dinner, she stayed alone in her room, sitting at her desk with her chin on her chin for a long time.

Yarwen Tong just hid behind the window and quietly watched Mo Yi Xin.

She was prettier than ever, like she was less childish and more of a mature girl.

She took out a pile of drawings from her own drawer, and every single one of them was Yarwen Tong.

Ever since Yarwen Tong left, she would still think of his face and draw it on the paper.

Looking at these papers every day, it was as if Yarwen Tong had never left.

She took out her pencil again, laid out a new sheet of paper, and began to draw.

“Xin Xin, eat some fruit.”Mo Yi Xin’s mother, Zhou Yiru, walked in with a plate of fruit.

Mo Yi Xin immediately covered the drawing paper with it, “Mom, why did you even come in without knocking”

“I’m your mother, do I need to knock when I come into your room?”

Zhou Yiru put the fruit plate on Mo Yi Xin’s table and found that Mo Yi Xin looked strange.

It was also discovered that she had been covering her drawing paper and had a pencil in her hand.

“Xin Xin, are you drawing Yarwen Tong again stop it, he’s dead, it’s impossible for him to come back”

Zhou Yiru pulled her face down.

“This is my business, what does it have to do with you you quickly get out” Mo Yi Xin is very unhappy.

Even though she herself knew that Yarwen Tong was dead, she just wouldn’t allow anyone to mention it in front of her.

“Well, well, I go out but, Xin Xin, people can’t come back to life, besides, he has been away for so long, the put down on the put down, you are not young, you want to fall in love on a relationship, mom will not care about you, I think Jie is good ah.”

“The first thing you need to do is to get out of the house and get out of the house.

Zhou Yiru could only silently sigh and walk out of the room.

Mo Yi Xin laid the paper back down, looked at Yarwen Tong who was halfway through his painting, and gently stroked it on.

“Everyone says you’re dead, but I feel like you’re still alive, like you’ll be back one day.”

Mo Yi Xin smiled slightly towards the drawing paper, a tear fell and she took out her pencil and continued to draw.

Yarwen Tong hid behind the window and watched Mo Yi Xin, his heart breaking.

It’s almost two years later, and she still hasn’t gotten over the fact that she’s dead.

He should have confessed to her in the first place, the two of them might still have a little bit of memories, but now there was nothing, and all Mo Yi Xin could hold on to were these sketches.

Yarwen Tong almost showed up from behind the window, but he knew that in this world he was dead and couldn’t appear again.

Mo Yi Xin continued to paint the picture until midnight.

She put this latest drawing and the many others together with satisfaction before she went to bed.

Yarwen Tong pushed open the window and came in to pick up Mo Yi Xin’s drawings, looking through them one by one.

It was all him, just different expressions, different looks, different backgrounds, different movements.

Yarwen Tong walked to the bed and looked at Mo Yi Xin’s sweet sleep, he leaned down and placed a light k!ss on her lips.

Mo Yi Xin smiled sweetly, “Yarwen, I knew you would come back.”

She rolled over and went back to sleep.

Yarwen Tong took all of Mo Yi Xin’s drawings away when he left.

He went back to the Crystal Garden, where both Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou were waiting for him in the nursery.

“It’s so late, where have you been?”

“It’s late, you two go to bed after a long walk and being tired at home.”

Jasmine Tong immediately saw what was in Yarwen Tong’s hand, “What’s in your hand.”

Yarwen Tong directly carried the drawing behind her back, “Nothing, you go to bed with your brother-in-law, I’ll sleep with the baby tonight, I’ll leave tomorrow.”

Albert Ou hurriedly gave Jasmine Tong a wink.

“All right then, if the baby doesn’t behave at night, you can call for me in the next bedroom.”

“Yeah, got it.”

Albert Ou left the nursery holding Jasmine Tong’s hand.

“Why do I think he’s weird?”

“My cousin’s wife told me that since Xiaolei’s death, Xin Xin has been in a bad state, and she’s always drawing him, drawing one after another.”

“Xiaolei went to see Xin Xin” Jasmine Tong was shocked.

“I guess it was just a sneak peek too, don’t worry, Lei is a disciplined kid.”Albert Ou patted Jasmine Tong’s shoulder.

“It’s all my fault, we’ve been so self-conscious of ourselves this whole time that we’ve neglected Xin Xin and haven’t even visited her.”

The two men said as they went back to the bedroom.

Yarwen Tong left the next day.

A week later, Rameen Tong’s case was heard, along with Marven Tong’s case.

Before the trial, Yixin International had already released a statement, dissolving its relationship with Rameen. They were deeply saddened by Rameen’s behavior and expressed their hope that all artists in the company would take a lesson from it.

In addition, Ellen Ron also released a statement that he and Rameen Tong have dissolved their marriage, and Ellen Ron even said that he would never help an evil woman just because of his marriage and personal feelings.

The case has attracted a lot of attention and many reporters came on the day of the trial, but the case was not a public trial, so the press was just waiting outside, waiting for the verdict to be announced.

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong were also here, and they had a right to be present as victims.

Since I knew there were too many people in front of the courthouse, I entered directly through the back door.

The court was very quiet, Rameen Tong sat in the defendant’s seat with a big belly, the scene looked very sad, but no one sympathized with her.

Jasmine Tong likewise saw Marven Tong, who was noticeably much older, his hair almost completely white.

Albert Ou sat down with Jasmine Tong.

The judge began to read out Rameen’s and Tong Fook’s crimes according to the procedure.

“Your Honor, I have something to say.”Marven Tong held up his hand, his voice a little hoarse.

“Allowed, go ahead.”

“The kidnapping was done by me alone and had nothing to do with my daughter, and she had no prior knowledge of it.”

Jasmine Tong looked at Marven Tong and wondered in her heart, if she were in his place, would Marven Tong justify himself like this?

Everyone was waiting for Rameen Tong’s answer.

Chapter 577

Rameen Tong, who had been hanging her head and unwilling to show her face, looked up at her father with tears in her eyes.

To avoid collusion, the two men were so far apart that they could only make eye contact.

Marven Tong’s eyes were filled with love.

“Since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve been safe and sound, my mother-in-law has always wanted me at home, I’ve rarely left the house, and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been back to my mother’s house, as a neighbor can testify, so I wasn’t involved in the kidnapping.”

“You’re talking nonsense Where did that pill come from” Jasmine Tong heard Rameen Tong’s words lose control for a moment and directly stood up.

“Quiet,” the judge immediately snapped.

Albert Ou hurriedly pulled Jasmine Tong down.

“Marven Tong, where did the pills for the baby come from?”

“I asked for the pills from my daughter Rameen Tong, I lied to my daughter all about the neighbor’s dog being a nuisance and wished to get some poison to kill her dog, that’s why my daughter gave me the pills I asked for, what I said is true, Your Honor, if you don’t believe me, you can investigate, the neighbor has a particularly barking dog.”

“But when we asked you before, you said the pills were sleeping pills, so how do you explain that”

“That’s because I’m trying to get off the hook, poison and sleeping pills are definitely different charges, I was wrong, your honor, I plead guilty.”

Marven Tong’s explanation sounded seamless.

Jasmine Tong was shaking with anger, she originally thought that Rameen Tong could still have a bit of conscience, but she didn’t expect that she would still be so selfish when it came to this time.

And Marven Tong had been indulging in her selfishness.

Albert Ou gripped Jasmine Tong’s hand tightly, although they were the victim and the plaintiff, but after all, they were Jasmine Tong’s relatives, so they didn’t hire a lawyer and left everything to the judge’s lordship to decide.

The trial lasted four hours. Except for the kidnapping case, Rameen confessed to all the other murders of Jasmine Tong.

But she denied that she wanted to murder Jasmine Tong, and only wanted to teach her a lesson.

“Now for sentencing, all rise.”

All the men stood up.

“The defendant Rameen was sentenced to five years in prison for intentional injury, which was suspended because she was pregnant.”

“Defendant Marven Tong upholds the previous sentence.”

When she heard the verdict, Jasmine Tong was naturally angry.

It’s only five years.

The sentence was too lenient.

She actually nearly killed herself three times, and kept herself in the hospital for three months without waking up, and even nearly killed her own son, and was only sentenced to five years!

After five years, she’s not even 30 yet, and it’s simply not too easy to start a new life, not to mention the fact that she’s pregnant, which is a period of time that can even be reduced if she’s honest.

Jasmine Tong was angry, but the sentence had been pronounced and there was nothing she could do about it.

The two men were ready to go home, but they didn’t realize that as soon as they got to the back door, they were already being attacked by all the media.

“Miss Tong, I heard that Rameen Tong was sentenced to five years in prison, are you satisfied with the result?”

“Miss Tong, can you talk to us about how you’re feeling right now?”

The flashbulbs clicked and clicked, and all the talk gathered in front of Jasmine Tong.

Luckily, Albert Ou had prepared his bodyguards beforehand and they came up ready to escort Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong away.

Jasmine Tong, however, suddenly stopped in her tracks.

“Would you be satisfied if it were you because she survived her injuries several times, even lay in the hospital as a vegetable for three months, almost killed the child she was carrying, she planned a kidnapping, tried to poison her own child, and lured her brother to commit an illness and die, if it were you?”

Jasmine Tong was very angry at the camera.

Albert Ou subconsciously frowned.

“I’m certainly not happy with the verdict, the sentence was just too lenient.”

Of course, Jasmine Tong is very angry, firstly, the verdict is really too light, and secondly, Rameen Tong to this time, even pushed out her own father as a shield, she still has a little bit of humanity.

Albert Ou immediately pulled Jasmine Tong into the car and the media blocked the car in front.

In the end, it was court security that was called out to let them leave.

Jasmine Tong was still furious, and Albert Ou reached out and grabbed her hand.

“This is not a surprising result.”

Jasmine Tong raised her head to look at Albert Ou, “Do you also think that five years in jail can offset all the bad things she’s done?”

“Of course not, I’d like her to get the death penalty if she can, Jasmine, she’s too lucky to have gotten into the law, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Jasmine Tong was silent.

“Although she plotted to kill you many times, you were fine after all, even though you were in bed for three months and almost caused a miscarriage, but after all, you’re fine now and the baby was born successfully, as for Little Lei’s side, because he was sick himself, whether it was because he couldn’t hold it together or because he induced the onset of illness was already hard to define, and our son didn’t have anyThe thing is, Rameen Tong picked himself clean again, so the sentence won’t be heavy, and if he has the money now, he can hire a better lawyer and maybe even plead not guilty.”

“It’s too much because we’re fine, so can we write off all the bad things she did before? and the kidnapping was so well planned, my dad must not have had that kind of brain, it must have been her”

“But you have no proof, and with her being pregnant, you do have a lot of alibis.”

Tonto punched the seat in anger.

“Why do bad guys always have such good luck?”

Doesn’t the world reward good with good and evil with evil?

Rameen Tong has done so many bad things, yet she’s so lucky.

“If you want me to do away with her, I can.”

Jasmine Tong hurriedly shook her head, “Then what’s the difference between us and Rameen Tong I just want the law to judge her.”

Albert Ou threw Jasmine Tong in his arms, “She will definitely go to jail when she gives birth, she will definitely be punished for all the bad things she has done, it’s just a matter of time.Jasmine, you shouldn’t have told this to the media today.”

Jasmine Tong’s heart suddenly thumped.

“Oh crap, I wasn’t thinking about that, I was really pissed off.”

As a public figure, you can’t say too many emotional things to the media.

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine, Rameen Tong is pregnant now, and the amount of water she can’t set off.”

Albert Ou hurriedly calmed Jasmine Tong, his mouth said so, but his heart was still silently praying, hoping that nothing would happen.

“I hope so, but what about her baby?”

Chapter 578

Both men fell silent.

Where should Rameen’s child go?

Ellen Ron and Rameen Tong had divorced, and it was clear that he wasn’t going to have this child, and even if Rameen Tong gave birth to the child and sent it over, the child would still be implicated because of his mother.

How could the Ron family treat this child kindly? Ellen Ron was still young, he would marry again sooner or later and have children of his own, and then this child’s fate would be even more miserable.

“Honey, I want to talk to you about something.”

“You can raise it if you want.”Albert Ou answered straightforwardly.

Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou in surprise, not expecting him to see through his own thoughts.

She suddenly laughed, “How did you know I wanted to talk to you about this”

Albert Ou snorted smugly, as if to say, I’m your man, of course I know everything!

This weekend Mo Yixin came home once again, and the first thing he did when he got home was to go straight to his bedroom and put his drawings from school in a drawer.

Regarding Yarwen Tong’s drawings, she had all of them locked in her drawer because the school dormitory was crowded and she didn’t want anyone to see them.

But when she opened the drawer, it was empty.

She searched through all her drawers and couldn’t find her drawing.

“Mom” shouted Mo Yi Xin as she rushed downstairs.

Baby girl comes home once a week, and Zhou Yiru is busy cooking her delicious food.

When she heard Mo Yi Xin’s shout, she hurriedly came out of the kitchen.

“What are you shouting about?”

“Where did you hide my drawing? “Mo Yixin grabbed Zhou Yiru’s wrist.

“What drawing ah” Zhou Yiru was in a fog.

“It’s the sketches I drew about Xiaolei Mom, give them back to me.”

“I didn’t take your drawing.”Zhou Yiru hurriedly explained.

“If not you who else? Give me back those drawings, they’re very important to me, I can’t live without them Mom, I’m begging you, give them back to me.”

Mo Yi Xin pleaded bitterly in tears.

“Xin Xin, I really didn’t take those sketches when they’re gone, they’re gone anyway, what’s the use of having those sketches”

Seeing her daughter like this, Zhou Yiru was both heartbroken and angry.

“It works. It’s my sketch. It’s my life.”

“What about mom’s life Xin Xin, cheer up, OK you are for a dead man, to mom’s life ah has been over a year and a half, you can’t come out of it he is dead, dead is dead, what is the use of you thinking about him like this”

Zhou Yiru was reluctant to irritate her own daughter before this.

“I don’t want to listen I don’t want to listen” Mo Yi Xin squatted on the floor with her ears covered and wailed.

“Xin Xin, count on mother begging you, stop drawing him, he is dead, will not come back, you should start a new life” Zhou Yiru hugged her daughter also cried bitterly.

“No it’s not like that, he’ll come back he came back that day and he k!ssed me” shouted Mo Yi Xin covering her ears.

“Xin Xin, you always look like this, mommy is really sad that he will never come back this is the truth, Xin Xin, come to your senses ok”

Mo Yi Xin was bawling on the floor, but she was slowly calming down.

She knew, in fact, that she had been having a dream, but had been lying to herself to wake up from it.

Maybe she should sober up.

Mo Yi Xin cried for a long time, then silently went back to her room and looked at the new drawings she had done this week.

She would draw a lot when she was in school, and then bring back Yarwen Tong she drew every weekend.

“Lei, I’m sorry, I probably won’t draw you again, will you blame me”

Mo Yi Xin’s tears slowly flowed down, dripping onto the drawing and slowly fizzling out.

z.y. Hospital

Both women wore masks, one of them with a large belly, and kept her head down, as if afraid of being seen.

“Montmorency, I’m done with the formalities” said Dusky excitedly.

“Mom, keep your voice down, are you afraid people won’t recognize me?” said Rameen Tong, lowering her voice.

“Oh, let’s go to the doctor now.”Simin Du helped Rameen Tong to go straight to the queue.

Rameen Tong went to many hospitals and every doctor treated her with cynicism and even cursed the baby in her belly, even one hospital just blasted her out.

Who doesn’t know about her nowadays?

Everyone knows she’s an evil woman, like a street rat everyone cries out for.

The money that Ellen Ron gave to Simin Du was all used to hire a lawyer, and they are now penniless.

The z.y hospital side has a welfare organization for pregnant women who can’t afford to go to the hospital, which provides free maternity checkups.

Even though Rameen Tong had a hundred dislikes, she still came.

After all, this is Albert Ou’s hospital, but I don’t think Albert Ou would ask so much about it.

With the help of Simin Du, Rameen Tong completed the examination, and the doctor here was quite polite, not as cynical and sarcastic as the previous doctor.

“Everything is fine, the fetus is 25 weeks old, it’s fine for now, go back and recuperate.”The doctor said.

“Great, it’s okay.”Simin Du was doubly relieved that after all that had happened, it was fortunate that Rameen Tong’s child was okay.

“Doctor, about when can I give birth.”

“It’s still early, there’s no rush, it’s not just six months, it’s full term at 36 weeks, so there’s still three months to go.”

Rameen Tong was despondent, there were still three months to go, and when she gave birth and did a full month’s work, which was four months, she would be in prison.

What awaits her will be up to five years in prison.

“Okay, next,”

Rameen Tong had to get up and walk out with Dusyman.

“Mom, what do you think prison is like?”

“I’ve never been there either, Dream, don’t be afraid, five years, it’s only five years, it’ll be over in a flash, you see, at first I thought, you’re so little, now in the blink of an eye you’ll be a mother, don’t be afraid, by the time you come out, I’ll have brought the baby up.”

Simin Du reassured Rameen Tong with a strong effort.

Rameen Tong smiled and didn’t say anything, how was her mother going to bring up her own child.

She’s just been living the life of a provider, never worked, never even had a good job in the house, how is she going to raise her children

Simin Du suddenly stopped, Rameen Tong also had to stop, and the two of them looked over towards the front together.

Jasmine Tong, who was standing right in front of them with a child in her arms.

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