Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 579 – 581

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Chapter 579

“What do you want? I’ll tell you what, there are so many people here, so many eyes watching.”

Simin Du blocked in front of Rameen Tong like a mother hen protecting her chickens.

Jasmine Tong was saddened if her mother was still alive would she also be like Dushman and protect herself?

“Mom, what do I have to be afraid of now” Rameen Tong raised her head to look at Jasmine Tong, “Looking for me for something?”

Jasmine Tong handed the baby in her arms to Pearblossom, who was nearby, and she and Rameen Tong went upstairs to a conference room.

She already knew that Rameen Tong had come here for a checkup, and the hospital told her the first time they received Rameen Tong’s application.

The doctors in the entire hospital who don’t know about Rameen Tong and Jasmine Tong’s history, accepting Rameen Tong’s application, will naturally report to Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong also knew that Rameen must have been desperate to come here to apply for free maternity examinations.

“You’re happy to see me like this,”

“Are you going to hear the truth? Not satisfied, not satisfied at all.”Tong held the water and said, “You deserve to go to hell.”

Rameen Tong wasn’t angry at all, but smirked, “I’m disappointed in you.”

“Rameen Tong, I didn’t think that in these last moments you would still have no conscience whatsoever.”

“That’s what Dad is happy to do, he’s happy to save me, and that’s my daughter, but not if it’s you.”Rameen Tong is still the same Rameen Tong, always able to poke the nerve that hurts Jasmine Tong the most with a single sentence.

“Well, now that the court has pronounced its sentence, I respect the law.Did Ellen Ron say anything about the child in your belly?”

Jasmine Tong’s eyes were fixed on Rameen Tong’s stomach.

“What’s that got to do with you it’s his own flesh and blood, of course he’s going to raise him right.”

“Really? If that’s the case, then why did he divorce you? my husband and I said that if you can find a very good lawyer, you might even be able to plead not guilty for you, and Ellen Ron should be able to do it for the sake of the child, right, but he divorced you in the first place.”

Rameen Tong’s face was a little different.

“What were you trying to say don’t waste my time.”

“Rameen Tong, I can’t forgive you for what you did to me, my son and my brother, even if it leaves you in pieces, but the child in your belly is innocent.”

Jasmine Tong put the glass of water down and continued, “I know that Ellen Ron might want this child, but you have to know that Ellen Ron is still young, with Lin Qingfeng’s temper, he would have started looking for a new wife for him by now, and he would have a child of his own, you know what will happen to your child when the time comes”

Rameen Tong touched her stomach uneasily, of course she knew.

Her own mother was a stepmother, and she had arrived as a child to witness how Dusyman had treated Jasmine Tong and Yarwen Tong.

I never thought that one day my own children would end up like this.

“As much as I hate you, I feel sorry for the child in your belly, your mother is not even capable of raising the child, she’s having trouble raising herself, so you can give it to me.”

Rameen Tong fiercely looked up at Jasmine Tong and suddenly burst out laughing.

“Do you take me for a fool Jasmine Tong you have no way to torture me, so you want to adopt my child over to torture him, I tell you, if you dream I’ll strangle him, I won’t let you raise him”

“Do you think I’m as vicious as you are I really wonder what kind of woman I am in your eyes Ask yourself if I’ve ever been harmful to you.”

Rameen Tong lost her words for a moment, honestly she knew very well how Jasmine Tong was, Jasmine Tong had been honest since she was a child, so she was always a bully too.

“Your child will call me an aunt after all anyway, and if you come out in five years and can mend your ways, I’ll give you your child back.”

Jasmine Tong stood up and looked at Rameen Tong.

“You’ve already done so much wrong, do you still want to do wrong? Do you still want to make your own children, together with the consequences of what you’ve done wrong? It’s time for you to grow up and wake up.”

Jasmine Tong walked straight out of the conference room after saying these words.

Rameen Tong sat alone in the conference room, her eyes dull.

Maybe Jasmine Tong is right and it’s time for her to grow up and wake up.

After parting with Rameen Tong, Jasmine Tong went straight home and was just about to go check on the baby when she was blocked back by Albert Ou at the entrance to the nursery.

“Why don’t you let me in?”

“I’ll show you a good thing, close your eyes” Albert Ou said and directly covered Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

“What the hell are you up to again, mysteriously” Jasmine Tong spat while but still cooperated with Albert Ou.

“You’ll see in a minute.”

Albert Ou took Jasmine Tong into the nursery, “Okay, you can watch now.”

Jasmine Tong opened her eyes and saw the baby standing right in front of her, walking crookedly towards her step by step

He grinned as he said, “Mom.”

Jasmine Tong was dumbfounded, his son could walk.

These days, she has been busy with the case, Jasmine Tong spent less time with her son, only to hear the maids say that the baby is starting to learn to walk, but thought that he is still under a year old, and will definitely not learn.

I can’t believe how quickly he learned to walk.

The baby jumped right into Jasmine Tong’s arms.

“Baby how are you so good that you can walk?”

“That must be, my son,” Albert Ou looked very proud.

“Yeah, it’s your son, soon to be a week old, and he doesn’t even have a name.”

When it comes to the baby’s name, both of them find it very painful that the baby is a week old and still keeps baby calling, not even a proper name.

“I’ll give the baby a name before his first birthday,” Albert Ou vowed.

“Our baby will be a week old soon and you’re still looking for this opportunity to celebrate, the house has always been a bit unhappy lately, hilarious”

“Yeah, that’s fine with me.”

It’s true that it’s been a long time since this family has had a wedding, the last time was around the baby’s 100th day, and it’s been more than half a year since now.

All the dust has settled and it’s time to celebrate.

“Baby, it’s your birthday soon, are you happy? What do you want for your birthday?”

The baby can’t talk yet, except for his parents, he only grunts, but then he points to Tong’s belly.

Pearly laughed, “All I want for my birthday sometimes is a little sister, haha”

Just at that moment, the maid’s voice came from outside the door.

“Sir and madam, look who’s here.”

Chapter 580

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong went downstairs, and there was a familiar figure standing in the living room.

Cold Lords.

“Brother” Jasmine Tong excitedly shouted out, since the last baby after a hundred days, has not seen the cold owl, even and he has no contact.

“Ahem “Albert Ou immediately coughed, then glared at Jasmine Tong, who immediately put away her excited expression.

Albert Ou immediately took her hand and walked forward.

“What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I come?” the Cold Lords asked directly back.

“At the very least, you should have said hello in advance.”Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong’s hand and sat on the sofa.

Even after sitting down, Albert Ou was ten-fingered with Jasmine Tong.

The cold lord looked at the two people clasping hands, “Having a son is happier than before, right?”

“Which fortunately fortunate or sexually fortunate are you talking about?”

Albert Ou looked at the Cold Lords with considerable interest.

Jasmine Tong’s face turned red, this man was really talking out of turn.

“Well, I can answer all of that, very happy and very sexually blessed, especially sexually blessed.”Albert Ou stretched out an arm to wrap Jasmine Tong in his arms.

Leng Lords laughed, “My son is almost a year old, and he’s still so gluey.”

“That’s right, my son is almost a year old, and he’s still so attached to me, especially at night, and he loves to get into my arms, he’s so tired of it.”

Albert Ou said as he looked at Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong can’t wait to find a crack to crawl in.

This man how so like to show affection especially in front of the cold owl, seems to be even more like to show unbridled.

“Brother, you can talk, I’ll go upstairs and check on the baby.”Jasmine Tong immediately broke free of Albert Ou’s arm and stood up.

She’s not going to stay in this place. It’s embarrassing.

“Go on then.”Albert Ou took Jasmine Tong’s hand and k!ssed her lightly on the back of her hand.

Jasmine Tong gave a disgusted glance at Albert Ou and hurried upstairs.

“I said you’re enough,” the cold lord picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it towards Albert Ou.

Albert Ou caught the pillow as soon as he reached for it.

“You call that envy and jealousy.”

“Right, I am just envious of you, jealous of you, satisfied with it” Leng Lords really take their own this brother can’t do anything.

“Very satisfied.”

Leng Lords glanced at Albert Ou, “I’m tired of driving, go back to my room and rest.”

“You still haven’t told me what you’re doing back here.”

Albert Ou knew that the Cold Lords would never come back without a reason.

The Cold Lords stopped and hesitated for a moment, “For your baby boy’s birthday.”

“Birthday presents don’t want dead things, thanks.”

The Leng Lords didn’t bother to go straight up the stairs.

For them, the Cold Lords are not considered guests, so there is no need for special hospitality.

Albert Ou returned to the nursery and Jasmine Tong gave him a hard stare.

“You’re talking more and more outrageous, what’s all that talk in front of my brother?”

“Hey, he’s not an outsider.”Albert Ou smiled badly as he walked in.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to the list.

“Where’s my brother?”

“Went to bed, said he was tired from the drive.”

“The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your home.

“Why are you paying so much attention to him? I haven’t gotten back to you yet. Why are you so excited to see him, than to see me?” Albert Ou was not happy.

“Isn’t that because you haven’t seen him in a long time?”

“So should I travel for ten and a half months so that you don’t see me for a long time too, and then I get so excited when I see me.”

Jasmine Tong’s eyes dribbled around, “Fine, or you can try.”

He was annoyed to be around her all day.

“Jasmine Tong, tell me again.”

“Mmmm” the baby raised his fist and pounded it towards Albert Ou’s thigh and made a sound.

“I’ll go,”

“Hahaha, let’s see how you bully me later, I’ve got my son to back me up.”

Tonto immediately picked up the baby, “But seriously, it seems like brother is up to something.”

“He was indeed abnormal, I smelled a strange woman on him.”

Albert Ou said as he touched his chin.

“Strange woman.”

Jasmine Tong carefully recalled that she didn’t seem to smell any perfume or lipstick.

“No, there’s no perfume or the smell of messy cosmetics, how did you smell it? Could it be that you and my brother are twins and have telepathy”

“Who’s telepathic with him even if I’m going to be telepathic with someone it’s with you I’m telling you ah don’t touch him alone, even if I’m snooping I’m going”

Albert Ou explicitly forbade Jasmine Tong from contacting the Leng Lords alone.

“You’d better think about the baby’s birthday, and then there’s the requirements for our wedding.”


Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou in surprise, but if he hadn’t brought it up today, she would almost have forgotten about it.

“I’ll really have to think about that.”

Jasmine Tong fell into a state of infinite longing.

The baby’s birthday was soon approaching, and the entire Dark Empire had the day off.

The guests invited were not only relatives and friends from his own family, but Albert Ou also invited some company executives to come to the baby’s birthday party.

The crystal garden was decorated with new, colorful lights, the lawn is full of shining multicolored lights, the air is also covered with small colored lights, the whole crystal garden is like a fairy tale world.

“There are more guests invited today, no one is allowed in without an invitation, so be on your guard.”Albert Ou said to Wu Xiu.

“Yes, young master, I’ll keep everyone on their toes.”

Wu Xiu immediately went to work after saying that.

Jasmine Tong was busy greeting the guests and the baby in her arms was dressed in a little suit, handsome as his father.

There were really too many guests visiting today, Jasmine Tong didn’t expect there to be so many people, Huo Yulong even deliberately brought his whole family over, and the Mo family naturally had no shortage of people.

A man in a broad cloak came to the door.

“Do you have an invitation?” the man at the door stopped her immediately.

The woman, without speaking, hurriedly took an invitation from her own pocket and handed it to the gatekeeper.

“Okay, go in.”The gatekeeper gave the invitation back to the woman with one look.

The woman walked in and took off her cape.

Rameen Tong, she’s here.

“Jasmine Tong, I won’t let you get away with this, today will be the most memorable day of your life.”

Chapter 581

Rameen Tong wore a cloak style dress that was rather fat and covered her belly so tightly that no one even realized it was a pregnant woman.

Plus there were so many people at the birthday party that even less people would notice her.

“Let’s cut the cake.”

The maids pushed out a super-sized cake with a cart, but Jasmine Tong had made it herself, and had worked all day to make it.

The lights were dimmed and only the candles on the cake glowed.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.”

All the people in the room started singing the birthday song together, and the little guy seemed happy to see so many people for the first time.

The “oh” birthday song ended and everyone clapped and cheered together.

Since the baby is still too young to cut the cake, naturally, the cake cutting is done by Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong carefully divided the cake into many pieces to be distributed by the maids, which was a tiresome job.

After the cake was divided, everyone went about their business again.

Jasmine Tong breathed a sigh of relief, finally being done with her work, she could take a break.

“Ma’am, take a rest, have a piece of cake, and I’ll look after the young master.”Pearly said thoughtfully.

“Where’s Mr.” Jasmine Tong looked left and right but didn’t see Albert Ou.

“Mr. and Mr. Cold have gone for a drink.”

“Oh, that’s trouble, Pearly, I’m really kind of tired today.”

Jasmine Tong had just cut herself a piece of cake when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Rameen Tong’s slightly haggard face.

Jasmine Tong was shocked, “What are you doing here?”

Rameen Tong immediately grinned towards Jasmine Tong, “Sister, I’ve come especially to celebrate my little nephew’s birthday.”

This friendly smile is so confusing.

Rameen Tong pulled out a pair of compact hats with panda eyes and ears from the bag she had brought with her.

“It was knitted with my own hands, I’ve never done anything like this before, and you know I’m penniless and can’t afford anything of value, so I knitted this hat, I hope you don’t mind.”

Rameen Tong handed her hat to Jasmine Tong with a pair of gloves on both hands.

Jasmine Tong took the hat, “It’s nice, thanks.”

“I’m glad my sister likes it.”

“How did you get in here?”

“Oh, I just told the people at the door that I’m your sister and showed them my gift, and they let me in.”Rameen Tong hurriedly explained.

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Sister, I figured out what you told me last time, so can I talk to you alone?”

Jasmine Tong looked around, then nodded, “Okay, let’s go over there, there are less people there.”

As she said Jasmine Tong pointed to the corners.

“Listen to your sister.”

Jasmine Tong went first, Rameen followed, and the two came to the corner, this side away from the crowd, it was quiet.

“You agreed that the child would be born and given to me to raise.”

Rameen Tong sniffled and nodded, “Probably the best thing to do, sister, will you really treat my child well?”

Rameen Tong took Jasmine Tong’s hand in both of hers.

“What are you talking about? Is it possible that you still think I raised him to abuse him, and if you don’t trust me so much, why did you come to me?”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s that the hatred between us runs so deep, and don’t you hate me for all the things I’ve done to you, even trying to kill your son.”

Rameen Tong allowed her tears to run down her face.

“As I said, the child in your womb is innocent, and I will not force our feud on the child.”

Rameen Tong “plopped” on her knees, “Sister, then you forgive me, okay I want to hear you say that you forgive me yourself before I feel comfortable giving you my child.”

Because the child in the womb of Rameen Tong is nearly seven months old, the belly is very large, kneeling on the ground is really inconvenient, Jasmine Tong intended to help her, but Rameen Tong just can not get up.

“What are you doing?”

“Sister, I beg you to forgive me, okay I’m kowtowing to you” Rameen Tong said and knocked her head to the ground.

“You don’t need to waste your time, even you know you’ve done so many wrong things to me, why should you ask me to forgive you, don’t worry, even if I don’t forgive you, I’ll raise your child properly.”

Do you want Jasmine Tong to forgive Rameen Tong?

Jasmine Tong couldn’t do it, if she forgave Rameen Tong, then how would she explain to Yarwen Tong, how would she explain to Albert Ou, and how would she explain to her own son.

Yarwen Tong died because of her, Albert Ou was tortured for three months because of her, and her son almost became demented because of her.

“Sister, if you won’t forgive me, I can’t give you the child, and he was born without a provider, so what’s he doing alive”

Said Rameen Tong pulled out a knife from her pocket and stabbed it towards her stomach.

Luckily, Jasmine Tong was quick-eyed and snatched Rameen Tong’s knife right off.

“Are you crazy? He is your child is your own flesh and blood you can even go down” Jasmine Tong yelled towards Rameen Tong.

“But what can I do if my sister won’t forgive me?”

“Why should you ask me to forgive you for all the things you’ve done to me, not only hurting me, but hurting the people who love me, even going so far as to kill my son, I will never forgive you but I can help you raise your child.”

Jasmine Tong turned her head to the side her chest was unquenchable anger.

“You hate me so much, will you be kind to my children?”

“Believe it or not, if you can’t trust me, you can find someone else to raise your child ah I told you, I’m not going to do anything to your child just because of our feud, not to mention, you’ll be out in five years and you can pick him up.”

In the face of Rameen Tong’s mistrust, Jasmine Tong is understandable; the more she feels guilty, the more she doesn’t feel comfortable handing over the child.

“Sister, are you really unwilling to forgive me I beg you one last time, okay” Rameen Tong grabbed Jasmine Tong’s hand, still unwilling to give up, “Even if you lie to me, you forgive me.”

She just wanted to hear Jasmine Tong’s “Forgiveness”.

“I’ve told you I won’t forgive you.”

Suddenly Rameen Tong tightly gripped Jasmine Tong’s hand, Jasmine Tong still had the knife taken from Rameen Tong’s hands

Rameen Tong grabbed Jasmine Tong’s hand and the knife stabbed straight into his chest

“Ah, murder!” came the shout from a little way off.

Jasmine Tong was also terrified, and Rameen Tong fell down right in front of her eyes.

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