Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 573 – 575

Read Chapter 573 – 575 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 573

How could Jasmine Tong not want to stay with Yarwen Tong for a few more days, but this would not do.

Yarwen Tong’s current identity was too special, not to mention outside, even at home, it would be very dangerous for the servants to know.

So, Murray and Osei hardly come over either, just because they’re worried about being discovered.

“I know, I’ll be gone in a couple of days.”

Yarwen Tong got a little impatient and carried the baby back to the nursery.

To be on the safe side, Jasmine Tong had previously asked the servants not to come up on this floor, even cleaning was no longer necessary.

This floor is pretty safe.

Jasmine Tong sighed, Yarwen Tong has gone through so much and grown up, she does not want to keep forcing things, let him be, I believe he has a sense of proportion.

That afternoon, Jasmine Tong came to the basement.

Lu Wei Ran is still being held here, and she’s only released when she’s needed, and she’s pretty cooperative.

“Hello Madam” the bodyguards in charge of guarding Lu Weiran saluted towards Jasmine Tong.

Lu Wei Ran heard the voice and immediately stood up and came to the door.


Jasmine Tong ordered her bodyguard to open the door.

Lu Wei Ran was a lot thinner than before, she was lean before, now she was simply skin and bones and looked a bit scary, so Rameen Tong could only be bluffed.

“Willan, will you be my personal bodyguard from now on for the same salary as before.”

Lu Weiran was completely stunned, before Jasmine Tong asked her to scare Rameen Tong, but she didn’t mention any conditions.

She knew in her own heart that Albert Ou would never let her go, and she was unconvinced that she could not let Rameen Tong go while the one who started it was still at large.

So, I promised Jasmine Tong that if she brought down Rameen Tong, she’d have a cushion even if she died!

But I never thought that Jasmine Tong would even ask her to come back as a bodyguard.

“Ma’am, I’ve hurt you before, don’t you ever worry”

“It’s not a good idea to use someone, not to mention that you’re not the only bodyguard I have with me, but if you’re willing to come back, there’s going to be a lot of pressure, my husband is still looking for a female bodyguard for me, and if he finds one, and you don’t do a good job, you could lose the job at any moment.”

“I would like to very much.”

“There is another thing I want to tell you, your brother-in-law at home got married and gave you a little nephew, so you can come home and see that you are now a great success in the eyes of your family.”

Lu Wei Ran was even more sedated when he heard this.


Does she have a home?

“My family is also heavily patriarchal, I envy you, at least your parents are older and know their daughters are better than their sons and will value you more, but I’m different cherish it, not everyone can have a complete family.”

Jasmine Tong turned to leave after saying this, “I’ll give you a month off, and I hope you’ll work hard when you come back.”

Lu Weiran looked at Jasmine Tong’s back and his knees couldn’t help but slowly fall down.

“Thank you ma’am, don’t worry I’ll do my job properly.”

“I don’t believe in promises, I believe in action.”Jasmine Tong said the last words and left.

Lu Wei Ran streaked down, she finally knew why Jasmine Tong could be with Albert Ou.

Because she’s a really nice person.


Rameen Tong was lying on the hospital bed with a dead heart.

She stared straight up at the ceiling with her eyes open and unblinking.

It’s over. It’s all over.

Because she is pregnant and has been pregnant for more than five months, plus she fainted yesterday and could only be brought to the hospital, the case about her is in progress and there are special police guards outside the door.

“Mr. Superior, your visitation time is only twenty minutes and the door must be open according to the rules.”

“Yes, I understand.”

There was a sudden sound from outside the door.

“Brother Ellen” Rameen Tong seemed to see hope again, she sat up abruptly and as soon as she got out of bed she saw Ellen Ron walk in, “Brother Ellen, you must save me, save me ah”

Ellen Ron’s face did not have any expression, only helping Rameen Tong up from the ground.

“You don’t,”

“Brother Ellen, no matter what, you must save me, save our child” Rameen Tong grabbed onto Ellen Ron’s arm, Ellen Ron was her only hope now.

Ellen Ron gently took her hand away.

“I didn’t expect you to be so vicious as this” Ellen Ron didn’t even want to look at Rameen Tong.

“No, Brother Ellen, you have to trust me.”

“All your own words of course I believe your words” Ellen Ron growled out.

Rameen Tong stepped back in fear.

“Rameen Tong, I know you’re jealous and I know you’ve been working behind the scenes to sling mud at Jasmine, even buying navy to create scandal for her, but I really didn’t think you’d even do something like kill someone.”

Ellen Ron stared at Rameen Tong with clenched teeth.

Rameen Tong couldn’t stop shaking her head, “Brother Ellen, will you give me a chance? I won’t do it again, please, for the sake of the child”

“Whenever I think of the woman who sleeps next to my pillow is a woman who can hire a murderer, I feel chilled Rameen Tong, is there a day when I piss you off, you will kill me too.”

“No, I love you, Brother Ellen, I love you, I’m not going to kill you, how could I”

Rameen Tong walked forward to try to grab Ellen Ron’s arm but was directly shrugged off by Ellen Ron.

“You’re a vicious woman, I’m not going to stay with you, get a divorce.”

Hearing the word “divorce”, Rameen Tong felt a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

Ellen Ron was her last straw. He wanted to divorce her!

“Brother Ellen, don’t divorce you have to save me, you’re the only one who can save me, think of our child, he’ll be born in a few months”

Rameen Tong directly knelt on the ground hugging Ellen Ron’s leg and cried out.

Ellen Ron lowered his head to look at Rameen Tong’s stomach, “Your child will definitely inherit your essence as well, and with you as a murderer’s mother, how much better do you think he’ll be born.”

Rameen Tong sat on the ground with her buttocks, not expecting Ellen Ron to say such words

“Rameen Tong, I can’t save you, the other party is Albert Ou, do you think I have the ability to fight against him because of this child in your belly, you definitely won’t be imprisoned immediately, if you insist on giving birth to the child, then I will also take in this child, only he will never know who his mother is, if you don’t want to give birth, then forget it.”

Ellen Ron pulled out the divorce agreement from his bag, “Sign it, I only have twenty minutes, I don’t want to waste time with you.”

Chapter 574

When she saw the paper divorce agreement, Rameen Tong finally saw it clearly.

Ellen Ron had prepared everything, and today was the day he came to divorce her.

“No matter what Ellen Ron says, you and I are at least husband and wife, but you treat me like this” Rameen Tong gritted her teeth, disheartened.

“How a husband and wife you and I came to be, I’m sure you know better than I do, if you hadn’t drugged me, how could I have slept with you it’s all your own fault and no one else’s.”

Ellen Ron’s voice was still very cold.

“I gave you my first time, I gave you my best youth, I gave you everything I had when I needed you most, and you’re divorcing me.”

Rameen Tong’s tears fell down one by one.

“I told you, you’re to blame for this, if you hadn’t set out to sleep with me in the first place, none of this back there would have happened, and in the end you’re to blame.”

Ellen Ron suddenly sneered, “To think that at first, your mother thought that the Ron family was poor and had Man Man come to join the marriage, but then she found out that our Ron family was no match for your Tong family and regretted it, that’s why she came to set me up, and what you see in me is just my money.”

Rameen Tong remained paralyzed on the ground, “Brother Ellen, I love you so much.”

“Don’t say you love me, tarnish the word love, you don’t love me, you love my money, sign it.”

“No, I’m not signing it, I’m not signing it, I’m never signing it.”Rameen Tong held her head and shook it desperately.

“Even if you don’t sign, do you think I can’t divorce you? you’re a prisoner, I’ll find any reason to file a lawsuit against you, and then the divorce won’t be a matter of minutes, and then you’ll be a net positive if you’re good enough to sign, and I’ll save you the trouble, and will give your mother a sum of money, and then I’ll let her visit you in prison, and maybe even bring you some food.”

Rameen Tong looked at Ellen Ron in despair, she couldn’t see any emotion in his eyes.

Yes, Ellen Ron was right, she was now walled in.

She picked up the divorce papers on the floor and signed them formally.

“I hope you keep your word.”

Ellen Ron picked up the divorce agreement and read it, straightened up his clothes and left the place.

Rameen Tong sat on the floor unable to shed any tears.

She’s got nothing now.

One can only wait in silence for the law to be pronounced.

On his way to leave with the divorce papers, Ellen Ron came face to face with a woman.

It was obvious both men were a little surprised to meet here.

Jasmine Tong didn’t even look at Ellen Ron walked straight towards Rameen Tong’s hospital room, Ellen Ron stopped, turned around to take a look at Jasmine Tong, and left with a sigh.

“Mrs. Au.”The officer guarding Rameen Tong was respectful to Jasmine Tong.

“What was Mr. Ron doing here just now?”

“What can he do who can stand such a wife and still suffer, how can he allow such a young lady when the upper house is so prestigious, he is here to divorce.”

The “divorce” bit was a bit of a surprise to Jasmine Tong.

It’s true that the Ron family is thin-hearted, and so is Ellen Ron, regardless of whether this is Ellen Ron’s intention or not, Lin Qingfeng will definitely not tolerate Rameen Tong, just the child in her belly.

“I’ll have a word with her.”

“Yes, Mrs. O, go ahead, it’s just that the door is going to be open, I’m so sorry, and we’re following the rules and regulations.”

“It’s okay.”Jasmine Tong stepped right into the hospital room.

Rameen Tong was still paralyzed on the floor, and when she saw Jasmine Tong come in, she hurriedly tidied her hair and held onto the edge of the bed and stood up.

She could embarrass herself in front of anyone but Jasmine Tong.

“What are you doing here?”

“Come and see you, come and see my good sister, the one who tried to kill me several times, and the one who tried to kill my son.”

When Jasmine Tong learns that Rameen Dream wants to kill her son, Jasmine Tong loses all trace of pity for Rameen Dream.

“Seeing me like this, you’re happy aren’t you then you’re just as happy as you can be” Rameen Tong took a glance at Jasmine Tong back on the bed and sat down, putting on a high and mighty appearance.

“You’re not the least bit curious as to why you’re the way you are.”

Rameen Tong looked fiercely at Jasmine Tong and pointed at her, yelling angrily, “You did it all, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did.”Jasmine Tong admitted it very frankly.

“So it’s really you you’re the most vicious” Rameen Tong growled.

“I’m no more evil than you are. I’m just showing the bad guys what I’m really made of. Where am I evil?”

Rameen Tong couldn’t speak.

“Lu Wei Ran isn’t dead, she’s been at my house the whole time, I had her pretend to be a ghost to scare you, and Yarwen, I just found a boy who looks like him and put on makeup to scare you, if you don’t have a ghost in your heart, how could you be scared”

Jasmine Tong told the truth very frankly.

“You heard the officer, it’s all this woman playing tricks on me I’m not guilty I’m really not guilty.”

But the officer at the door just gave her a sidelong glance and didn’t say anything.

“You don’t need to waste your energy, do you think you are a criminal just by virtue of your crazy talk? don’t be naive, I have already submitted evidence of the fact that you committed the crime, the reason why I still want you to continue talking crazy in front of everyone is that I want everyone to see your true face, so that you will never be able to turn over a new leaf.”

“Jasmine Tong, you’re the bad woman who set me up” Rameen Tong’s hand pointing at Jasmine Tong was trembling.

“My heart is too soft so I let the people around me suffer persecution from you all the time, I thought I crossed the wooden bridge and you took your sunshine path and it would subside when you found out my husband is Albert Ou, I didn’t think you would even do it to my son you are so vicious you want to kill my son.”

Jasmine Tong covered her chest, unable to contain the pain she felt inside.

“I assure you, Rameen Tong, if you hadn’t done anything to my son, I could have put the past behind me for everything that came before, but, I’m sorry, but my son is my bottom line and if you touch it, I will never forgive you.”

“I just want to kill him how about he deserves to die as long as you die son, Albert Ou will definitely not want you hahaha I’m telling you, that poison is very powerful, your son might be demented by then Albert Ou will abandon you, haha”

Looking at Rameen Tong like this, Jasmine really didn’t regret doing this at all.

Chapter 575

Rameen Tong laughed a little maniacally.

If she could hear that Jasmine Tong’s son had turned out to be a fool or died, then she would have achieved her goal.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but my son is fine now.”

The smile on Rameen Tong’s face froze, “Impossible, it’s absolutely impossible that medicine is very toxic but I got it by all means.”

“That drug is indeed very toxic, but it’s a drug that needs to accumulate to a certain amount before it can cause dementia or death in a child, and unfortunately, our dad has some conscience.”

Rameen Tong quietly listened to Jasmine Tong’s words.

“I’m sure you must have timed it at first, about 24 hours, and that one pill will probably give the kid four or five hours of sleep, and 24 hours works out to about three or four pills, and if he did take three or four pills, I’m afraid he’s gone.”

Jasmine Tong secretly admired the seamless design of every aspect of Rameen Tong.

“Even though you said it was a sleeping pill, Dad knew it wasn’t a sleeping pill and it’s not good for children, so he broke a pill in half and fed him just one pill in total, and now my son’s body has metabolized the toxins.”

“This fool,” Rameen Tong growled with her head in her hands.

“Are you calling our dad a fool? How sad would it be if dad heard that he took all the blame for everything and his daughter called him a fool.”

Jasmine Tong laughed bitterly, does this sister of his have a tiny bit of conscience or not.

“Even if he doesn’t die this time, he’ll die later, and I curse him and curse him for dying sooner.”

Rameen Tong said viciously.

“You’re almost a mother, too, Rameen Tong, and you can say such vicious things nowadays.”

Jasmine Tong’s heart was cold, what mother would want to hear someone curse her own son?

“What can’t I say, I’m not cursing my own child, I’m just cursing you, so what if I curse you and wish your son an early death, curse you to be abandoned early and curse you to end up even more miserable than me”

Rameen Tong’s fierce face gnashed her teeth towards Jasmine Tong and said.

“That’s really disappointing.”A man’s voice came from the doorway.

As soon as Jasmine Tong turned her head, she saw Albert Ou.

Albert Ou walked up to Jasmine Tong and hugged her waist.

“I tell you, even if my son dies, even if Mann can never have a son again, I will never abandon her, she will always be the woman I love the most.”

Albert Ou raised an eyebrow towards Rameen Tong, “And you woman will just wait for the legal sentence, you’ll never be able to compare to Man Man.”

Everyone knows that Albert Ou is very fond of Jasmine Tong, especially after Albert Ou launched Weibo, where he often posts his and Tong’s daily life.

But it’s a different feeling to see it online than it is to see it in person.

Rameen Tong clenched her fist and gritted her teeth, why on what grounds can Jasmine Tong marry so well

“I don’t want to talk to you too much, you’re still young, but dad is old, if you have any conscience left, you’ll take the initiative to bring the crime down, so dad can still get two years less, but you’re different, you’re pregnant now, even if you’re sentenced, you won’t be admitted to prison immediately, and in the meantime if you behave well, you might be able to reduce your sentence.”

Jasmine Tong took one last look at Rameen Tong, “Take care of yourself.”

Albert Ou hugged Jasmine Tong’s shoulders and the two of them walked out together.

Rameen Tong sat on the bed, her eyes bursting with infinite hatred.

Is this the end of her? – No. She’s not happy.

“Why did you suddenly come” Jasmine Tong looked up at Albert Ou, shouldn’t he be in the office at this time of the day?

“You said you, you came here by yourself and didn’t know to tell me beforehand so I could keep you company.”

“What, afraid that I will suffer ah there are police at the door, she does not dare to do anything to me, not to mention that she is a pregnant woman.”

“There’s no cure for a pregnant woman’s insanity. Next time, don’t come alone.”

The two men got into the car together.

“I heard you’re releasing Lu Wei Ran and making her your personal bodyguard.”

“Yeah, I gave her the day off so she could go back home and visit.”

“I disagree,” Albert Ou got out with a screwed-up brow.

If it wasn’t for Lu Weiran, Jasmine Tong wouldn’t have been lying in a hospital bed for three months in the first place.

This incident was over, but Albert Ou would never forget it.

It was the darkest and most painful time of his life, and he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

“Why not agree, isn’t it good to have a female bodyguard with me?”

After the kidnapping incident, Jasmine Tong has always wanted a female bodyguard who can protect her closely.

“It’s not that having a female bodyguard isn’t good, it’s that she absolutely can’t You want a female bodyguard, I’ll go get you one.”

“Honey, I know what you’re worried about, but I wish I could give Willan a chance, but she’s actually a good girl, and she’s hurting me because she misunderstood me and because she thought she could be Mrs. Ou in the first shade.”

Of course Albert Ou knew all this.

“She’s from a very difficult home and she was sent to the army because she’s sexist and her family doesn’t value her, don’t you think it’s a lot like me? In fact she’s even poorer than me.”

“Don’t you dare play the affection card with me she has hurt you and hurt you badly, that’s the only fact I know.”

A man like Albert Ou would never use a woman like that.

“But I’m sure she won’t hurt me anymore, and, you know what, I gave her family a sum of money in her name to help her brother get married, and the family has changed their opinion of her, and she’ll only protect me to the death now, and she’ll never hurt me again.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m pretty sure.”Jasmine Tong said with great certainty, “I gave her a chance to be reborn, she won’t hurt me anymore, in fact she’s a good girl, she knows what she wants.”

“Well, then I’ll give her a trial period for a while, and if I’m not satisfied, I’ll replace her right away.”

Albert Ou couldn’t argue with Jasmine Tong either.

“Alright, let’s not discuss that, let’s discuss how Rameen Tong will be sentenced and my father, will he be re-sentenced because of Rameen Tong.”

“It’s hard to tell, the police are still investigating further, and I can’t figure out exactly what the verdict will be.”

“All right then.”

They will have to wait for the final verdict.

It was already dark when the two of them went home, and Jasmine Tong returned home, but couldn’t find Yarwen Tong.

It’s driving her crazy.

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