Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 570 – 572

Read Chapter 570 – 572 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 570

Rameen Tong looked around at the empty space.

“Xiaolei, I’m sorry, I did harm you, I know I can’t hide this from you, I already know I’m wrong, just let me go for once, for the sake of the child in my belly, okay”

Rameen Tong stroked her stomach with a haggard face.

“I’ll definitely burn more paper money for you in the future, and if possible, I’ll also help you move back to your ancestral grave, all I ask is that you let me go.”

Rameen Tong bowed three times towards the tomb, which was only slowly left.

On the way back Rameen Tong and Dusyman didn’t speak at first, and Dusyman hesitated for a long time before opening his mouth.

“Meng Meng, I asked someone to find out about your father’s case, if you spend some money, you should be able to get a reduced sentence, you know our family’s situation, it’s really no money, you see.”

Simin Du was very reluctant to open her mouth, and she also knew that Rameen Tong was having a bad time in the Ron household.

“Mom, I understand what you mean, Brother Ellen gives me a very limited amount of money every month to live on, and I’ve tried to be as frugal as possible.”

“Mom knows it’s hard for you, and I really don’t want to bother you unless I have to, but your dad”

“Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll figure something out.”

Rameen Tong was trying her best to reassure Dusyman.

Since she’s already back, Rameen Tong has no choice but to go back to the countryside with Duthie and send Duthie away to her superior.

Rameen Tong was returning with her own amulet, and was taking a lunch break this afternoon when she was suddenly awakened by her cell phone.

“Hello, may I ask if this is Miss Rameen Tong Tong?”

“I am, if you please,”

“Hello Miss Tong, this is Dream Age Skincare, we have an event here and I hope to invite you to attend.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not scheduled to work anymore, and you should know I’m pregnant.”

Rameen Tong is still somewhat happy that she still has people to make invitations.

“Miss Tong, please listen to me explain, we are a brand that wants to invite a pregnant woman to an event to prove that our, skin care products are natural, even pregnant women can use them, you can rest assured that this event is just an interview-like format, you just need to sit and chat with the host, about an hour’s time, we are paid one million.”

One million an hour, which was a bit of a turn-on for Rameen Tong.

She is now in need of money, although Ellen Ron gives her 50,000 yuan a month for living expenses, but where is this money enough for her?

And there was nothing she could do about it if she wanted to.

If she can get the million dollars, she might be able to get her dad’s sentence reduced.

“Miss Tong, if you think the pay is too low, we can still discuss it, just think of it as helping me okay we really can’t find anyone suitable.”

Again, the other side begged.

“I don’t go out to events for the money, and your product has to be really good for me to be willing to stand for it.”

“This is a must, we have a really good product and you can try it out.”

“I’m pregnant and I’m really not well, so you have to make sure I’m safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, it will never take more than an hour from the start of the interview to the end, and we’ll have your lines ready for you, and you’ll be seated the whole time.All of this will be written into the articles.”

“That’s fine.”

“Miss Tong, there is one more thing that I would like to ask your permission for, some time ago, I know that your father was imprisoned and it was Jasmine Tong’s doing, I have great sympathy for you, so we can include some of these kinds of topics in the interview, and also to seek redress for your injustice, do you think it’s okay?”

Of course, Rameen Tong knows that the other party is not seeking justice for her, but just wants to rub off the heat.

But they’re rubbing it in like this, and as far as what they say, it’s all up to her, and she’s not losing anything.

“Well, I’m having trouble finding a voice in this matter, so I’m happy to cooperate if you’d like.”

“That’s wonderful, Miss Tong, I’ll send you the exact time and place, we’ll see you then”

When they hung up the phone, Rameen Tong was overjoyed.

Now, 100,000 is a lot of money for her, not to mention a million.

Rameen didn’t tell her family that Lin Qingfeng doesn’t read the news much anyway, and that it was just attending a brand event, so the spread wouldn’t be too wide.

In the end, if Lin Qingfeng knew about it, at most she would be scolded by her, but the money was earned anyway, and it would be cut off first.

On the day of the event, Lin Qingfeng went out to play cards with some wives, Rameen went out the door on the back foot.

During her pregnancy, Lin Qingfeng did not allow Rameen to wear makeup, Rameen was always plain and her skin was getting worse, she had to wear foundation and slightly light makeup.

She also took her amulet with her for safety, in fact this amulet she kept with her at all times and would not leave her body.

Rameen checked the brand online beforehand, and the Dreamtime brand didn’t have much influence, but when she arrived at the site, she came to see many people.

That’s a bit beyond the pale.

But the site was well laid out, with the bleachers and media and public areas far apart.

The host was a very young girl, “Miss Tong, this is the topic of the interview we’re going to conduct later on you read it first.”


“What you need to answer about the brand, you need to remember a little bit more clearly, just don’t get stuck then.”

“No problem.”Rameen Tong said as she looked at the questions on the paper and saw for herself that the interview began with those recent news about herself.

“At the outset we’ll use your news as a starting point, and then you can talk freely about it.Any more questions?”

“No more questions.”

“Well, just watch the event and I’ll call you later when it starts.”The host left afterwards, and Rameen Tong sat in the corner and started reciting those about the brand.

Within a few moments someone called out to her and the interview began.

“We have with us today Miss Rameen Tong Tong who has been upgraded to a hot mother, let’s give her a round of applause.”

As soon as Rameen appeared on stage, there was a burst of applause, and she greeted everyone with a full smile and affinity.

“Miss Tong, we know you haven’t been seen for a long time lately, and we also know that you’re pregnant now with a lot of things happening to you, and that your father, who was also jailed some time ago, can you talk to us for a minute?”

Rameen Tong immediately squeezed out two tears.

Chapter 571

It’s been a while since she left the entertainment industry, but Rameen Tong’s acting skills are still online.

“As a daughter, my own dad is in jail and can’t help, I really feel bad my dad isn’t well and I don’t know if he’ll be able to withstand jail.”

Rameen Tong said and cried bitterly.

The audience was very moved, and the host even handed out tissues to Rameen Tong.

“I’m sorry to make you all laugh, but I shouldn’t have brought my family’s business to this stage.”

“It’s all right, Miss Tong, we seem to have heard that this matter has something to do with your sister Jasmine Tong, and it’s a good time to take this opportunity to tell us what grievances you have.”

“Actually, I really don’t want to talk too much about it here, I just want to say to my sister here that no matter what the family has done wrong, we’re all still a family after all, Dad is getting older, he really can’t handle this, and if my sister can’t get over it, then I’m willing to take it all for my family.”

Rameen Tong said as she dropped her tears.

I have to admit that Rameen Tong’s words were very well spoken, she didn’t accuse Jasmine Tong, nor did she directly reply that it was all Jasmine Tong’s doing.

But from the side it verified that it was Jasmine Tong’s doing, Rameen Tong was begging Jasmine Tong to leave their father alone.

“Miss Tong, I believe that justice is in the heart of the people, those who have done bad things will be punished by the heavens themselves, do you think I’m right?”

Rameen Tong’s face flashed with embarrassment, “That’s right.”

“As the saying goes, if you don’t do anything wrong, you’re not afraid of the ghost knocking on your door, and those who have done something wrong will definitely not have it easy.”

Rameen Tong tugged at the corners of her mouth to force a smile.

“Okay, host, let’s not let our family’s business interfere with today’s event.That would make me feel bad.”Rameen Tong directly changed the subject.

“Okay, so let’s start today’s activities.Miss Tong, we all know you’re nursing your baby in peace, and it must be five months now.”

“Yes, it’s been five months.”Rameen Tong said as she stroked her stomach.

“Then why join us?”

“Originally I didn’t want to attend an event like this, and I had said I was going to leave the entertainment industry for a while and stay at home to nurse my baby, but I thought the products here were so good that I couldn’t wait to recommend them to everyone and to expectant mothers like me.”

Rameen Tong got into work and immediately beamed with happiness.

“Oh, that’s right, you see we had a lot of expectant mothers like you there too.”A moderator pointed down to the audience as he said.

“Yes, I saw that too.”Rameen Tong looked towards the audience.

Suddenly a face flashed over.

Lu Weiran (common name)

Rameen Tong winced, and when she looked over again, she noticed it was gone again.

“Miss Tong, I hear you’ve been using our products, yes?”

Rameen Tong searched carefully in the audience, was that Lu Weiran just now?

“Miss Tong, Miss Tong” the host called out several times in a row before Rameen Tong came back to her senses.

“Ah, I’m in.”

“I hear you’ve been using our product, haven’t you.”

“Oh, yes, I do use our products all the time, I used to use very high end brands because during pregnancy, the skin is very fragile and some of the many big brands can be a bit allergic, but it’s very good to use our products.”

Rameen Tong was in a trance, forgetting all the lines she had just memorized in one fell swoop.

Her heartbeat was also suddenly racing, and she couldn’t help but glance at the audience out of the corner of her eye.

There’s that face again.

Lu Weiran’s face

She’s smiling at her.

Rameen Tong rubbed her eyes and looked over once more to see that it had disappeared once more.

“Miss Tong, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I probably didn’t get any rest yesterday, and with being pregnant, it’s always hard to concentrate, I’m sorry.”Rameen Tong’s hands had been sweating coldly.

“So let’s continue, our product is again natural and cruelty-free, especially gentle, especially for pregnant women.”

The host is introduced.

Rameen Tong couldn’t concentrate at all, and she couldn’t help but look at the audience again.

What did she see this time?

Yarwen Tong (1941-), PRC actor

It’s Yarwen Tong

Yarwen Tong was watching her smile and calling her sister

Rameen Tong always felt that she was mistaken, and then blinked nothing, it was the same audience.

What’s going on here?

“Miss Tong, can you share with us how you feel about using this product Miss Tong,” said the host, who found that Rameen Tong was once again distracted.

“That’s certainly possible,”

Rameen Tong hastily took her eyes back and took a sip from the glass on the table to steady herself.

“I was taking it with a grain of salt at first, but after using it once, I didn’t expect it to be extremely gentle, not irritating at all, and extremely moisturizing, and my skin felt so smooth to the touch, so much better than the big-name stuff I was using.”

Rameen Tong calmly said the lines.

“Yes, our products are very moisturizing, and when the skin is dehydrated, it can have all sorts of problems, so when you think about solving your skin problems, you have to start with hydration and moisturization.”

When the host spoke, Rameen Tongmeng began to walk away.

She still couldn’t help but look at the audience, seeing Lu Weiran at one moment and Yarwen Tong at another.

It felt like there were a lot of them in the audience.

Rameen Tong cautiously touched her pocket, where her amulet was.

“Miss Tong, I don’t think you’re in particularly good shape today.”

“I’m so sorry, pregnancy is always in bad shape, I hope you can understand.”

“It’s okay, we understand, all expectant mothers are like this, how about we take a break, drink some water, have some dessert and then we’ll talk some more”


The host’s ability to improvise is still very good.

“Then would the backstage staff please bring some water to Miss Tong and then there’s dessert over, okay?”

The host said.

A staff member soon came up with a tray of food.

A few pieces of cake on the table, and a glass of water.

Rameen Tong’s water had been drained before.

The staff took away Rameen Tong’s cup.

“Miss Tong, the water is a little hot, be careful.”

“Our staff is very sweet,” the host quipped evenly.

“Yeah, it’s really sweet, thank you.”

Rameen Tong looked up and blossomed into a smile, but when she saw that face

She just dropped to the floor in shock.

Lu Weiran (common name)

Chapter 572

“Miss Tong, are you alright” Lu Wei Ran extended his hand towards Rameen Tong.

“Don’t you come over don’t come over hide away from me” Rameen Tong shouted in panic.

The people in the audience were really confused.

“Miss Tong, what’s wrong with you” Lu Wei Ran smiled darkly with his head down towards Rameen Tong.

“Don’t come over, don’t come over” Rameen Tong sat on the floor and moved backwards little by little.

“Miss Tong, it’s fine if you don’t let me go over there, but there’s always something that needs to be said, right?”Lu Wei Ran smiled towards Rameen Tong.

“Don’t you come over it’s me who’s sorry, it’s me who’s sorry, okay I shouldn’t have put the plot to kill Jasmine Tong on you, it’s me who’s wrong, I’m sorry, please, forgive me”

Rameen Tong directly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed towards Lu Wei Ran to acknowledge her mistake.

This kind of interview does not use a microphone, pocket-sized microphone will be pinned to the collar of the host and guests, so everyone heard what Rameen said.

kill Jasmine Tong

And you’re blaming someone else for the conspiracy.

This is from Rameen Tong herself.

“Why do you want to kill Jasmine Tong” Lu Weiran spoke once again.

“I’m jealous of her, I stole Ellen from her, she and Ellen have been together for years, I stole Ellen from her, I thought Ellen would like me, but he’s always had her in his heart I’m jealous, I hate her her career is also better developed than mine I just don’t want her to live don’t want her to live”

Rameen Tong’s eyes were scarlet and fierce.

She hadn’t been sleeping well these days, and even when neither Lu Weiran nor Yarwen Tong appeared, she would often have nightmares from time to time.

It’s not exactly breaking news.

“Miss Tong, your wishful thinking is really good, you intended to kill Jasmine Tong, but you went straight abroad to pick yourself clean and ended up putting all the blame on me.”

“I’ve apologized to you, stop pestering me, will you please let me go” Rameen Tong kneeled on the ground and begged bitterly.

“Let me leave you alone, fine, then tell me all the bad things you’ve done and I’ll consider never bothering you again,” Lu Wei Ran raged.

“Okay, okay, I said I said, I sent someone to follow Yarwen Tong, I knew he had a girl he liked, so, I purposely found someone to flirt with the girl he liked and then made him sick, his death was really an accident, I just wanted him to get sick and be hospitalized because I knew Jasmine Tong cared about this brother the most, but I didn’t think he would die ah”

Rameen Tong hugged her head, feeling the crowd see Yarwen Tong once again.

“Lei, I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it, I really just wanted to make him sick, I didn’t want you to die.”

“But Yarwen Tong is suffering from congenital heart disease, every time he has an attack he may never open his eyes again, don’t you even know that you induced him to have an attack twice.”

“I deserve to die I was really wrong, please let me go, I’ll be a good person from now on, please.”

Rameen Tong’s hair was messy and crying pear-shaped, and she could no longer care about her image.

“What about your father’s imprisonment and Jasmine Tong’s connection?”

“No, it was me who directed all the plans, I made my father go and kidnap Jasmine Tong’s son and gave her son drugs I wanted her son dead why should she be able to marry such a good man it was me, I made my father go to jail, my father took all the blame to protect me.”

Rameen Tong cried out through her throat, “I was wrong, let me go.”

She hurriedly pulled out her amulet from her pocket and placed it in her hand, chanting, “Amitabha, Amitabha.”

The audience in the audience and the media could hear it clearly.

Rameen Tong is such a horrible woman.

Not only did she steal her sister’s man, she repeatedly tried to kill her own sister.

In order to get back at his sister, he even went so far as to induce his brother, who has a congenital heart condition, to fall ill.

She even plotted to kidnap her sister’s son and put her own father in jail.

They may not have the same mother, but they’re sisters and brothers.

Even this is too cruel to treat strangers like this.

Just at this time, several policemen rushed into the scene and arrived in front of Rameen Tong.

“Rameen Tong we suspect you of being involved in several murders and are now officially arresting you, please cooperate with our investigation.”

The policeman showed the arrest warrant to Rameen Tong.

Rameen Tong lost her mind for a moment, “No, I’m not letting go of me I’m not going”

She suddenly rolled her eyes and fainted.

“The persona collapsed Rameen Tong interpretation of the strongest green tea whore.”

“The worst woman in history is out, and it’s none other than Rameen Tong.”

“In a twist of the century, Rameen Tong is the murderer.”

The next day, all the news was about Rameen Tong, and her performance at the event yesterday was recorded by the media.

Even some viewers have recorded videos and posted them all on the internet.

The evidence was overwhelming, everything was coming out of Rameen Tong’s mouth and could not be questioned by anyone.

Rameen’s global fan backers announced the dissolution of several other fan organizations, all of whom said they were wrong to idolize a scumbag

The Internet is full of abuse of Rameen Tong, about Rameen Tong’s hot search as many as a dozen, each one exploded.

Jasmine Tong sat in her bedroom in her own home looking over the comments, her mind as calm as water.

Finally the truth comes out.

She occasionally wondered if she hadn’t been so soft, if it would have hurt a lot less if she’d done it sooner.

Yarwen Tong walked in, with the baby in her arms.

“Sister, look how much the baby is sticking to me now” Yarwen Tong was like showing off.

“You spoil him so much, of course he sticks to you, but his father and I don’t always spoil him so much, we can take whatever we want, eat whatever we want, sleep whenever we want, and play until dawn.”

Jasmine Tong poked Yarwen Tong’s head, his own brother’s strength to spoil the baby is really spoiling the sky.

“Who let me have such a nephew, baby, right?”

The baby looked at his uncle and giggled and laughed.

“Xiaolei, when it’s done, it’s not convenient for you to stay here all the time, in case anyone sees you, it’s better to go back early.”

“Sister, that’s your fault for kicking me out after using me,” Yarwen Tong trailed off unconvinced.

“Sister didn’t mean that, but it’s very inconvenient for you to be here, even the servants in the house are talking about it, and you can always hear voices in the nursery, and I’ve been branching everyone out for too long, and they’ll get suspicious.”

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