Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 552 – 554

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Chapter 552

Duthie held up a fruit knife and swung it at Jasmine Tong.

The bouncer immediately stepped forward and kicked her in the face as he lifted a foot.

“Ouch y’all can’t even hit people.”

Tong turned to look at her, utterly desperate.

“I was hoping to see how you were doing, and if you were doing well, I would have no problem coming to support you, but it looks like you don’t need to, because you don’t need it.”

Jasmine Tong was already disappointed in these two and didn’t want to dwell on it.

Duthie picked up the fruit knife from the floor and slashed it towards her wrist.

“Jasmine Tong killed someone, come and see, Jasmine Tong killed someone. If you don’t leave the money today, I’ll sue you for murder.”

Duthie wasn’t that bold in the end, the cut she made on her hand was very light, it only bled slightly and didn’t hurt the blood vessels at all.

“Then sue me and let’s go.”Jasmine Tong turned to leave.

A bodyguard looked at the funny woman and pointed to a button on her chest.

“It’s a convenient pinhole camcorder, so if you want to sue, go ahead.”

Dusyman immediately looked ashen.

“Stop right there” Marven Tong suddenly roared.

Jasmine Tong stopped, but didn’t turn around.

“You’re an ungrateful daughter, you’ve been blaming your father for what’s wrong, you yourself have such a big thing going on at home, you could have helped, but you stood by and watched, the fine of 5 million, for you it’s just a hair’s breadth of rain, but you don’t show up with a penny, and you even used 100,000 to humiliate me, that’s what a daughter should do?”

Marven Tong pointed at Jasmine Tong and yelled at her

Jasmine Tong turned around with her expression still calm, “How do you know I’ve been standing by idly if my husband hadn’t agreed to Lu Shan’s terms, how could he have spoken up for you in court”

Marven Tong was fiercely startled, no wonder Lu Shan had suddenly become so kind.

“If Lu Shan hadn’t put in a good word for you, do you think your sentence would have been so light? As for the five million fine, my husband was prepared to pay it for you, but he went a step too late.”

Jasmine Tong slowed down and continued, “I didn’t purposely arrange it before to get someone drunk and put them in the hospital, but I knew about it and wanted to use it to get you guys to straighten out the factory, and you ended up smearing me instead.”

Marven Tong’s entire body was completely stunned.

“Dad, in your mind, I’ve never been much use as a daughter, I’m the bad guy, I can’t see you guys being good, but have you ever thought about what good it does me if you’re not good, and you’re not here crying for money”

After Jasmine Tong said these words, she never looked back.

Marven Tong stood there as if he had lost his soul, carefully recalling Jasmine Tong’s words.

Duthie got up from the ground, “Old man, did she take that bank card”

As she asked, she looked around and found the bank card hastily in her hand.

“Thank God there’s still $100,000 left or we’d really be drinking the wind.”

“Tomorrow we move, and then you and I both get jobs.”

Marven Tong’s words were a little light.

“What are you talking about, old man?”

“I said move tomorrow and get a job” Marven Tong yelled towards the ceiling and hurried upstairs.

Duthie looked at Marven Tong stupidly a little puzzled.

After finishing this last thing, Jasmine Tong began her work.

She participated in almost all of the promotional work for the launch of the post-Christian legend and the release of Sparrow Nirvana.

The story of Empress Dowager has finally opened its curtain in great anticipation, and both the setting and the makeup of the actors have been greatly restored to the original.

The first episode just aired and was well received.

Although the actors are all less familiar flowers, the acting is all online.

“It’s a few notches above Rameen Tong’s version.”

“This is the real Queen Jeanne’s biography.”

“The original party said they loved it.”

The network has been widely praised and has helped the TV series climb steadily in the ratings.

What’s more, people also seem to be paying more attention to the fact that the little flowers, who don’t seem to have much of a reputation, are quietly getting married.

Even they couldn’t believe how fast their followers had risen.

Soon the little flowers were inviting invitations.

Sparrow Nirvana hit a record 200 million at the box office on its first day of release.

This film has not yet been released, it has already let Jasmine Tong to get the trophy after the film, people’s expectations are naturally very high, but did not expect to enter the theater to see, really did not let everyone down.

In the cinema, two black figures stood in the crowd.

The shorter one looked around from time to time and the taller one stayed focused on the queue for tickets.

After getting their movie tickets, the two men hurried to the screening room.

They were the only two people in the last row.

The movie opens and the lights go down.

Jasmine Tong finally took off her hat and mask, “It’s suffocating me.”

Albert Ou also took off his hat and mask.

“I’ve told you to wrap it up, and you won’t listen” Albert Ou frowned very unhappily.

“There’s no movie atmosphere if you wrap it up, and I need to know what people are saying about me ah.”

Tonto lowered her voice and brought out the popcorn that had been prepared in advance.

“Come on, we’re watching a movie.”

Tong said as she put the popcorn in her own mouth and took two more in Albert Ou’s mouth.

They started watching the movie in earnest.

This movie is very true to life and highly recreates the life of a cheerleader.

“Did you train like this when you were little?”

“Well of course the first three classes were all about crying going into class, our teacher at the time was extremely strict and only allowed us to cry for three classes, and if we still cried in the fourth, she was rude.”

“How rude.”

“Beat it she had a whip herself, hands, arms, backs, waists, buttocks, thighs, calves, all beaten.”

“Perverted teacher” Albert Ou couldn’t help but spit out his arms to hold Jasmine Tong in his arms, his heart aching immensely.

“It’s really kinky now that I think about it, but we didn’t even think about it that much, we thought about how to train well without getting beaten up every day.”

Remembering the events of her childhood, Jasmine Tong had a smile on her face.

“Do you like cheerleading much?”

“It wasn’t much of a favorite at the time because my mom liked it, so she wanted me to take it, and my teacher said I was talented, probably genetically, and that it was the only way I could get applause and confidence on the cheerleading stage, so it just grew.”

Jasmine Tong pursed her lips and smiled, “My biggest dream at the time was to be able to go to the United States for the tournament.”

Chapter 553

“Unfortunately, during training, I injured my leg and the doctor said I’ll never be able to dance like I did before.”

Jasmine Tong sniffed her nose, “Making this movie is a dream come true for me.”

“What dreams are left unfulfilled?”

Jasmine Tong turned her head to look at Albert Ou with a shallow smile, “What, are you going to help me fulfill my dream?”

“Well, if you say so.”

“Fine, but you seem to be the only one who can fulfill my dream.”

Jasmine Tong leaned on Albert Ou’s shoulder.

“What is it?” he got even more excited when he heard that he was the only one who could round Albert Ou.

Jasmine Tong leaned into Albert Ou’s ear, “With you, together, forever.”

A smile blossomed on Albert Ou’s face little by little.

Albert Ou directly k!ssed Jasmine Tong’s mouth.

“What are you doing this is a cinema” Jasmine Tong hurriedly pushed Albert Ou away.

“Aren’t movie theaters just for k!ssing?”

This answer made Jasmine Tong laugh and cry.

“It would have to be a romance movie,”

“If you have love in your heart, what love movie do you watch?”

Albert Ou doesn’t care about that.

It was hard to get out with Jasmine Tong, who now belonged to him alone.

Jasmine Tong found that she couldn’t indulge Albert Ou.

Because after k!ssing, Albert Ou became restless.

“Don’t watch the movie, let’s go out and get a room.”

Jasmine Tong almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

“You behave yourself.”

“I can’t settle, it’s your fault for seducing me all the time, I can’t stand it now.”

“Whoever seduced you, just watch the movie properly and finish it.”

Jasmine Tong is really impressed by Albert Ou, she can feel something in the cinema.

A movie finally ended, Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong and ran outside, before they ran out, they saw a large group of reporters pouring in

“It’s Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou, they’re out.”

A journalist shouted and all the reporters surrounded them.

“Did Mr. Ou come specially to watch a movie with Manny today?”

“Mr. Ou watched the movie, can you comment on a few things?”

“Are you two out for a duo?”

The reporters’ guns were all aimed at Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong.

The two men never expected the reporter to recognize them.

The cinema staff, who had also bought tickets in Europe, had recognized them and secretly phoned a journalist they knew, who had been squatting here.

Albert Ou was very annoyed, he wanted to take Jasmine Tong to a room, but he was stopped by these people.

“Mandy, TV shows and movies have great word of mouth, what’s next for you.”

“Manny, will you quit the entertainment industry and stay home with your husband and kids, or do you have other plans?”

“Mandy, talk to us about your plan.”

The reporters began to turn their attention to Jasmine Tong, with all the attention focused on her plans.

Now that Jasmine Tong has completed her grand slam in the entertainment industry and has achieved fame and fortune, she has married such a rich husband and has a son.

I think she’ll retire from the entertainment industry and enjoy life.

“Who told you to bring the young master here?”

Albert Ou bellowed towards the near distance.

“Ah is the little baby here? Where is it?”

All the reporters followed Albert Ou’s finger.

Albert Ou ran backwards with Jasmine Tong in tow, and by the time the reporter turned around, the two of them had disappeared around the corner.

Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong out of the movie theater by running all the way out of the safe exit of the movie theater.

The two men finally stopped when they made sure there were no more reporters following them.

They looked at each other breathlessly and laughed out loud.

“Honey, I’m glad you’re smart.”

Jasmine Tong gave a thumbs up to Albert Ou, otherwise the two of them really wouldn’t know how to go today.

“Gotta go, get a room.”

Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong and continued walking.

“Ah still need to get a room.”

Jasmine Tong is really laughing and crying, this man still can’t forget ah

The two of them found a hotel nearby and checked right in.

As soon as he entered the room, Albert Ou couldn’t wait to press Jasmine Tong onto the bed.

“Mandy, can you tell us a little bit about what you’re planning next?”

“Manny, are you going to quit the entertainment industry?”

The reporters’ words echoed in Jasmine Tong’s ears.

Albert Ou noticed that Jasmine Tong had remained motionless, and he was suddenly out of interest on his own.

“Will you cooperate? Don’t act like a dead fish.”

Jasmine Tong held Albert Ou’s face in her hands.

“I’m thinking about things.”

“Thinking about things while you’re having sex with me better have something to do with me, or I’ll eat you today.”

“The reporters just asked me what’s next for me and if I’m going to quit the entertainment industry, so it seems like it’s time to think about that.”

“What’s there to think about is quitting of course, didn’t you say that if you got a grand slam you’ve achieved your dream, what’s the point of staying in the entertainment industry if your dream has come true”

Jasmine Tong opened her mouth and couldn’t say a word, which seemed to be what Albert Ou thought.

“But but but, I’m saying achieve a grand slam and announce the relationship and get married, I’m not saying I’m quitting the entertainment industry.”

This time it was Albert Ou’s turn to be speechless.

The two of you looked at me, I looked at you, and the atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward.

Jasmine Tong knew that Albert Ou was already busy managing such a large group in itself, and if she herself was still in the entertainment industry, the two of them would get together less and less.

What’s more, now that there’s a son, there’s even less time to allocate to Albert Ou.

When she didn’t have a son before, she was filming all day, and the two of them, even for a month or two, had to rely on phone calls and videos to relieve the pain of missing each other.

“We’ll discuss this later, aren’t we going to do it then go on.”

Jasmine Tong had to ease this embarrassment for now.

Albert Ou fell over to the side.

“Not interested anymore.”

Jasmine Tong knew that Albert Ou was certainly unhappy in her heart.

He wished she had more time to spend with him, preferably 24 hours a day.

He had a hard time adjusting to his son taking part of Tong’s time away from him, and had a hard time surviving until Tong achieved the grand slam of the entertainment industry.

But then it turns out that everything is the same as before, if not worse.

Jasmine Tong thought, flipping over and riding Albert Ou’s body.

“I’m interested now, if you’re not interested, let me be on top of it today finally turned over serf put singing Lord today to strong you haha.”

Jasmine Tong started to undress Albert Ou with an act of ease.

Albert Ou rolled over hard, and Jasmine Tong got to the bottom once more.

“If you still want to turn over a serf and sing a song, I’ll be the one to make you strong.”

Chapter 554

It was another night of passion.

The two men were spending time in a strange hotel.

Albert Ou woke up early, saw Jasmine Tong beside him still asleep, took her in his arms, and went back to sleep.

After the seal was lifted, he wasn’t much different from humans anymore, and he slept a lot longer than before.

When you’re with Jasmine Tong, you especially like to sleep.

Jasmine Tong was exhausted from last night’s tossing and turning, and only slowly opened her eyes at ten o’clock.

But the first question that comes to mind is still: Do you really want to quit the entertainment industry?

It’s not that she can’t let go of the entertainment industry or her career, or that she can’t let go of performing.

“Is there a feeling” came a deep, husky man’s voice.

Who else could it be but Albert Ou?

“What does it feel like?”

“The feeling of stealing an affair” Albert Ou leaned in to lie on Jasmine Tong’s body.

“What kind of analogy are you making?”

“Don’t you get a kick out of being in a strange hotel, sneaking around and worrying about being found out by your own family’s wife or husband?”

Albert Ou beamed with joy and a bad smile on his face.

“So you’re enjoying the feeling that you’ll be bringing other women out to your room in the future and then the thought of worrying about me finding out is particularly exciting.”

Jasmine Tong said as she poked at Albert Ou’s chest.

“I’m not going to, I just love taking you out to a room and the thought of leaving that brat at home without him still turns me on to have sex at home which is still different than having sex outside.”

It was as if Albert Ou had discovered a new world.

“Why don’t we do it again, it’s been a long trip.”

Albert Ou said leaning over to k!ss Jasmine Tong.

“You still want to come? You didn’t do enough last night.”

“Of course not last night when you were screaming at the top of your lungs that you were tired and I felt sorry for you, that’s why I stopped.”

“Honey, it’s not a vampire anymore, it’s a normal person now, and you’re not afraid of losing your kidneys if you’re like this.”

“Then you’ll fill me in on it all later.”

Albert Ou held Jasmine Tong in his arms and rolled into bed without a word.

But just do it once.

“Oh, don’t torture me, the bed and pillows in here are killing me.”

Jasmine Tong rubbed her stiff neck.

“I’m not comfortable sleeping ah I’m not comfortable sleeping either, otherwise I’ll open a hotel, you can have any kind of bed you want, any kind of pillow you want, we’ll open the hotel all over the world, and after that we can go wherever we want to get a room.”

Albert Ou was excited about his idea, but Jasmine Tong became more and more despondent.

Is this some kind of worldwide sex drag?

The two of them return home, but they don’t know that they’ve been blocked by reporters in a movie theater for sneaking out to a room and k!ssing, and that the whole world knows about it.

“The Manno’s show their love.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Manno are secretly living as a couple, leaving the young master to get a room.”

Seeing these news headlines, Jasmine Tong has been completely helpless.

The point is that Albert Ou also used his Twitter to retweet the news.

“The situation is true” he retweeted while also being drunk and making appraisals.

Jasmine Tong has been making a name for herself, and even those 18-string young stars in Star International have also made their mark.

Star King International finally emerged from bankruptcy and began to grow in popularity.

Rameen Tong is sitting at home watching the news, not to mention how lame it is.

These days, she had been placed on this side of Diamond Hill, looking up to her own mother-in-law, Lin Qingfeng.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and as she lowers her brow to please her mother-in-law, there are people who say her mother-in-law’s snide remarks, and even her own sister-in-law gives her face from time to time.

The household servants didn’t treat her well either.

Today it happened that Lin Qingfeng went out, Rameen finally found a chance to go out, so she went back to her mother’s house.

Her mother’s house is no longer the Tong family’s large villa, but a rented two-bedroom in an old neighborhood.

Rameen Tong also found this place while calling Simin Du.

The furniture in this house was all old and the rooms were narrow, Rameen Tong frowned as soon as she entered.

“Mom, how did you find such a sh!tty place?”

“Come on don’t mention it, it’s not all because of your father, sit down tonight, don’t stand around all the time, you’ve got a big belly now.”

Simin Du hurriedly moved a chair for Rameen Tong.

Marven Tong was sitting in the sun on a rocking chair in the back room with a newspaper in his hand.

“Mom, I’ve been having a hard time lately, and I know you’re having a hard time, so I’ll bring you some money.”

Rameen Tong pulled out a wad of RMB from her bag, “This is 10,000 yuan, you guys take it first, I don’t have any financial resources right now either, this money is still from Ellen.”

Simin Du was naturally excited to see the money, but she pushed it straight into Rameen Tong’s arms again.

“Now that you have a big belly, you’ll have plenty of money to use for yourself down the road.”

“It’s okay, I’m getting food and clothing from my superior now, so you can take it first.”

Rameen Tong shoved the money directly into Duthie’s hand.

Simin Du looked at the money in her hand, and then at the somewhat haggard Rameen Tong.

“My dear daughter, it’s so hard for you. It’s Mom and Dad who are sorry.”

“Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Look at you, old man, what a good kid you are, and look at the daughter you’re raising, she’s so rich, she’s only worth 100,000.”

Rameen Tong subconsciously frowned, “Jasmine Tong is here.”

“Get over it.”

Simin Du told Rameen all about the events before and after Jasmine Tong’s arrival.

“She gave $100,000 and told you and Dad to get a job and that she helped reduce your sentence.”

“Yeah, that’s what she said.”

Rameen Tong immediately laughed, “Sister really knows how to lie.”


“She has so much money of her own that she’s giving you $100,000 Albert Ou has transferred all her assets to her name and she’s now in the list of the richest people in the world.”

Hearing this, even Marven Tong straightened up.

“She also said she’d let you guys get jobs when she knew you and Dad weren’t feeling well, so she was clearly humiliating you and making things difficult for you on purpose.”

“Also, what she said herself to help get your sentence reduced, that’s obviously what I did, I’ve been in contact before, and Lu’s relationship with the person, spent a lot of money, which only got through, how did it become her help it Also said not in time to pay the fine, pay the fine for such a long time, why didn’t he go early to pay biased to rush Ah Ellen already paid, he only went to pay”

Rameen shook her head as she said, “Sister is really good at this lying”

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