Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 555 – 557

Read Chapter 555 – 557 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 555

“Montmorency, is what you’re saying true?” asked Marven Tong somewhat incredulously.

“Dad, heaven and earth, how many things have I done for the family, if my sister is really good for the family, I beg to differ do I have to lie about it with this?”

Rameen Tong wiped her tears as she spoke.

“The old man you look at the good daughter you raised I knew she was not so kind if she wanted to help, would have helped, why sneak around this matter are over, before coming to put the boot in.”

Marven Tong stomped his foot in anger, “This adversary.”

“Come on, Dad, Mom, don’t worry about it, our family is definitely still going to live this life, and my sister doesn’t care about you.”

“Old man, listen to this, listen to this, this is your own daughter it Meng Meng, you must not have a good time in your mother-in-law’s house either, what kind of person is that mother-in-law of yours, I know best, this time their family took so much money for us, she will definitely not give you a good face.”

Simin Du touched Rameen Tong’s hair sadly.

“Mom” Rameen Tong actually lost her voice for a moment and threw herself into Dusmin’s arms and wailed.

“Be good, don’t cry, it’s all my fault that your father and I are incapable ah, and even you suffer together” said Dusyman can’t help but shed tears.

“Daughter probably in the in-laws how much anger it also try to come together to help us again look at your daughter, his own food and drink to live a good life, even his own relatives do not care”.

Duthie cursed as she cried.

Marven Tong also just sighed hard, not knowing what to say.

Rameen Tong had cried enough and took a tissue and wiped her tears, “Okay, let’s not talk about it, life will always get better, Dad, Mom, I can’t stay much longer, if my mother-in-law comes back and can’t see me, she’ll be counting me again when she goes back, I’m leaving first.”

“Mengmeng ah, you shouldn’t be too aggrieved, anyway, you’re now carrying the flesh and blood of the Ron family, and your mother-in-law doesn’t look at the monk’s face to see the Buddha’s face, you shouldn’t be too rebellious.”

“Don’t worry, Mom, I won’t get in the way, you two take care of yourselves, and I’ll figure out what to do about the job, find it or not.”

Rameen Tong finished her instructions and hurried back home.

It was good that Lin Qingfeng hadn’t returned yet, and Rameen was relieved.

She sat on her bed and racked her brain thinking that she must not allow herself to continue like this, that she could be kicked out of the house by her superior at any moment when she gave birth to this child

We can’t just sit here and do nothing.

This evening, Ellen Ron came back late, he was busy with work and many social engagements, Rameen Tong usually did not wait for him.

Because she had been thinking hard, Rameen Tong hadn’t fallen asleep yet, which was why she waited for Ellen Ron.

“Brother Ellen why did you drink so much wine?”

As soon as she entered the door, Rameen Tong smelled the smell of alcohol on Ellen Ron’s body.

“Get out of the way.”

When Ellen Ron stumbled, he plunged towards the bed and collapsed onto it, loosening his tie.

“Brother Ellen, are you okay? Do you want me to call the maid to get you a sobering pill?”

During this time, Rameen Tong was almost obedient to Ellen Ron.

Ellen Ron slowly opened his eyes and stared at Rameen Tong for a long time.


Rameen Tong stepped back hastily when she heard the name, “I’m not.”

Ellen Ron sat up straight away and pulled Rameen Tong back, “Jasmine, why why why do you want to marry someone why do you want to marry someone”

Hearing Ellen Ron’s drunken words, Rameen Tong was at a bit of a loss for words.

“Why, why the hell is this why didn’t you wait for me I could have married you, I regret it, I really regret it, give me another chance ok”

Ellen Ron forcefully embraced Rameen Tong in his arms, Rameen Tong had been protecting her stomach.

“I’m not Jasmine Tong you see clearly I’m your wife, Rameen Tong.”

“Jasmine, I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it and I didn’t want it to happen, will you marry me and we’ll start over”

Ellen Ron overbearingly k!ssed Rameen Tong.

Rameen Tong was worried about hurting the child in her belly and stopped struggling, allowing Ellen Ron to k!ss her.

But she couldn’t stop the tears from trickling down.

So this is where Ellen Ron’s knot that hasn’t been quite right lately is, because Jasmine Tong got married.

He’s never loved himself. He’s always loved Jasmine Tong.

in what way?

Ellen Ron shouted Jasmine Tong’s name while having sex with Rameen Tong.

When Ellen Ron drifted off to sleep, Rameen Tong leaned against the bed with a head of messy hair and cried out.

She clenched her fists, feeling the hatred spreading through her.

“I’m the one who’s your wife, I’m the one who’s I’m Rameen Tong not Jasmine.”

She let out a low growl, but unfortunately Ellen Ron had fallen asleep and couldn’t hear what she was saying.

“Jasmine Tong why do you always want to go against me I will not let up you wait and wait”

Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou have not been in good shape for the past two days, and since they went out to watch movies and get a room outside, they look like everything is fine, but in reality, they both know what’s going on.

There seemed to be something between the two men, and neither was willing to poke at it first.

Albert Ou still has to work and work and go home and babysit for the next two days.

Tong has an occasional schedule of a few hours of work, and goes home immediately after work as well.

This evening Albert Ou had an important meeting to attend in the evening, and it was eleven o’clock when he returned.

Jasmine Tong deliberately waited for him to return, and Albert Ou gently opened the door and was shocked to find Jasmine Tong sitting on the bed reading a book.

“Still awake.”

“Yeah, I slept a lot during the day and wasn’t too sleepy, so I waited for you to come.”

“I’m going to take a shower, it’s getting late, hurry to bed.”Albert Ou didn’t say much and just got into the bathroom.

Jasmine Tong didn’t sleep in the slightest, so she simply kept waiting, but usually Albert Ou’s shower was fast, especially if she knew she was waiting for him, she could usually take care of it for ten minutes, but today she didn’t even come out for half an hour.

“This guy,”

Jasmine Tong lifted the covers off the bed and walked to the bathroom, pushing the door right in.

Once inside, I saw Albert Ou sitting naked on the tub.

Albert Ou was probably thinking about things and didn’t expect Jasmine Tong to come in out of the blue, startling him

The two men stared at each other, and for a moment the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

“That, and I this,”

Albert Ou didn’t know how he was going to explain the whole sitting on the edge of the bathtub staring thing.

He suddenly sunk his face, “I’m in the shower, what are you doing in here”

Jasmine Tong blinked and blushed a little as she entered the room with a nice picture of a beautiful man out of the shower.

Chapter 556

“Oh I saw you never come out, I thought what was wrong with you, get cleaned up and go to bed when you’re done, don’t catch a cold.”

Jasmine Tong hurriedly exited the bathroom and stole a glance at Albert Ou on her way out.

Her husband looks even better without his clothes on.

Albert Ou wiped himself helplessly out the door, and as soon as he got under the covers, Jasmine Tong leaned in.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but blush at the thought of the way Albert Ou had just sat naked on the bathtub.

“Honey,” she called out coquettishly.

Because of the close proximity, this voice was all crispy in Albert Ou’s ears, plus Jasmine Tong’s warm and hot body.

Albert Ou felt hot and he pushed Jasmine Tong.

“It’s the middle of the night. Go to sleep. What’s the fuss?”

“Cuddle to sleep.”Jasmine Tong piled right into Albert Ou’s arms.

“What’s the hug for” Albert Ou directly pushed Jasmine Tong away.

“Just hug” Jasmine Tong leaned in once more.

“How are you going how not to know a bit of compassion for their husbands I work so late, has been very tired of your day to day solicitations, not afraid to empty my body.”

Albert Ou really couldn’t help but rage.

Jasmine Tong sat up and stared straight at Albert Ou.

Who’s always wanting more than they can handle?

Two days ago, you said you weren’t afraid of your own body.

“Albert Ou, sit your ass up I want to talk to you.”Tonto Mann plopped his legs together, hugged his arms, and changed his tone.

“What’s the point, don’t you know I’m tired? Sleepy.”

“You’re hiding from me, right fine, you can hide from the first day of the week, not the fifteenth.”Jasmine Tong simply didn’t sleep either and just sat cross-legged looking at Albert Ou.

Albert Ou closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, and this stalled for a few minutes.

“I’m telling you, this isn’t the only room I can sleep in, I’m going to count to three, and if you don’t get up, I’m going to go sleep with my son.”

Jasmine Tong had to use her own killer weapon.

As a result, even before Jasmine Tong counted, Albert Ou sat up with a whoosh.

“It’s late at night, let no one sleep, want to have sex is not to satisfy you.”

Said Albert Ou as he prepared to pounce on Jasmine Tong.

“Who wants to do it with you” Jasmine Tong ducked down.

“Then what do you want to do” Albert Ou had nothing good to say.

“Why are you hiding from me?”

“Who’s hiding from you I’m tired from having a meeting so late” Albert Ou twisted his head and didn’t look at Jasmine Tong.

“You’re clearly avoiding me and making excuses.”

Jasmine Tong scrutinized Albert Ou.

“Alright you can do what you want to do I didn’t say I was going to stop you if you want to make a movie.”

Albert Ou waved his hand and yelled out quite loudly.

After hearing Albert Ou’s words, Jasmine Tong was stunned.

In fact, Albert Ou already had an answer, he just wanted to keep putting it off, and if he said it a day later, Jasmine Tong might have to stay at home for another day.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but wet her eyes, her man, who habitually stooped to fulfill his wife.

Albert Ou saw that Jasmine Tong had been silent, which turned his head around, and as a result, when he looked at Jasmine Tong, Jasmine Tong’s eyes were red and filled with tears.

He immediately grabbed Jasmine Tong in his arms.

“Okay, okay, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, if you want to make a movie, go ahead and make a movie, I won’t stop you, do whatever you want to do, I’ll support you, no more crying.”

Albert Ou heartily wiped Jasmine Tong’s tears.

Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou, distressed and amused, this man probably thought he had spoken too harshly, so he quickly admitted his mistake.

“Don’t cry, Jasmine, it’s my fault, okay you scold me or hit me a couple of times.”

Jasmine Tong, however, cupped Albert Ou’s face with both hands and pecked him hard on the lips, blinding Albert Ou directly.

Seeing Albert Ou’s confused face, Jasmine Tong laughed out loud.

“It’s the middle of the night, you’re crying and laughing, what do you want”

“I’m sorry, honey, I shouldn’t be torturing you like this, I know you don’t want me to go out and film, and I want to be at home with you, but I just can’t leave my career behind.”

Albert Ou sighed and smoothed down Jasmine Tong’s long hair.

“I promise you, I’ll only do one movie a year and spend all the rest of the time at home with you and the baby, okay”

“Seriously then what if you’re looking at two really good scripts a year at the same time.”

Albert Ou doesn’t believe in Jasmine Tong’s words.


“So you’re talking for nothing” Albert Ou poked Jasmine Tong’s head.

“I’ll try to adjust ah you do not worry, I promise you, only one film a year, even if you like two very good scripts, will only choose one of them, okay”.


He can’t stop her anyway, he’ll agree to whatever decision she makes anyway, he’s the one who spoils her.

“Two conditions, no intimate scenes, including k!ssing scenes, bed scenes, and all physical contact scenes. Second condition, no slacking for me in bed.”

Albert Ou also hurriedly looked for an opportunity to make a condition.

“Okay, okay, all agreed, then we’re in agreement, let’s sleep.”

Finally, with this matter out of the way, Jasmine Tong also had a good night’s sleep.

“Sleep” As soon as Jasmine Tong lay down, Albert Ou pressed on, “You provoked me up in the middle of the night, and now you want to sleep there’s no door.”

“Honey, it’s late, and you have work tomorrow.”

“What are you doing? I’ll take you down first.”

“Honey, there’s no rush for this.”

“How not to rush you every time you shoot, I can’t touch your body for two or three months, I’m not doing anything right now, it’s just grabbing all the time to do you one less time.”

“Ah I’m not ready to go out and shoot yet.”

“Can’t I get an advance?”

At that moment, just outside the corner of the Crystal Garden wall, a black figure shifted.

He’s been swinging around the area for days now, and today he had a chance to get ready to do it.

It was now time for a change of guard, and the black figure took advantage of a brief vacant guard post to jump straight down from the wall, groping and preparing to enter the villa.

Almost everyone was asleep, and only a few lights were on in the villa at the moment, the rest of the place had fallen into darkness.

The Shadow was still slowly groping forward.

“What man,”

Suddenly someone snapped.

The Shadow saw that something was wrong and quickly prepared to retreat, but it was easy for him to come in, but not so easy for him to go out!

Security rushed forward and grabbed him in three pieces.

“Let go of me quickly let go of me I tell you, you’ll regret it if you don’t let go of me”

Chapter 557

The room was charming.

“Honey, I’m so sleepy. That’s enough for today.”

“I was just promised to be more diligent, and you’re going back on your word so soon.”

Albert Ou’s voice was also a little ragged.

“Or tomorrow.”

There was a rush of footsteps, followed by a sharp knock on the door.

“Sir, there’s a thief in the house.”

The two men who were fighting on the bed snapped awake.

“f*cking hell,” Albert Ou couldn’t help but curse.

“What do you want from me if you’re a thief?”

“Sir, they say they know the wife and want to see her.”

Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou looked at each other.


In the living room, several security guards were guarding a thief who was crouched on the floor, looking up at the men.

“I can tell you that when your wives come later, they’ll fire you all.”

“Crouch still,” a security guard snapped and squeezed the thief’s head.

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong came down from the stairs together, Albert Ou’s face disgruntled, Jasmine Tong’s face still slightly red.

When she saw the thief on the ground, Jasmine Tong was also shocked.


Raymond looked up and saw Jasmine Tong come over like a savior, “Sis.”

Hearing this “sister”, Jasmine Tong almost got goosebumps, he had never called her that since childhood.

“All out of the way this is my sister know” Raymond stood up and glared at the security personnel next to her.

Raymond swaggered towards Jasmine Tong, and Albert Ou hurriedly blocked Jasmine Tong’s way.

Seeing Albert Ou, Raymond immediately nodded and bowed, “Brother-in-law.”

“Wait, don’t scream.”

“Why are you here?” questioned Jasmine Tong with a cold face.

“I’m coming to you, aren’t I huh” Raymond scratched the back of his head.

“Find out what I’m doing when something so big happened at home and you’re not coming home to see what’s going on” Jasmine Tong only felt ridiculous for her half-brother.

“Of course I came to find you to help with the family business only you, you must be very rich now that you live in such a big villa I’ve heard all about it, you’re married to a mega-rich man.”

Raymond with a flattering smile, “brother I’m in a bit of trouble, I need some money to spend, you see you this as a sister can’t see death, right”

As he said that, Raymond extended his hand towards Jasmine Tong.

“Looking for me for money Raymond, the family is in such a big trouble, but you rolled away the family’s life-saving money, and now you’re back, you don’t care about the family, but you come to me for money, are you still human?”

“That’s your fault I asked you for money to help the family ah, I did not roll the money away, I was paid to do things, the results did not do it just, can not blame me, right?”

“Just take this lie and lie to your mother, you can’t lie to me, I advise you to hurry home, you’re not young, it’s time to mature up, don’t always eat, drink and be merry, let two old people worry about you all day long”

The more Jasmine Tong looked at Raymond, the more displeased she became, “Blast him out the next time you see him, don’t come over to report, just blast him away.”

Out of sight, out of mind.

“Jasmine Tong is this how you treat your own brother? You’re too heartless, right? Your family is so rich, what’s wrong with asking you for some money?”

Raymond stalked and roared.

“My family is rich, but I’d rather spend it on rescuing stray cats and dogs than giving it to people like you.”

The security guards heard Jasmine Tong speak and were not rude.

Jasmine Tong couldn’t stop herself from sighing and shaking her head, “Why are they all like this.”

“There’s no need to pity such people, they’re self-inflicted.”Albert Ou hugged Jasmine Tong’s shoulders and the two of them went upstairs together.

“By the way, I’m thinking of going shopping for the next two days to buy some clothes for the baby.”

“I’m busy for a few days, so I might not be able to go with you.”

“No need for your company, you’re busy.”

“Then you take a few more men with you and be careful.”

Raymond listened to the two men’s conversation.

“Walk or don’t walk or we’ll throw you out,” the security guard snapped.

“Can’t I just leave” Raymond took one last look at the luxurious villa and walked out the door herself.

He walked a long way to find a place where he could get a taxi, but he was so penniless that no one would give him a ride, so he had to keep walking, and it was almost dawn before he found his house, which he found sealed, and he hurriedly called Duthie.

“Oh, you this dead child you die where you go ah how do you just come back” Simin Du as soon as she saw Raymond, the tears can not stop downward drop

“Mom, I’m exhausted. Can you get me something to eat?”

“How did you get into this mess?” cursed Dushman as he went to the kitchen to find food for Raymond.

Raymond had been walking for so long that he was already hungry, and Dusyman cooked him a bowl of noodles, which he immediately ate to the bone.

Marven Tong also got up, saw Rameen Qi, and cursed.

But now that he was safely back, neither of them had anything more to say, so they had to stop.

After eating the noodles, Raymond was energized.

“Dad, Mom, do you know I went to Jasmine Tong’s house, do you know that their house that is simply too luxurious just look at the outside is too big to find the edge, inside, my God that is simply like a palace castle ah”

Raymond said as he gestured.

Marven Tong and Dusyman, who had already been to the Crystal Garden, didn’t find it unusual.

“What were you doing at her place?”

“Forget it, I was going to ask her for help, but who knows, she’s six-faced and just blew me off and you don’t know how bad she talks.”

“What did she say?”

“I’m not going to be able to do anything about it,” he said.

“Did she really say that about us being worse than dogs and cats” Duthie slapped the table, that was so angry.

“There are worse ones I won’t learn from you, lest you get angry Jasmine Tong’s family is so rich, we can’t let go of this good opportunity.”

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the house you’re renting, “She’s rich and powerful, and she lets us live in this shabby cave.

“Hurry up and forget about it, this Jasmine Tong’s heart, ah, has been eaten by a dog.”

“Dad, Mom, you can’t get discouraged, we have to do something.”

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