Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 462 – 464

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Chapter 462

When it came to their other son, Ousheng was also in a bit of a trance, and that memory seemed to have been slowly sealed away in the river of memories.

“Okay, it’s been so many years, let’s just forget about it and go to bed early, I have to deal with the Bute family tomorrow.”

Murray lay down without saying anything more, she knew that Ousheng probably didn’t have time to pay attention to this right now, it was better to wait until the Bute family was settled.

The next morning, Osei went to another villa very early in the morning to negotiate the wedding with the Butters.

Everything was under Ousheng’s control, and the Bute family didn’t dare do anything in Ousheng’s territory, and with their fears, that was all they could swallow.

The Butts left Aye Valley with a tearful Daisy and the affair was over.

Muranyi brought Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou to Dr. Hao’s house.

Dr. Hao was a brilliant doctor when he was still human, but was later transformed into a vampire by Orson when he was dying.

She loves medicine and hasn’t stopped her medical research since turning into a vampire, and has all kinds of medical equipment at home.

Dr. Hao was a very kind middle-aged woman who had already seen Jasmine Tong at the wedding yesterday and was not a stranger to her.

“Come in with me.”Dr. Hao brought Jasmine Tong directly to the examination room.

“I’m going too” Albert Ou was unsure to follow.

“What are you doing alone man” Murray hurriedly pulled Albert Ou.

“What can’t I woman see besides, I have to meet my baby for the first time”

“Let him in, he’s not in the way.”Dr. Hao saw that the couple was very much in love and allowed Albert Ou to go in.

Albert Ou immediately went into the examination room with Jasmine Tong, leaving Muranyi alone.

According to Dr. Hao’s request, Jasmine Tong lay down on the lab bed and undressed herself.

Dr. Hao started to do an ultrasound on Jasmine Tong, and Albert Ou kept holding Tong’s hand.

“The baby is healthy, just a little on the small side, you’re too skinny, you should beef up your nutrition a little more.”

Dr. Hao spoke to Jasmine Tong as he looked at the computer display.

“My morning sickness was so bad, I was throwing up everything I ate, and instead of gaining weight, I was losing it.”Jasmine Tong has also been looking forward to putting on some weight.

“It’s okay, there are a lot of pregnant women in their first trimester.”

Albert Ou kept his eyes on the screen.

“Where’s our baby?”

Dr. Hao pointed at the screen and said, “This is, it’s just three months now, you can’t see anything, the older the month, the clearer it will be, the equipment on my side isn’t very advanced, so it’s not very clear.”

“Is our baby that big like a bean sprout” Albert Ou quirked an eyebrow at the tiny bit on the screen.

“What bean sprouts have seen any father say his child is a bean sprout.”Jasmine Tong was really crying and laughing at Albert Ou’s words.

“Okay, you can get up now, it’s nothing serious.”Dr. Hao hurriedly handed over a tissue, and Albert Ou took it, carefully wiping the coupler off Jasmine Tong’s stomach.

After leaving the house, Dr. Hao told Muranyi about the situation again, and then Muranyi was relieved.

On the way back.

“Mandy, today at noon you cook, I’ll give you a hand and help you get it all ready, you just palm a spoon, I can’t cook into your mouth, but you need to strengthen your nutrition more now.”

When Mo Lan Yi said this, she was a little embarrassed, after all, Jasmine Tong is pregnant, she, the mother-in-law, is supposed to take care of it, but her cooking skills are really not good.

“How can you let Jasmine cook knowing that Jasmine is pregnant” Albert Ou was the first to object.

“That or you do,”

“I don’t know.”

“So who in our family can cook?”

Albert Ou was choked up by his own mother, unable to speak.

“Mom, it’s okay, I’ll do it, I’m not that squeamish right now, it’s just cooking.”

Jasmine Tong hurriedly rounded up.

“Still Manny knows how to do things and I don’t know what life you were blessed with” Murray glanced at his son.

“Hehe” Albert Ou k!ssed Jasmine Tong on the cheek without any consideration.

Jasmine Tong wiped her face shyly and lowered her head, knowing that Muranyi could be on the side.

She hurriedly gave him a wink, but Albert Ou was all carefree.

“It’s okay, my dad and my mom k!ss a lot in front of me too.”

This time it’s Murray’s turn to be embarrassed about what kind of son he’s raising.

Once home, Jasmine Tong went into the kitchen and Murray followed her in, helping out along the way.

Albert Ou wanted to follow Jasmine Tong, but Muranui was too disruptive for him and pushed him straight out of the kitchen.

Jasmine Tong skillfully prepared the lunch, and Murray watched that with astonishment.

“Manny, who did you learn all this from that’s caught up with the top chefs.”

“I’ve been learning to cook since I was ten years old, and I’ve been practicing for years, so familiarity makes perfection.”

I don’t know how many lifetimes my little Nao has been blessed with, he’s so bad-tempered, moody and playful, you have to control him a bit from now on.If he bullies you, just tell me and I’ll take care of him for you.”

Jasmine Tong smiled coyly.

“By the way, Manny, are Mr. Cold and you guys friends?”

Murray began to cautiously test it.

“You mean the baron, we’re good friends, he’s entrusted me to the baron and the baron has taken care of me along the way.”

“I think he’s all powerful, and it wasn’t easy to bring you here, and it’s even harder to get into Aye Valley.”

“Yeah, the baron is pretty good, he’s an orphan, he’s been through more.”

Jasmine Tong was talking to Muranyi as she cooked the food.

“I can’t even tell by his accent where he’s from, he says he’s from S City, but I don’t sound like it either.”

Muranyi helped Jasmine Tong wash the dishes.

“He doesn’t actually know where he’s from, he was abandoned in the forest as a child and then, lived with wolves for a while before my uncle found him and took him out of the forest.”

Jasmine Tong is in Murray and naturally does not need to have reservations.

“Ah so that’s what happened.”Murray was thoughtful.

“But, Mom, this is a private matter to the baron, after all, and you must not bring it up in front of him, lest you cause him grief.”

“Not this one, naturally, Mandy, do you know what forest he grew up in?”

The first thing you need to do is to get your own copy of the book.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious, I’m just asking.”

Chapter 463

Jasmine Tong echoed the awkward smile.

“I’m not really sure which forest it is, and the baron never told me.”

Murray didn’t ask any further questions.

Lunch was a rich meal and everyone was impressed with Tong’s cooking.

Albert Ou was incomparably proud, and he himself was even more hearty, after all, it had been a long time since he had eaten Jasmine Tong’s cooking.

The Leng Lords put their chopsticks on the table as soon as they finished their lunch.

“Mandy, I have gotten you safely to Albert Ou, my mission is complete, it’s time to leave.”Leng Lords gazed at Jasmine Tong.

“Hey, it’s rude to stare at my wife like that” Albert Ou doesn’t care if he leaves or stays, staring at his wife like that just won’t do.

“Are you leaving, Baron?”

After spending time with Albert Ou, Jasmine Tong had learned to automatically shield herself from some of his actions and prophecies.

“Yes, I’m leaving.”

“No” Murray snapped and put his chopsticks on the table.

All eyes brushed over towards her.

Even Ousheng thought his wife was strange.

To them, the Cold Lords were dispensable here, not to mention that the Cold Lords were human, and it would always be dangerous to be in a place where vampires were stationed, and it was understandable that he wanted to leave.

Murray also suddenly realized that he had spoken too strongly.

She immediately picked up her chopsticks again to cover up her panic, “No, I don’t mean anything else, I just think that Little Man is pregnant now, I’m afraid they will have to leave even if they stay here for a few days, the road back is also very long, and only Little Wild is afraid that he won’t be able to handle it, so I’m asking Mr. Leng to help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west.”

“What do you mean Dad, Mom, are you chasing us away” Albert Ou snapped.

“Your mother is right, the Bute family is a treacherous and treacherous family, Jairus, and they will not let up this time when they are so humiliated on our turf, so you will have to leave here after a few days of rest.”

Osei agreed with his wife’s words.

“Yes, Mr. Leng, thanks to you for protecting Little Man on this journey, but Little Man’s month is getting bigger and bigger, and her body is becoming more and more inconvenient, so if you’re there to protect her, the way back will be safer.”

“I’m not going to be the one to say anything about it.

He’s his rival.

The cold lord’s eyes flickered a bit, and he actually didn’t want to stay here anymore.

“Baron, just stay and go with my sister and brother-in-law when the time comes.”Yarwen Tong also joined together to retain the Cold Lords.

“All right then.”Leng Lords reluctantly agreed, in fact he was also worried about Jasmine Tong.

Muranyi was finally relieved, and Ousheng looked at Muranyi, always thinking she was weird.

After lunch, Muranyi called Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou into their bedroom.

There was some gravity in both Orson and Murray’s expressions.

“Are you guys going to have a three-chamber trial? Jasmine has to take a nap, so if you have something to say, say it now.”

Albert Ou’s attitude was so bad that Jasmine Tong shook her head at him one by one and made eyes at him.

Ousheng nodded down towards Muranyi, and Muranyi spoke up.

“Ono, we’ve never told you that you actually have a twin brother.”

“What the hell twin brothers” Albert Ou’s jaw almost dropped to the floor in surprise

Jasmine Tong was even more taken aback.

“It’s true, I was pregnant with twins back then, but because you have vampire blood and I’m just a normal human, it was exceptionally hard and the delivery was even worse.”

The mention of that previous incident made Ou Sheng’s face ugly, and he was the last person to bring up this past.

“I really used up all my energy when I had you two brothers, maybe because I didn’t pay too much attention to the timing of the pregnancy, maybe because your brothers’ energy was too strong for me to give you more on my own, so.”

Murray’s voice got a little choked up at that point.

Osei gently took Muranyi’s shoulders, “I’d better tell you.”

Osei then began to continue on with what Murray said.

“Our other son was just born out of breath, and according to vampire custom, there is no such thing as burial, and all dead vampires are placed on top of a mountain to absorb the essence of the sun and moon, which is said to allow for reincarnation, though that may be a superstition.”

Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong looked at each other, both of them feeling very incredulous.

Especially Jasmine Tong, who had a vague suspicion of something.

“However, I still followed vampire custom and placed your dead brother on the highest point of the Savara Forest, hoping he would have a good afterlife.”

“You guys just threw him away then why didn’t you tell me before and now what are you doing bringing up this past” Albert Ou was full of questions.

“Ono, because we now realize he may not be dead.”Muranyi looked at Albert Ou tenderly.

“Didn’t die how could it be even if he wasn’t dead at the time, with all those fierce beasts out in the forest and a small baby, he’d have to die without dying.”

Suddenly I hear that I have a brother, perhaps because I didn’t grow up with him and he doesn’t have any feelings.

“There’s a real chance it didn’t die.”This time it was Jasmine Tong who spoke.

Albert Ou was surprised and looked at Jasmine Tong, “How do you know”

“Maybe that boy didn’t deserve to die, so he was raised by a wolf in the forest.”

“Are you pregnant, your brain is not normal” Albert Ou touched Jasmine Tong’s brain.

Jasmine Tong hurriedly took his hand away, “No joke with you baron brother is raised in the forest by wolves.”

Hearing these words, Albert Ou was even more shocked

Albert Ou’s gaze swept over everyone, and when Jasmine Tong said this, Muranyi and Ousheng were all looking at her.

“So you are now suspecting that the Cold Lords are my dead twin brother.”

The clever Albert Ou also guessed it at once.

After a few seconds of silence, Albert Ou suddenly laughed, “No way that guy of his is lying eight out of ten sentences, don’t believe him about being raised by wolves, he’s definitely lying to you”

Albert Ou ruffled Jasmine Tong’s long hair.

“The baron wouldn’t lie to me about such a thing, he always wore gloves because he used to crawl, he’s been walking in the forest for a long time and his hands are covered in scars, and he was brought out of the forest by my uncle, who mentioned it.”

Jasmine Tong knew that Albert Ou would not believe in such a story, so she could only come up with more arguments.

Chapter 464

“That that’s not possible, it’s just a fantasy.”

Albert Ou absolutely did not believe his scenario and shook his twin brother

“But you look so much alike, haven’t you noticed?”

A long time ago, Jasmine Tong was aware of this, but at the time, she thought she might be too fond of Albert Ou, so she looked like Albert Ou to everyone.

In particular, the cold owl’s evil smile and Albert Ou as one, now finally found the answer.

“Yesterday when I took him to the guest room to rest, I noticed a birthmark on his neck, that’s why I was suspicious, plus Mandy said he grew up in the woods.”

Murray hastened to add.

“Mom, you are too naive, just based on a birthmark to identify him as your son What a joke, you only have one son in the worst case, after listening to you guys, more filial piety.”

Albert Ou would never die believing it.

“A birthmark alone certainly doesn’t identify it, and there are other clues indicating that it can’t be determined.Both of your brothers have a red mole on their buttocks, and that brother of yours I wore a piece of jade on his body when he died.”

“I don’t even have a red mole on my ass you see you can’t even remember that, that birthmark is even less of a mark.”

Albert Ou threw his hands up like he was playing a trick.

“You do have a red mole, on the left.”Jasmine Tong said to Albert Ou.

Albert Ou was petrified, because he himself didn’t even know he had a red mole, but the words came out of Jasmine Tong’s mouth

“So you’re observing me so closely, when did you spy on me”

Jasmine Tong hated to bite off her tongue, why be nosy?

In front of Ousheng and Muranyi, could this man speak with a bit of scruples.

“You see blush is it when making out you peeked at me or did you peek at my shower” Albert Ou was unforgiving, for discussing the twins, he was more interested in discussing it with Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong reached out and twisted Albert Ou’s arm.

“Ono be serious,” Osei spoke.

“Mandy, can you help us try out Mr. Leng, which forest he grew up in,” Murray threw a distress signal to Jasmine Tong.

“Well, I’ll ask him later.”

“It’s not quite certain, so don’t go into so much detail with him, just ask which forest it is, so there’s no misunderstanding.”

Jasmine Tong agreed.

The evening was approaching and the Aie Valley was colorful at dusk, the grass thick with leaves and soft to step on.

The Leng Lords standing against the setting sun as a statue, the setting sun’s rays reflect to his black pupils.

Jasmine Tong quietly walked over, “It’s so beautiful here at dusk.”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful.”The cold owl didn’t look at Jasmine Tong, still staring at the round of the sun about to set.

“Baron, thank you for being willing to stay and help us.”

“I’m not doing this to help you, but to help you.”

Jasmine Tong pursed her lips and laughed softly, it was like Albert Ou, she had become more certain of the relationship between the Cold Lords and Albert Ou.

“Then I thank you all the more for that, you seem to like twilight sunsets.”

“When I was a child, the forest I lived in was similar to this one, and there would be such a beautiful sunset every evening.”

Jasmine Tong secretly pleased that the cold owl himself mentioned, she came before not knowing any ask it.

“Where is the forest you live in?”

Leng Lords slowly turned his head, his gaze falling on Jasmine Tong.

Under the concealment of the colored glow, Jasmine Tong did not blush badly.

“I’m just asking, but I’m out on this trip anyway, so if it happens to be closer to the forest you used to live in, we’ll just go over there on our way back.”

“Savara Forest.”The Cold Lords are unguarded in front of Jasmine Tong, “As for the location, if we take land, we’ll pass through on the way back, and I haven’t been back in a long time.”

“If you want to go back, then we’ll take land when we get back.”

“Do you think Albert Ou would agree?”

Jasmine Tong had accomplished her mission and stayed with the Cold Lords for a while longer, and after the evening dinner, she told the news to everyone in a hurry.

“So it seems likely that that baron is brother-in-law’s twin brother,” Yarwen Tong spoke up before anyone else.

“Yes. I was the one who put him on the highest point of the Savara Forest in the first place.”Osei hastened to add.

No one was more excited than Murray, “That’s wonderful, thank God my son is alive.”

“Your son was already alive,” said Albert Ou as he pointed a finger at himself.

“Dad, Mom, so are we going to have a showdown with the barons now? “No one paid any attention to Albert Ou, just pretended he didn’t exist, including Jasmine Tong.

“Which side are you on you’re my wife, you should be on my side” Albert Ou hurriedly pulled Jasmine Tong to his side and gripped her hand tightly.

“Of course I’m on your side, now I’m helping you find your brother.”

“I don’t need any brother on the cold owl that way, he deserves to be my brother? he is definitely not twins with me my face value is so high, and then look at how he can be a twin.”

The entire crowd was very speechless at Albert Ou’s statement.

“Mandy, why don’t you go test the waters again.”Murray was happy, but it was a big deal, after all, and he had to think twice before he did it.

“Test what test? Don’t always send my wife out to do that.”

Seeing Jasmine Tong and the Leng Lords watching the sunset together, Albert Ou is already full of fire, but also to test the

“I will personally prove that the Cold Lords can never be my brothers.”

Albert Ou immediately snatched the door, leaving the house bewildered.

What the hell is he so mad about?

Isn’t it good to have a brother?

The cold lord came back from outside and went back to his room to shower and sleep.

As soon as I walked into the bathroom, I suddenly felt someone kick the door open, and when I came out of the bathroom, I saw Albert Ou coming with an angry face and locking the door.

“You have business.”

Albert Ou up and down carefully sizing up the cold owl, looking at the cold owl some hair.

How can this man be his brother?

“Please get out if you’re okay, I need to rest.”

“Take your clothes off.”

The Leng Lords eyes widened in vain, did he hear it right?

“I told you to take off your clothes, can’t you hear me?”

“Albert Ou, I can’t believe you have this kind of fetish you’re not afraid I’ll tell Mandy.”

“What do you think I’m trying to do? How can you bend me with your face value? Hurry up and take off your clothes.”


“Are you taking it off or not” Albert Ou started rolling up his sleeves.

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