Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 465 – 467

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Chapter 465

“I’m not taking it off. What’s wrong with you?”

There are limits to the Cold Lords’ tolerance of Albert Ou.

“No take off, I’ll help you take off” Albert Ou jumped straight at the cold owl.

The two men twisted into a ball.

The others heard the noise in the room and rushed out, but the door was locked and they couldn’t get in.

“This Ono is crazy to know that he has a brother isn’t good enough? they aren’t fighting are they” Murray stood at the door anxiously, it was her two sons.

One of her sons passed away, making her really sad for a while, then she brought Albert Ou back to the Mo family and saw so many children at home.

However, now that her two sons are actually fighting, she is

“Mom, you don’t have to worry, I guess he’s gone to verify if the baron is his brother or not.”Jasmine Tong hurriedly reassured Muranyi.

“Verify what he will verify.”

“Uh this, didn’t you say that both of their brothers have a red mole on their bodies” because of the part where that red mole was located, Jasmine Tong was too embarrassed to say it.

When Jasmine Tong said that, Murray instead relaxed.

“It would be nice if it were.”

“Let’s go back to the room and wait, we should have the results in a minute.”Jasmine Tong talked everyone out of it.

In the room, two men were fighting.

Leng Lords felt Albert Ou was completely baffled, “Albert Ou, you have a problem,” he growled.

“Tell you to take off you take off, which has so much nonsense” Albert Ou has been committed to stripping down the cold owl’s pants.

The Leng Lords were naturally no match for Albert Ou, after all, Albert Ou’s body still had vampire blood flowing through it, and in a short while, the Leng Lords were completely defeated.

Albert Ou also pulled down the cold owl’s pants in a smooth manner.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he was completely stupid.

Leng Lords hurriedly put on his own pants, “Albert Ou, you’re in the head, if not for Jasmine Tong’s face, I’ve turned against you.”

Albert Ou, however, wilted a bit, and didn’t react at all to the cold lord’s anger, but left the cold lord’s room ashen and returned to his bedroom.

Jasmine Tong was in the bedroom, seeing Albert Ou return and hastily standing up.


Albert Ou’s expression was immediately unnatural, and he grinned to reveal two rows of white teeth.

“You’re all wrong he doesn’t have a red mole at all I told you so, I have such a high face value, that’s just anyone can be a twin with me?”

Albert Ou was smug but didn’t dare to look into Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

“From the moment you walked through the door, I figured you’d seen the red mole, and now that you’ve said that, I’m even more sure.”

Jasmine Tong shook her head despicably.

“Am I that bad of an actor?”

“You’re a good actor, I know you too well.”

Albert Ou pulled Jasmine Tong to sit on the bed and put his hands on her shoulders, his expression very serious.

“Jasmine, are you my wife?”

“What’s this talk, do you think I’m not” Jasmine Tong pointed to herself and then to her stomach.

“If you’re my wife, keep my secret, lie with me, and don’t break me.”

This is what makes Jasmine Tong unimaginable, “Why ah have a brother is not good? after you brothers can support each other, to relieve parents of a pile of heartache, the baron brother has finally found his parents, so why hide such a good thing”.

“Not good, not good at all. It’s the worst thing in the world.”

Albert Ou was like an enemy.

“Can’t understand you.”

“You don’t need to understand just do what I say, I’ll tell Mom and Dad the news in a minute, you don’t talk for a while”

Jasmine Tong cupped Albert Ou’s face and was just about to open her mouth when Albert Ou growled, “If you’re my wife, you must listen to me.”

There was a knock at the door as soon as the words were out of my mouth.

In the end, Muranyi still couldn’t settle down and immediately came over to ask, and Albert Ou hurriedly gave Jasmine Tong a wink before going to open the door.

“Ono, how’s it going?”

“Haha you all guessed wrong he doesn’t have any red moles on him at all I but took his pants down to look at one carefully he’s not my brother, how can he be a brother to me with that kind of face”

Looking at Albert Ou’s wild appearance, Muranui hurriedly looked at Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong cautiously waved her hand towards Murray, and Murray understood at once.

“Ono, why are you lying? Isn’t it good to have a brother?”

Albert Ou blinked a few times quickly, “I didn’t lie mom, I know you wish your son was still alive, but facts are facts ah accept reality, it’s enough that you have a son anyway”

Murray and Osei left their room without saying anything.

Albert Ou felt strange and turned around to look at Jasmine Tong, “How was my acting just now.”

Jasmine Tong smiled and gave a thumbs up towards Albert Ou.

“That shouldn’t be a problem. You didn’t betray me, did you?”

Jasmine Tong immediately waved her hand, “Absolutely not.”

“Oh, what the heck anyway, it’s already like this” Albert Ou walked over and locked the door back to Jasmine Tong, “The baby is healthy, so am I okay”

“I knew you’d miss that, so be careful.”

“It won’t hurt you, just let me know if you’re uncomfortable.”Albert Ou k!ssed Jasmine Tong’s lips in a fiery manner without waiting for a response.

The sweet taste, the softness of the touch lit his fire at once.

This night, they lingered, reliving the good old days.

The next day, everyone was summoned to the living room, and the Cold Lords thought they were having a family meeting, but Murray was going to avoid it, but Murray forced him to stay.

Albert Ou is a bit crushed, he clearly said no yesterday, but Murray still told the cold owl about it.

The Cold Lords remained expressionless after hearing the cause and effect.

Everyone is waiting for him to speak, especially Murray, who can’t wait to claim her son.

“Mr. and Mrs. Ou, I am grateful that you can tell me this, but I think you are mistaken, I am not your son.”

“Look he’s said no that’s definitely not it I already verified it yesterday” the first one to jump up and speak was Albert Ou.

“I’ve never seen that piece of jade you’re talking about.”

“And if he were a vampire, his eyes would be blue but his eyes are black” Albert Ou once again came up with the argument.

“So, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

Chapter 466

Leng Lords politely retreated from the living room and walked out of the villa.

Leaving these people silent and unsure of how to deal with the situation, Albert Ou was the only one who was happy.

“See, I told you, there’s no way he was,” Albert Ou continued proudly.

Jasmine Tong can’t stand it now, “You clearly saw that red mole yesterday, but you said you didn’t have it, I really don’t know what your intentions are”

Albert Ou squeezed his eyes towards Jasmine Tong vigorously.

“You squeeze your eyes out, and I say the same.”

“Didn’t we agree to unify the camp? Why did you betray me?”

Albert Ou could tolerate anyone’s betrayal, but not Jasmine Tong’s, and angrily went straight up the stairs.

“Mom, I actually don’t think jade can mean anything, after all, in the forest, when the baron was still a baby, it was normal to lose it.”Jasmine Tong hastily widened Muranyi.

“I know, I can just tell by his words that he doesn’t want to acknowledge us, even if it’s true.”

That’s what makes Murray sad.

“There’s another doubt, actually brother-in-law is right ah, if the baron and brother-in-law are twins, then the baron is also the offspring of a human and a vampire, he should also have blue eyes blue blood ah”

Yarwen Tong offered a new perspective.

“Most likely, he’s already unsealed.”Ousheng, who had been silent, spoke.

“Dad, can you really lift the seal? “Knowing this news, Jasmine Tong was both surprised and happy, if that was the case, then Albert Ou could also lift the seal.

“There have always been legends of this, but no vampire has ever found such an example, after all, there aren’t many sealed bonds like Ono’s, and naturally the ones that are unsealed are few and far between, but the legends are well founded, and unsealed bonds are essentially indistinguishable from humans.”

At this moment, the Leng Lords were sitting on a dirt slope near the villa, one leg straight and one leg bent, looking at the piece of jade in their neck.

He did have a piece of jade, and when Murray mentioned it, he already knew that he was indeed their son.

Just for some reason, he refused to do so.

Jasmine Tong climbed up the dirt slope, sensing someone coming, and the cold lord immediately stuffed his jade back.

The jade was something he wore all the time, and he had protected it since he was still walking on all fours.

“What’s a pregnant woman doing up this high?”

“How can I find you without climbing this high?”

Leng Lords reached out to pull Jasmine Tong, and Jasmine Tong sat next to Leng Lords.

“Brother Lords, why don’t you meet them” Jasmine Tong looked at the red string in the Leng Lords neck.

“Because they got it wrong.”

“You know best if they’re wrong or not, what’s the point,”

The cold lord hung his head and laughed bitterly, “Still, you saw through it.”

He took the jade from his neck again, it was a crystal clear piece of jade, and at a glance it was of excellent quality.

“This piece of jade has been with me since I was born, and I don’t know why I always had special feelings for it, even when I met that group of tomb robbers later and they asked me to visit their graves for them, I didn’t refuse, but I only got annoyed when they tried to take my jade away.”

Jasmine Tong quietly listened to the words of the Leng Lords, she knows that the Leng Lords are also people with stories.

“Then I met my godfather, who, as you know, is in the jewelry business, and he told me that my piece of jade was worth a lot of money and that I should keep it and maybe find out if my parents had left it to me.”

“Then why don’t you admit it?”

“Do you think I should confess? “The smile on the cold lord’s face was puzzling.

“Shouldn’t they? They thought you were dead in the first place, that’s why they sent you to the forest for a vampire funeral, who knew you were still alive, it’s not their fault.”

“I understand, it’s just that in all these years, I’ve never wanted to find my parents, and I’m used to being alone, and I don’t want to suddenly have anyone close to me, just like Albert Ou is used to being alone, and I don’t want to share my parents with anyone.”

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t afford to lose your money.

It is true that twins are telepathic to each other.

She couldn’t have thought of anything that the cold lord had thought of.

“Baron, I can understand how you feel, but you know my mom has always wanted to recognize you, it’s something they’ve been looking forward to for years, they have no intention of asking you to do anything for them, and they won’t restrain you.”

“Let me think about it.”

Jasmine Tong didn’t bother the Leng Lords, but left the time and space for him to make his own decision.

The cold owl has been sitting on the dirt slope like that, not even eating dinner.

The family didn’t seem to have much appetite, and Jasmine Tong cooked a table of dishes that only Albert Ou ate with relish.

After dinner everyone was in the living room and the door opened.

Everyone looked towards the door, and the cold lord was standing in the doorway like that, with the piece of jade in his neck exposed, which couldn’t be more obvious.

Everyone saw the jade.

With that hint of a smile on his face, the cold lord seemed a little embarrassed, and he immediately went upstairs after standing at the door for a few seconds.

“Didn’t you say you’ve never seen Jade before? “Albert Ou yelled at the Cold Lords.

The first thing you need to know is that you’re going to be able to find a way to get the most out of your money.

“Mom, the baron admitted it” Jasmine Tong immediately excitedly told the good news to Muranyi, “He showed the jade to everyone means he admitted it.”

“Great really great” Murray couldn’t get enough of the excitement.

“The lord is a person who is used to being alone, and is always a bit subtle in his expression of feelings, which is still very similar to their brothers.”

“Am I being subtle in expressing my feelings? “Albert Ou’s face stunk as much as it could, feeling completely betrayed by his own wife

He went furiously upstairs to his room.

Jasmine Tong threw her tongue out at Muranyi, “I might have to go coax him.”

“What’s there to coax out of a grown man like him, you’re just too spoiled, Manny, you’ll be bullied later.”

“No, I’ll go check on him.”Jasmine Tong also hurried upstairs, the consequences of this master’s anger were also serious.

In the bedroom, Albert Ou was sulking on the bed.

“You should be happy to have a brother. Why are you always mad?”

Albert Ou hurriedly turned his back on Jasmine Tong.

“How could I not lose my temper at the death of my own wife? I tell you, Jasmine Tong, I never thought you would betray me.”

“I didn’t think you’d be so childish.”

Chapter 467

“I’m childish, and you call me childish.”

Albert Ou rose up from the bed like a fraudulent corpse, already furious because of Jasmine Tong’s betrayal, and was about to vomit blood.

“Isn’t it? Well, well, I think it’s nice that you have a twin brother.”

“Nice piece of sh!t,” Albert Ou was about to freak out.

Jasmine Tong really didn’t know how Albert Ou could react so badly to it

Is it really like what Leng Lao said about not wanting to share his parents with others?

“Honey what exactly is on your mind, can you tell me” Jasmine Tong’s tone softened.

“I don’t have anything on my mind, I’m just fuzzy” Albert Ou sat cross-legged on the bed.

“Then why are you fuming?”

“You know very well why I’m festering. We agreed on a united front, but you sold me out. I’m your own husband.”

“Then it’s okay for me to apologize, I’m sorry to you along with the baby, I’m sorry husband, I’m sorry baby daddy, we shouldn’t have betrayed you.”

Jasmine Tong bowed deeply towards Albert Ou.

Seeing Jasmine Tong’s sincere attitude and moving their baby again, O Zeno wimped out.

“Next time,” he said as he held Jasmine Tong in his arms, spoiling Jasmine Tong’s stomach, “Knowing that you are pregnant, don’t just bend over, what if it hurts the baby in your belly”

Lying in Albert Ou’s arms, Jasmine Tong looked at Albert Ou with eyes wide open, “Why wouldn’t you want a brother?”

“It’s uncomfortable inside even though my mom’s a terrible cook and my dad beats me up all the time, but, all of a sudden, I’m telling you that someone’s going to break up with half of them and I’m just uncomfortable like it’s something that’s been taken away from me.”

“The baron really got it right.”

Tong finds Albert Ou’s possessiveness not only in himself, but also in his parents’ possessiveness of everything.

“He guessed something.”

“Honey, let’s have two babies someday.”

The sudden change of subject of “Why two?” made Albert Ou a little uncomfortable.

“Because I think there are so many problems with only children, they’re selfish, they don’t know how to share, they always take things for themselves, it’s better to have two.”

Albert Ou reacted by raising his hand, high and dropping it gently.

“You’re saying I’m selfish, don’t know how to share, and like to keep things for myself.”

“It’s good that you know it yourself and you want me to say it ah you see I don’t feel that way because I grew up with Little Lei.”

“Jasmine Tong as my wife always speaks for others and doesn’t know how to comfort me, what kind of wife are you.”

Albert Ou was really full of complaints, and in Jasmine Tong’s eyes, he was a child who was a temper tantrummer.

Jasmine Tong hugged Albert Ou, “Actually you didn’t share your parents with anyone else, instead the world has one more person who loves and cares for you, besides”

Jasmine Tong straightened up and leaned in front of Albert Ou’s ear, “You never need to share your wife with anyone, because she will always belong to you alone.”

These words at once brought Albert Ou to his senses, and Albert Ou finally gained a bit of comfort.

“Then I shall now enjoy my one wife.”

Albert Ou had a bad smile on his face, “You’ve been getting too close to him lately, but I can see it clearly, don’t do that again, keep your distance from him”

Jasmine Tong is helpless this man will never forget to be jealous of any time

In the morning Murray woke up and dragged Jasmine Tong into the kitchen, and Murray was so happy to know that his other son was still alive that he hadn’t slept all night.

“Manny, you’re good at cooking, teach me how to cook two dishes, it’s hard to claim my son back.”

“Well, what do you want to learn to cook.”

“Easier, I used to follow the tutorial, but unfortunately I couldn’t do it right anyhow.”

Murray was also very frustrated that her cooking hadn’t improved at all over the years.

Jasmine Tong began to teach Muranyi how to cook with her hands, and Muranyi carefully memorized every step of the way.

“Mandy, I probably should, so you go rest and I’ll do it myself.”

“Come on, Mom” Jasmine Tong left the kitchen, and as soon as she reached the living room, she saw Albert Ou running over in flames.

“Where’s Mom?”

“In the kitchen learning how to cook.”

Albert Ou couldn’t help but snort, “I don’t even get this kind of treatment, I learned to cook for him right away when I knew he was back”

“It’s not like he’s the only one who gets to eat it, you can eat it too.”

Jasmine Tong discovered that Albert Ou was really a big jealous jar.

“When we get home, you’re going to cook for me and only me.”

“Ummmm, I’ll make you food, just for you, okay?”

“Hey, it’s okay.”Albert Ou leaned in to k!ss Jasmine Tong’s face and then got into the kitchen.

“Mamma Mamma, I need to talk to you.”

“I’m busy, I don’t have time to pay attention to you” Muranyi concentrated on cooking without even raising her eyes to look at Albert Ou.

“People haven’t even called you a mom yet and you’re already so biased now that you won’t even look at me?”

Albert Ou was straight in front of Murray.

Muranyi thought that a child of Albert Ou’s age wouldn’t have this kind of kid-rivalry problem.

But she really overestimated her own son.

“I’ll take a look at you. You’re going to be a father and you’re still so childish.”

“Mom, I’m asking you, so he and I are twins, there’s always an order to our births, right who’s the older brother and who’s the younger”

Murray had really overlooked the issue when they all thought the cold owl was dead at birth, so they didn’t want to talk about the child as if it was just one.

“He’s the older brother, you’re the younger brother, he was born first, I had a difficult delivery, it took a long time to have the first one, and it was much smoother when I had you.”

This was even more of a death blow for Albert Ou.

Not only do you have to share your parents with someone, but you have to call that person your brother, jokingly.

“Mom, can we talk about this, don’t tell him about it, just tell him I was born first and he was born later, okay”

“Ono, are you free? “For the first time, Murray thought why his son was so annoying.

“You promise me, I will not bother you right away you see come to this family there must be first come first served bar I came first I am naturally the older brother, he is the younger brother can not follow the birth order”

Murray had a headache, “Okay, I promise you, get out of here.”

“Then we have a deal,”

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