Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 450 – 452

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Chapter 450

The Leng Lords did not convince Jasmine Tong to get rid of the baby after all.

I don’t know if it was the arrival of this child that gave Jasmine Tong the courage to live again.

She recovered quickly and was discharged home three days later.

But, freed from the effects of suicide, she enters the troubles of pregnancy.

She threw up so badly that she almost threw up whatever she ate because she couldn’t have an empty stomach and she had to force herself to eat something, even though she didn’t want to.

“Vomit” came the sound of Jasmine Tong vomiting again from the room.

The Leng Lords directly walked in with an orange in his hand, just entered the house and saw Jasmine Tong from the bathroom, face waxing yellow.

“Trying to talk me out of it again.”

When in the hospital, the Leng Lords were bitterly persuaded for three days, but also failed to persuade Jasmine Tong.

“Is it worth it to suffer so much?”

“It’s worth all the pain for our baby.”

Leng Lords handed over the orange to Jasmine Tong, who took it suspiciously.

“I’ve tasted it, it’s pretty sour.”

Jasmine Tong smiled and hurriedly peeled the orange, breaking off half of it and putting it in her mouth, sourness filling her mouth but making her feel much better.

Looking at Jasmine Tong smilingly eating a sour orange, the Leng Lords couldn’t help but say: “It’s that good.”

“Well, it’s pretty tasty, thanks.”

Jasmine Tong ate the orange and sat on the bed.

“I’ve asked the doctor, and vomiting during pregnancy is normal and lasts about three months, and you still have almost two months to go.”

Jasmine Tong ate the orange one petal at a time, “Yeah, I know.”

“Vomiting isn’t the worst part, the worst part is later in the pregnancy when you can’t even sleep at night because the uterus is pressing on your bladder, and you also have edema, back pain and difficulty walking.”

Jasmine Tong slowly ate the orange and listened to the cold owl speak.

“The most painful part is the childbirth, the doctors say that women give birth, all nine of them, and if you divide the human body into ten levels of pain, then the pain of a woman giving birth is ten levels.”

“Baron, you’ve suddenly changed your tactics and want me to know when to back off, right?”

In a few words, Jasmine Tong had finished eating that sour orange.

The Leng Lords smiled without speaking, his tone significantly weaker than the previous days.

“I know what you’re talking about, but it’s okay, I can handle it.Do you have any more oranges?”

The cold lord touched his pocket and pulled out an orange to hand to Jasmine Tong.

“Manny, you have to think about it, if there’s something wrong with this child, you’ll suffer for ten months.”

“Brother Baron, you actually know that there’s no way you can convince me that if you really want what’s best for me, then take care of the Dark Empire so that my future children and I will be well fed and clothed in the future.”

Jasmine Tong peeled open the orange and ate it again.

“Well, let’s just pretend we’re talking, I’m going back to the office.”

The Cold Lords turned and prepared to walk out of the bedroom.

“Where did you get this orange I asked Pearblossom to get some too.”Jasmine Tong asked.

“If you like it, I’ll just bring it back for you.”

When the cold lord finished sideways and walked to the door, he suddenly stopped again.

Jasmine Tong ignored it, still eating the oranges on her own, her appetite was so bad these days, it was rare to have something she could swallow.

“Manny actually Albert Ou he’s not dead.”

“Ah,” Jasmine Tong suddenly stopped eating the orange.

The Aie Valley is about to have a wedding, and this is the busiest time of the year, when all the people in the valley come to start helping the O’s with their wedding preparations.

The male lead, Albert Ou, however, has fallen on easy times.

He was lying on his bed holding his phone, which had all of Jasmine Tong’s photos stored in it from their travels.

And some videos he recorded.

He had come back with these things on purpose, and he had brought back nothing but his phone.

And the phone would never get a signal, even if he did climb into a tree.

Albert Ou was worried that he would get soft and would be unable to resist contacting Jasmine Tong, cutting off his own backdoor and destroying the phone’s communication function in the first place.

He even remembered the sequence of these photos so clearly that he couldn’t remember how many times he’d seen them since his return this time.

The phone screen showed Jasmine Tong’s enlarged face, and Albert Ou carefully leaned in to place a soft k!ss on Jasmine Tong’s lips.

“Knock knock.”

Albert Ou immediately put the phone away, “Come in.”

Yarwen Tong had a suit in his hand, “Auntie asked me to bring it to you and try it on, to see if it fits.”

“There’s nothing to try on, tell her it fits.”

“You’d better give it a try, so you don’t embarrass yourself at the wedding and everyone looks bad.”

Only then did Albert Ou put the suit on, a white groom’s suit that fit perfectly.

Albert Ou stood in front of the mirror and surveyed himself, imagining that there was Jasmine Tong standing at his side.

“Brother-in-law, what do you think my sister would think if she knew that you are now in your groom’s outfit, preparing to marry another woman.”

“She won’t know.”

“I’m talking about just in case, what do you think she’d think if she knew.”

Albert Ou shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“It’s easy to find out what she’s thinking, imagine now that my sister is getting married to a baron sister, what you’re thinking then is what my sister is thinking.”

Albert Ou’s face suddenly turned ugly, if it had just been cloudy, it would have been cloudy by now.

“Brother-in-law, don’t tell me it’s impossible, you put the baron next to my sister, don’t you want to entrust my sister to him so I believe that soon they will also get married, they will k!ss and sleep and have babies”

“Stop it” Albert Ou turned to look angrily at Yarwen Tong.

“But it’s the truth, I don’t talk about it, can you stand it my sister may not know you’re with another woman, but you know my sister and the baron will be together.”

Yarwen Tong silently walked out of the room after saying that, and Albert Ou stayed alone.

Albert Ou sat down on his butt and held his head on the bed.

He was a very possessive man, and had struggled a lot to keep the Cold Lords in the Dark Empire in the first place.

But just Yarwen Tong said right, if Jasmine Tong falls in love with the cold owl, the two of them will k!ss, will sleep, but also will have a baby.

Albert Ou picked up the phone and looked at Jasmine Tong on the phone screen and smiled bitterly.

“Jasmine, could you really love another man?”

“Jasmine, would you k!ss him and have sex with him?”

“Jasmine, will you ever forget me.”

The one thing that Albert Ou wanted Jasmine Tong to do the most before he came back was to forget himself, but after he came back, he found himself terrified, terrified that Jasmine Tong would forget him.

Chapter 451

On the Rainbow City side, the Leng Lords have told Jasmine Tong the complete story.

The entire process of Jasmine Tong is very calm, which greatly surprises the cold owl.

“That’s how it happened, Albert Ou didn’t die, it was all just an illusion created to fool you if I’m right, he should be in Aiya by now.”

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t be sure that you’re going to be able to do anything.

“I should have guessed it a long time ago,” Jasmine Tong suddenly looked up as if thatch had opened up.

“Guess what,”

“Guessing he might be leaving me after little Lei died he was a little weird, he didn’t want me to go on a movie and wanted me to stay home with him, but I didn’t agree to that, he actually just wanted to spend more time with me.”

Jasmine Tong regretted very much that she had been immersed in the pain of Yarwen Tong’s death during that time, but had neglected Albert Ou.

“He actually had a lot of holes in him, I just didn’t care, I thought.”

Jasmine Tong rubbed her temples in frustration, “I’m so stupid for not even seeing it”

“Of course you can’t see how he’s been thinking about how he could fool you for the last six months, including a business trip to the snowy mountains that he came up with later.”

“I’m so stupid how could I be so stupid that I didn’t see that he was leaving”

Now that Jasmine Tong thought about it, she felt that Albert Ou was really full of loopholes that she would have noticed with a little bit of attention.

“Albert Ou did think a lot about you, and while he kept me in the Dark Empire and gave me the position of president, I was signing a document a few days ago, only to find out that loans for projects over 50 million dollars require your personal signature to release the money, and he was worried about me embezzling your assets.”

The Leng Lords really feel that the man Albert Ou is too chicken thief, he can’t trust anyone.

“This fool, but why didn’t he tell me? If he had, we could have faced it together.”

“He didn’t just grant his father’s request because of Lei, he said he also wanted you to live a normal life and he couldn’t give it to you.”

Jasmine Tong only felt sore, she wiped her own tears, “Does he think he’s great? This just shows that he’s stupid, so stupid”

Jasmine Tong rubbed away the tears on her face, “Brother Baron, can you reach him now?”

“I know you tried to contact him when you were pregnant, but his number was already empty, and I think he cut himself off when he left.”

It’s true that the Cold Lords couldn’t reach Albert Ou.

“More stupid.”

“Manny, what are you going to do actually Albert Ou has always wanted you to have a normal life, that’s why he’s willing to sacrifice himself.”

“I’m going to find him,” Tong’s voice was full of power.

Hearing Jasmine Tong’s words, the Leng Lords were too jaw-dropping to speak.

“This bastard, I’m going to find him and bring him back, there’s no way he’s going to abandon me, unless he’s really dead.”

“Mandy, I’m telling you this in hopes that you’ll come to your senses, but I’m noticing that you’re getting less and less sober.”

Leng Lords is really intolerant of Jasmine Tong’s pain, maybe he will go along with Albert Ou’s wishes if he knows that Albert Ou is not dead, but what he didn’t think of is

“Baron, you’re wrong, I’m indeed more sober I’m not more sober than I am now I’m going to find him”

Jasmine Tong’s eyes were filled with determination.

“I think you’re really crazy, Albert Ou is somewhere now but where vampires congregate, you’re going to get yourself killed.”

“Give me another one of those necklaces you gave me earlier, and won’t the vampires be afraid to come near me if I carry that with me.”

In the face of Jasmine Tong’s naivety, the Leng Lords don’t know what to say.

“Darling, should I call you naive or should I call you stupid?”

“Did I say something wrong?”

“That’s a white wolf’s tusk, it does hurt vampires, but vampires can crush you in minutes as easy as squeezing an ant if they don’t touch that thing, let alone enter a vampire’s nest”

Anyway, the cold owl is feeling no chance of winning.

“Then I’m going too.”

“And what about the child in your belly are you trying to take your own child to die, not to mention that place is so far away from us that I’m afraid you’ll be hung up on the road before you even meet a vampire and your body won’t be able to take it at all”

Jasmine Tong worriedly touched her stomach, which was indeed an obstacle.

If she hadn’t been pregnant, she would have gone and died herself but now with a baby in her belly, she had to take care of it.

“Well, don’t think about it, you know he’s alive and he’s doing well, that’s all that matters, and he wants you to be doing well too, that’s just the way it is.”

The cold lord stood up from his seat, “Manny, you two are destined to be people from two worlds, and it’s not a bad thing to live well in your respective worlds.”

“I’ve lived in a world with him since I decided he was the man of my life, not to mention that we now have a child.”

Jasmine Tong also stood up quickly to get her suitcase out from under the bed.

The Leng Lords looked at Jasmine Tong in horror: “What are you doing?”

“Pack up and go to him you don’t have to talk me out of it, you spent three days and three nights not talking me out of getting rid of the baby and you can’t talk me out of it now either.”

As soon as Jasmine Tong opened her mouth, she stifled what the Cold Lords had to say.

The cold owl’s words were choked back in life.

“I know what he kept you with me for, I was a little suspicious the first time I saw you in the Dark Empire, but he fooled me.”

Jasmine Tong said as she packed her luggage, “He probably thought that besides him, you might be the one who loves me the most in this world so entrusting me to you is the best choice But he neglected that I only love him in this world.”

The cold owl just stood quietly watching Jasmine Tong pack her bags but was at a loss for words.

“Lords, I know what you have in mind for me, but I’m sorry I couldn’t love you, and I thank you for all you’ve done for me and him, and if I had the chance, I’d like to repay you.”

Naturally, Jasmine Tong’s words were a bit cruel, but she knew she had to say it.

“Baron, I want you to remain in the Dark Empire until I return, but if I don’t, everything in the company will be yours.”

Leng Lords suddenly came up and grabbed Jasmine Tong’s wrist.

“You really love him that much.”

“Yes, he’s the most important man in my life.”There wasn’t a flicker in Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

“Okay, I’ll help you.”

Chapter 452

When the Leng Lords made this decision, they also felt crazy.

He’s never been a spontaneous person, but every decision he makes is wise.

But when he made that decision, even he thought it was crazy.

“You’re really willing to help me “Jasmine Tong took hold of the Leng Lords’ wrist in return.

“I must be crazy to be saying this to you.”

“You’ve been insane since the moment you promised him you’d stay in the Dark Empire.”

Leng Lords tilted his head and looked at Jasmine Tong in puzzlement.

“Isn’t it true that you never come and go without a trace, you go wherever you want, and how is it possible that the last company trapped you alone”

“Well, I’ve kind of fallen for you two this time, I can’t get off the boat of thieves.”

Jasmine Tong laughed openly.

Seeing Jasmine Tong laugh, the Leng Lords also finally laughed out.

He still liked her the way she was.

“But don’t be happy too soon Mandy, even if I go with you, it’s going to be difficult.”

The cold lord’s face sank once more, and he was still able to remain calm.

“First of all, it would be hard to balance if I left the Dark Empire side, it’s your man’s life’s work, think about it.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a little less money, it doesn’t matter if he’s that rich anyway, a little less money”

Hearing that the cold owl is going to accompany himself, Jasmine Tong’s whole person seems to be lit up as excited.

“I’ll use the next few days to get the company set up as best as I can, and besides, I don’t know exactly where Aigu is, I just know a general geographic location, so we’ll still have to find it then.”

Jasmine Tong kept nodding her head, but she actually didn’t think about it that much herself.

“If we do get to the vampire lair, I’m no match for a vampire, so we’ll have to be somewhat prepared in advance.”

Jasmine Tong tapped her temple with her finger bit by bit, “Baron, you said that the white wolf is the vampire’s natural enemy right?”

“That’s right, the only thing a vampire fears is a white wolf, and that’s the only thing a white wolf can do against them, along with their wolf blood, and their wolf teeth.”

“I should have some ideas then, we’ll both move separately, you take care of things at the office first.”

“Okay, I’ll be quick.”

The two people according to the agreement to separate action, the cold lord went to the dark empire, ready to deal with the company some things, such a large company for a period of time without a leader is very scary, he needs to minimize the loss.

And Jasmine Tong also went to the Crystal Garden and asked Wu Xiu to bring her to the Vault Mountain.

Ou Zeino will naturally explain to Wu Xiu before he leaves, so whatever Jasmine Tong says, Wu Xiu will naturally do.

“Butler Wu, what do we have to do to summon Wing here?”

Wu Xiu narrowed his eyes and smiled, “Madam, don’t worry, just leave it to me.”

Only Wu Shuo pulled out a silver whistle from his pocket and just casually blew on it.

“Is it that simple? Blow the whistle and out comes the wing.”

“Ma’am, you just wait.”

Although Jasmine Tong had doubts, she decided to trust Wu Xiu.

After a while there was suddenly some soporific sound in the grass.

Jasmine Tong fixed his eyes and a mass of white velvet caught his eye.

“WING it really is you” Jasmine Tong exclaimed excitedly.

The white wolf scampered up to Jasmine Tong and lay down nicely on the ground.

Jasmine Tong also squatted down and stroked the white wolf’s fur.

“Ma’am, here’s this whistle for you, even if the wing runs far away, if you blow the whistle and it hears you, it will come to you.”

Jasmine Tong took the whistle over, “It’s too good with this there’s no fear of it getting lost.”

To be on the safe side, Wu Shuo still put wing one in the cage.

“WING, it’s going to be hard on you, don’t worry, I’ll let you out.”Jasmine Tong stroked wing’s head to reassure it.

Back in the Crystal Garden, the maid brings milk tea to Jasmine Tong.

“By the way, Butler Wu, do you know about this place in Aiya?”

Wu Xiu smiled and shook his head, “Mr. Ou once saved my life, if it wasn’t for Mr. Ou back then, I might have died, that’s why I was willing to saddle up for his service, Young Master would go back every now and then, but he never said where exactly he went.”

Jasmine Tong was a little disappointed originally thought that she could get more information from Wu Xiu.

“Oh, I remember now, ma’am, just give me a moment.”Saying that Wu Xiu stood up and went upstairs.

Jasmine Tong sat on the couch and drank some milk tea, probably too excited for the past two days, so the pregnancy sickness was not that bad.

After a while Wu Xiu hurriedly ran down from upstairs, holding a yellowed booklet in his hand.

“Fortunately, I didn’t throw it away” Wu Xiu handed this booklet to Jasmine Tong.

“When the young master was young, the first time he went back to Aye Valley, he was worried he wouldn’t find it on his own, so he gave him a hand-drawn map, and this is it.”

Jasmine Tong immediately opened this booklet, and naturally she, a roadkill, could not read the map.

“Except that the map was hand-drawn by Mr. Ou, and it’s just a general location, not that detailed.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s better than nothing, we’re still foggy on location and it’s much easier with this.”

After returning to Rainbow City, Jasmine Tong immediately handed over this hand-drawn map to Leng Lords.

The Cold Lords also finally had some idea about the Aye Valley.

A week later, the two people met again, and the cold owl also finally sorted out the company’s affairs.

Leng Lords spread out a map on the desk, with the hand-drawn map that Jasmine Tong gave him at hand.

“If I’m right, according to the directions on this hand-drawn map, Aiya should be in this place.”The Cold Lords pointed out in the upper right corner, “And here we are.”Fingers moved back to the lower left corner.

“So far? Exactly the farthest point.”

“If we’re going over there, there are two options we can take one is by land, but it’s a longer journey and by land, you’re pregnant now and I’m afraid you won’t be able to take it.”

“What about the second option?”

“By water, we can take a bus to the dock and then take a boat ride all the way from here to this place, from which we’ll be close enough to Aye Valley after we get off the boat.”

“To have to take a boat,” Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but remember the painful trip she had taken with Albert Ou.

“Why? It would be easier for you if you were on a boat all the time, but if you go by land and have to take a car and a plane, I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle it.And it’s faster by boat.”

“Well, take the boat, then, and by the way, there’s something else I need to tell you, and I’m taking it with me”

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