Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 453 – 455

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Chapter 453

The Cold Lords were also shocked when they saw the white wolf locked in the cage.

“It’s the one he’s been raising, don’t worry, they’re domesticated, they don’t just hurt people, and we’re much safer with it escorting us on this journey.”Jasmine Tong smiled at the white wolf in the cage.

“What I’m curious about is how Albert Ou has the White Wolf King’s pup I had spent a lot of time looking for this White Wolf King’s offspring but unfortunately never found it, it turns out that Albert Ou captured it.”

The Leng Lords carefully identified the markings on the white wolf’s body, and Jasmine Tong also saw that the white wolf seemed to have no hostile intent towards the Leng Lords.

“Do you think it’s really a white wolf? When he first told me it was a white wolf, I thought he was bragging.”

“This is indeed a wolf king, and although he has been away from the pack for a long time, the wolf king’s call is very distinctive and he can still command the world.”

“Then we have even less to fear, let’s leave tomorrow.”

The Leng Lords also knew that Jasmine Tong couldn’t wait any longer, so the next day they set out on a journey with White Wolf.

A day’s car ride to the dock where they are about to board the ship, the cold owl has ordered people to get ready in advance.

It’s a good thing that Albert Ou is a man who has personal everything, even the ships.

The Leng Lords and Jasmine Tong boarded the ship together, but just a few hours on board, the Leng Lords found that Jasmine Tong is not quite right, she has been hiding in the room did not come out.

The Leng Lords immediately went to search for Jasmine Tong’s room, and a steady stream of vomiting sounds came out of Tong’s bathroom.

“Manny, are you okay? “The Cold Lords knocked on the bathroom door.

“No puke.”

It was a while before Jasmine Tong came out of the bathroom, her face already hard to see.

“I’m fine, it’s just seasickness.”Jasmine Tong said weakly against the wall.

“The first thing you need to know is that you’re not going to be able to get a lot of money for your money, and you’re not going to be able to do that.

“It’s okay, I thought you said a boat ride was the fastest, not to mention that I’m not sure I can handle the bumps if I go by land.”

Jasmine Tong gasped with every word.

“Do you want to puke to death on the boat? If you knew, I wouldn’t have brought you here.”

Leng Lords have regretted, if he knew Jasmine Tong was seasick, he would never have taken the risk.

“I knew you wouldn’t have brought me here if you knew I was seasick, that’s why I didn’t tell you, it’s too late to turn back now.”

Jasmine Tong’s smile had a victorious stance to it.

“Who says it’s too late to regret it, I want the captain to turn the helm right now, we’ve been gone a short time and it’s not too late to get back”

With that said, the Leng Lords hurriedly prepared to head out, Jasmine Tong hurriedly pulled him down.

“Don’t, Lords, we had a hard time getting out, and you even have to go back okay, I’ll be fine.”

“The first trimester of Manny’s pregnancy is the most dangerous time in case anything happens to you while we’re sailing down the center, and we don’t even have a doctor at sea.”

Leng Lords growled towards Jasmine Tong, he felt that Jasmine Tong’s behavior was too childish to think that much.

“I know, but I have no choice but to say I’ll let you go on your own, for one thing I can’t bear the thought that you had nothing to do with it and should never have gotten into this mess, and for another, I’m the only one who can call him back.”

Leng Lords stared at Jasmine Tong without looking away.

“I know my body, and if this baby is going to be aborted that easily, then I’ll admit it.”

“Have you thought about it we could be at sea for twenty days on this trip, are you sure you can handle it”

Once the bow is fired, there’s no turning back.

“I’ve thought about it, I’ve thought about it from the beginning, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Despite Jasmine Tong’s debilitating weakness, she still refused to admit it.

The Lengæž­ is also really unable to stall Jasmine Tong, “That’s okay, seasickness, then, you lie down and rest will be better.Seasickness isn’t the same as car sickness, so if you lie down you’ll be fine.”

“Okay, I’m going to go lie down now.”

Jasmine Tong dawdled over to the edge of the bed and lay down on it.

But it’s 20 days. Do you think she’ll stay in bed for 20 days?

Everything is unknown for these twenty days.

Jasmine Tong lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, her hand unconsciously touching her stomach.

“Baby, if you can hear Mommy, you’ve got to make Mommy feel better, or how is Mommy going to meet Daddy?”

It was strange, but whenever it felt like there was a life beating in her stomach, Jasmine Tong felt much more at ease.

While the cold owl me was taking Jasmine Tong to the unknown Aiku, Aiku was making preparations for Albert Ou and Daisy’s wedding.

They are more wedding-oriented than human vampires, because their lives are infinitely long and their appearance stays until the day they are converted into vampires.

So a certain ritual in life becomes especially important to them.

And for other vampires, attending a wedding seems particularly rare.

The entire Aye Valley seemed to be boiling in anticipation of the unprecedented wedding.

Yarwen Tong was helping Ousheng mow the lawn in front of the villa.

“Little Lei, you still don’t know what you’re capable of lately?” asked Osei as he mowed the lawn.

“I don’t know, I don’t feel anything at all, I’ve paid attention to what you told me before, but I don’t really know what I’m capable of.”

“Some just will, don’t worry too much about it, and don’t worry, no one will hurt you in my place.”Ousheng looked at Yarwen Tong and continued mowing the lawn.

“But doesn’t every vampire have a special ability why I don’t.”

Yarwen Tong also couldn’t help but get curious, he had come into contact with many of the people of Aiya these days, and he had learned quite a bit about them, everyone had special abilities, but only he didn’t.

“Just wait, maybe you’ll find out later.”

“Well, then be sure to let me know if you find out, too.”

Orson didn’t answer but continued to mow the lawn.

After a moment, he then asked, “What’s going on with Ono these days?”

“The same old always holding the phone and looking at pictures and videos of my sister, uncle, do you really think that’s good for my brother-in-law?”

“It’s the only option.”Ousheng only said this and ignored Yarwen Tong.

“Vampires have such a long life and my brother-in-law has to be with a woman he doesn’t love, he’s so pathetic he may never see his smile again.”

Osei paused the movement of his hands and did not speak.

Chapter 454

With everyone’s hard work, the Aie Valley has been given a new look.

All the trees are hung with lights, and when tomorrow night comes, it will be like a fairy tale world.

The red cottage has been freshly refurbished, repainted to become brighter, and the house is brand new.

All the facilities for a lawn wedding are also being prepared.

Muranui led Albert Ou to a large room on the third floor, the entire room was in European style, and the white furniture was clean and tidy.

This is the largest room in the villa.

“Because Daisy is a westerner, although to respect their style, the place will be decorated festively for the wedding, after the wedding it will be back to the original, how about anything else you need to add?”

Since it was his son’s wedding room, Murray naturally needed to prepare for it.

“Nothing to add, it’s all the same anyway.”

Not marrying the woman he loved left him with another woman, and it made no difference to him whether the marital home was there or not.

“Your father and I have talked it over, and if you don’t want to live with us then, we’ve got another place for you, but a house your father fixed up a long time ago.”

“Well.”Albert Ou still couldn’t lift his spirits.

“Ono, don’t be like this, do you know I’m worried about you like this” Muranui stroked Albert Ou’s hair sadly.

“Mom, I’m so old, what’s there to worry about.”

“But you’re not happy at all, I can tell, Ono, and if there’s no way you can accept Daisy, I’ll go talk to your father.”

“No, maybe I’ll be fine when she gets here, I’m just a little lonely now, I won’t be lonely when I have her to keep me company, she’s pretty and has a nice body that’s right up my alley.”

Albert Ou smiled a silly smile towards Muranui.

Murray finally saw his son’s long-lost smile again, though it was a little far-fetched.

“Mom, I’m not going to talk to you, I’m going to find Little Lei.”The moment he turned around, the smile on Albert Ou’s face disappeared.

The moment Jasmine Tong’s feet stepped on the ground, she felt alive again.

The journey to the sea has gone through a whole thirty days, originally only twenty days, but because of Jasmine Tong’s body, the cold owl let the captain for stability do not drive too fast, plus the middle encountered several big storm, but also a deadly escape.

The Leng Lords handed over all the affairs of the ship to the captain, he alone with Jasmine Tong off the ship, while off the ship also wing.

In the past month on the ship, Jasmine Tong has lost a lot of weight, although she has been lying down, but the pregnancy and vomiting still continue, it is inevitable that her body will lose weight.

“Mandy, we need to find a place to rest and plan the rest of our trip.”

The cold lord said as he looked at the map.

“There’s no need for rest, we’ve been delayed too long on the ship, all the more reason to hurry on next.”

“Even if you can eat the baby in your belly can’t eat it let alone a wolf with us, we need to figure out a way to do it otherwise it’s too inviting.”

Under the repeated persuasion of the Cold Lords, Jasmine Tong finally agreed to take a break.

The two people found a hotel to stay, the cold owl also took Jasmine Tong to the local hospital to check the body, good Jasmine Tong no major hindrance.

In the evening, the Leng Lords brought their own prepared things to Jasmine Tong’s room.

The wing stays with Jasmine Tong all the time, and because of his professional training, he is quiet.

The cold lord pulled out a pair of scissors, and Jasmine Tong immediately protected the wing behind her.

“What are you doing?”

“Help it disguise itself.”

“Ah what do you mean”

“It’s so distinctive, a wolf in plain sight, that we’d be setting ourselves up for trouble by taking it on the road, so I’m going to turn it into Alaska now.”

The Cold Lords really did what they said they would do, using scissors and dye to quickly turn a white wolf into an Alaskan.

“It’s really similar hey”

“These are only superficial, at night, its eyes emit green light on all exposed,” the cold owl is still a little worried.

The white wolf, who had been transformed into Alaska, was clearly unhappy and lay on the ground without uttering a word.

Jasmine Tong immediately walked over to stroke its fur, “Wing, I’m so sorry, but in order for you to help us, not only do we have to make you travel long distances, but we also have to make you a dog for your hallowed wolf king.”

Wing seemed to understand human words as well as looking at Jasmine Tong with sad eyes.

“But if you don’t, you’ll be found out and we’ll both be in danger, no, three of us, and the baby in my belly, so I’ll give in to you.”

The look of sadness in the eyes of a good wing lying on the ground is gone.

“It seems to understand you and it likes you.”

Jasmine Tong raised her smile to look at the Leng Lords, “He also said the same thing, I touched it when I first saw wing, so maybe we’re more compatible.”

The two men rested in this place for three days, and bought what they needed to buy, and went on their way again.

It was only when she really stepped on land that she realized that the days on board were like heaven.

Because the ship has all the facilities, you can say that the food is ready to eat, but it’s different on land.

The Leng Lords have been insisting on eating regularly every day, which is a big problem for people in a hurry.

The pace of their journey was still very slow, and what was expected to be a week had taken half a month.

That night they landed in a village.

Leng Lords brought in some food for Jasmine Tong and some meat for Wing.

“Mandy, if my estimation is correct, we’ll be in the Aye Valley tomorrow.”

“It’s so good to finally get the real scriptures.”Jasmine Tong folded her hands in front of her chest.

“Don’t rejoice too soon, the real difficulties are only just beginning now, I have inquired of the villagers here and they have advised me not to go, the villagers see the great forest we are about to enter, called the Dark Forest, as a place where there is no return.”

“Is it because there are vampires there?”

“I heard some stories they told me, and it seems to have something to do with vampires, and I don’t think vampires will leave out the humans who fall into their mouths in shape, not only vampires, but there are many beasts in the forest.”

“And the beasts. Then we should take the lions and tigers with us.”

“You’d better forget it, it’s already a blessing that the wolf was able to take it with him, in fact I figured that where the vampires are stationed, there must be a lot of fierce beasts surviving, otherwise the vampires wouldn’t be able to survive.Otherwise, you wait outside the village for news from me, I’ll go in and explore on my own, and if I can’t come back, you’ll immediately contact the Dark Empire to pick you up and take you back.”

Chapter 455

Jasmine Tong shook her head very firmly, “No, I won’t agree to this, I’ll go with you, or you can stay and I’ll go in by myself, because this was never about you in the first place.”

“Mandy, I’m not discussing this with you right now, this is a big deal, this forest is scarier than we thought, no matter what we encounter, the chances of us surviving are slim”

Leng Lords wasn’t going to listen to Jasmine Tong this time.

“It’s better to have the two of us together and wing than to have you alone.”

“No, you’re wrong, I’m safer going in there alone, I grew up in the woods, I’ll take care of myself if I run into general safety, but you”

The Leng Lords couldn’t be clearer, meaning that Jasmine Tong will be a drag on his life.

“Don’t you worry, baron I’ll never drag you down don’t leave me alone, we’ve come all this way and you’re only leaving me now”

The cold lord gently rubbed his brow, “I’m not leaving you behind, but it’s just to be safe.”

“But think about it, it may not be safe for you to have me in this village, we don’t know anyone in this village, and I’m a girl, I’ll lose all my barriers if you leave.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services, and to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

It was a strange country, and they didn’t know anything about the people here.

“Well, we’ll be ready to go into the forest at first light tomorrow morning.”

Only then did Jasmine Tong smile, “Then I’ll go to bed first, good night, baron.”

But before dawn, the cold lord quietly left the house, he did not wake up Jasmine Tong, nor did he take wing.

He had prepared beforehand, soaking his dagger in wolf’s blood, and had brought his collar of wolf’s teeth with him, and even his gun.

Darkness still hung over the forest, and all was quiet, a silence that was more like death.

The Leng Lords followed the direction the old man in the village gave him, touching into the forest step by step.

In fact no one from even the nearby villages had ever actually entered the territory, because everyone who had entered had died.

The old man in the village had gone in once, but he was lucky enough not to go deeper into the forest and barely managed to pick up his life.

There was suddenly a thin sound from behind, and the cold owl turned back, seeing a mass of white velvet not far away.

“Come out,”

Jasmine Tong showed her head from behind the tree trunk, she was holding WING in her hand, and she threw out her tongue towards the cold owl.

“I knew you’d leave while I was sleeping, baron, and as a man, you don’t keep your word.”

Jasmine Tong was the first to crusade.

“Mandy, I really don’t want you to take the risk, I’m sure you can still handle people with your intelligence, it’s safer to go into this forest together and you stay in the village.”

“I know you do, so I slept lightly just to follow you, and now that we’re in the forest, let’s go.”

The Leng Lords also took Jasmine Tong can not do anything, since they have come in, then they have to go all the way forward, there is no turning back.

And deep in the forest, everyone has awakened and is preparing for a big wedding.

Just after dawn, Albert Ou was called up and urged to change into his groom’s clothes.

He reluctantly put on the white suit and began the pre-wedding rush.

Vampire weddings are at noon, and one is followed by an afternoon of hilarity and an evening party as well as a haunted bridal shower.

Orson and Murray are already busy greeting guests, and more people are coming from the Butts than from the previous engagement.

The Butts valued the marriage very much, and with Daisy being the youngest girl in the family and very much favored, the Butts came in large numbers.

The whole wedding was according to the Western form, after all, the Butts are a Western race.

Daisy was in her room doing her makeup, and some of her sisters were chattering away.

“Daisy, you are so blessed your groom is simply gorgeous” Vianne was making exclamations.

“Of course it was. When he was born, I knew he’d grow up to be handsome and I was right.”

Daisy’s eyebrows were up, all smugness in her eyes.

In the world of vampires, it’s also really rare to find an extremely beautiful man like Albert Ou.

“I do think, though, that the groom’s brother is quite handsome and clean looking, and I like him.”On the sidelines Lucy said.

“I’ve heard that’s the new vampire of the O’s, and he’s handsome as white as a sheet,” Vianne echoed.

“If you two are interested in him, I’ll be able to pull strings for you when I’m done with this wedding, though.”Daisy smiled.

“Well, then, we can say yes,” Lucy dangled.

Daisy had her makeup on and her wedding dress on, her pretty face was perfect with this bridal makeup as well.

The bralette even accentuated her figure to the fullest.

“God, Daisy, you’re just so beautiful, I want to get married.”Vianne was beginning to get envious.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be your turn soon.”

Just at this time, someone came knocking on the door, Lucy went to open the door and just happened to see Yarwen Tong.

Yarwen Tong was today’s best man, also dressed in a white suit, it was his first time wearing a suit, and he was a little uncomfortable.

But he looked even more handsome in a suit, especially this white one.

When Lucy saw Yarwen Tong, her eyes lit up with peach blossom.

“Can the wedding begin? “Yarwen Tong was polite and courteous.

“The bride is ready for the wedding to begin.”Lucy answered slightly sheepishly.

“Then let’s get started, it’s ready outside.”

To the stirring music of the wedding march, Daisy, dressed in a white dress, took Albert Ou’s arm and walked slowly down the red carpet.

This red carpet is a real red carpet topped with a thick layer of rose petals, and there are constantly colored petals falling from the sky.

All the guests rose to their feet and applauded.

Daisy was receiving blessings with a happy smile on her face, but Albert Ou was expressionless.

They finally made it to center stage, where the wedding was officiated by an uncle of the Bute family, who had been a church priest in his lifetime.

“Mr. Albert Ou, please look at your beautiful wife, will you tolerate her for all that she may be capricious, playful, and temperamental, will you tolerate her with your own life?”

“I do.”Albert Ou replied coldly.

“Miss Daisy, please look at your handsome and dashing husband, who will one day grow old and perhaps fall ill, and will you care for him for the rest of your life?”

“I do.”

Daisy also answered without hesitation.

“Okay, so I’m going to ask everyone here if anyone has an objection to the marriage or, for that matter, if anyone has an objection to the marriage.”

“I object.”

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