Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 447 – 449

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Chapter 447

Daisy had a girlish shyness on her face, she was just an eighteen year old girl before she turned into a vampire.

For things between men and women, and only after becoming a vampire.

Unbuttoning Albert Ou’s button, revealing his solid chest.

Daisy touched it gently, “You have a great body.”

“What are you doing?” came a discordant voice from the doorway.

Like a startled deer in the headlights, Daisy immediately sat up in bed.

Yarwen Tong immediately understood Daisy’s intention when he saw that Albert Ou’s clothes had been unbuttoned.

He rushed in and fell in front of Albert Ou.

“As a woman, shouldn’t you know how to respect yourself?”

Daisy was a little shy at first, but seeing Yarwen Tong’s rudeness, she raised her head.

“I think you’re going a little too far, I’m his fiancée and anything that happens to us right now seems to be none of your business.”

“Unmarried is not a wife.”

“But we’re getting married next month.”

Daisy certainly didn’t want to ruin a good thing just like that.

“But you’re not married now, and you’re not his wife.”

“I really can’t quite understand the point of you Orientals doing this sooner or later anyway, not to mention that I don’t mind, so what do you, an outsider, have to mind.”

Daisy looked Yarwen Tong up and down.

“Is your open mindedness in the West that you have no shame? sorry, we are orientalists and have no way of understanding, he is oriental too.”Yarwen Tong pointed at Albert Ou.

Daisy stared hard at Yarwen Tong and stomped out of Albert Ou’s room.

Albert Ou was still mumbling to himself as he lay in bed.

“Jasmine, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, go away don’t touch me, I’m married, my wife will be upset.”

Listening to these drunken words from Albert Ou, Yarwen Tong endured them while feeling a little sad at the same time.

When Albert Ou woke up the next morning, all he felt was a headache.

He sat up and immediately saw Yarwen Tong sitting in his room.

“What are you doing in my room?”

Albert Ou realized at this time that his shirt buttons were all open, and he immediately covered his then chest, looking like a chaste martyr.

“Last night,”

“You almost got f*cked last night.”

“I lost my virginity.”

Albert Ou’s face was somewhat twisted.

Yarwen Tong couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “You’re not a man with a yellow flower, what’s not losing your virginity”

“A man’s reputation is important too, if your sister…”

Albert Ou took off but stopped talking.

Yarwen Tong also knew what Albert Ou was thinking.

“Last night Daisy tried to take you back to your room and you were so drunk that you broke pieces, and if I hadn’t gotten there in time, maybe you two would have been that for real.”

“That I didn’t lose my virginity.”Albert Ou was still a little lucky.

“But, brother-in-law, you’re getting married next month, and after that you’ll be husband and wife, and actually Daisy’s right, it’s a matter of time.”

Albert Ou fiddled with his hair haphazardly, “Let’s talk about it after we get married.”

“You know what you kept saying yesterday when you were drunk.”

Albert Ou looked up at Yarwen Tong, dazed.

“You said don’t touch me, I’m a married man, my wife would be upset, I can’t be sorry for my wife.”

Naturally, Albert Ou didn’t know that he had said those words, and he still felt beautiful after hearing them.

“Brother-in-law, I’m not even in a position to judge this matter, and if you think it’s good for both parties, then go ahead, but even if you’re going to get married, forget about my sister first, otherwise it will be a disservice to you, and to Daisy.”

Yarwen Tong looked at Albert Ou’s disoriented appearance and turned around to walk out of the room.

The parties had already discussed the wedding in a month’s time, and the Butters were leaving.

Albert Ou also changed his clothes, and at the very least he, the future groomsman, was going to give one away to someone.

“Mr. Ou’Brien, we’ve discussed everything, and Daisy on our side is ready to be the bride.”

“Yes, Mr. Butt, we will spend a month preparing for the wedding, and it will be to Daisy’s satisfaction.”

Daisy walked up to Albert Ou, “Darling, in a month, I will be your bride.”

“Yeah, see you in a month.”

Daisy gave Yarwen Tong a sidelong glance before she left, the culprit who ruined her good fortune.

After sending the Butters off, Aiya began to prepare for Albert Ou and Daisy’s wedding.

These days, the Cold Lords have been guarding Jasmine Tong’s side.

The doctor says it’s possible for Tong to get worse and worse, or maybe she’ll figure it out on her own and get over Albert Ou’s death.

In the past few days, Jasmine Tong’s state is also getting worse and worse, wailing for a while, and then making a scene to find Albert Ou, and then blaming the cold owl.

It’s 10 o’clock in the middle of the night when the cold owl is finished with his company in the study.

It was rare for the villa to be quiet, and Aunt Fanny waited downstairs.

“Where’s Mandy? Is she making a scene?”

“Mrs. seems to be doing better, she hasn’t made a scene for a few hours this evening and is now asleep in her bedroom.”

“The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re looking for.

“Yes, Mr. Leng, it’s rare that your wife isn’t making a scene today, so you should go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Fine, you go get some rest too, or maybe she figured it out on her own, maybe she’s tired, we’ll all get some rest.”

Aunt Fanny nodded her head in greeting and went back to her room.

Leng Lords are also a little tired of the company’s things are just too much, although Albert Ou has already told him everything when he left, but it’s still complicated when it comes to actually doing it.

That’s him, and anyone else probably wouldn’t have been able to do it long ago.

The cold lord returned to his guest room and lay down on his bed to get some rest.

But vaguely feel that there seems to be something not quite right, Jasmine Tong why suddenly stopped making noise?

Usually this kind of mental stimulation, isn’t there some trigger to get her going again?

The more the Leng Lords think about it, the more they feel wrong, immediately get up and walk out of the guest room, it is better to go take a look.

He knocked on the bedroom door and no one answered, so he just pushed the door open and walked in, but there was no one on the bed.

“The Leng Lords shouted, at the same time as he shouted this, heard a crisp “da” sound, as if something fell on the ground.

It was coming from the bathroom.

The cold lords immediately rushed in, Jasmine Tong lying on the edge of the bath, wrist blood is dripping drop by drop into the bath.

Chapter 448

Leng Lords immediately sent Jasmine Tong to the hospital.

It’s a good thing he found it in time, or else the consequences would have been disastrous.

Sitting on the bench outside the emergency room, for the first time in his life, the Cold Lords felt exhausted.

He used to live a free life, robbing graves when he wanted to and playing around when he didn’t.

He had never been a free eagle and the sky was his direction, but now he felt lost.

The door to the emergency room opened and Zhou Lixin came out of it.

“Mr. Cold.”

“How’s she doing?”

“Mrs. is fine, the good news is that the wound is not deep and was found in time, it’s of no consequence, she’ll be fine with a few days rest, the fainting wasn’t due to excessive bleeding, it was probably due to her poor mental state and some low blood sugar.”

“That’s good.”The Leng Lords hanging heart is finally put down, if Albert Ou knows about this matter, probably will come over to strangle him.

“But there’s one thing I want you to know, the wife is pregnant.”

The Leng Lords had just relaxed to hear the shocking news and looked sharply at Zhou Licheng.


“Yes, she is indeed pregnant, just five weeks.”

The news was so sudden that Albert Ou had envisioned many possibilities with the Cold Lords when he left.

But the only thing I didn’t expect was that Jasmine Tong would get pregnant.

The Leng Lords looked at her, he still didn’t wake up, there are nurses here to look after him, the Leng Lords rushed to Zhou Licheng’s office.

“Dean Zhou, regarding Manny’s pregnancy, I need to reconfirm with you that you’re sure she’s really pregnant.”

“I’m pretty sure she’s five weeks pregnant, Mr. Cold, which is nothing unusual, I’ve seen her pregnant before, only that baby didn’t last.”

Zhou Li Cheng is still gentle and elegant.

“She can’t get pregnant, how can she carry Albert Ou’s child”

The Leng Lords feel that this is a fantasy.

Zhou Li Cheng was speechless, Albert Ou had told him everything before he left.

Albert Ou asks Zhou Li Cheng to listen to the cold baron in the future.

“This child can’t have absolutely no you should know what Albert Ou he is, so absolutely no.”

“So Mr. Leng, you want Mrs. to abort the baby.”

“It’s not that I wish it, it’s that this child must never be left in this world Albert Ou’s identity doomed this child everything is unknown I want you to find a way to remove this child by giving her an abortion without telling Mandy.”

Zhou Li Cheng thought and thought, “Don’t you want to tell your wife about the pregnancy?”

“Of course you can’t tell Mandy that she’s soft and one-track minded, she knows she’s pregnant, she’ll never let get her baby”

The Leng Lords know Jasmine Tong too well.

“Well, when the wife wakes up, I’ll have someone tell him that during the physical examination, a lump was found in her body that needs to be surgically removed as soon as possible.”

Zhou Licheng could only do what the Cold Lords wanted, and although this was a bit cruel, it seemed to be the only way.

“Well, you’ll have to hire the best doctor to operate on her, and you’ll have to hide it from her.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

A night, the cold owl did not close his eyes, he sat in Jasmine Tong’s hospital room with a lot of thoughts.

The decision had been made, but his heart was flesh.

He just sat quietly all night, thinking about it, and he still couldn’t get the question out of his head.

A nurse came in and checked on some of Tong’s condition.


“Oh, it’s fine, the wound is nothing serious, I guess I’m too weak to wake up yet.”The nurse lowered her voice, afraid of waking up Jasmine Tong.

“Well, you keep an eye on him here, I’m going for a walk.”

The cold lord tidied up his clothes and walked out of the hospital room.

It was still early, but the hospital was already full of people.

All of these people were busy coming to see the doctor, and their faces were all sad.

Leng Lords walked aimlessly, unaware that he had reached the gynecology and obstetrics department.

Suddenly a cry of pain was heard, and a woman was seen slumped on the floor, the strength of the man next to her helping her up.

“Don’t get up like that. It’s cold on the floor.”

“My baby my baby is gone” the woman cried and covered her stomach.

The Leng Lords can see that the woman’s abdomen is slightly raised, should be pregnant.

After a while, out walks a doctor.

“You’re still young, you’ll have children later, after you get rid of this one, go back and recuperate, you might be pregnant soon, don’t be too concerned.”

“It’s my flesh and blood, my child God why are you doing this to me” the woman cried out as she cried out.

The cries were heartbreaking, and many of the onlookers were more than a little touched.

It took a while for the man to talk the woman out of it, because they had surgery to perform and they couldn’t delay.

Just to come to the gynecology and obstetrics department, the cold owl can also consult, this aspect he does not know in the end.

After identifying himself, he was received by Dr. Li, who was in charge of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

“Mr. Leng, if you have anything to ask, just say so.”

“What will this abortion do to a woman’s body?”

“Actually, in principle, there’s not much of an impact, the technology is so good now that people who’ve had abortions and gotten pregnant again abound, so it’s no big deal to have the surgery and recuperate your body.”

The cold lord nodded as he listened.

“But if this abortion is done too much, it can lead to habitual miscarriages and problems having children later.”

“It’s so just that couple is what’s going on,” the cold owl is very curious.

“You mean them ah, that patient she was in fetal arrest, which means the baby was in her belly and had to be surgically removed.”

Since this patient was Dr. Lee’s responsibility, she was hard pressed to say more.

“I actually advised them to abort the baby at the beginning because this patient was not very well and the pregnancy was an accident, she was on a lot of medication and all the indicators were not very good at the first birth control, but she insisted on having the baby herself and still”

“If you took a lot of medication during the pregnancy, the baby was deformed and the indicators weren’t very good, why didn’t you get it done in the first place.”

Dr. Li laughed gently, “Mr. Leng, you are a man, you may not understand, women are naturally maternal, how can they take away their own flesh and blood even if it is only one ten thousandth of normal, maybe they will want to take a chance.”

“That’s a life, and it’s a life that’s very close to you.”Dr. Lee added.

Chapter 449

But I think as a doctor, when you find out there’s something wrong with this child, you should try very hard to prevent the patient from having the baby, isn’t that right?”

“Mr. Leng, in theory, of course, but the child is not the doctor’s, even if it does come out as deformed, we doctors recommend it and never enforce it strongly, every parent has the right to have their child born, and no one else has the right to decide whether the child lives or dies.”

Words poke at the heart of the cold lord.

No one but the parents can decide whether a child lives or dies.

“Mr. Cold, if there’s nothing else, I’ll get busy.”

The cold lord walked aimlessly, the doctor’s words, and the couple’s weeping just now, kept echoing in his mind.

He had no hesitation about taking away Jasmine Tong’s child at first.

Two nurses passed him.

“The wife is so poor, she lost her first child somehow, and now she’s having a hard time conceiving a second one, and she’s taking it away again.”

“Did the Mrs. just really bear to get rid of it? There was a baby on it she didn’t know she was pregnant and it was miscarried when she found out.”

“It seems that he still doesn’t know he’s pregnant, it was Mr. Leng who decided to get rid of it, because Mr. Ou is missing, said missing, and hasn’t been found for so many days, so he must be dead, it’s hard to leave a legacy.”

Two nurses walked by the side of the Cold Lords, for Jasmine Tong’s previous pregnancy can disappear unknowingly.

Turns out she didn’t know she was pregnant the first time she got pregnant until she had a miscarriage.

In the ward, Jasmine Tong had woken up.

“Ma’am, would you like something to eat if you’re awake?”

The nurse helped Jasmine Tong up, “Madam, don’t feel too bad, it’s good that you found it in time yesterday, otherwise the consequences would have been unthinkable.”

“Why did you save me?”

“Ma’am, what are you talking about stupidly if Ou knew you were so unloving, he would be angry.Have some porridge.”

Jasmine Tong looked indifferent and sighed, “Nothing to eat, nothing to appetite.”

“Ma’am, just eat more or less I remember when you were in the hospital, every time you didn’t eat, Ou would blame us, and if Ou was there, he would have lost his temper too.”

“Serve it to me.”

Jasmine Tong knew that if she didn’t eat, the nurse would be there all the time to talk her out of it.

The nurse immediately brought the porridge in front of Jasmine Tong, who felt nauseous just after taking a spoonful.

She lifted the covers together and ran to the bathroom, vomiting.

Since she hadn’t eaten much, there was nothing to throw up in her stomach.

But that suddenly reminded her.

“Bring me my phone.”

The nurse immediately sent the phone to the bathroom, and Jasmine Tong looked at her records.

Since Albert Ou doesn’t like to wear condoms, if it’s a safe period, he won’t deliberately use contraception.

In order to be more accurate, Jasmine Tong downloaded software to record her period and recorded it properly every time.

“Master, your period has been delayed for a week, so remember to check your body if you’re not pregnant oh.”

You can open the software and get a hint.

The first thing you need to do is to get up and go out, just at this time the cold owl came back.

“Go to Dr. Chung right away and have her check me out, I might be pregnant.”

The nurse is aware of Jasmine Tong’s pregnancy, but because of the Leng Lords’ orders, she doesn’t dare to say anything.

The nurse looked at Jasmine Tong and then at the Leng Lords.

The cold lord waved his hand towards her, and the nurse immediately went out.

“What do you mean I have to take a test, I might be pregnant.”

“You did get pregnant.”

After the struggle, Leng Liao still decided to tell Jasmine Tong about the pregnancy and let Jasmine Tong decide on her own whether to keep the baby or not.

Jasmine Tong was surprised and happy, “Am I really pregnant is it true?”

The cold lord solemnly nodded his head, his face still very grim.

“Five weeks of gestation.”

Jasmine Tong immediately put her hand on her abdomen, so she really was pregnant.

She also finally had a long-awaited smile on her face.

“Mandy, this baby can’t stay.”

“Why can’t we keep this is my child and his.”

“But you should know that Albert Ou is not allowed to have children with you, and the offspring of the two of you is an unknown quantity.”

Jasmine Tong immediately took a few steps backwards, “So what even if I give birth to a monster, I recognize that this is our child and I won’t hurt him”

“Have you thought this through? What if he really is a monster? Would you, child? Would you let him live his life in pain?”

Although Leng Lords decided to leave the right to keep the child to Jasmine Tong, he still wanted to fight to get rid of the child.

“I know what you’re trying to say, it was with all of this in mind that we decided not to have children and to adopt one in the future, but now that he’s here, that means it’s God’s will, so why should I kill him.”

Jasmine Tong had been protecting her stomach, as if she was afraid that someone else could snatch it away.


“Don’t you say anything, I know everything if I didn’t conceive, I admit it, then now that I did, he’s a life, and whatever he is in the future, I will protect him for the rest of his life”

The Lengæž­ suddenly found know he was pregnant Jasmine Tong suddenly back to the original that Jasmine Tong.

The tone of her voice, the look in her eyes, was completely different from the other day.

“Mandy, have you ever thought about the future you are still so young, are you going to be widowed for Albert Ou? You will definitely have to marry someone in the future”

“Who says I’m getting married even without this child, I never wanted to get married.”

Jasmine Tong immediately retorted.

“You’re talking out of breath, you’re in your early twenties, etc.”

“I’m not talking in anger, I’m telling the truth, and if you’ve ever loved a man you’d know it, because it’s about loving one man and not another.”

“Why not?”

This was what Albert Ou had planned when he handed over the Dark Empire as well as Jasmine Tong to the Cold Lords.

He wished that after he left, he would let the Cold Lords accompany Jasmine Tong half out of the shadow of his own death and then be with the Cold Lords.

So of course the cold owl is very mindful of what Jasmine Tong just said.

“I only have one heart, all of it given to him, and there’s no more to give to anyone else.”

Jasmine Tong hung her head and gently stroked her stomach.

“Lords, maybe one day when you really love someone, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.”

Jasmine Tong smiled as she stroked her stomach.

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