Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 405 – 407

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Chapter 405

The drawing room was empty.

Yarwen Tong went in to look, there were still pencils left by Mo Yi Xin on the balcony, so she should be nearby.

And the complex is underneath the building.

A couple of men in plainclothes bouncer-like clothes were discussing something.

“Are we going to follow them in or not?”

“It’s better not to follow them in, they’re in love and it’s not good for us to sneak around and watch.”

“But Ou has instructed us to follow him at a distance all the time, and not to let him out of our sight.”

“It’s just as well we wait downstairs, it’s a school, don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

The bodyguards eventually decided to stay downstairs, they also knew Yarwen Tong’s situation.

The last time Yarwen Tong k!ssed Mo Yi Xin in the studio, the bodyguards actually all saw it.

The scene of a soon-to-be teenager k!ssing the girl he loves is beautiful and sad.

They, the big, burly men, were unfazed.

Yarwen Tong waited in the studio for a while and still didn’t see Mo Yi Xin return, so he decided to go out and look for her.

The complex is empty, and in principle it is closed to the public on Saturdays, and the man in the security room on the first floor is exceptionally tolerant of these students, and he will not forcibly stop any students who come to use the classroom on Saturdays.

After all, such students are in the minority again.

“Xin Xin,” shouted Yarwen Tong in the empty corridor, and slowly an echo came back.

The complex was terribly cold on a Saturday.

At this moment in the women’s restroom, Mo Yi Xin went to the toilet, so she repaired her makeup in front of the mirror outside.

Yarwen Tong will be leaving soon, of course she wants to dress up so that he can remember her prettiest when he is abroad.

Suddenly several unfamiliar faces of men appeared in the mirror, Mo Yi Xin was shocked, and immediately turned around

“This is the ladies’ room, you’re in the wrong room, the men’s room is next door.”

The clothes on these men are not school students at a glance, in looking at this Jim phase, some bowed back, some touching the beard, all of them do not look like good people.

“We’re just here for the ladies room, what’s up, girl” the man at the front of the line looked very strong, with very pronounced biceps on his arms.

“What are you guys doing “Mo Yi Xin picked up her makeup bag and blocked it in front of her chest, watching these people warily.

“Nothing much, just wanted you to play with us all hahaha” said a small, sharp-tongued boy in the back.

“I called the police “Mo Yi Xin immediately picked up his own phone, and it was taken away just as soon as he picked it up

“Why did you give it back to me?”

The strong man directly threw Mo Yi Xin’s phone to the ground and stomped on it with his foot, and Mo Yi Xin’s phone screen exploded.

“I told you guys, this is a school don’t mess around “Mo Yi Xin lost her cell phone, has no way to contact the outside world, and is starting to get a little scared.

“We’re just here to find you school girls. Come on, girl, give me a k!ss first. Let me taste how sweet your mouth is.”

The smaller boys immediately came together.

“Ah, don’t touch me. I’ll scream.”

“Go ahead and shout, there’s no one in the building, it’s useless to see you shouting.”

When the strong man pulled on Mo Yi Xin’s clothes, Mo Yi Xin’s clothes were ripped open, revealing her pink underwear.

Mo Yi Xin hurriedly used her hand to block her chest.

“Wow, the pink lingerie, it looks so pink, oh I can’t help but try it.”

“I’m drooling too,” a few men said, not to mention how nasty they were.

“Someone come help” Although I knew there was probably no one in the complex, Mo Yi Xin still screamed.

There’s no way a little girl like her could escape from these grown men.

“Scream, scream as loud as you can, and only later will you do the same.”

One of the men guarding the door looked out towards the outside, then nodded down towards the strongest man in front of him.

Yarwen Tong moment has been close to the women’s bathroom, suddenly heard the voice of Mo Yi Xin.

The rampant laughter of the men this day grew louder and louder, also attracting Yarwen Tong’s attention, and he immediately ran over.

Look at these men gathering around Mo Yi Xin.

Yarwen Tong immediately snapped, “Let her go.”

Mo Yi Xin has cried out, but where has she, a delicate lady who grew up in the palm of her family’s hand, ever encountered such a thing.

“Yah, this kid wants to save the girl.”

“A little white boy still always wants to learn from the bridge in the movie to save the beauty, really self-defeating, I advise you to get out right now, don’t delay us.”

“I told you to let go of her, this is a school” Yarwen Tong scolded harshly.

“Ouch hey, this kid’s got a big mouth, shall we give him a head start”

Saying that, the two of them surrounded Yarwen Tong.

It was only then that Yarwen Tong realized that he shouldn’t have been so impulsive, he should have gone downstairs to the security office first.

But it’s too late to turn back at this point.

He was just about to do it when he tripped over his feet and fell to the ground all at once.

Made the men laugh so hard.

“With just two strikes, you still dare to call the shots with us, you are also too self-important” the small man stepped on Yarwen Tong’s face.

Yarwen Tong was humiliated on the ground, he only hated himself for not being able to protect the girl he loved.

The strong man touched Mo Yi Xin’s face, “Kid, don’t you want a heroic rescue then we’ll f*ck the girl you love in front of you today”

“Hey, it’s still the big brother’s idea to let this kid watch”

The strong man tugged hard, and one of Mo Yi Xin’s sleeves was directly ripped off in half, revealing a beautiful shoulder.

Yarwen Tong was full of anger, he was trembling as he looked at Mo Yi Xin’s painful appearance.

No. He would never allow these men to defile the girl he loved most.

“Ah” Yarwen Tong suddenly roared, grabbed the little guy who stepped on his face and pulled hard, and the little guy fell straight to the ground

Yarwen Tong pounced on the strongest man like he was crazy.

But he was no match for the man, plus the man had help.

Down again and again, and up again.

Yarwen Tong was like a fighter who would never be defeated.

But he was beaten down after all, on the ground, panting.

The gang fled immediately at the sight of the situation.

Mo Yi Xin couldn’t care about her torn clothes and hurriedly helped Yarwen Tong up from the ground.

“Lei, are you okay?”

Yarwen Tong managed to pull out a smile, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

A sharp pain came from the chest.

Chapter 406

Looking at Yarwen Tong’s somewhat twisted and painful face, Mo Yi Xin then realized that there was something wrong with his heart.

“I’ll call an ambulance right away.”



Yarwen Tong pointed to his pocket.

Mo Yi Xin immediately went to search Yarwen Tong’s pockets, when she found the pockets to take out a piece of medicine, found that Yarwen Tong has turned blue and closed his eyes.

The ambulance whirred.

“Lei, you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine.”

Mo Yi Xin followed the stretcher car all the way in the run, to the emergency room, the nurse rushed to stop her.

Yarwen Tong was pushed into the emergency room.

Mo Yi Xin squatted on the ground tears falling down.

She saw Yarwen Tong’s white face and had an ominous feeling.

Is he going to die like this?

Albert Ou rushed over, and when Yarwen Tong was put into the ambulance, Mo Yi Xin called him.

“Xin Xin”

“Little Uncle” Seeing Albert Ou, Mo Yi Xin cried even harder.

Albert Ou looked at Mo Yi Xin and immediately took off his jacket to her and draped it over her body.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”Albert Ou immediately went into the emergency room after patting Mo Yi Xin’s shoulder.

“How’s it going?”

Doctors and nurses were performing resuscitation, and Zhou Licheng was also inside, but he checked Yarwen Tong’s indicators and couldn’t help but sigh.

“I’m afraid not.”

Albert Ou actually realized this problem when he received the call, and now Yarwen Tong was just using the blood Albert Ou had transfused into him to sustain the last bit of life.

“There’s no need for resuscitation, so get out, all of you.”Zhou Li Cheng said towards the doctors.

The doctors and nurses also understood that Yarwen Tong had been resuscitated countless times, and this time, fearing that he would not be resuscitated, as well as the trauma to his body, it would be better to let him leave intact.

The doctors and nurses all walked out.

Albert Ou walked over to the bed and looked at Yarwen Tong who was wearing an oxygen mask.

“Lei, this is my brother-in-law, can you hear me?”

Yarwen Tong slowly opened her eyes, “Sister,”

“She’ll be here in a minute, I’ve already called her, she’s on her way in, you’ll have to wait for her”

Yarwen Tong blinked his eyes, he didn’t even have the strength to speak, he just wanted to reserve the last bit of strength to say something to Jasmine Tong.

“You hang in there until your sister gets here, okay?”

Yarwen Tong closed his eyes once more.

Albert Ou quickly walked up to Zhou Li Cheng.

“Is it too late for a blood transfusion?”

Zhou Liesheng broke off Yarwen Tong’s eyelids and looked at his indicators.

“It’s too late, his pupils are starting to dilate, his blood pressure is dropping, and I’m afraid it’s hard to get any fluid into him now, he’s just hanging on for dear life.”

“How did this happen, I thought it was a month” Albert Ou didn’t expect things to be so sudden.

“A month is just theoretical, if anything happens in the meantime to make him agitated or strenuous exercise” Zhou Lixin did not continue.

“I don’t care what method you use, make him last at least a few hours” Albert Ou gave an ultimatum.

“Okay, I’ll try,”

Albert Ou stood by the window and began to call.

“What I have asked you to prepare, bring it to me now, without a minute’s delay.”

Albert Ou made several calls in a row, hesitating for several seconds as he dialed the last one.

“Hey, I promise you, you’ll be right over.”

An hour later, Jasmine Tong finally made it to the hospital.

Mo Yi Xin rushed into the emergency room with her.

When she saw Yarwen Tong lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask on, Jasmine Tong suddenly stopped and tried to take a breath.

Albert Ou came to her side and squeezed her shoulder.

“He’s still waiting for you, don’t cry, Little Lei will be sad to see you.”

Jasmine Tong nodded vigorously, biting her own lip tightly, and walked over to the bed.

“Lei, I’m my sister, I’m here, open your eyes and look at me.”

I promised not to cry, but Yarwen Tong’s voice still choked up when he opened his mouth.

Hearing Jasmine Tong’s voice, Yarwen Tong slowly opened his eyes once again.

Jasmine Tong carefully took off Yarwen Tong’s breathing mask to make it easier for him to speak.

Albert Ou walked up to Mo Yi Xin.

“Xin Xin, I have a task for you.”

“What “Mo Yi Xin lifted her teary eyes to look at Albert Ou.

“Little Lei likes designing clothes the most right he has a lot of designs in the clothing studio, you go get them for him, maybe he’ll be accountable.”

Mo Yi Xin hung her head, she naturally didn’t want to leave at the moment, because she still had a lot to say to Yarwen Tong.

“Xin Xin, be obedient, don’t worry, Xiaolei will be waiting for you to come back, he still needs to see his design with his own eyes.”

“Well, I’m going, then, Uncle, and you tell him to wait for me when I get back.”

“Well, I will, you go ahead.”

Mo Yi Xin hurriedly ran away.

“Sis, I’m sorry, but I’m leaving you.We’ve been together since we were kids, that’s what we do together, so I’m going to go ahead and leave you alone.”

As soon as Yarwen Tong opened his mouth, Jasmine Tong couldn’t contain her tears.

“Sis, it’s okay, we have an uncle now and you have a brother-in-law, they’ll take good care of you, I told Hoshiji, he’ll be your brother in the future, in fact nothing is missing in your life.”

“Yarwen, don’t be like this, no one can replace you, don’t leave Sis alone, okay”

“Sis, don’t cry, don’t cry okay when I was little I always saw you secretly shed tears, don’t let me die on my deathbed or watch you shed tears all the time.”

Jasmine Tong immediately wiped the tears on her face with her hand.

“Good, and no more crying, either.”

“Sis, you look best when you smile, and don’t cry after I leave, okay, or else I’ll be very, very sad.”

Jasmine Tong nodded her head vigorously.

“Well, Sis won’t cry.”

“Actually, the doctor said I’d die at 17, I’ve earned it now that I’ve lived so much longer, do you think that’s why there’s nothing to feel bad about.”

“Well, it’s good that you’re happy.”

“Have a good time with your brother-in-law from now on, make our clothing studio good, don’t get too tired, and as for having children, you and your brother-in-law can make up your own minds, I won’t bother you anymore, I apologize for what I did before.”

“No, there’s nothing to apologize for.”

“Sis, I’m so tired, I want to get some sleep, I don’t have any more worries, I can finally get some sleep.”

Yarwen Tong slowly closed his eyes.

Chapter 407

When Jasmine Tong held Yarwen Tong’s hand, she found that his hand was completely exhausted.

She looked at Yarwen Tong’s face in horror.

“Don’t go to sleep, you don’t want to sleep, get up and talk to your sister, little lei little lei”

Jasmine Tong shouted as she held Yarwen Tong’s hand tightly, Yarwen Tong’s hand had slowly lost its temperature.

“Yarwen, wake up! Wake up!”

Albert Ou slowly walked over and touched Yarwen Tong’s neck, the carotid artery had disappeared.

“Jasmine,” Albert Ou shook his head gently towards Jasmine Tong.

Of course Jasmine Tong understood what this meant.

“No, he won’t die no no no no no little Lei, wake up, wake up, what will you do without your sister don’t leave me alone ok”

“Jasmine, don’t be like this, let him go in peace” Albert Ou hugged Jasmine Tong.

I knew this moment would come, even though Tong had been quietly preparing for this day since Tong was 17 years old.

Although the doctor also told Jasmine Tong more than ten days ago, Yarwen Tong only had a maximum of one month left to live.

But when the moment does come, Jasmine Tong finds that she still isn’t ready for Yarwen Tong’s death.

“Xiaolei, wake up, we’ve lived together for so many years, how can you leave me alone? Wake up!”

Jasmine Tong wailed, shaking Yarwen Tong’s body as she cried.

But Yarwen Tong could no longer give her any response.

“Xiaolei, wake up and say a few more words to Sis, okay these few words, don’t just leave me like this”

“Jasmine, you don’t have to,”

Albert Ou didn’t know how to comfort Jasmine Tong, and what he said himself paled in comparison.

“You save him, save him okay don’t let him die, he can’t die, he can’t leave me alone” Jasmine Tong gripped Albert Ou’s arm tightly.

Looking at Jasmine Tong’s face full of tears, Albert Ou felt so bad in his heart.

“Jasmine, calm down, will you come to your senses? He’s dead and he’s never coming back.”

“No, it’s not like that, it’s not like that” shouted Jasmine Tong, covering her ears.

She jumped on Yarwen Tong’s body once again.

“Little Lei, wake up, wake up, don’t go to sleep, okay, talk to me, I can’t live without you, you know Little Lei”

Seeing that Jasmine Tong had been in a delirious state, Albert Ou slowly raised his hand up and chopped down towards Jasmine Tong’s neck.

Jasmine Tong only felt a pain coming from the back of her neck and fainted as soon as she went black.

Albert Ou hurriedly caught her, “Jasmine, everything will be fine, I really can’t care about you right now, so just get some sleep.”

Said Albert Ou k!ssed Jasmine Tong on the cheek.

A figure raced through the hospital, knocking down two people and not looking back.

“What’s the matter with this kid, no manners at all, no word of apology for knocking someone over.”

Mo Yi Xin paid no attention to these people’s words, all the way into the emergency room where Yarwen Tong had just gone.

She was holding Yarwen Tong’s design book in her arms.

She’s been talking out of her mouth this whole time.

“Wait for me, little Lei, you must wait for me.”

When Mo Yi Xin rushed to the emergency room, he found several nurses packing up the emergency room.

She was completely stunned.

“Where is he? Where’s Lei?”

A nurse turned around and her eyes were red.

“Are you looking for Yarwen Tong? He’s already gone.”

“Gone” Mo Yi Xin certainly understood what the nurse’s mouth meant by “gone”.

At that moment she suddenly lost her center of gravity and collapsed back on her ass.

“Hey, girl, you okay?”

The nurse rushed over and tried to help her up from the floor.

But Mo Yi Xin’s body was so heavy that it couldn’t be lifted up by any means.

The design books fell apart one by one, scattered all over the place.

Mo Yi Xin cried out towards the ceiling and cried out into the darkness

Gone, he just walked away, not even getting to say a word to her.

“Why didn’t you wait for me? Why? Why didn’t you even wait for me?”

surname Tong

Because Tong Kee Liquor is growing very well, the Tong family is now not what it used to be, and after making money, they immediately bought a bigger house.

This just moved a few days ago and the decor is luxurious.

Duthie sat comfortably on the couch with a Persian cat in her arms, which someone had given her the other day.

Marven Tong was sitting on a rattan chair sipping tea, and his appearance was also leisurely and comfortable.

The maid came running in in a hurry.

“Master, Madam, someone has come to report that Yarwen Tong is dead.”

Marven Tong took the cup in his hand and dropped it on the floor with a bang.

“Who did you say died?”

“Yarwen Tong.”

Marven Tong was a little panicked, although he had known that Yarwen Tong would die one day, he was still a little shocked.

Duthie didn’t mind in the slightest.

“That teacup was a gift from Madame Zhou, a thousand of them, and you just dropped it.”

“Did you hear what he said? Little Lei is gone.”

“When it’s gone, it’s gone, and when it’s dead, he’s dead sooner or later.”

Simin Du was finally relieved, this time no need to worry, the company’s shares will still be given to Yarwen Tong.

The servant continued, “The messenger asked where the hearth was located so they could make arrangements.”

Duthie immediately stood up, the cat in her arms running away.

“I’m telling you, we can’t have a funeral hall in our house. We’re a new family. It’s only been a few days since we moved and it’s bad luck to have a funeral.”

Marven Tong touched his head.

“Or do it in the old yard over there.”

“That won’t work either don’t you know that our previous villa has gone up in price now and will sell for a good price in the future, if people knew the family had a funeral, who would buy that villa.”

Duthie forked her back and lived like a fighting cock.

“Then you can’t set the hearth on the street,” Marven Tong was also a little anxious.

“That son of yours one did not marry two no heir, according to our old family’s rules, the ancestral tomb may not even let him into besides, these two years we have no correspondence, let Jasmine Tong find his own way to”

“You” Marven Tong couldn’t say a word as he pointed at Dusyman.

“What’s wrong with me? If it wasn’t for me, you’d probably be out on the streets begging for food, where you’d care about your son.”

Simin Du turned to the maids, “Tell the messenger at the door that you know, and let Jasmine Tong figure it out on her own about the Haven, we don’t care.”

The maid had no choice but to go and answer the question.

Russel Cheng heard this and hurriedly reported to Albert Ou.

“These brutes don’t even have a spirit hall” Albert Ou gritted his teeth.

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