Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 408 – 410

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Chapter 408

“Now what do we do?”

“Set the hearth over to Rainbow City.”

“Ou, this is not in line with the rules ah although it is a family, but after all, Young Master Tong’s surname is Tong, Rainbow City here is your private property, if you have a hearth here, it is not good for you.”

“I’m still afraid of this Albert Ou turned back to transfer the property on this side of Rainbow City to his wife’s name, this house is not surnamed Tong, do as I say, no delay.”


Albert Ou brought Jasmine Tong back to Rainbow City, when she was still unconscious.

Jasmine Tong had been unconscious for four hours before she woke up, and she sat up with a start.

“Little Lei, where’s Little Lei’s?”

The pear stayed by her bedside.

“Ma’am, you should not be too sad and mournful, after all, you can’t come back from the dead.”

Jasmine Tong’s tears flowed down with a brush.

He’s dead, and this time he’s really dead, never to return.

Jasmine Tong suddenly heard the sound of crying, and it wasn’t the cry of one person, it was the cry of many people gathered together.

“Pearblossom, what’s that noise why is there so many people in the house”

“Ma’am, the gentleman has set up the hearth at home, and it’s in the living room.”

“What” Jasmine Tong looked at Pearblossom in shock, of course she knew this was against the rules.

She’s married to Ou Ze Noe, although she has taught Yarwen Tong to treat this place as her home, but this house is still surnamed Ou.

“Young Master Tong is really pitiful, your family said that the house the family just bought can’t have a funeral, it’s too bad luck to have a funeral.”

“What about the old house? The old house is always okay.”

“Said the old house over there wouldn’t sell at a good price if we had a funeral.”

Jasmine Tong pounded the bed board, her own father ah, but so cruel.

“Don’t you worry, ma’am, the gentleman is all ready to transfer this house into your name, and it’s already surnamed Tong.”

Jasmine Tong took a look at the plain clothes that were placed beside the bed, picked them up and prepared to change into them.

“Ma’am, you don’t have to rush down there, Mr. Hawkins and his family are already here, and they’re all guarding the bottom.”

“No, I’m going to take this last ride with him.”

Jasmine Tong descended the stairs in a plain white dress.

The living room has been set up as a chapel, and Yarwen Tong’s picture is placed in the middle of the chapel, showing him smiling freely in the sunshine.

Seeing that photo, Jasmine Tong was in tears again.

He was so youthful, so sunny, so clean, why was God so cruel to him?

People kept coming over to pay their respects in the chapel, and Huo Yulong and Chu Runzhi were in charge of receiving them, most of them Yarwen Tong’s teachers and classmates.

Jasmine Tong hardly cared about anything, just staring at Yarwen Tong’s picture, and from time to time she would burn some paper money.

She was crying her eyes out.

After learning of Yarwen Tong’s death, the family did not set up a memorial hall, Marven Tong is still somewhat missed.

“We don’t have a chapel in our house, so we should always go and pay our respects.”

Duthie looked up at him, knowing that he was already upset at his disapproval of setting up a hearth.

“Go go go go, I know you’re upset, I’ll bring him more paper money, that’s always okay.”

“Call Meng Meng and Qi Qi are back everyone go together this thing must listen to me” Marven Tong finally took out a little bit of the head of the family.

Simin Du had no choice but to give Rameen Tong a call.

“Hey, Mengmeng ah, that Yarwen Tong died, you take the time to come back, let’s go as a family to pay our respects.”Duthie made it sound so easy, as if the death was not of her loved one, but of an unrelated person.

“Mom, who did you say died?”

“Yarwen Tong ah just that brother of yours let’s all bring him some paper money.”

Rameen Tong was silent on the other end of the phone she stared wide-eyed and couldn’t believe what she heard.

I can’t believe he’s really dead.

“Dream on, dream on,”

“Ah, I’m-I’m here.”

“When do you have time?”

“Oh, that, Mom, I’m very busy these days and I really can’t spare the time, so why don’t you buy some more paper money for me and send a wreath and get some more money over there.”

“All right then.”Dushman just hung up without saying anything.

“Look at you look at you look at, or our Meng Meng understands, Meng Meng no time to go over, said let me buy more paper money, and then send a wreath, and also more money over” Simin Du hurriedly began to show off her own that well-behaved daughter.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.

She immediately panicked and made a phone call.

“Didn’t I tell you to be more careful? Why are people already dead? You’re the one who got them killed, I’m not responsible.”

“Miss Tong what are you talking about ah we were very careful and only said a few more offensive words and didn’t even do anything.”

“Is that really true?”

“Of course,”

Rameen Tong hung up the phone and put it to her chest.

“It’s none of my business, you’re the one who got sick and died, it has nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me” she mouthed.

mourning hall

Russel Cheng hurriedly walked in and whispered something in Albert Ou’s ear.

Albert Ou was at Jasmine Tong’s side at the time, and Albert Ou squatted down to listen.

“Your dad’s here, let him in?”

When she heard the name “Daddy”, Jasmine Tong was startled.

“Does he deserve to be my father?”

Outside the door, Marven Tong stood outside with Dusmin and Raymond.

Duthie wore a black dress, and although the dress was black, she wore heavy makeup and bright jewelry on her hands and neck and ears.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years.

“Mom, this Jasmine Tong has had a good life. She even has such a big house.”

“Who says so? All she does is cry poverty every day, who knows which big boss she’s fallen in love with.”

“Will you two shut up,” said Marven Tong, uneasily on one side.

Hearing the noises outside, Huo Yulong looked out the door and immediately recognized Marven Tong from back then.

Although he was a bit perky and older, he remembered the man clearly.

Huo Yulong stepped out of the way and pushed hard on Marven Tong’s shoulder.

“Marven Tong, you beast.”

“Who is this person ah how to open mouth to curse people” Simin Du first rushed to the front.

Marven Tong stumbled and hurriedly stood firm, just wanting to curse back when he saw the person in front of him and immediately swallowed the words in his mouth.

“So it’s you.”

“It’s me, it’s a good thing you remember me, you abducted my sister and left him to die for no reason, and now my nephew is dead too, I’m going to settle the score with you today.”

“Hey, don’t, don’t, your sister was sick and died, it has nothing to do with me, and Little Lei was sick and died too, it has even less to do with me”

Chapter 409

“Since you abducted him, then treat her well, why are you still hooking up with her outside? If you hadn’t treated her badly, how would she have aborted her first child, and if your Tong family hadn’t wanted a son, Little Lei wouldn’t have been sick”

Huo Yulong roared at Marven Tong.

“You’ve caused all this, and you’ve tainted the word beast by saying you’re an animal.”

“How can I be blamed for this? how can I be blamed for her not being able to give birth to a son? how can I be blamed for her having a miscarriage? “Marven Tong’s retort made Huo Yulong even angrier, and he punched Marven Tong on the bridge of his nose.

“Oh my gosh, the beating, the beating, does anyone care?” yelled Dossier.

Huo Yulong was a practiced fighter, Marven Tong had been raised in the past few years, where was his opponent, plus his age was even less advantageous.

Within a few blows, Marven Tong had been beaten to a bloody face.

Raymond wanted to go up and help, but immediately shrank to the side as she watched Huo Yulong come on.

Huo Yulong knew that this was a spiritual hall, and it wasn’t good to make too much noise.

“My son is gone, and you don’t even set up a memorial service for him, even if you didn’t raise him when he was alive, you don’t even deserve the few cries he made for father?”

Huo Yulong grabbed Marven Tong by the collar and kicked him in the back, then kicked him into the spirit hall.

Simin Du and Raymond also walked in timidly.

Jasmine Tong looked at the three people who had walked in and slowly stood up.

“Dad, when you heard me call you Dad, didn’t you feel the slightest bit ashamed?”

“Xiaolei ah dad is sorry ah” Marven Tong cried out with a bloodied face.

“Yes, of course you’re sorry for him if it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t have to suffer so much midnight, aren’t you afraid he’ll go to you and ask why you didn’t operate on him back then”

Dushman poofed down on his knees.

“Yarwen don’t worry, I will burn you lots and lots of paper money, so that you have lots and lots of money to spend over there you mustn’t come to me, I can’t help it ah.”

Hearing Duskman’s words, Jasmine Tong slowly walked to Duskman’s side.

“What? You’re scared you’re here to pay your respects and you’re dressed up.”

Jasmine Tong’s gaze swept over Raymond, “You’re even wearing a red dress.”

“It’s no time for me to change I can come on good enough to give face” Raymond eyelids rolled over disdain.

Jasmine Tong smiled coldly, looking at the three people who had come to offer their condolences.

“Someone take his clothes off and throw him out.”

Immediately two men stepped forward and grabbed Raymond, one left, one right.

“Hey, what are you guys doing? I’ll see who you dare in broad daylight,” Raymond yelled at the top of his voice.

But these two men didn’t listen to him in the slightest and took him right out.

“And isn’t she so fond of dressing up? Then give her a good dressing up.”

Two more men came and racked up Duthie and took her out.

“I’ll call the police and I’ll sue you.”

Marven Tong walked up to Jasmine Tong, “What are you doing?”

“What? You’re distressed just like that you’re distressed, how did he bully our siblings back then you don’t know how to distress us”


“I’m not going to let them take you out without sending you, for the sake of you being my father.”

Jasmine Tong took one last look at Marven Tong and returned to her seat.

Marven Tong looked at this fierce face around him and immediately left.

Outside the front door, Raymond was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, and was already stripped and freezing all over.

And Duthie’s face was painted as a big cat, and all the jewelry on her hands and neck and ears was removed.

Marven Tong took them away with a remorseful sigh.

Three days later it was the day of the funeral, and all of a sudden it was drizzling.

The sky was dark and gloomy, as if it was also weeping for Yarwen Tong.

The funeral procession was neat and solemn.

Jasmine Tong cried in the dark, the wake has never seen her so sad in the past few days, and she couldn’t contain it any longer during the funeral.

Luckily, Albert Ou held her away in time.

Back home Jasmine Tong has been sleeping all day and night.

She hadn’t actually been asleep, and had been in a half-asleep state.

She just doesn’t want to open her eyes to the truth.

Since the death of her own mother, Yarwen Tong seemed to be her spiritual support, or rather she was living for her brother.

All her patience, all her efforts are for Yarwen Tong

Now that Yarwen Tong was gone, she didn’t even know what she could do.

Albert Ou gently pushed open the bedroom door and found Jasmine Tong sitting on the bed, hugging her knees, her eyes dazedly looking straight ahead.

He tiptoed over and sat next to her, holding her by the shoulders.

“Jasmine, eat something, you haven’t eaten much in days.”

Jasmine Tong shook her head dully.

“How can you go on like this Xiaolei knows that you are like this after he left, do you think he will be at peace”

Hearing Yarwen Tong’s name, Jasmine Tong’s tears immediately poured down.

“Jasmine be good, don’t cry ok”

Jasmine Tong is still just crying and can’t stop.

Albert Ou was at his wits’ end, not knowing how to comfort Jasmine Tong and get her back on her feet.

The phone on the bedside table rang, and Albert Ou took a look at it, it was Xu Xingru.

Albert Ou just hung up.

“Go make a movie, give yourself something to do, and you’ll forget all this unhappiness for a while, eh.”

Jasmine Tong still still shook her head dully.

“So what do you want to do go out for a walk? I’ll go with you.”

“I want to sleep.”

Albert Ou nodded his head very helplessly, “Okay, then you sleep, wake up and have something to eat, okay”

Jasmine Tong lay down and Albert Ou covered her with the blanket.

Jasmine Tong closed her eyes softly without answering Albert Ou’s words either.

Albert Ou wiped the tears from her eyes and left the bedroom.

He made a call to John.

“Asawa, I was just about to call you, how’s your Mandy doing.”

“Very poor condition, not talking, eating more, just sleeping all the time.The latest movie she did, push it.She’s not going to be able to go out and film in a short time in this state.”

“All right then.”

“If you break the contract, you should be compensated as much as you want, and I’ll take this compensation.Don’t give her any more work for a while.”

“Okay, I’ll tell Xu Xingru here right away.”

Hanging up the phone, Albert Ou dialed another number.

Chapter 410

Huo Sijie immediately rushed over.

Albert Ou didn’t know if it was useful to find him, because of his cousins, Huo Sijie and Yarwen Tong were still a bit alike.

Let’s hope that Huo Sijie can bring a little bit of comfort to Jasmine Tong.

Albert Ou brought Hossein to Jasmine Tong’s bedroom.

“Jasmine, look who’s here to see you.”

“Cousin,” Hosiji called kindly into the bedroom.

Jasmine Tong sat up and looked at Huo Sijie and smiled towards him.


“Cousin, my cousin-in-law said that you haven’t been eating much lately, so how can you go on like this and eat something.”

Aunt Fang brought in a bowl of chicken porridge, put it on the bedside table and left.

Huo Sijie brought up the chicken porridge and served it to Jasmine Tong.

“Give me some face, I had a hard time getting here.”

Jasmine Tong followed the bowl over and drank the porridge nonchalantly, one bite at a time.

“Maya has been quite tight with her homework lately, so she’ll come over to keep you company when she’s on vacation.”

Jasmine Tong smiled happily.

Albert Ou stood looking at the house through the door, thankfully she still had these family members.

Huo Sijie’s arrival somewhat gave some comfort to Jasmine Tong, who finished her porridge and put it on the table.

“Cousin came to see me a week before his accident, I think.”

Jasmine Tong finally had some energy to raise her eyes to look at Huo Sijie.

“Said something to you.”

“He told me to take care of you from now on, and I’ll treat you like a sister, so don’t worry, I can do for you what my cousin can do for me.”

Jasmine Tong’s tears fell once again as she hung her head.

“Don’t cry, cousin,”

Huo Sijie’s gut was blue with remorse, he really shouldn’t have mentioned Yarwen Tong’s incident.

“I’m still the one he worries about the most, the one he’s most relieved about, he’s so sensible, why is God doing this to him.”

“Cousin me,”

“Kit, go home, I want to be alone for a while.”

“Well, then, cousin, don’t feel too bad.”Huo Sijie looked worriedly at Jasmine Tong and walked out of the room.

Facing Albert Ou, Hossegor was a little self-conscious.

“Cousin-in-law, my cousin is crying again, she was fine, and she ate, I really shouldn’t have mentioned my cousin”

“It’s okay, you’ve done a good job, at least let him have something to eat and I’ll send a car to take you back.”Albert Ou touched Hossein’s head.

The driver dropped Hosier off.

After the funeral, Albert Ou stopped working altogether and stayed at home with Jasmine Tong, but Jasmine Tong was getting worse by the day.

She was devastated from then on, wilting every day and unable to lift her spirits about anything.

The whole person has lost a whole lot of weight.

Many times, Jasmine Tong lived for Yarwen Tong, and every step she took was for Yarwen Tong, but now that her spiritual support was gone, it was naturally hard to pull herself together.

She lay in bed all day and night, never taking a half step out of her bedroom, and the curtains in her room were always closed.

Albert Ou couldn’t get Jasmine Tong’s spirits up with all the tactics he used.

“Jasmine, your movie is showing over there in the mountains, can I go with you to see it?”

“Jasmine, there was a particularly funny movie recently, shall we watch it together?”

“Jasmine, Ruyi recently learned a new skill, do you want to see”

Mo Yiang had been here, Huo Siya had been here, Meng Jiajia had been here, many people had been here, but unfortunately they were all useless.

Albert Ou was at his wit’s end, he didn’t know how to help Jasmine Tong through this period, but this was a difficult time that she had to get through.

“Sir, there’s a gentleman named Leng outside who says he wants to see his wife.”Pears came over to report.

“Surname Leng.”

Besides the Leng Lords, who else could it be?

Albert Ou’s eyebrows were locked, and frankly he had always been hostile to the Leng Lords.

“Let him in.”

What if that brat had some way to make Jasmine Tong better he always had to try.

The cold lord still had a gray trench coat and black gloves on his hands, and the two men met somewhat awkwardly.

“Pearblossom take him to his wife’s bedroom.”

“Come with me.”Pearblossom took the Leng Lords directly upstairs.

The Leng Lords looked at Albert Ou and followed Pearblossom without saying anything.

Open the bedroom door and the room is pitch black.

Jasmine Tong just sat on the bed as if his soul had been taken away without saying a word.

“Ma’am, ma’am, you’ve got a visitor.”Pearblossom called out several times, but there was no reaction from Jasmine Tong.

The Cold Lords walked in after nodding towards Pearblossom and Pearblossom exited the room.

“Darling, I came to see you, but it’s a pity I didn’t bring you roses this time, you know, the one in your family, he would have thrown them away for me even if I had brought them.”

The cold lord tried to sound witty and humorous.

But Jasmine Tong still remained motionless.

“Darling, you can’t go on like this, Lei is dead, and it’s not fair to the living who still love you to dwell on the pain of his death.”

Jasmine Tong was still indifferent.

“You’ve been living for him, from now on you should live for yourself and do what you want, you hear me?”

Only then did Jasmine Tong slowly move her gaze to the Leng Lords.

“Live for myself.”

“Yes, live for yourself, no need to take care of little Lei, for little Lei, he can’t run or jump without a healthy heart, it’s a relief to go now.”

“Baron, when I close my eyes it’s like I can see his face, he’s smiling at me.”

“No, you’re wrong, he’s shedding tears at you because it hurts him to see you like this.”

“Yeah?” Tong hugged her knees.

“Cheer up, dear, he’s watching you from heaven.”

Although Jasmine Tong still had her eyes glazed over, she finally had that little bit of hope.

For a while, Pearblossom came and knocked on the door.

“Mr. Leng, the gentleman says it’s almost time and the wife needs to rest.”

Leng Lords couldn’t help but laugh lightly, “I knew this man wasn’t that generous, there really is still a time limit, you go tell him, I’ll be down soon.”

“Okay, Mr. Cold.”The pear walked out.

“Honey, didn’t you already make the choice to live well with Albert Ou? You’re not doing him justice like this, I noticed Albert Ou is in bad shape too.”

Jasmine Tong raised her head to look at the Leng Lords, “Yeah? He’s bad.”

“Yes, it’s bad, because you’re not good, and he’s not good, and forget it, it’s not good for everyone to see you like this, so don’t let everyone worry about you, okay?”

Jasmine Tong breathed a slow sigh of relief.

“I’m leaving.”Leng Lords patted Jasmine Tong’s shoulder and walked out of the bedroom.

Albert Ou is pacing back and forth under the building muttering, “What’s taking so long?”

“It’s finished.”The Cold Lords came down slowly from upstairs.

“I wanted to see you about something.”

Leng Lords was shocked, Albert Ou wanted to see him for something

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