Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 957 – 958

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Chapter 957

Hearing what Aunt Lena said, Claire hurriedly said: “Aunt Lena, don’t worry, I and Charlie have a good relationship.”

After speaking, Claire then said apologetically: “Aunt Lena, after you went to Eastcliff for treatment, I have never had time to visit you in Eastcliff. If Charlie told me, I would not know that you were cured and discharged. Back to Aurous Hill, I am really embarrassed…”

Aunt Lena said with emotion: “After I fell ill, your couple has been busy in the hospital. If you two hadn’t helped raise money, Auntie might have died in critical condition…”

As she said, Aunt Lena’s eyes reddened and she choked up, “Especially Claire you, while you were busy with the affairs of the Willson family, you also have to come and take care of me. Auntie has always been very grateful and feels very guilty. I dragged down you couple, if you are really embarrassed, it should be the aunt who said it!”

Claire hurriedly comforted: “Aunt Lena, don’t forget, I am Charlie’s wife, and you are Charlie’s benefactor, that is, my benefactor!”

Aunt Lena looked at Claire and was deeply moved.

Seeing Claire again this time, Aunt Lena felt that she was a little different from the past.

Although Claire and Charlie often visited her in the past, Claire still vaguely felt a little alienated from Charlie, obviously because they had no emotional foundation.

But this time, the two have been holding hands, and it seems that their relationship has also improved a lot.

In the past, Aunt Lena could often hear the rumours spread outside, so she was always worried about the relationship between the two, for fear that someday Charlie would divorce Claire and be driven out of the Willson family.

At this time, seeing the two people’s relationship has improved, her heart settled down.

As everyone present listened to this conversation, they couldn’t help being surprised.

Only then did they know that Charlie and his wife had done so much for Aunt Lena while Aunt Lena was sick.

Charlie was very humble. He took good care of Aunt Lena. He just wanted to repay the other party with all his heart, and he never thought of relying on this to show off and show off in front of others.

However, Jiang Ming on the side was depressed!

The reason why everyone can come together to visit Aunt Lena today is that he is the real initiator and organizer!

Moreover, he was thinking that he is now a successful person anyway, just by taking advantage of this reception banquet, he will put pressure in front of everyone and enjoy the compliments and complacency of this group of people. By the way, he will talk Xiaofen as a young gentleman and try to develop it.

Unexpectedly, Charlie was robbed of the limelight by a guy like Charlie, and he turned into a background board!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming looked at Charlie with a bit of resentment.

At this time, Aunt Lena shook Claire’s hand and said with great relief: “Claire, you and Charlie are not too young anymore. It’s time to consider having a child. The group of children they left from the orphanage back then Here, Charlie got married alone, and the rest are still bachelors. As an aunt, I can’t wait to hug a godson!”

Claire blushed all at once.

She and Charlie have been married for more than three years, but no one has ever urged her to have a baby.

After all, the relatives around her looked down on Charlie a little, and wished she divorced Charlie, how could they let Charlie have children with her.

However, she was suddenly urged to have a child by Aunt Lena. In addition to being shy in her heart, she suddenly had some strange feelings.

Claire will soon be twenty-six years old, at the optimal age for childbearing, and for a girl of this age, the motherhood and maternal love in her heart have already begun to faintly breed.

Take Claire, for example, occasionally when she sees other people with children, she will feel that maternal love is overflowing in her heart, and even start to think about when she can have a baby of her own.

However, because there are so many things in the family, she has never dared to consider this issue in depth.

So she said with some shame: “Auntie Lena, we haven’t thought about having children yet, because I have just started a business and the company has only just improved a bit, and it has been the busiest time recently.”

Chapter 958

At this time, Xiaofen looked at Claire’s eyes, a bit more envy, and a bit more lost in his heart.

She has liked Charlie since she was a child. When she was very young, she dreamed of marrying Charlie and being Charlie’s bride. She has not forgotten this dream until now, but now it seems that she has no chance.

That’s why she envied Claire even more, because in her opinion, Claire found the best man in the world, so she is the happiest woman in the world.

Aunt Lena smiled slightly at this time and said: “Career is important, but family is also important sometimes. As women, we should not have children too late, otherwise it will affect our body.”

Claire blushed and nodded.

Xiaofen said with embarrassment at this time: “Auntie Lena, the owner of the old restaurant called just now to say that there was a problem with the circuit of their restaurant and it cannot be opened today. We can only change the place for dinner.”

Aunt Lena smiled and said: “In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you eat or not. I am already very happy to see everyone. There are so many people here that I haven’t seen for a long time.”

Jiang Ming, who has been neglected all the time, immediately shined upon hearing this.

He immediately took a step forward and blurted out: “Aunt Lena, I will arrange dinner for everyone tonight.”

As he said, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call, and then said to everyone: “Everyone, I have booked a place at our five-star Hyatt Hotel in Aurous Hill. Let’s go over now.”

Hearing that Jiang Ming had booked a place at the five-star Hyatt Hotel, everyone present was suddenly surprised!

Someone embarrassedly said, “The Hyatt Hotel is a five-star hotel. It’s too extravagant if we go there for dinner? It’s not less than 20,000 or 30,000 after a meal?”

“Yeah! If you are aa, it will cost one or two thousand per person to spread it equally. Our salary level cannot afford such high consumption!”

Hearing this, other people couldn’t help showing approval.

Those who enter and leave five-star hotels are basically high-class people, and only they have the confidence to go to such a place to enjoy.

And among the people present, because they are all orphans, generally have low education and no background, they can’t talk about career success.

Most of the jobs that everyone is looking for are those at the lower level. Many people’s salary for a month is not enough to meet the various expenses of their daily lives. They worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt all day.

Therefore, when they heard that they were going to a five-star hotel for dinner, everyone was a little worried, fearing that they would be stretched because of insufficient financial resources.

Jiang Ming smiled at this time, patted his chest generously and said, “Don’t worry, you guys, I will pay half of this meal by myself, and you will pay the other half together. It is estimated that it will cost a few hundred per person. how about it?”

Hearing what he said, many people were relieved.

Jiang Ming will pay half of it by himself, which really relieved everyone’s pressure.

Someone couldn’t help saying: “Jiang Ming, how embarrassed to let you do half of the job!”

Jiang Ming waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile: “Today is mainly for Aunt Lena. It doesn’t matter if I spend more money!”

In fact, everyone did not know that Jiang Ming happened to have a budget for a company to entertain customers. What he thought was that he would pay 20,000 to 30,000 for this meal, and he would pay half of it on the surface, and let others pay the other half.

At that time, he will issue an invoice and go to the company for reimbursement. Not only could he get back half of what he spent, but could also earn back half of what everyone paid back!

For example, for a meal of 30,000, he would pay 15,000, and rest would pay 15,000. Afterwards, he will go to the company to reimburse 30,000. Not only would he earn face and favors in front of everyone, he also will make a net profit of 15,000. money!

why not?

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