Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 949 – 950

Read Chapter 949 – 950 of the novel Charismatic Charlie Wade free online.

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Chapter 949

Charlie has lived in this welfare institution for the past ten years from eight to eighteen, and he has great affectionate for it.

It’s just that he has been a little destitute and have no face to come back.

Now that he has a lot of money, he might as well go in and see what other needs are in the orphanage, and can help solve it when the time comes.

So he nodded and agreed, and said: “Then let’s go in for a while.”

Xiaofen was overjoyed, and hurriedly grabbed Charlie’s arm, and dragged him in front.

Charlie could only let her drag herself while holding his wife Claire’s hand.

Claire’s heart beat faster, but she still let her lead into the orphanage.

The Aurous Hill Welfare Institute was built in the last century and has a history of several decades. The buildings here are also relatively low brick buildings, and each building is almost decades old.

Charlie saw that this place was basically the same as when he lived many years ago, so he couldn’t help asking Xiaofen: “Did the orphanage have not been expanded or renovated in these years?”

Xiaofen said: “Wanted to expand, but the funding has been tight. We have more children here than before. Both the dean and Aunt Lena feel that it is better to spend the money on the children. As for the hardware conditions, it can save money.”

Charlie looked at the yard, but the slides, seesaws, and swivel chairs that had been rusted on, felt familiar and somewhat unpleasant in his heart.

These toys were all played when he was young, that is to say, they have been at least 20 years old.

Those younger brothers and sisters after him are still playing with these limited and old toys.

Charlie couldn’t help but blame himself. Before Stephen found him, he was always worried about Aunt Lena’s body and tried every means to treat Aunt Lena. After Stephen found him, he had been thinking about it all this time. Do everything possible to get back the dignity.

But during this period of time, he did not expect to donate a sum of money to the orphanage to help the younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage to improve their living environment. It is really inexcusable!

Thinking of this, Charlie planned to donate tens of millions to the orphanage to renovate the entire orphanage, and then buy the best toys, the best learning venues, and the best learning equipment for the younger brothers and sisters.

All computers and ipads must be bought for them!

Claire didn’t know Charlie. The mood at the moment was very complicated and self-blaming. She was very curious to observe the environment of the orphanage. Although it was the first time to come in, she still felt that it was very kind.

Kind, maybe because my husband grew up here since he was a child.

In fact, in Claire’s heart, she never regarded Charlie as her contracted husband. In her heart, Charlie was her real and legal husband.

Chapter 950

Xiaofen took Charlie to the dormitory area of ”‹”‹the orphanage, and Charlie found the dormitory where he lived at a glance.

Looking in through the window, he saw a dozen or two-year-old children playing under the leadership of an aunt in the orphanage.

He couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Xiaofen, why are there so many such young children in the orphanage now?”

Xiaofen said: “Many irresponsible parents send their children directly to the orphanage after they give birth. Some of these children are abandoned by them because they are born with disabilities or diseases. Like me, maybe it was because I was a girl, so I was abandoned.”

Speaking of this, Xiaofen couldn’t help sighing.

Later, she said angrily: “There are still some children in there. They were abducted by traffickers and then rescued by the police. Because the children are too young to find their parents, they can only be fostered at first. In the orphanage, after finding their parents, they will be sent back to their families.”

Charlie saw that some of these children had some physical disabilities, so he couldn’t help asking: “Xiaofen, what is going on with disabled children? Is it congenital disabilities?”

“No.” Xiaofen said indignantly: “These were all rescued from the traffickers. They were originally healthy children, but after being stolen by the traffickers, they didn’t sell these children, but got them and made them disabled. After becoming disabled, they took these children along the street to beg. Such children have been destroyed by them all their lives, but they have become their cash cows.”

When Claire heard this, she suddenly angrily said: “These people are too j3rk, how can they turn good children into disabled people!”

Xiaofen said: “There are some such bad guys who specialize in this kind of conscience. They are normal people with hands and feet, but they pretend to be disabled and beg everywhere. Later, they found that the begging stuff came in too quickly. Therefore, in order to make more money, they deliberately find some disabled people to increase their credibility. Later, if they can’t find the disabled, they buy the children. After buying, the children are disabled, so that it is easier to beg.”

After hearing this, Claire trembled with anger, and blurted out: “b*stards like this, all of them should be shot!”

Charlie sighed at this time and said: “Actually, when I was working on the construction site, I had heard of the existence of beggar gangs. They were all fellow villagers or relatives. They organized groups to beg in big cities. Some of them were extremely cruel. Specializing in poisoning minors.”

After speaking, Charlie said to her again: “You forgot that we watched an Indian movie two years ago. The name was Millionaire in the Slum. There was not a leader of a gang of beggars who sang good children. Blind his eyes, make him blind and let him sing and beg along the street. It looks like this kind of thing is far away from us, but it often happens around us.”

Claire said angrily: “Unexpectedly, there are such demons around us. I knew I had gone to the police academy to be a police officer, and I could still bring these bad guys to justice.”

Xiaofen sighed: “Sister-in-law, the key is that there is too much profit margins, so many people have to make this money even if they risk being shot.”

With that, she felt that the topic was a bit heavy, and she said: “Oh, it’s getting late, let’s go to the restaurant first, the other friends should have arrived.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Let’s go, go to the restaurant first.”

The three came out of the orphanage together, and Charlie asked Xiaofen on the side: “By the way, Xiaofen, are there any difficulties in the orphanage recently?”

Xiaofen smiled and said: “The difficulties have always been there, but they are okay, and they can be carried. The children’s living conditions are much better than when we were younger, but the only downside is that our classrooms The dormitory and the cafeteria are all too old. The dean has been applying for funding, hoping to renovate it, but the superiors have been saying that the finances are tight and they cannot allocate funds for the time being.”

Charlie nodded lightly and wrote down her words in his heart.

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