Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 875 – 876

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Chapter 875

So Charlie looked at Paul and asked curiously: “Paul, did you often come to China before?”

Paul shook his head and said with a smile: “I just come here on business occasionally, but every time it doesn’t take more than a week.”

Charlie asked with a puzzled look: “Then how do you know so much about tea, Chinese furniture and wood?”

Paul smiled and said: “It’s mainly because my mother likes these. I only came into contact with these when I was a child.”

As he said, Paul said again: “Don’t look at me as if I look like a mixed race, and I seem to be more of a white race, but in fact I am a downright yellow person in my bones. I have been very influenced by my mother since I was a child. I like Chinese culture and Chinese food, Chinese habits and everything in China.”

“That’s it.”

Charlie nodded, boiled water in the sea of ”‹”‹tea, and started to prepare tea, while letting people be fooled into buying tea on WeChat.

After brewing the tea, Charlie poured a cup for Paul and himself, and smiled and said to Paul: “Come, taste my Old Master’s tea.”

Paul nodded and thanked him, then took his teacup to his lips and took a sip.

Immediately afterwards, his expression became a little weird.

After tasting it for a long time, he said embarrassedly: “Uncle Willson’s taste in drinking tea is very strange. To be honest, I can’t taste the goodness of this tea. Why does Uncle Willson treat it as a good treasure? Where’s the tea?”

Charlie thought to himself that this Paul was really acquainted, much better than his own husband.

He is a silly Old Master who has been drinking this kind of tea. Not only did he fail to drink it, but the more he drank, the better it tasted.

If he hadn’t stopped him, he would definitely find the WeChat girl who sells tea to buy some more.

So he smiled and said to Paul: “father-in-law bought this tea from a liar on WeChat. It cost a lot of money, but it’s really not a good thing.”

Paul also understood what was going on. He nodded slightly and said to Charlie: “I have the superb one that I entrusted to others and bought from the south. I have a chance to give some to Mr. Charlie next day. Let uncle Willson taste it. The tea is really good. It was a tea that was picked and fried by the top master.”

Charlie politely thanked him and said, “father-in-law doesn’t know much about tea, but he just likes it very much, so if you give him good tea, it will be a violent thing. Just keep drinking this tea and entertain yourself.”

In fact, Charlie’s psychological activity is that son-in-law hasn’t given him any good tea. Does it seem inappropriate for him, an outsider?

Paul didn’t realize Charlie’s mentality. He thought of what Jacob told him before entering the villa, and looked at Charlie curiously: “Mr. Charlie, I heard Uncle Willson say that this villa is for others to see. Is it true that I earned it from Feng Shui?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “That’s right. Actually, it’s not just looking at Feng Shui, but by looking at Feng Shui, it solves some of the more important problems for others.”

Paul said very sincerely: “Mr. Charlie will tell you that, I am a person who has studied the Book of Changes and gossip and other things, but I have never had a very good Master to get started, and my spare time is also relatively limited. , So my research is relatively superficial.”

After speaking, Paul said again: “By the way, Mr. Charlie, my new company will be officially opened in Aurous Hill soon. Could you please help me take a look at Feng Shui?”

Charlie saw that this Paul was very friendly to himself, and his EQ and quality were relatively high. In line with the principle of reaching out and not hitting the smiley person, he smiled and said, “When will your company open? I can take time to have a look.”

Paul was very excited and said, “Thank you so much. My company will open the day after tomorrow. If you have time, can it be tomorrow?”

“It is Okay.”

Chapter 876

In the kitchen at this moment, Meiqing has put on her apron, and with the help of Jacob, she began to process the ingredients and prepare to cook.

Jacob hit the side, playing very diligently.

He dreams of having such a day, he and his beloved Meiqing can have a sumptuous dinner in the kitchen together.

But he didn’t expect that this dream would finally come true after twenty years.

Meiqing was full of emotion. She has lived in the United States with her husband for more than 20 years, and the two often cook together, but she has never made herself feel the way she is now.

She feel that the man next to her, as long as he stands by her side, he can bring her an infinite sense of intimacy.

Cooking for him by her, busy in the kitchen with him, full of joy and satisfaction.

When two people are cooking together, there is always some friction and contact on the body. Sometimes they rub their hands, sometimes they touch other parts. Soon, the two of them are red. face.

After all, both of them have had a lot of past events, and they are each other’s first love, and even when they first tasted the forbidden fruit, they both gave each other the first time.

So after so many years, after seeing each other again, the hearts of these two people are always affected by the memories of the past.

It is as if there is a strong magnetic field inside the two people, and it is the kind of magnetic field that the opposite s3x attracts.

When Jacob laid hands on Meiqing, they had been close to each other countless times, and had an impulse in heart several times, wanting to hug the other person directly in arms.

But this impulse was quickly suppressed by the timidity in his heart.

Meiqing herself is very capable in housework, but today because she has her first love around her, she also feels that no matter what she does, she seems a little absent-minded.

Even always distracted by the man around her.

A few times when she cut things, she almost cut her own hands because of distraction.

Jacob was also a little absent-minded by the side. His energy was not on washing vegetables, picking vegetables, and helping Meiqing at all, but on Meiqing herself.

At this moment, Jacob even regretted moving to Tomson’s big villa.

Because, if it were in the previous home, in such a small kitchen, two people were busy working in it, even if they borrowed it, they would have to touch or even stick to each other.

But the kitchen of Tomson’s villa is really too big.

Even if there are five people working in it at the same time, they can be in order without disturbing each other.

Therefore, every time Jacob wants to get closer to Meiqing, he needs to find some special reasons or excuses.

Jacob struggled for a long time and didn’t dare to hug Meiqing. Every time he mustered up the courage, he soon persuaded himself against it.

Finally, when Meiqing put the shrimp into the pot, Jacob suddenly showed courage and hugged her from behind Meiqing, and murmured nervously and excitedly in her mouth: “Meiqing, Over the past twenty years, I really missed you!”

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