Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 665 – 666

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Chapter 665

At the thought of killing Mr. Orvel tonight, Roger became excited!

Dad is right, Mr. Orvel is equivalent to Charlie’s firepower in Aurous Hill!

If you want to defeat Charlie smoothly, you must first remove his firepower point!

Moreover, just taking it off is not enough!

You have to turn this firepower point into your own firepower point!

In this way, this firepower point became the bridgehead for the Wu family to march into Aurous Hill in the future!

At that time, Charlie must pay the price of his life for the girl who insulted and made his own!

As for the Qin family and the White family, they have to pay the price for not kneeling and licking the Wu family!

At this time, Regnar looked at Roger and said lightly: “Calm down when things happen, and don’t be overly excited.”

Roger hurriedly put away the involuntary excitement on his face, and said, “Dad, I see!”

“Yeah.” Regnar nodded, no longer taking Charlie’s matter into his heart, but asked: “A birthday gift for Mr. Song, is it ready?”

Roger nodded and said: “It’s ready. I’ve inquired that Mr. Song likes Thompson Yin and Thompson Bohu’s calligraphy and painting the most. He collects a lot of them on weekdays, so I specially asked someone to get one from the collection at home overnight. Thompson Bohu’s Moon Spring picture scroll is used as a birthday gift. This painting is worth at least two to three billion. I believe he will like it!”

Regnar gave a hum, his eyes also showed satisfaction.

Even if it is placed in the Wu family, the Yuequan scroll is a treasure among the treasures. With this painting as a stepping stone, it will open the door of the Song family and let the Old Master Song pay more attention to the Wu family, and even make him agree to the marriage between the two families.

The birthday banquet has officially begun at this time.

Mr. Song stepped onto the small stage built up to thank all the guests present and thank everyone for coming to his eighty-year-old birthday banquet.

After the speech, the birthday banquet came to the stage where everyone took turns to congratulate and present birthday gifts.

Two bodyguards in black suits brought up an imperial armchair, and assisted Mr. Song to sit down on the armchair.

Honor’s father, third uncle, and fourth uncle got up first and lined up to the stage.

The three of them bowed their heads to the Old Master’s birthday, and then offered birthday gifts one by one.

Boyu received the gift next to him, and at the same time used the microphone to report the gift and value of the other party.

This is also the tacit understanding and habit that the upper-class family has already formed.

“The eldest son, Tianming Song, gave a tropical island to the Maldives worth 500 million!”

As soon as these words came out, they were amazed in average!

As soon as he came up, Mr. Song has a tropical island. It seemed that Tianming Song was really magnificent!

This Tianming Song is Honor’s father and Warnia’s uncle.

Tianming Song said to Mr. Song at this moment: “Dad, I heard that you have been caught in the cold a few days ago, and your son bought a tropical island specially. If it gets cold later, you will go there to spend the winter!”

Mr. Song nodded very satisfied: “Okay, okay, Tianming, That is so nice of you!”

“The third son, Song Tiansheng, gave a set of Classical Villa in Sanya, worth 200 million!”

A middle-aged man who was much younger than Tianming Song hurriedly said: “Dad, your son didn’t expect my eldest brother to give you an island so generously, this villa really pales in comparison!”

The Old Master Song smiled slightly: “It’s fine when you have your heart. Don’t worry too much.”

“The fourth son, Song Tianen, give a luxury yacht worth 150 million!”

Another middle-aged man hurriedly said: “Dad, this yacht and the Sanya villa were bought together by my third brother and I. If you go to Sanya in the future, you can make a yacht voyage to relax.”

After speaking, he hurriedly said complimentingly: “But we didn’t expect that my eldest brother can gift you an island, and then you can drive the yacht to the Maldives!”

Mr. Song smiled and nodded, and said, “Well, winter is coming. As a family, we can go to the islands of Maldives to spend the winter!”

Chapter 666

After the three sons gave the presents, Warnia and Honor got up together and came to Mr. Song.

At the same time, the two knelt down in front of Mr. Song and took out the birthday gift at the same time.

Boyu reported to the side:

“The honor of the eldest grandson Song, I presented a pair of Laokeng ice-type jadeite ornaments, worth 80 million. He wishes the father a blessing in the East China Sea and a longevity than the gods.”

“The eldest granddaughter Warnia, sent a pair of Ancient pictures, worth 70 million, she wishesh the father a longevity and great prosperity.”

At this time, other guests also stepped forward one after another, giving gifts.

Although they are not as valuable as the gifts from the Song family themselves, they are all valuable gifts, basically between 10 million and 30 million.

At this time, Regnar and Roger stood up, Roger holding the gift, and Regnar came to Father Song together.

Roger gave Charlie a provocative look, his heart filled with contempt.

He is about to give away the priceless authentic Thompson Yin, which must be the most valuable gift among all the guests!

At that time, he will definitely be able to compare Charlie to let him know that there is a huge difference between him and himself!

Thinking of this, Roger was incomparably in his heart, holding the calligraphy and painting in his hand, and bowed to Mr. Song.

Afterwards, he walked up to Mr. Song and said with a smile: “Grandpa Song, this is a gift from me! I heard that you like Thompson Yin’s calligraphy and painting. I let someone bring an authentic piece of Thompson Yin from Wu’s house overnight. Hundreds of millions of Yuequan scrolls, I hope you like it.”

Boyu immediately reported in a loud voice: “The eldest son of the Wu family gave a copy of Thompson Yin’s original Yuequan picture scroll, worth over 100 million!”

As soon as this remark came out, the guests at the scene turned their eyes.

Thompson Yin’s calligraphy and painting are not many in the market, and they belong to the kind that has a price but no market.

Any one of the most common paintings costs at least 30 to 40 million, and the tall ones will be overwhelming.

Once Thompson Yin’s picture of Lushan waterfalls was sold abroad for 3.6 billion.

And this pair of Yuequan scrolls is also a rare treasure of Thompson Yin.

Five years ago, it was photographed by a mysterious rich man at a price of nearly 200 million. Since then, no one never heard any news about Yuequan scrolls.

Unexpectedly, this painting actually reached the Wu family.

It seems that the mysterious rich man who made the purchase should be the Wu family.

This painting was worth 200 million five years ago, and now it is sold for 300 million if it is sold for auction!

If you are lucky, four hundred million may not be impossible!

When Mr. Song heard this, his eyes lit up!

He really didn’t expect that the Wu family’s shots were so generous, but it was just a birthday gift, it turned out to be a Yuequan scroll worth three or four billion!

He likes Thompson Yin’s calligraphy and painting, and everyone in Aurous Hill knows it. Naturally, it is impossible for the Wu family not to understand.

This time they took out Thompson Yin’s Yuequan picture scroll, which can be said to be a standard one, regardless of cost.

So Father Song couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Mr. Wu has a heart! This painting has been fascinated for a long time, and I admire him very much. I didn’t expect that Mr. Wu would be willing to give it to me. I am so grateful!”

Roger was very proud of hearing this.

Haha, you guessed it right! This Old Master is obsessed with Thompson Yin. When he saw this painting, his eyes couldn’t get out!

However, he said calmly on the surface: “Grandpa Song, you don’t have to be so polite, this is what the younger generation should do.”

With that, he couldn’t help but look at Charlie.

Charlie hasn’t come out to give gifts yet, and now he has his most precious gift before him, he is afraid that he will definitely be compared with him!

So, he deliberately smiled at Charlie: “Brother Wade doesn’t know what gift he prepared for Grandpa Song? Grandpa Song admires you so much, you shouldn’t let him down, right?”

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