Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 531 – 532

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Chapter 531

Elaine didn’t know that Noah and Horiyah had already coveted her assets and the Tomson First-Class villa of her son-in-law Charlie.

She was in Shehlain’s house, and she started to rub mahjong with her friends. She didn’t go home until dinner time. The four old ladies ordered some KFC takeaways. One of them was holding a family bucket, eating chicken legs and rubbing mahjong. The one that rubs the mahjong is called shiny.

Charlie finished the meal and was eating with his wife and father-in-law. Claire couldn’t help complaining when seeing his mother still not coming back, saying: “Dad, you also take care of my mother occasionally, don’t keep her all day long to play!”

“Do I care about her?” Jacob snorted, and said, “I don’t have the ability to do it. You have to do it. If I could do it to your mother, I won’t be here today? Do you know why your grandma prefers your uncle, right? Do I need to tell you?”

Claire asked in surprise, “It’s not because of my mother, right?”

“It’s because of her!” Jacob sighed and said, “Your grandfather and your grandma didn’t allow us to get married at the beginning. If your mother had you before she was unmarried, your grandfather wouldn’t compromise. “

Charlie was surprised when he listened. He didn’t expect the mother-in-law and the Old Master to run with the ball!

At this time, Jacob said to Claire again: “Actually, your grandma has never liked your mother, and it hasn’t changed for more than 20 years.”

“Why?” Claire asked puzzledly, “Is there any dissatisfaction, should we not let go of prejudices for more than 20 years?”

Jacob said: “Your grandma said that your mother is a shrew, and she thinks your mother’s family is relatively poor.”

Claire sighed in embarrassment and said, “It’s not good to say, my grandma is not much better than my mother…”

“You’re right.” Jacob nodded and said, “I think the reason why your grandma doesn’t like your mother is because she feels too much like herself…”

Claire rubbed her temples and murmured, “I think what you said makes sense…”

Charlie on the side did not speak, but in his heart he also agreed with Jacob’s words.

The Old Mrs. Willson is the big devil, Elaine is the little devil, and the big devil will get old, so she will be afraid when she sees the little devil. She is afraid that one day she will grow old and the little devil will become the big devil, and then start oppressing her.

Therefore, this is also the fundamental reason why she has been pressing Elaine all the time.

The relationship between Chinese mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very subtle, but in the final analysis, it is nothing more than one point: the mother-in-law wants to hold the daughter-in-law firmly, and the daughter-in-law desperately wants to get rid of the control of the mother-in-law.

Especially Mrs. Willson, a woman with a particularly strong desire for control, I am afraid that no one can stand it.

At this time, the TV that had been playing Aurous Hill News suddenly interrupted a piece of news.

The host said: “The following is an emergency news. A few days ago, the chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Masao Kobayashi died in an accident in Tokyo. According to Japanese media, the cause of death was that his eldest son, Ichiro, gave him poison. It shows that Masao Kobayashi took a drug with a strong excitatory effect, which caused the heart to become overloaded and he died of a sudden heart attack.”

Speaking of this, the host said: “Interpol has received news that Ichiro is currently hiding in Aurous Hill, and now the Kobayashi family is offering a reward of 3 billion yen to hunt down Ichiro, so a large number of Japanese killers and gang members have entered. In Aurous Hill, the police are actively hunting down these killers. The general public are requested to be vigilant and call the police immediately if they find suspicious persons!”

When Jacob heard this, he smacked his lips and said, “This Ichiro is really a beast. In order to inherit the family property, he will not let go of his own father!”

Charlie on the side laughed twice.

He wanted to cure his father’s paralysis, so he was a filial son.

Chapter 532

It’s a pity that this son was in his own hands, so this great filial son has now become a beast that everyone spurned.

After two days of fermentation, the death of Masao Kobayashi, the president of Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, has already aroused great concern in Japan.

Under the vigorous propaganda of Kobayashi’s second son, Jiro, Ichiro became the chief culprit who poisoned his biological father and tried to occupy Kobayashi Pharmaceutical.

The whole Japan scolded Ichiro, thinking that he was the most unfilial livestock in Japan..

At the same time, Jiro also increased the reward for killing Ichiro from 1 billion yen to 3 billion.

He now wants to quickly take the position of chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., so he must let his brother die quickly, and never let him return to Japan alive.

Jiro also knows very well that his elder brother never intended to kill his father, otherwise he would never be in China and would kill his father remotely. Then, if his father died, he could not take over immediately. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money for him? ?

Therefore, he can also guess that the eldest brother is dying now.

After all, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical gave Charlie 10 billion, which is enough to see that Charlie was behind the whole incident.

However, the eldest brother has nothing to do with the wrongdoing. He is not wronged. He is the eldest son succeeding to the throne. What’s the matter with himself?

If his second son wanted to counterattack, he had to suppress his eldest son.

Because of this, he couldn’t wait to let his eldest brother die in Aurous Hill.

Because if Ichiro could never speak, his position would be more stable.

From his continuous increase in the bounty, it can also be seen that this person is now very eager to kill Ichiro as soon as possible.

So Charlie sent a WeChat to Orvel, asking him to contact Jiro, asking for one billion. If he puts out one billion, he will sell him Ichiro, and if he can’t get it, he will escort Ichiro. Back to Tokyo to open a press conference to clarify the reason, and then openly compete with him for the successor of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical.

Charlie’s thinking is simple. If Jiro wants to be the chairman, he must cooperate with him. Otherwise, he will let Ichiro trouble him. If the brothers share Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, the loss will be far greater in Billions.

Without saying anything, Mr. Orvel immediately contacted Jiro and told him Charlie’s request intact.

Jiro went crazy after hearing this.


Kobayashi Pharmaceutical has given Charlie 10 billion for the prescription of that poison!

The ten billion thing was given by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. voluntarily at the beginning, and it was his father who was fooled by the other party.

When he think about it, it’s d*mn irritating. My father spent 10 billion to buy a poison, and then he ate it himself to death and took his life.

If this transaction were to spread out, it would be the first unjust case in the ages.

Jiro felt that if Charlie wanted to be a person, he should just kill his eldest brother as a reward. He didn’t expect this guy to speak up and ask him one billion? When did he open a bank?

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