Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 511 – 512

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Chapter 511

Hearing this, Youngzheng was desperate!

He has always been very upset with the bitter cold land of Changbai Mountain!

Had it not been for the fact that he had to collect medicine personally when he started his business, he would not be willing to go to that cold place.

Precisely because he didn’t look down on the bitter cold place, he didn’t look down on Liang’s mother as much as 10,000. He just felt that it was a temporary plaything, just playing with her and forgetting.

However, he never dreamed that Charlie would punish him and prevent him from leaving Changbai Mountain forever!

That’s a place that he has always hated!

What’s the difference between letting oneself go there and never leaving forever?

He had a problem with his body a long time ago, and he couldn’t live for a few years. If he went to a place like Changbai Mountain, he would die faster, right?

Moreover, living in that place is simply better than death for a bad Old Master like him who is greedy for pleasure!

He looked at Charlie desperately, crying and begging: “Mr. Wade, my bad Old Master will not survive for a few years. Please be merciful. I am willing to pass on Wei’s Pharmaceutical to Liang, and please let me stay in Aurous Hill, let me spend my old age here…”

Charlie asked coldly: “Have you ever thought that Liang’s mother has been dead for twenty years? You s*umbag has lived twenty years longer than her, and you have made a lot of money! So, for the rest of the days in your life you will go to Changbai Mountain to confess! Not only do you go to the mountain every day to dig ginseng, but also have to sweep the grave of Liang’s mother every day!”

After that, he looked at Liang and ordered: “Liang, after you accept Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, immediately organize some people to go there, supervise them every day, and ask them to sweep your mother’s grave every morning and enter the mountains every morning and afternoon. Collect ginseng, do not allow them to use mobile phones, surf the Internet, or watch TV. Let them live a life depending on sunrise and sunset every day! If they dare to be passive, break their legs and throw them into ice pops in the snow. !”

Liang was thrilled with excitement. Unexpectedly, Charlie not only helped himself get Wei’s pharmaceuticals, but also helped him to discipline Youngzheng and Barena. More importantly, this punishment method was so hard that he would never even dream of it. The perfect ending!

Let them go to Changbai Mountain and spend the rest of their lives in the place they spurned. It is ironic, blackly humorous, and hate-free!

He was extremely grateful to Charlie, and he immediately knelt on the ground and said respectfully: “Thank you, Mr. Wade, for your perfection! Please rest assured, Mr. Wade, I will do it!”

Charlie gave a hum, glanced at Youngzheng and Barena and his son, and said coldly: “If these two dare to escape from Changbai Mountain, they will automatically activate the 500 million chasing order. As long as they dare to leave Changbai Mountain in this life, they will die! “

When Barena heard this, his eyes burst into tears.

He was already the second-in-chief of Wei’s Pharmaceuticals. With a wide network of contacts in Aurous Hill and a well-earned family, his daily life is really a drunken fan.

Suddenly let him go to Changbai Mountain to dig ginseng, and he was not allowed to leave for the rest of his life, which made him more painful than being sentenced to life imprisonment!

After all, if he serves a sentence in a prison, he can at least get a little smoke from modern society.

However, if he goes to Changbai Mountain, that bitter cold land, how can he stand it?

Chapter 512

So he cried out in despair and collapsed: “No! I won’t go! I don’t want to go digging for ginseng in ghost places like Changbai Mountain!”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Charlie and kowtowed his head and said: “Mr. Wade, please forgive me. I am willing to leave China and never come back. Never trouble Liang again. Please don’t let me go to Changbai Mountain.

Charlie didn’t give them a chance at all, and directly ordered the rest of the Wei family: “You, Wei family, listen to me. From now on, you have only two paths. Either follow Liang and work hard, and Liang will make sure Your own vested interests are met; or, follow these two to Changbai Mountain to dig ginseng!”

After speaking, Charlie’s expression was stunned, and he shouted: “I’ll give you ten seconds to stand in line. After thinking about whom to follow, you will stand behind whom!”

As soon as Charlie said this, everyone in the Wei family immediately moved.

However, they all stood behind Liang, all scrambling, without exception!

Youngzheng and Barena scolded angrily: “You gang of white-eyed wolves, our Wei family has really raised you for nothing!”

Everyone completely ignored the accusations of their father and son. As the saying goes, the tree fell and the wall fell and everyone pushed. The father and son had obviously lost power. At this time, the fool would not stand with them, and then follow them to Changbai Mountain to dig for a lifetime of ginseng!

Barena cried loudly, and Youngzheng on the side convulsed all over.

Seeing that the situation is over, Barena could only look at Liang, crying and begging: “Liang, my good brother, although we are not born to the same mother, we are the same father’s children anyway! Half of the blood on our bodies is the same, I am sorry. Poor brother, help me brother plead with Mr. Wade, and forgive me brother! From now on, the Wei family will be yours. I don’t need anything, as long as you don’t send me to Changbai Mountain!”

Liang looked at him coldly and said, “I will not disobey Mr. Wade’s decision for a sc*m like you! What’s more, you have not regarded me as a younger brother for so many years. You have insulted me and insulted my mother for so many years. I have hated you for a long time! Your fate today is entirely on your own account, I am too happy to be too late!”

Youngzheng said shiveringly: “Liang, why am I also your biological father? Would you not be afraid of thunder and lightning if you treat your biological father like this?!”

“Won’t be afraid!” Liang asked coldly: “It’s you. You have hurt so many women and betrayed so many of your own flesh and blood. Are you not afraid of retribution?”

Speaking of this, Liang said seriously: “Actually, you are already getting retribution! You know in your heart that you have not been alive for a few years. Even if a miracle happens, you may be able to live for a few more years, depending on your physical condition. , The period of living more is equal to suffering more! This is your retribution!”

“You…you…” Wei Yong was speechless, angrily for a while, his whole body coughing violently.

Charlie said indifferently: “Give you two an hour to prepare. After an hour, I will arrange for someone to take you to Changbai Mountain!”

After speaking, he immediately called Orvel and said: “Mr. Orvel, you arrange a few clever brothers, arrange two cars, let them pick up the Wei family father and son, and send them all the way to Changbai Mountain! “

Orvel immediately said: “Okay Mr. Wade, I will make arrangements!”

After speaking, Orvel asked again: “By the way, Mr. Wade, Why sending them to Changbai Mountain?”

Charlie said: “Send them to the village at the foot of Changbai Mountain. After that, you will buy them a small house that barely shelters the wind and rain, let the father and son live in, and buy them some rice, noodles, cereals and oil. They are the people of Changbai Mountain, and death is the ghost of Changbai Mountain. Even if they are cremated, the ashes must be buried at the foot of Changbai Mountain! Understand?”

Orvel blurted out: “Mr. Wade, I understand!”

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