Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3871

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Chapter 3871

Jacob was oblivious to the fact that he had just inadvertently sold his daughter and son-in-law out of the whole thing.

On the contrary, he felt that he had done a great job today, and had gotten his daughter and son-in-law a single business each.

This can not be blamed on his stupidity, after all, he could not know that the so-called ‘Zhan Feier’ in front of him, the real identity is Stella, but also hundreds of billions of dollars of the top family’s first lady.

Moreover, he didn’t know that Zhan Feier had rushed to Aurous Hill before the Rejuvenation Pill auction, just to find Charlie.

As the meal proceeded, Stella was in a great mood.

In the subsequent meal, she did not mention feng shui and decoration, and everything she talked about was closely related to the art exhibition as if feng shui and decoration were really just a random topic to talk about.

After the meal, in the farewell, Jacob first can not resist, asked Stella: “Miss Zhan, you talked earlier about feng shui and decoration matters, sure do you need it?”

“If you’re sure, I will tell my daughter and son-in-law when I get home.”

“Sure!” Stella nodded with a smile and said seriously, “How about this Mr. Willson, you first help me make an appointment with your son-in-law, let him have time to help me look at the feng shui,”

“If the feng shui of this house is fine, I will then talk to your daughter about the subsequent decoration needs,”

“If this house has feng shui problems, then I will simply change the set, anyway, it is only a matter of tens of millions of dollars.”

Stella did not deliberately show off, deliberately Versailles, in Aurous Hill to buy a set of tens of millions, thousands of square feet of single-family houses,”

“In the eyes of the local people in Aurous Hill, almost to the head, but for Stella, just like ordinary people to the tourist attractions, casually buy a souvenir.

Moreover, Stella does not want to meet with Charlie, followed by Charlie’s wife, it is better to line up the couple first, if she can not break through Charlie from the front, then from his wife’s side take a detour.

Jacob also felt that people Stella said no problem, first look at the feng shui, if no problem with feng shui before decoration, this logic is reasonable, justified, and convincing.

So, he said with a smile, “Okay, okay, I’ll talk to my son-in-law later, and let him take the time to go and give you a look!”

Stella nodded hastily, handed Jacob a business card, and said with a smile, “Vice President Willson, this is my business card, if your son-in-law is okay with it, please ask him to contact me.”

Jacob said with a smile, “No problem, I’ll talk to him when I get home!”


Back home, Jacob was in a good mood, parked his car, and whistled all the way into the house.

Charlie, Claire, and Elaine had just eaten dinner, and when Elaine saw Jacob enter the house, she immediately beckoned him, “Jacob, come and put away the dining table!”

Jacob was stunned and said with a black face, “Why should I clean up the meal you three ate? Why don’t you clean up?”

Elaine glared at him and said angrily, “You are out so late, let you do some housework should I not?”

Saying that, Elaine with a dissatisfied face muttered: “all day and night in the outside of what the bullsh!t association, I have not seen you bring a few million home, what is the use if still not a waste?”

“And your level, outsiders do not know, I still can not know? In the old days, the idiom of “to fill up the number with a few” is a true reflection of you,”

“Just like you still have the courage to represent Aurous Hill to Korea for exchange? We’re lucky if you don’t disgrace Aurous Hill!”

Recently, Elaine’s mood has been a bit low.

The main reason for her low mood was that the last time Jacob told her about going to Korea for cultural exchange, made Elaine was somewhat jealous in her heart, and also somewhat inferior.

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