Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3467 – 3468

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Chapter 3467

Andrew was feeling jolt from the old man’s deadly stare , hurriedly said: “Dad …… I am feeling …… this all things …… it is no life safety most important ah ……”

He continue to swim: “And, our Wade family assets are more than trillions? Take out half of it, the rest is enough for us to live a lifetime of jade, food, and clothing, after all, with money life cannot be brought back, but if we can delay death is it really meaningless……”

“Moreover, our Wade family may be able to rise again in the future in my hands, or in the hands of Morgan, at that time, what is lost today, we can still earn back!”

Zhongquan stared at him and asked coldly, “Rise again? With you? Or just the two of you?”

Andrew said awkwardly: “Yes …… my ability is really not very good, I step back and say, even if you can not rise again, so what? Even if we sit on the mountain, so much money is enough for us to eat a few lifetimes ah!

Andrew more and more energetic, even said and gestured to persuade: “If you are worried about the future children and grandchildren do not compete, we can take out half of the remaining assets to set up a closed family trust!

“A trust fund of several hundred billion yuan, the annual revenue of at least one or two hundred billion yuan, you just need to stipulate that future children and grandchildren can only take the net profit from the trust fund,”

“The principal is not allowed to move, then our future children and grandchildren, even if we can not make the Wade family rise again, but at least can also be very rich and prosperous in a lifetime!”

“In this way, we can ensure that our Wade family lineage will live on, and never have to worry about the future children and grandchildren of the Wade family going bankrupt ……”

“If you look at it this way, isn’t it pretty good? Does everyone say so?”

Except for Charlie and Helena, everyone else nodded their heads.

For this group of people, no one wants to put their life safety at half risk.

Staying alive is the most important thing for them.

In front of living, what’s a little less money? Even if ninety percent of the Wade family’s assets are given up, they still have two hundred billion, tighter is enough.

Andrew saw that the other Wade family members also showed their approval, so he knew that his proposal had a basic public base.

So, he said to Zhongquan, “Dad! I think you should agree to the request of the Cataclysmic Front!”

“Yes!” The third one, Changyun, also hurriedly said, “Dad, big brother is right, it’s better to live than to die, we have to think about the Wade family’s bloodline and incense!”

Cynthia also hurriedly nodded her head and said, “Dad! If you agree to their terms, you can still build the Waderest Mountain, you can still earn money, there is nothing more important than the peace and security of the family, don’t you think?”

Except for younger sister, Laila, who had not spoken out, almost everyone else had clearly stated their position and agreed to accept the demands of the Cataclysmic Front.

Chapter 3468

Charlie had not spoken, but instead looked at Andrew as well as the other Wade family members with a cold expression.

At this moment, he was very disappointed with the temperament and backbone of the Wade family people.

Not just disappointed, even a bit angry.

Because, these people who wanted to accept the other side’s conditions, did not take the other side’s desire to leave their parents’ casket seriously at all.

They, only want to live.

Moreover, in their view, only money is needed to flesh out, the rest is not important.

At this time, Zhongquan saw so many sons and daughters have fallen, the heart is a sharp pain.

He did not expect that none of his sons and daughters could put the family’s dignity first.

All of them only wanted to live.

This made him feel incomparably sad.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but rebuke with a face full of pain: “You all persuaded me to agree one by one, but have you ever thought that they want Changying’s casket!”

“Changying was your own brother, how could you give his coffin to others and let them trample on it? If that’s the case, even if you can live on for a few more years or decades, when you die, how will you have the face to meet Changying?

Harmen smoked a cigar, then yawned again and said with a smile, “Hey, still the old man has the insight, the main demand of our Front, is to thwart Changying!”

Hearing these words, Charlie had a strong urge in his heart to rip Harmen’s head off his neck directly!

However, he still resisted the impulse in his heart, while admonishing himself in his heart: “Steady, must be steady! A little intolerance is a big mistake! If I move against Harmen today, that Joseph will never bring his parents’ casket up to Waderest Mountain early tomorrow morning!”

At this moment, Cynthia, once she heard Harmen’s words, lowered her head in embarrassment.

But Andrew said with a serious face, “Dad! Changying is already dead! As the saying goes, a person’s death is like a lamp going out, except for a coffin and a tombstone, there is nothing else left, but we are still alive! We are still flesh and blood, shouldn’t we think about the living?

Morgan also said: “Yes, Grandpa! It was my second uncle who caused the incident, and now they are seeking revenge, there is no reason for us to take the blame for him!”

After saying that, he was even more righteous and indignant, looking at Charlie, gritting his teeth, and saying, “Even if someone really has to take the blame, it should be Charlie, after all, he is my second uncle’s ……”

Morgan did not finish his sentence, Zhongquan angrily raised his hand and slapped him, shouting angrily, “Ba5tard! You shut up!”

After saying that, he said with a face of hatred, “You are all greedy people who are afraid of death! If my son Changying were still alive, he would never be as spineless as you are!”

Speaking here, Zhongquan’s two hot tears rolled down.

At this moment, he was completely disappointed in his own sons and grandsons.

Morgan had just deliberately wanted to expose Charlie’s identity as Changying’s son so that he could guide the Cataclysmic Front to divert hatred, but he didn’t expect to be slapped fiercely by the old man before he could finish his words.

He was so indignant in his heart that he almost yelled out Charlie’s identity out of his mouth, but his father Andrew glared at him from the side and sternly shouted, “You rebellious son! Quickly shut your mouth for me!”

Andrew understood very well in his heart that even if he sold Charlie out in public at this time, it was unlikely that the Cataclysmic Front would let the other Wade family members go because of it.

But it was likely to completely anger the old man because of this.

Don’t look now that the old man has rejected the other side, but the only way back is still in the old man’s hands.

In case the old master figured it out and agreed to the conditions of the Cataclysmic Front with a bite, then when the storm is over, the old master, as the head of the Wade family, still holds half of the Wade family’s assets.

But at that time, Morgan, who betrayed Charlie, could never be reused by the old man again, and even he would be dragged down by him.

Therefore, he did not want his son to break his own back at this time.

Morgan was reprimanded by his father and immediately did not dare to say more.

Zhongquan didn’t even bother to look at him at this time, he turned to Charlie and asked, “Charlie …… about this situation today, what do you think should happen?”

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