Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3437 – 3438

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Chapter 3437

At this point in the room, there is still no response.

Morgan some suspicion, can not help but again increased the strength of the hand, hard tap on the door, shouted: “Helena, are you there?”

There was still no movement in the room.

At this time, the door of the next room opened and two young women came out, one with a Nordic face and one with a Chinese face.

Morgan recognized them, these two women, were the attendants Helena brought over from Northern Europe.

So, he opened his mouth and asked the Chinese girl: “Where is your princess?”

That Chinese girl opened her mouth and said, “In the room.”

“How is that possible!” Morgan frowned and said, “I knocked on the door for half a day, but no one paid attention, did she go out?”

“I don’t think so.” The girl spoke: “If the princess wants to go out, she will usually tell us.”

Then, she also came over and knocked hard on Helena’s room door and shouted, “Your Highness, Your Highness, are you there?”

There was no response in the room.

The girl’s expression suddenly changed and she immediately took out her pocket room card and swiped it at the door, which opened with a sound.

Immediately, the two girls rushed in one after the other.

Morgan hurriedly followed in, but before he entered the room, he heard a panicked shout inside: “Your Highness, wake up, Your Highness!”

When Morgan rushed in, he saw Helena lying on the living room carpet, completely unconscious.

The Chinese girl immediately began to skillfully perform heart compressions on Helena’s heart, while urging Morgan: “Call an ambulance!”

“Oh oh oh ……” Morgan then came back to his senses, he still did not know what the hell was going on, but he could only hurry to take out his cell phone and dial the emergency number first.

As soon as the phone connected, the operator immediately asked: “Hello, emergency center, how can I help you?”

Morgan said in a panic: “Uh …… that …… I someone on my side has fainted …… uh… …need an ambulance!”

The operator hurriedly inquired, “Yes, please tell me the address?”

Morgan said offhand: “The address is the Shangri-La Hotel …… room number is …… room number …… oops crap, I can’t remember it all of a sudden ……”

The Chinese girl shouted, “8th floor! 8108!”

Morgan was busy saying, “Oh oh, 8th floor, 8108!”

The operator said, “Okay received, Shangri-La Hotel, 8th floor, 8108, and also what is the patient’s condition that caused the fainting?”

“What cause?” Morgan said confused: “This …… I do not know …… is fainted, unconscious …… “

That Chinese girl shouted, “Congenital heart disease! Severe tetralogy of Fallot! Please immediately send emergency personnel over, please contact the hospital with cardiology emergency ready to receive her!”

Morgan all listened frozen, thinking in his heart: “Helena has congenital heart disease? Or is it severe? That Charlie was really fcuking right?

While Morgan was in a daze, the operator on the other end of the phone had already heard the Chinese girl’s voice and hurriedly said, “Yes, I’ll arrange it for you! Please make sure you keep the phone open!”

At this time, the Chinese girl said to the Scandinavian girl in front of her again, “Emily, Her Highness is in a very serious condition, please go get the defibrillator!”

“Yes!” The girl immediately ran back to the room, and ten seconds later, she ran in with a first aid kit.

Chapter 3438

Just after she reached Helena’s side, she immediately took out a portable defibrillator from the first aid kit and started to prepare the defibrillator for powering on.

The Chinese girl looked at Morgan and shouted, “You get out! We’re going to defibrillate Her Highness!”

Morgan subconsciously said, “It’s okay, I’ll just watch here, I won’t delay you ……”

Chinese girl shouted: “defibrillation is to take off clothes! Can’t see the truth, do not you understand? Hurry out!”

Morgan had to slink out of the room.

At this moment, inside the room, one of the two girls continued to do external chest compressions for Helena, while the other one prepared the defibrillator, ripped open Helena’s pajamas, and said, “The defibrillator is ready!”

“Yes!” The Chinese girl blurted out, “I’ll count to one, two, three, and after three seconds my hands will be disengaged and you will defibrillate immediately!”


The Chinese girl continued to apply compressions to Helena while shouting, “One, two, three! Defibrillation!”

After saying that, she withdrew her hands like lightning, and the other girl skillfully took advantage of the gap to put the defibrillator on Helena’s heart and, with a bang, performed the first defibrillation.

Defibrillation just ended, the Chinese girl immediately continued compressions, while observing Helena’s condition, and spoke: “The princess is still not awake, I will do CPR a few more times, you continue to prepare for defibrillation!”


Two minutes later, when the Chinese girl saw that Helena hadn’t woken up, she couldn’t help but panic a little and spoke, “Energy up to 360 joules, prepare for defibrillation!”

The other girl was startled at hearing this and was about to ask something, but held it back.

She also knew that the situation was urgent and she had to take a chance.

So, she immediately adjusted the defibrillator parameters and performed second defibrillation.

Unfortunately, this time Helena still did not have any response.

Both girls were a bit panicked at this point, and the Chinese girl said through clenched teeth, “Prepare adrenaline ……”

The other Scandinavian girl asked in a panic: “Now with epinephrine? The doctor has instructed that the princess’s heart must be dealt with epinephrine.”

“Not to use it as a last resort, because after using it, the princess is…. I am afraid that it will not last long ……”

The Chinese girl said, “No more, the princess can’t even be saved! In any case, we can’t let her just go, no matter what, we have to let her leave her last words, otherwise we can’t go back and explain to Princess Olivia!”

Saying that, the Chinese girl added: “The princess’ current condition, if we delay another minute, it will be impossible to wake her up again!”

“Okay!” The Scandinavian girl gritted her teeth and took out a closed package syringe from the first aid kit, which was already filled with a small amount of clear liquid medicine.

The Chinese girl took the syringe from her hand, and while tearing the package, instructed, “Take out your cell phone and prepare to record!”

“Okay!” The Scandinavian girl agreed, and then pulled out her phone and opened the video.

Afterward, the Chinese girl aimed the needle tip at Helena’s heart and then stabbed it down without hesitation.

The most effective way to get adrenaline at a time like this is to give a direct intracardiac injection.

The doctor had long said that Helena’s body, as a last resort, could not use epinephrine, because once it was used, the stimulation suffered by the heart would cause her other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to strike instantly.

But now there is no other way, only adrenaline can bring Helena back to light, even if only for a few minutes, but also better than just die directly.

Sure enough!

After an adrenaline shot into her heart, Helena’s heart instantly resumed beating.

But, at this time, the heart, has become a boiler on the verge of explosion, even if it barely resumes operation, it is only the end of the strong.

Immediately after the shot, suddenly she opened her eyes!

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