Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3391 – 3392

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Chapter 3391

Shoude really did not expect that this elder brother of his, in this recent period of time has been so rough.

In contrast, he was locked up here, still considered to be having a good time.

Although personal freedom is restricted and living conditions are a bit tougher, at least he doesn’t have to live under fire all day, and it’s still a distant and war-torn place like Syria.

The two brothers were overwhelmed with emotions, and the two of them, who had fought since childhood, suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other at this moment.

At this time, Orvel’s men had already brought two bottles of white wine, and the two brothers, who were sighing with relief, simply picked up the bottles of white wine and drank from them.

Both have not tasted the taste of wine for a long time, plus the heart boredom sigh, so soon got drunk, leaning against the wall and fell asleep.

On the other hand, Charlie finished explaining to Orvel and told him to keep a close watch on these people, then left the dog farm and returned to his home.

The major defeat of the Cataclysmic Front in Syria was triggering a devastating chain effect at this time.

After only one day, this matter has spread more and more widely in the international arena, even the Chinese media has a rare report on the news.

The news said that the illegal mercenary group, the Cataclysmic Front, intended to violate the sovereign state and was subsequently captured by the country.

Which was the biggest victory in the country’s sovereign war in recent years and greatly boosted the morale of the country’s people.

The definition of the Cataclysmic Front as an illegal mercenary organization outside of China is not exclusive to the Chinese media.

Almost every country in the world that reported this news had the same attitude.

Because, when it comes to nations and countries, a sovereign state is the root of jurisprudence.

An armed organization like the Cataclysmic Front, on the other hand, stands completely on the opposite side of jurisprudence.

We are all the same sovereign state, so naturally, they will raise their voices against this kind of behavior.

This is like the world’s countries before, although there are all kinds of competition, all kinds of rivalry, but they all treat the Somali pirates with the same attitude, that is, resolutely combat, will not condone.

Because of this, the Cataclysmic Front in the international situation is increasingly passive.

Africa, as well as other countries in the Middle East that have hired the Cataclysmic Front, immediately ended cooperation with it, drawing clear boundaries.

Yesterday they were comrades in arms, but today they immediately gave an ultimatum, demanding that the soldiers of the Front leave the country by the deadline, and never allowing any of the soldiers of the Front to stay in their countries.

This time, the Cataclysmic Front fell into a huge business crisis.

If the Front is a foundry with tens of thousands of employees, now, this foundry has lost all orders and completely lost its economic source.

However, the pay level of these mercenaries was extremely high, even if they were not fighting, they had to pay a high base salary according to a certain percentage.

Otherwise, they would immediately break away from the Cataclysmic Front and join other mercenary organizations with orders.

So, the day after Charlie’s return, the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front collectively asked the top brass.

If the organization could not arrange work for them within a short period of time, then either it would pay them on a daily basis at 70% of their normal salary;

Or they would immediately break away from the Front.

When the three great battle commanders under him reported this information to Joseph, he was already anxious, and he was even more worried.

He gritted his teeth and cursed at the people, “Rubbish! All a bunch of fcuking trash! How do you middle and senior officers usually lead the team?”

“At the critical moment, why do they have no collective consciousness or sense of collective honor?”

“Why didn’t any of them take the initiative to express their willingness to accompany the Cataclysmic Front to tide over the difficult times?”

“At this time, they only want money, even the white-eyed wolves are not as fcuked up as they are, right?”

Chapter 3392

Harmen hurriedly said, “Supreme Commander, this group of our men are mercenaries themselves ……”

“These people used to be in special forces of various countries, and they do have a strong sense of collective consciousness and collective honor when they serve their homeland with allegiance ……”

“But …… but that’s not a feeling that is born out of nothing ……”

“That is the love and loyalty to the motherland that they have accumulated since childhood, 20 or 30 or even 30 or 40 years ……”

“But after they became mercenaries, their purpose is very simple, it is only to make money…”

Harmen said so much in a row, could not help but sigh, and said: “This is like those women who have fallen into the red dust, people did not go to sea before they talk about feelings, but since they came out to sell, is to make money.”

“If we do not give money, but also want them to talk to us about feelings, it is really not very realistic ah ……”

Joseph heard this, expression is red and white.

He naturally knows the meaning of Harmen’s words, he also understands.

Not paying money and still wanting mercenaries to serve you is a fool’s dream.

However, he really couldn’t accept any greater loss now.

If all the people were gone, how could the Cataclysmic Front develop in the future?

It’s just that this group of people is really a bit too unfeeling.

This just went wrong, and immediately demanded that they must be paid at 70% of their normal salary.

For these tens of thousands of people, the cost of one day’s payroll would be more than $100 million.

In addition, the 15,000 people in Syria, also have to spend money to find a way to rescue, plus the war has caused huge losses, the amount will increase geometrically.

The most fcuked up thing is, now countries are not willing to cooperate with the Front, the follow-up income is almost completely cut off, who knows how long it will stop before there is a turnaround?

At this rate, the losses before and after this time, billions of dollars may not be able to suppress.

Thinking of this, Joseph’s whole body was extremely hard to bear.

Cataclysmic Front encountered such a major difficulty, but he could not go to solve it immediately, this feeling of being unable to do anything about it made him suffer a lot more.

At this time, Harmen opened his mouth to persuade: “Supreme Commander, I think you might as well agree to their request, extraordinary times, more cost is acceptable, the United States of America’s Blackwater has been trying to poach our people.”

“They have orders from the White House in several countries in the Middle East, short of manpower, if we do not stabilize the army, I’m afraid they will just jump ship to join the Blackwater!”

Joseph with a cold face nodded, said: “Just do as you say, let everyone withdraw from the front line after the first each rest, rest of this period, we pay according to 70% of the pay, the other things, wait for me to return!”

After saying that, he looked at the date on his wristwatch and said with a silent expression, “Today is already April 2, the last three days left before the Qingming Festival.”

“I strive to solve the problem on April 5, the day of the Qingming Festival, and on April 6, April 7 at the latest, we can depart for Syria!”

“No problem!” Harmen said without hesitation, “By then, we will k!ll together to go up to Waderest Mountain, and after forcing the Wade family to give up Mountain, we will immediately move your parents’ coffins in on the 6th of April!”

Joseph waved his hand and said coldly: “Time is running out, we don’t have to wait for April 6th. The day after tomorrow, you will come with me to invite my parents’ ashes out and put them into the coffins I have prepared.”

“On the fifth day, carry my parents’ coffins up to the Mountain, so that my parents can be present to witness how I brought the Wade family to their knees and threw Changying to the ground!

The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the most out of your life.

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