Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3371 – 3372

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Chapter 3371

Hearing that Walter was going to show off his muscles to the negotiators sent by Hamid, the entire 15,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front immediately started to prepare quickly as if they had been beaten by chicken blood.

Except for a very small number of middle and high ranking officers, who were determined to avenge their dead brothers, the vast majority of the remaining soldiers of the Front did not have any feelings about such things as revenge.

After all, they are all mercenaries, from all over the world under the banner of the Cataclysmic Front to fight side by side just to make money, who dies and who is wounded, in fact, does not touch them.

They really care about the issues that are closely related to themselves, such as how much money to earn, dangerous or not, tough or not.

Other than that, it is completely irrelevant and high up.

Therefore, they are so interested in showing their muscles at the moment, not for any sense of collective honor, but they have long been tired of staying in this shitty place, and only want to hurry to be able to end.

Now that the other side has come to peace talks, seize the time to show a wave in front of the other side, the best is to scare them soft and scared, so that they obediently surrender.

Heard that the government army for this review, but also painstakingly, specifically from other places to draw 20,000 to 30,000 people, the soldiers of the Front are very excited, the two sides together 50,000 to 60,000 people, won’t scare the negotiators send by Hamid to death?

As for the matter of not allowing live ammunition, there is nothing unusual, the world over parades are conducted without live ammo.

The real army live-fire parade only occurred once, that is, the Soviet parade in 1941, more than 100,000 soldiers on this side participated in the parade, the other side immediately marched off to the battlefield to defend the country.

In addition, all the parade must ensure no live ammunition, otherwise in case with a bullet in the gun, find an enemy representative to shot and kill, the situation will be really unmanageable.

So, the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front have consciously removed all the ammunition from their guns, and their superiors have also issued an order that officers at all levels must check the guns of the grassroots officers and soldiers for confirmation twice.

At the same time, the government troops were also actively preparing, only they were diametrically opposed to the Cataclysmic Front, what they wanted to confirm was that the weapons and ammunition were all in a state of readiness.

Afterward, soldiers from both sides began to line up in a large open area in front of the camp.

The government troops who were originally fighting alongside Cataclysmic Front were assembled on the right side of Front, while the government troops who were especially drawn from all over the world were arranged to assemble on the left side of the Cataclysmic Front.

While a large number of armored vehicles were all lined up and parked right in front, which was equivalent to wrapping the 15,000 people of Cataclysmic Front as dumplings.

However, the soldiers of the Front did not feel any abnormality.

Walter walked out of the negotiation room at Charlie’s command.

He came directly to the front of his own soldiers’ formation and put his hands behind his back, repeatedly emphasizing the phrase: “All listen to the order! We must show our strongest posture and strive to overwhelm the enemy from the momentum!”

All the mercenaries of the Cataclysmic Front responded, each standing as tall as a pine.

At the same time, they also despised the government troops on the left and right sides in their hearts, these guys, all hanging around, how can they look like a soldier.

But who would have thought that just as the army was assembled and the 15,000 Cataclysmic Front soldiers were waiting for Hamid’s negotiators to appear, all the government troops suddenly pointed their guns and cannons at the 15,000 Cataclysmic Front soldiers.

Followed by someone shouting through a loudspeaker: “All Cataclysmic Front soldiers must surrender unconditionally with their hands raised! Anyone who dares to resist and refuses to surrender will be k!lled on sight!”

With this, the 15,000 soldiers completely exploded!

Who would have thought that things would suddenly take a huge turn for the worse!

Who would have thought that friendly troops who were fighting side by side would suddenly turn on each other with guns?

Chapter 3372

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, Walter said loudly, “All soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, listen to the order! I order you to unconditionally surrender to the government troops.”

“Wait for the government troops to arrest you, no one can resist, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!”

At this moment, all the soldiers collapsed.

If it was a friendly army that suddenly turned against them, it could still be justified, but their own supreme commander also turned against them, what the h3ll is this?

This is one of the four battle generals of the Front, how can they be in cahoots with the government army?

Victor, who has the best relationship with Walter, couldn’t help but ask: “Commander, what the h3ll is going on here ……?”

Walter said in a cold voice: “I fcuking told you to surrender, you don’t understand human words?”

Victor was dumbfounded, he did not want to believe that his closest comrade, the brother he grew up with would betray everyone.

Could not help but open his mouth and ask: “Brother Walter, what the hell is wrong with you?! What are you doing this for?!”

Before Walter became one of the four battle generals, Victor called him Brother Walter, and this had been the title that Victor had never changed for Walter since he was a child.

And at this time, he was hoping to use this way to wake up his brother, so that he could return from the lost path.

However, Walter has long lost control of himself.

His consciousness was almost collapsing and he wanted to k!ll himself, but his body was uncontrollable as he walked in front of Victor and slapped him fiercely across the face, angrily saying, “I’ll k!ll you if you talk any more nonsense!”

Victor burst into tears, and he couldn’t help but choke up and say, “Brother Walter! You are one of the most loyal leaders of the Cataclysmic Front, the Front is your lifelong faith, how can you ……”

Walter’s own consciousness was already painful to the extreme, but his body still could not control pulling out a pistol and putting the muzzle against Victor’s head, speaking in a cold voice, “One more word of nonsense, and I will shoot!”

Victor looked at Walter’s murderous eyes, and while his heart was desperate to the extreme, he gave up struggling.

Although he did not know what Walter had gone through and why in the end he had become like this?

He knew that at this moment Walter’s determination had already been made up, and nothing he could say would be of any use.

When Walter saw that Victor no longer spoke, he put away his gun and said in a cold voice: “If you surrender obediently, the government forces will not make things difficult for you, but if you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot immediately!”

At this moment, the government’s armored vehicles had already surrounded in all directions, and the guns on the vehicles as well as the muzzles of the heavy machine guns were all aimed at the 15,000 soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

Walter paused slightly and added: “You must remember! You are non-government armed, even if you are killed by the other side’s army in the territory of other countries.”

“The other side can completely define you as a hostile force for illegal invasion, and no one will say a word for your death at that time!”

These Cataclysmic Front people had completely given up the idea of resistance after hearing Walter’s words, coupled with the dark guns in front of them.

Even though there were still many three-star as well as four-star battle generals among them, they did not dare to make a move at all at this time.

Because they know that the other side still wants to solve the problem peacefully, if their side, the other side can directly shoot.

What is the significance of three-star and four-star battle generals?

Even a five-star general can’t afford to take an AK47 shot.

So, they have no choice but to give up their hands!

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