Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3209 – 3210

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Chapter 3209

Wendy’s red eyes, emotional roar: “To be honest I’ve long had enough of you bossing me around!”

“You were the one who made me go with Gerald, you were the one who made me go with Fredmen, you were the one who caused me to lose my reputation, caused the Willson family to go bankrupt, and caused me to be forced to work as a courtesan to support my family!

“I have been suffering for more than a year, and a large part of it is because of you! You don’t repent, but now you want to force me to turn my back on my brother-in-law who has been so kind to me.

Mrs. Willson also broke down and cried: “In the past, grandmother certainly did something wrong, you can blame grandmother, I have nothing to say, but I have loved you for so many years, do you not know how to be grateful?”

“You don’t know how to be grateful to me, but you even said that Charlie has a kindness to you, you talk like this, don’t you think you are losing your conscience?

The angry Wendy said without thinking, “Of course I don’t feel guilty! When I was forced to sign a contract of sale at the ceremony company, it was brother-in-law who rescued me!”

Wendy said, with tears in her eyes, continued, “Brother-in-law not only saved me, but also drove away the black-hearted boss and his girlfriend, and restored the freedom of all the other sisters who were forced to sign the deed together!”

“And, I tell you the truth, it was brother-in-law who gave me the Shangmei Etiquette Company to take care of! What I can have today, it is all because of brother-in-law’s care! The nobleman I am talking about is him!”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, her whole body was shocked, and her eyes could not wait to fall to the ground.

She had never dreamed that the noble person that Wendy had met was Charlie!

It is ridiculous that she thought that Wendy had climbed up to a nobleman, Charlie instead might have to falter, so she ran over to him for a round of mockery, but did not expect that the reason why their family still has food and drink is that he rewarded them a mouthful of food!

At this time, Wendy more and more excited, to the old lady Willson, said loudly: “Shangmei etiquette company can do so much so quickly, and it is not because of my capabilities.”

“It is brother-in-law who has long helped me to deal with the underworld men, so those very people are now trying to take care of my business by all means!

“There are so many powerful people, so many different kinds of industries, now as long as there is a need for a Miss etiquette, they will definitely seek my cooperation!”

“Even many times if they don’t need a Miss Etiquette, they still have to find me to cooperate!”

“Why is that happening? That is all because of brother-in-law.”

“Have you ever seen the bosses of the road meeting, dozens of courtesans were invited to the scene to welcome guests, do sign-in?”

“Have you ever seen a big man marry his daughter, do not want the hotel’s waiters, but instead spend money to hire more than a hundred ladies of etiquette, to go to the scene to serve food and wine to guests, tea and water?”

“The reason they do so, all because of the face of brother-in-law, only to help me by all means! Because of this relationship, Shangmei can develop so fast!”

Saying that, she pointed at Mrs. Willson and rebuked, “The food and clothing that you, my father and my brother have now are all given by brother-in-law!”

“Even this new dress you’re wearing is only possible because of brother-in-law’s blessing!”

“Otherwise, I would have been forced to sign a contract of sale and become an escort in a KTV, so I wouldn’t have any money to buy you new clothes.

“Maybe you even have to go to the supermarket to pull plastic bags to feed yourself!”

“Now that you have a stable life, you have to come out and make a fool out of yourself, what are you doing?”

“Do you want to force me to leave home and make a clean break with you forever?”

Chapter 3210

Wendy’s accusation made Lady Willson’s legs go weak and she almost sat down on her

She never dreamed that the noble person who brought her family back from the dead was Charlie, whom she had always despised and wanted to seek revenge on!

This reality, in the old lady’s heart, was as shocking as the Big Bang.

Because, she thought, Wendy’s noble person could be anyone in this world, but the most unlikely one was Charlie.

However, the truth of the matter is just like that.

Saved Wendy from the trap of selling her b0dy. The one who gave the whole Shangmei etiquette company to her to take care of was him.

Mrs. Willson was panicked and afraid, and deep inside she realized: “I just spoke in a tone that was a bit too arrogant, and I know without asking that Charlie must be particularly angry ……

He will not be just angry with me, will he directly drive Wendy away from Shangmei etiquette company?”

“The hope of our family of four, now she is alone! If Wendy loses her job, then we will not be beaten back to the original form again? If she loses her job, won’t we be put back in the same position?

When she thought of the consequences of offending Charlie, Mrs. Willson was terrified to the extreme, and her expression immediately became very flattering and very self-condemning, lamenting guiltily:

“Ah …… Charlie …… blame grandmother’s eyes, I really did not expect. You actually managed to repay your grievances with virtue and helped Wendy, helped us so much ……”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Willson choked with tears and said: “You help us with virtue, but I, a bad old woman, repay virtue with grievances, on your birthday, a happy day I came and scream with you, really blinded my dog’s eyes ……”

“You do not mind the small woman, for the sake of grandma’s age I have been so old I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal, right?”

Charlie looked at her instant change of posture, the heart can not help but sigh: “This old lady though with other skills no, acting skills are really great, happy, sad and instantaneous switch, far better than an old actor!”

“If she could devote a little of her mind to serious matters, then the Willson Group would not have ended up in such a state.”

However, after all, Mrs. Willson is old, Charlie does not want to kill her, cold to the end, since she has softened, it is natural to give her a step.

So, he said indifferently: “Okay, say a thousand words, you are after all Claire’s grandmother, I also do not want to tussle with you, but from now on you must remember, we do not cross the river water.”

“You and your family, don’t come to our family any cause trouble and discomfort, otherwise, I will not be polite!”

When Mrs. Willson heard these words, she let out a long breath.

Now she finally realized that the basic security of life for her family of four was all given by Charlie, and if she still did not repent, she was afraid that the family would have to starve and beg for food in the streets.

So, she hastily nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice and promised: “Don’t worry, Charlie. Grandma will definitely not find you any more discomfort!”

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