Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3207 – 3208

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Chapter 3207

Just as she was about to target Claire and make a good dig at him, she suddenly heard someone shout out, “Grandma! What are you doing here?!”

The one who spoke was actually Wendy!

Today is the weekend, Wendy originally did not have to go to work, but because there are more students at the training school, so she specifically went over to keep an eye on the professional class for half a day.

The first thing you need to do is to get a new one.

Although Wendy knows very well, with Charlie’s current economic strength, a Hermes belt in his eyes is really nothing.

But for the current Wendy, this is one of the few luxury items she can afford.

After all, she now earns money alone, four people eat, and her father and brother still need quite a lot of convalescence money, so she herself has been frugal, it was not easy to save this more than eight thousand dollars.

After she had the shopkeeper help to wrap the belt, on the way back she had been thinking about how she should hand the gift to Charlie.

After thinking about it, she planned to put the gift in the mailbox in front of Charlie’s house, and then send a WeChat to Charlie to come out and get it himself.

She felt that this was relatively safe and would not be known by others, especially her sister Claire.

Moreover, if Charlie was not willing to accept his gift, he would not have the opportunity to reject it face to face, and more or less leave herself some leeway.

However, when she was about to pass by his door, she heard her grandmother’s furious voice from quite a distance, and when she took a closer look, she saw her actually blocked Charlie’s door and quarreled with him!

This scared Wendy’s soul half off!

So, she hurriedly stepped on her high heels and ran all the way to the door of Charlie’s house, dragged Mrs. Willson, and pulled her without saying anything: “Grandma, come home with me!”

Wendy, after this period of training, can now be said to be very discerning, she saw the old lady to find trouble with Charlie, she knew that the old lady must have caused big trouble, this kind of time must not continue in front of Charlie’s house and her tussle, or her emotions up, excited, otherwise, don’t know what will she say to Charlie in anger.

Therefore, the best way is to get the old lady away first, and then find a way to apologize to Charlie!

Mrs. Willson didn’t expect Wendy to come back at this time, and when she saw that she was pulling herself to leave, she hurriedly said, “Hey Wendy, don’t pull me, I’m telling you, this guy Charlie is about to get caught, what are you afraid of him for? Maybe in a few days, their family will ask us to take them in!”

Wendy felt her back full of cold sweat, blamed off the mouth: “Grandma what are you talking nonsense! Brother-in-law is so powerful, how can he fail! You quickly apologize to brother-in-law, let’s hurry home after apologizing, don’t give him a hard time here!”

Mrs. Willson raised her eyebrows: “What? Let me apologize to him? He is a liar who is always trying to cheat, how can you ask me to apologize to him? How dare you ask me to apologize to him?”

“I’m telling you, Wendy, you were deceived by the illusion of his previous call to action! Look at his birthday today, not even a single person came to his door to give him a gift, what does this mean? It means he is no longer able to do it! Maybe he’ll be reckoned with in the future!”

Wendy knew very well that Charlie’s connections in the city were extremely strong, so how could she just say that?

If he really is failing, then Shangmei etiquette company’s ex boss must be the first time to come back to find the company to snatch back.

So, nothing else to see, as long as he has not come to find her, then Charlie is certainly not likely to face any trouble.

The only possibility is that her grandmother is in big trouble again!

Chapter 3208

Seeing her grandmother’s arrogant appearance, Wendy was afraid in her heart and hurriedly said, “Grandmother! How can you be so rude to brother-in-law! Hurry up and apologize to him!”

Mrs. Willson listened in awe and said, “Wendy, are you out of your mind? Has our family suffered less from his bullying?”

The old lady said with righteous indignation and reprimanded: “Don’t you forget! Your mother was sent to the black coal kiln by him!”

“If he hadn’t sent your mother to the black coal kiln, your father and your mother wouldn’t be in this situation today! That shrew Elaine would not have had the chance to humiliate your father by hanging green hats all over the balcony!”

“Also, have you forgotten what happened to you and me, when we were taken into custody? That is not all thanks to him?!”

“Now that you have a chance to take revenge, you not only don’t help me, but also turn your elbow to this son of a b!tch, you want to kill me!”

Wendy’s expression suddenly became very ugly, and she said very seriously, “Grandma! You are so old, why don’t you still have a correct sense of right and wrong?”

“You are right, my mother was indeed sent to the black coal kiln by my brother-in-law, but have you ever thought about why she was sent to the black coal kiln by him? If she hadn’t made a game with that woman, pitted all of Elaine’s money not to mention the brother-in-law’s villa, he wouldn’t have been able to punish her that way!”

“And the two of us into the detention center, that incident, in the end, is also our own blame, the villa was given to brother-in-law, but you wanted to take over, repeatedly come to trouble, you also encouraged brother to come over to the old housekeeper of Solmon at that time, we were not sentenced, is already brother-in-law’s extra-legal grace! “

Mrs. Willson stood dumbfounded as if she had been struck by lightning.

She looked at Wendy, unable to say a word for half a day, while her whole body was already trembling violently because of her anger.

Half a day later, she pointed at Wendy and said in the utmost pain, “Wendy ah Wendy! What kind of mesmerizing soup have you been given by Charlie? You have always hated him, so why are you starting to speak to him now?”

Wendy looked at her and said without flinching: “Brother-in-law didn’t pour me any soul-soup, and I didn’t speak to him, I just saw the truth of the matter itself!”

“Previously a thousand mistakes, it is our fault, I am sorry to my cousin, but also sorry to brother-in-law, we hurt and failed them again and again!”

“You …… you f*rt!” Mrs. Willson was so angry that she almost had a heart attack, trembling and pointing at Wendy, angrily rebuking, “Have you forgotten how Charlie plotted to harm our family?”

“We almost lost half of our lives when we ate the dumplings wrapped by the daffodil! Is this not a blood feud now?!”

Wendy shook her head and blurted out, “Daffodil was planted at home by brother-in-law, and you stole it as leeks to eat, which is theft itself! Stealing other people’s things to eat, eating poisoning is also entirely your own fault, what does it have to do with him?”

Mrs. Willson was furious, her face red and neck thick, gritting her teeth and cursing, “You …… you are trying to kill me, you! If you continue to favor him, then I won’t have you as my granddaughter!”

Wendy was not willing to show weakness and shot back, “If you don’t apologize to brother-in-law, then I won’t have you as a grandmother!”

Mrs. Willson was stunned and cried out, “Wendy, are you crazy? What’s so great about this guy that you’re willing to turn against your grandmother for him?”

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