Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2825 – 2826

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Chapter 2825

Anson rose to his feet and addressed Luther, saying, “If that’s the case, Old He, I’ll go with Tom.

Furthermore, Mocheng is too far away, and getting here is inconvenient.

Planes and buses must, I think, be organized. It’s been late. It’s almost twelve o’clock. Tomorrow morning, we are tentatively expected to depart at ten a.m. What are your thoughts?”

“No problem,” Luther said flatly, “we’ll leave on time tomorrow at ten o’clock!”

“Then I will retire first!” Anson said, smiling and clasping his fists.

After that, he went to the guest room with Tom.

Luther was shocked when he was left alone.

He felt more or less unbearable and guilty when he thought of his daughter Roma.

He realized he couldn’t pass up the chance to collaborate with Su family because of his daughter’s feelings.

As a result, he readily agreed to the family’s offer for assistance.

His only concern now is not understanding how to communicate with Roma. Can Roma blame him if she finds out?

When he thought this, he couldn’t help but feel: “Ruoli is more important to Roma than herself. If I go back to work with the Su family, she will not forgive me for wanting to do this…”

“With the Su family’s two billion in hand, I’ll be able to give Roma more money by then so she can keep searching for her daughter. This, too, is a viable option.”

“Roma would not have to go to Su’s house at that time. Simply take the money from Su’s house and go outside to look for Ruoli. Even if she never finds her, if I let her search like this, she will be fine……”

He felt a bit more at ease at this stage.

While the time was a little late, to a practicing family member like Roma, it was nothing.

So he took out his phone and dialed her number.

Some terms, he thought, needed to be explained ahead of time.

If you wait until tomorrow, after the entire family has gone to Suzhou, to tell Roma, she will undoubtedly be upset.

Perhaps if your first step with love, then understand with reason, and then pair with the promise of money, she’ll understand and embrace her his arrangements!

Chapter 2826

Roma did not rest at this time.

She and her daughter were talking nonstop on the bed in the Aurous Hill Shangri-La Hotel.

At the time, Roma was in a really good mood.

This is something she hasn’t seen in a long time.

It was more surprising than God’s favor and the Bodhisattva’s blessing to her today.

The daughter is still alive, and her cultivation has advanced to the point that she has become the first He family member in a century.

And the handicapped, such as herself, were given a wonderful opportunity.

Charlie also promised the He family five pills and a yearly payment of 100 million.

For the He family, this is unquestionably the most rare and valuable opportunity in hundreds of years.

Initially, she was eager to return home and notify her father.

But, after all, she hasn’t seen her daughter in such a long time that it feels like a farewell.

As a result, she plans to spend tonight in Aurous Hill with Ruoli before returning to Mocheng the next morning.

After all, there are far too many thoughtful things to say between the mother and daughter.

Ruoli was vividly explaining the situation with her mother when Charlie saved her at sea at the time.

“This man will transform her unsmiling and extremely cold daughter into the appearance of the cheerful and shy girl today,”

Roma thought as she looked at her daughter’s excited expression like a girl. The allure is incredible. “It’s impossible to fathom…”

“However, this is helpful to Ruoli.”

She had been too cold previously. In Su’s home, she was taught how to be a cold-blooded murderer.

She had been reduced to nothing more than a killing machine.

She can see her regaining the qualities that a normal girl should have.

As a mother, it appears that she is much more relieved…”

Roma’s phone rang at this precise moment.

“Ruoli, switch the phone to mom,” she said with a smile to Ruoli.

Ruoli hurriedly stretched out her hand, snatched the charging telephone from the bedside table, looked down, and saw that the caller was her dad, and exclaimed, “Mom, grandpa is calling!”

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