Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2821 – 2822

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Chapter 2821

This amounts of two billion a year!

It is only then that he understood that a person’s bottom line could shift at any moment.

At times, he believed his bottom line is crystal clear and his attitude is unwavering. That’s because he has never been faced with a strong enough temptation.

There would be no bottom line at this stage if the temptation had exceeded one’s psychological standards and even explicitly provided him with a super deterrent.

True, Luther was angered by the Su Family’s abandonment of Ruoli, and also their actions of betraying her.

That kind of rage is like a never-ending forest fire that is difficult to put out with ordinary force.

The anger in his heart seemed to be greatly calmed in an instant when he heard the price of 2 billion.

It was as if a sudden wave had rushed through the burning forest with unprecedented speed and intensity.

What if the forest fire is especially ferocious?

Isn’t it enough for a tsunami to submerge the whole forest, never mind a forest fire?

The bottom line has been defeated.

For a long time, Anson stayed quiet.

His eyes, like eagles’, have been eagle-like in their observation of the father and son in front of him, noting all of their facial expressions, eye, and even movement shifts.

Anson’s greatest skill is his ability to observe words and colors.

Mr. Su’s eyes are just as accurate as a polygraph after so many years with him.

He can simply and unequivocally determine that the father and son in front of him have been enticed.

He was finally relieved as a result of this.

Surprisingly: “The master remains concerned that two billion would fall short of impressing the He family.

The psychological cost of this family does not appear to be as high as the master predicted. Two billion appears to be a little excessive.

Let’s say he started with a billion. Let’s talk, there have been several tugs-of-war, and He’s family will undoubtedly be settled within 1.5 billion! What a shame, at least 500 million was wasted, and if the price remains the same, 2 billion will be invested every year for the next ten years. It’s $20 billion… which means at least $5 billion has been invested over the next ten years excessively…”

But then he had a change of heart and thought: “However, the Su family is currently in a state of emergency, and the father’s own safety has become a concern. It isn’t the best time to haggle.

The top priority is to quickly get the He family over and ensure the Su father’s safety. The elderly gentleman must have his own strategy.

For the He family, this price will be retained for a period of one or two years. When the crisis is over, the old man will no longer be able to support the He family at such a high rate.”

Anson felt a bit more at ease after thinking about it.

Chapter 2822

“Mr. He, what do you think of it?” he immediately asked Luther.

“I just didn’t expect Master Su to respect the He family so much…” Luther felt a dry pain in his throat, swallowed, and then said,

“Of course, our master doesn’t respect the He family for one or two days,” Anson said with a smile.

Anson smiled as he said, waving his hand and saying:

“Let’s not talk about these ridiculous things because I am old. I’ve only recently relayed the master’s words to you. You are the He family’s leader, and do you think the He family would recognize the master? You must provide me with a firm answer.”

Luther nodded and calmly weighed the advantages and disadvantages of the He family’s approval or rejection of this matter.

Guaranteed, the advantages would be multiple.

Returning to the Su family’s authority, with enough funds, the younger generations of the family will be able to provide all of the resources required to practice martial arts at any expense.

Perhaps within a few years, the He family would be able to produce a group of exceptional geniuses similar to Ruoli.

This is extremely important to the He family.

Since, once the younger generation’s overall strength has improved significantly, the entire He family will easily begin attacking their foes.

The He family has been around for hundreds of years, and every Patriarch’s greatest wish is for the He family to rise to the top of the domestic martial arts family.

Climbing to the top allows you to see all of the mountains, both large and small.

One of the eight large families, one of the four large families, or one of the three large families is no more.

Rather, the biggest and most strong!

There’s no one left!

This is one of the advantages of working with the Su family.

What, on the other hand, are the drawbacks of agreeing with the Su family?

Luther pondered it as if he had nothing else to think about except his aching heart and pity for his daughter Roma and granddaughter Ruoli.

It’s a complete waste of time…

On the one side, his daughter and granddaughter were betrayed by the He family’s centuries-old scheme.

Great variations have emerged from the beginning of this balance.

Luther immediately felt like he didn’t need to worry about this issue at all.

Why wait any longer?

It is time to begin a new journey.

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel alternative…

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