Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2789 – 2790

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Chapter 2789

The assistant was also a little excited said:

“When the time comes, I will strengthen a few people to label the mysterious Mr. S, who is infatuated, affectionate, hard-working, and rich! You will definitely become the national hero who is putting the girls crazy and obsessed all over the country!”

Zhifei said with a smile: “The gold content of the two words “National hero is really too low.

These days, all kinds of cats and dogs dare to claim to be national heroes. I still don’t want to grab this title.”

The assistant thought that he had hit the horse’s leg with a flattery, and hurriedly changed his words: “Yes, yes, you, as the young master, can you be compared to those so-called national heroes!”

“By the way, Master, Ms. Sara’s fans give her a nickname “Little girl”, so Miss Gu is a national girl, then you will naturally be a National boy!”

“Hahaha!” Zhifei nodded repeatedly and said happily: “National boy, not bad, not bad, I like this title!”

As he was talking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was his grandfather Elijah who called.

Zhifei felt a little big head.

He knew that his grandfather had been desperately looking for the whereabouts of his mother and sister during this period. Delay him.

In fact, Zhifei has been completely enlightened since talking with his father Zynn.

He is not very interested in finding his mother and sister, because he knows that the best situation right now is that his grandfather’s reputation is completely ruined and he has to push his father Zynn to the stage.

Moreover, because of the mother and younger sister’s affairs, grandpa feels more or less guilty for him and his father, so it is very likely that he will inherit the Su family in the future.

In this case, he really has no motivation to find his mother and sister.

However, he didn’t dare answer his grandpa’s call, so he had no choice but to answer it.

When he was about to ask Grandpa what was going on, Elijah on the other side of the phone asked, “Zhifei, where are you now?”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Grandpa, I’m talking about business, what’s the matter? Do you need me for anything?”

Elijah blurted out: “Come home, your mother and your sister are back!”

Chapter 2790

Zhifei’s entire body became dull as soon as he heard these words.

For more than ten seconds, he was unconscious.

“Zhifei, are you listening to me?” Elijah, on the other end of the line, couldn’t help but ask when he didn’t respond.

“I’m listening, grandpa, you said mother and Zhiyu are back?!?” Zhifei exclaimed. “Really?” he hardly ask.

“Of course!” exclaims the speaker. “Can I still make a joke with this kind of thing?” Elijah asked solemnly. “Please return soon!”

“OK, grandpa, I’ll come back now!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“You stay and continue to connect with the people on the PR side,” he told the assistant as he hung up the phone after speaking.

“First and foremost, I must leave now.”

He dashed out as soon as the voice faded. Zhifei hurriedly wanted to start the car while sitting in it, but he suddenly hesitated.

For dozens of seconds, his entire body was still, and he felt extremely perplexed and contradictory in his mind.

He had no idea whether his mother and sister had returned safely at this point, or whether this was a good or bad thing.

To be honest, he has always had a wonderful relationship with his mother and sister, and he was sometimes overjoyed.

But there was another uncontrollable thought in his mind.

“Zhifei!” the thought was telling him. Returning with your mother and sister is certainly not a good idea! Remember your grandfather, the old man who is addicted to money and influence, and the explanation for the gifts he now offers you and your father.

In the end, he is doing well and showing vulnerability to you because he is now notorious and feels guilty.”

“If your mother and sister return safely and seem to be in good health, the world’s scorn for your grandfather will be relieved!”

After all, there’s a big difference between someone who is dead and someone who isn’t!”

“Once the two of them return safely, the spit and rage directed at your grandfather will inevitably dissipate, and they will even be forgotten over time!”

“In that case, your grandfather will be able to regain the public’s interest and reasonably recover the Su Family Patriarch’s identity.”

At that point, you and your father will once again be his two orphaned sons!”

“Moreover, at that point, he will no longer feel responsible for you and your father!”

You and your father will lose all of your advantages as well!

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