Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2737 – 2738

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Chapter 2737

For women, silk stockings are absolutely indispensable und3rwear, not only can set off the figure and temperament but also can be used for warmth.

A few years ago, women were rarely seen wearing skirts in winter, because the premise of wearing skirts is to ensure the temperature of the legs, but it is a little weird to wear skirts on the upper body and pants on the lower body, while the upper body wears a skirt. Wearing long trousers is even more exotic. It was not until the popularization of leggings and bottoming stockings that this problem was solved.

However, although silk stockings have become very common, Melba has never received silk stockings from men.

This feeling is more or less subtle.

But she knew very well in her heart that Charlie was showing an expression of care and consideration, otherwise she might really have to wear a dress with bare legs.

She picked up the dress, put it on her body, walked to the mirror, and gestured, looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but sigh: “Mr. Wade bought the size that looks very fit, the style is also very beautiful, and the vision is really good.

She put down her dress and saw another Chanel bag and a shoebox, so she hurriedly opened the shoe box and found that it was a pair of very delicate white fashion leather shoes, so she couldn’t wait to take it out and try it on her feet.

After trying it, she was even more surprised to find that: “These shoes are not too big or too small. They are really well-fitting. Don’t know how Mr. Wade had such a precise judgment. Is it the result of visual inspection? If it is, then the visual inspection is too accurate.

Thinking of this, she felt a little bit more unusually moved towards Charlie.

When she thought that Charlie was still waiting for her and her father was even more anxious about her situation, Melba didn’t dare to think about it anymore, and quickly got ready to dress and go out.

But when she took off her bathrobe, she suddenly realized that she didn’t even have clean und3rwear to replace

when she arrived at the hotel this morning. She was so tired that she fell asleep on the soft floor of the living room almost the next minute.

In the end, because the body was really dirty, she took a shower forcibly. After the washing, she was so tired that she couldn’t open her eyes, so she fell asleep and fell asleep without thinking about washing und3rwear at all.

Thinking of this, she was very annoyed, and she muttered with self-blame: “Melba, Melba, you are so stupid, why haven’t you thought about washing your und3rwear clean and replacing it? What should I do now, I can’t wear dirty und3rwear anymore. Well, that’s too disgusting.

“But ah,

but I have to wear it. I can’t let Mr. Wade buy me an und3rwear. It’s too hard to tell.

When Melba didn’t know what to do, she suddenly found out that package Among the huge Chanel shopping bags, there is a small pink handbag.

She hurriedly picked up the handbag, only to realize that the brand logo on the bag turned out to be a brand specializing in high-end women’s und3rwear.

“Could it be that this is the und3rwear Mr. Wade bought for me?”

Chapter 2738

When she thought of this, Melba’s face was red immediately reached the base of her neck. Charlie bought her a base stocking, which already made her feel very embarrassed, but how could she have thought that he even bought und3rwear for her.

“Even such a close-fitting und3rwear. ” Mr. Wade had to buy clothes for her, which was too shameful for a while.

Melba was very complicated.

On the one hand, she was relieved because there was a solution, but on the other hand, because of the special nature of this matter, she was ashamed to want to plunge into the ice water.

After a while, reality prevailed in her struggling heart. She said to herself: “Anyway, at least the problem of und3rwear is solved. After this matter, I will pretend not to know, and never will Mr. Wade.

Just when she thought of this, she mustered up the courage and opened the pink package.

The package is opened, and lying inside are two individually wrapped plastic bags.

Melba looked at the two pure black clothes with lace edges, and her embarrassed face became hot.

Although she guessed it must be und3rwear, she didn’t expect it to be black with lace.

In fact, Melba never wears such fancy and somewhat over-the-top und3rwear. She is a pragmatist. She likes to wear close-fitting clothes with solid colors and skin-friendly fabrics. After all, in her opinion, comfort is the most important thing.

However, right now Charlie bought them all, and there was no other choice, so she could only bite the bullet and open it, thinking: Anyway, let’s dress first and go out. Her personal belongings are in the United States and some luggage.

The clothes are all in Syria. She didn’t bring anything when she returned home. She could only purchase and purchase in bulk after she met her father. “

Immediately, she blushed and opened one of the und3rwear Charlie bought for her.

This is a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, so the first thing Melba does after opening it is to look at the size.

She usually doesn’t like to wear clothes that show her figure, so it is easy to be mistaken for a flat figure, but in fact, at 1.7 meters tall, she has a super hot figure. The front and back curls are just basic, the ubiquitous s-shape. The curve is not less than those supermodels.

It is also because Melba’s figure is really too hot. Since going to college, she has always attracted some nasty suitors because of her good body, and even many people are like dog skin plasters. Her study and life have brought a huge impact, so she has never worn any clothes that can highlight her figure since then.

For example, in summer, wear loose clothes as much as possible, and never wear skirts above the knees, so as not to show slenderness of her legs.

In winter, she dressed herself up very bloated, and she couldn’t see the bulging and curves of her figure.

Charlie was fooled. Melba seemed to have no body, so she expected her ch3st out of stock, he bought the smallest cup directly.

However, the real situation of Melba must be at least two sizes larger than it.

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