Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2663 – 2664

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Chapter 2663

Charlie and Faisal followed the man into the cellar, only to discover that the cellar was dug very deep, and the stairs alone were at least five or six meters deep, almost the height of two stories.

Because the winter in Syria is the rainy season and there is a lot of rain, the stairs are dark and wet, and the soil on both sides even reveals a strong smell of soil.

As he went all the way down, the person leading the way in front said flatly, “Captain Faisal, can you please do something?”

Faisal asked coldly, “What’s the matter?”

The man hurriedly said, “Captain Faisal, I want to apply to join your armored team, I can control heavy machine guns!”

Faisal sneered and asked him, “I think you are joining the armored team because you are afraid of death, right?”

“No, no,” the man hurriedly said, “I just wanted to exercise the armored brigade…”

Faisal smiled and said, “I will think about it and let you know when the time comes.”

The man said excitedly, “Thank you, Captain Faisal!”

With that said, he had already stepped down to the bottom of the cellar.

There is an iron door at the bottom of the cellar, and a small window is open on the iron door, you can see the light inside.

At this moment, the man who led the way patted the iron door hard and said, “Open the door, Captain Faisal is here!”

Someone inside immediately opened the door latch, and a curly-haired man poked his head out, waved at Faisal, and smiled: “Captain Faisal, why are you here?”

Faisal said coldly: “The commander asked me to come over and have a look and also communicate with the hostages.”

The man hurriedly stepped out of the passage and said with a smile, “Captain, please come in!”

Faisal said to the person who led the way: “Go back. You remembered what I just said. If there is a result, I will tell you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you so much, Captain Faisal, you get busy, I will go up! I will save you some roast leg of lamb later, wait for you to come up to eat!”

The man turned and left, Faisal waved to Charlie, and the two entered the cellar one after another.

Charlie originally thought the cellar was a small space, but he didn’t expect that there was a cave inside.

There are two rooms in the cellar. The outer room is about 20 square meters. There are four soldiers guarding. Inside there is a wall and a big iron door without windows. Charlie can perceive that there are eight people inside. , It must be Melba and her friends.

At this moment, Faisal let someone close the door to come in, and then looked at Charlie, wondering what he would order next.

The four-guard soldiers were not very alert and stood aside with their guns hanging around. One of them was still wearing headphones and seemed to be listening to a song.

At this moment, the soldier who had opened the door approached Faisal and asked in a low voice, “Captain Faisal, when is the commander going to do it? If I say, it’s better to kill these Yankees. It’s useless to keep them a little bit longer. We have to let a few of our brothers stay here. It’s damp and smelly. After a long time, the panel is itchy and uncomfortable!

Faisal said indifferently: “The commander of affairs naturally has his plan, so you can honestly carry out the commander’s order, don’t say anything else, don’t ask!”

“Okay.” The man sighed helplessly and said: “It’s really not possible. Captain Faisal will help us to talk to us and arrange for a few brothers to change shifts. We always stay in the cellar. It is too painful. “

Charlie walked up to the man at this time, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: “Brother, everyone works for the commander, so don’t have so many complaints!”

Chapter 2664

As he said, a trace of spiritual energy penetrated into the opponent’s body and went straight to the opponent’s brain.

Immediately afterwards, just like Faisal, this person was given psychological hints by Charlie. Hearing this, he hurriedly said, “You are too right!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, pointed at another person, and said, “This brother must be dissatisfied, right?”

The man hurriedly said, “I dare not, what the commander asks me to do, I will do, no more two minds!”

Charlie smiled, walked to him, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: “You have a high level of consciousness! I will definitely say something for you in front of the commander in the future.”

After that, another trace of spiritual energy entered, following the method, and firmly controlling this person’s consciousness.

At this time, a guy with a full face cursed and said, “The commander said that as soon as the time is up, he will start to kill. I think it is almost the time, and I will execute the sentence then!”

Charlie looked at this man, sneered, and asked, “You like killing people?”

The guy stared at Charlie and said disdainfully, “Yes, I just like it, why? Do you have an opinion? Or do you want to speak for these Yankees?!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Why should I speak for them? I just think that the hostages really can’t come to the table. If you have the ability, it is better to wait for the government forces to come and kill a few more enemies on the battlefield.”

The guy stepped up to Charlie in two steps, reached out his hand and grabbed Charlie’s collar, and yelled, “Are you sarcastic to me?!”

Charlie smirked, “It seems you are not stupid.”

The guy was very angry. As soon as he raised his hand, his fist was about to hit Charlie’s face. Charlie suddenly yelled, “As$hole, even you dare to fight your dad?! Don’t hesitate to kneel down and admit your mistake!”

This voice scared the other party into a sluggish moment.

He didn’t know that at that moment, Charlie had already given powerful psychological hints to his brain.

His whole figure was startled, and then he knelt on the ground with a thud, and said with sincerity, “Dad, I was wrong…”

Charlie pushed him away. At this moment, the person wearing the headset took off the headset in a bit of surprise, and blurted out, “Kamil, why did you kneel down? This person is your father?!”

The strong man called Kamil blurted out, “Yes, he is my father!”

The man stunned and said, “Your brain is broken, right? Didn’t your dad only die last year? I came to help carry the coffin!”

Charlie looked at him at this time and said lightly: “I am not only his father, but also your father. Why don’t you just kneel down and admit the mistake like him?”

This sentence scared this person to death.

He felt dizzy in his mind, and then he knelt down beside Kamil subconsciously, choked up, and said, “Dad, I was wrong…”

Charlie also felt a sharp pain in his brain at this time, and then carefully examined his body, there was only a trace of aura left, which made him realize that he had just given five people consecutive psychological hints, and the aura consumption was indeed too great.

In the past, he seldom used aura intensively. At this moment, the aura consumption was greater than in the past few months.

Fortunately, the five people, including Faisal, have been psychologically hinted at by him, and these five people have become his most loyal puppets.

So he pointed to the door of the room inside and said to the five people: “Who has the key? Open the door!”

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