Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2653 – 2654

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Chapter 5653

The height of seven or eight floors is almost a deadly height for most ordinary people.

But for Charlie, it really isn’t a big deal.

His only worry is that when his height gets lower and lower, he will first descend to the height of the mountain top. The most important thing is whether he will be discovered by the other party at this height.

In order to be sure, he put his hand into his pocket and grasped the thunder warning in his pocket.

This thundering order used the Wannian Lightning Strike Wood sent by Warnia, which can be called the highest quality of the lightning strike wood, and Charlie’s most seized weapon.

Although he had used this shocking thunder for many times, and there were already many cracks on its surface, but at present, it can be used at least a few times.

Charlie didn’t really like to use the Thunderbolt, because every time this thing made a lot of noise, but this time, he still planned to use the Thunderbolt to increase his success rate.

At this time, the whole mountain area was quiet. There were few people here, and there were almost no vehicles on the road. People below could hear the wind and the not-so-big rain, but there was no other sound.

But at this moment, in the western sky, a lightning bolt like a whip of God suddenly lit up!

This lightning slammed on the top of the mountain in the west, slicing several soldiers in the fortifications into coke on the spot!

Followed by a deafening thunder!

The rumbling of thunder resounded as a missile exploded, and it reverberated throughout the valley.

On the plane, Chester was taken aback by the explosion. He blurted out, “Damn it! In places like the Middle East, how can there be thunderstorms in winter?!”

The skydiving expert Vasily, because of his professional requirements, is also a meteorological expert. Even he has a dumb face and muttered: “This…this is not scientific…I studied it deliberately I have retrieved today’s satellite weather map, and today’s weather conditions do not exist for the formation of thunderclouds!”

The crew also didn’t understand.

The crew of this aircraft is extremely experienced pilots, but all experienced pilots must be most of the meteorologists and well-informed meteorologists.

They have a good understanding of the formation of various climates and weather, and they can basically know what the situation is at a glance.

But no one thought that this kind of winter rain cloud, even a moderate rain could not fall, how could a sudden thunderstorm occur.

Only Issac heard this loud noise and felt a lot more at ease. He knew that this thunder must be caused by Charlie!

At this moment, all opposition soldiers, local villagers, and even 8 hostages, including Melba, were also shocked by the sudden explosion of thunder!

For these people, the noise of the thunder just now was so great that they had hardly encountered it in their entire life.

Many people have tinnitus in their ears because of this explosion.

If the eardrum is slightly fragile, you will feel severe pain deep in the ear.

Except for the imprisoned people, almost everyone else walked out the door for the first time, or turned their heads, and focused their attention on the West Mountain where the thunder and lightning occurred. The few soldiers who survived on the top of the West Mountain were also in panic and reported through the intercom The specific loss situation.

After hearing the news that five soldiers were killed by lightning, the entire opposition was shocked from top to bottom.

They have never encountered such a terrible thing. A bolt of single lightning can kill five people. How powerful is this lightning?

Most of the soldiers thought it was the anger of the gods, and many people knelt on the ground without hesitation and bowed to pray for the gods’ forgiveness.

Unlike most soldiers with no educational level, the leader of this opposition armed forces was an intellectual who had studied at a military academy. When he heard the message, he immediately realized that the reason why the fortifications on the top of the West Mountain were struck by lightning must be Because of their higher terrain, they have a lightning rod effect.

Therefore, he immediately ordered all the soldiers in the mountain top fortification to hide in the fortification to avoid another lightning strike.

This further helped Charlie. After receiving the message, the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop all shrank into the bunkers inside the fortifications, not daring to show up for fear of being struck by lightning again.

The soldiers on the top of the eastern mountain hid while others were staring at the west and were horrified. In the gray sky, an unremarkable figure fell from the eastern sky of the base at an extremely fast speed.

Chapter 5654

However, at this time everyone, including the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop, focused their attention on the west, so no one noticed the passing of this figure.

And this figure is Charlie who jumped down from an altitude of more than 5,000 meters!

At this time, Charlie’s descending speed was extremely fast, and his descending speed exceeded fifty meters in one second.

Vasily on the plane stared at the data uploaded by the computer and said palely: “Mr. Wade’s descending speed is too fast…and his remaining ground height is less than 300 meters. This is far below the minimum limit for the safe opening of the umbrella.

When Chester heard this, his whole body trembled in shock, and he blurted out, “Let the young master open the umbrella!”

Vasily recovered, and blurted out, “Mr. Wade, open the umbrella! Open the umbrella!”

While speaking, Charlie had already skimmed over the top of the mountain at high speed and fell towards the mountainside.

He was not in a hurry to open the umbrella, because he knew that when he didn’t open the umbrella, the goal was so small that it was difficult to see clearly.

But once the parachute is opened, a huge parachute will be released in an instant. In that case, the target will be magnified ten times or even dozens of times.

Therefore, he must make sure that the time for opening the umbrella is as short as possible!

In other words, he hopes to open the parachute at the lowest altitude, and then use the fastest time to reduce the speed of his fall to a height that is safe enough for him, and then finish the landing quickly, and then parachute immediately after landing Put it away so that he can avoid detection to the greatest extent.

Seeing that there were only two hundred meters left from the ground, Vasily realized that Charlie was still descending rapidly, and realized that he had not opened the umbrella, and couldn’t help but blurt out: “It’s over… this height must be certain. His body will be broken to pieces…”

Chester was frightened by his words.

He had already prepared to inform the old man to prepare for the ransom and save Charlie back, but he never expected that Charlie would fall to death because of parachuting.

If this is really a fall, he will definitely be to blame!

Just when the two of them were panicking, Charlie suddenly opened the parachute.

The huge parachute was released from the umbrella bag at once, causing Charlie’s rapidly falling body to be yanked back by a strong force.

Suddenly opening the umbrella at such a fast speed slows down, even if the average person does not faint, at least they will break a few ribs because of the huge inertia.

But Charlie filled the bones of his whole body with spiritual energy, his shoulders suddenly exerted force, abruptly holding the huge reaction force.

Immediately afterward, his descent speed from more than 50 meters per second, in a very short period of time, reduced to about 20 meters per second.

However, this speed is far from the safe speed for skydiving.

Normal people parachuting, the descending speed when landing is lower than six meters per second.

But at this time, Charlie was still less than fifty meters away from the ground.

Falling at this speed is almost the same as falling.

Fortunately, in the remaining 50 meters, the descending speed is still decreasing due to the effect of the parachute.

Immediately afterward, Charlie gathered all his true energy into his legs, and his whole person slammed into the ground at a speed of more than ten meters per second.

Vasily on the plane did not dare to look at the data returned on the computer, because he knew very well that after a second or two, Charlie’s heart rate would drop rapidly until it falls to zero.

However, he never dreamed that when Charlie had completely stopped falling, his heart rate would only be faster than just a dozen times per second.

He looked incredulous, and blurted out, “Mr. Wade, you… are you still alive?!”

At this time, Charlie had already begun to quickly put away the parachute. While he stuffed all the parachutes into the parachute bag, he said lightly: “Don’t worry, I have landed safely!”

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