Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1545 – 1546

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Chapter 1545

Fredmen was surprised and shocked, and couldn’t help but sigh: “Speaking of which, Charlie is really f*cking mysterious. He also moved his mouth that day, and then I was confused…”

Having said this, Fredmen couldn’t help but think of his tragic experience in Aurous Hill.

First he was beaten by Charlie, and then he was deprived of his ability to be a man. This is not the worst!

The worst thing is that he mistakenly believed in the old thing surnamed Wei, and ate the so-called magic medicine of the Wei family. Not only did he fail to regain his glory, he almost broke his roots.

In the end, it was under Charlie’s treatment that he could barely save his roots.

As for Charlie’s treatment when he kept his roots, it was another history of blood and tears.

At that time, one liter of urine was matched with one liter of medicine, so that he still has a shadow.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help sighing: “Hey, you two didn’t know, I was in Aurous Hill, my old bone, but his mother made this kid miserable!”

Yanzheng gritted his teeth and said: “According to this, this kid is just the live-in son-in-law of the Aurous Hill family, but how can he get on line with my elder brother? This is too strange!”

After Charlie’s parents were killed for many years after leaving Eastcliff, Yanzheng had no longer in his mind. The image and memory of Charlie’s father. Therefore, he couldn’t understand Charlie’s identity and could not figure out him. The son-in-law of the city rag comes to the door, why can he mix with his eldest brother, and he was invited to the house by the eldest brother to have dinner with his family of three.

You know, with the background of the eldest brother, even those few well-known Internet entrepreneurs in the country cannot be treated like this.

Fredmen remembered something, and blurted out: “I remember, this Charlie was in Aurous Hill. He was abducted and deceived and scammed many people. Many local figures who have a good reputation should call him Master.”

“Master?” Yanzheng frowned and asked him, “What master? Which kind of master?”

Fredmen said: “It seems to be Feng Shui or something. It is said that he has a good sense of Feng Shui. The local rich man asked him to see Feng Shui once and he was rewarded with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. A big villa worth more than 100 million, don’t know how this kid can fool around so much.”

Yangang hurriedly said, “Second brother! I understand! The eldest brother must be dying of illness. He really doesn’t know what to do, so he can only go to the doctor if he is sick, and believe that the metaphysics of Feng Shui luck has come.”

Yanzheng nodded in agreement, and sneered: “I think so! 80% of them are really afraid of death and crazy, so asked a liar to renew his life!”

Yangang sneered: “It’s really interesting. Didn’t he yell all his life that he is an atheist? He never believed in ghosts or gods. How come he is dying now and believes in Feng Shui luck again?”

“Then who knows to go…” Yanzheng waved his hand and said, “However, this kid is really a bit mysterious. I still don’t understand how he made us lose that ability. Could it be that he really has some metaphysical skills?”

Fredmen hurriedly said flatteringly: “Oh, my second master, there are some insights about this matter, but it hasn’t been verified. If you don’t mind, I can say it and give you reference.”

Yanzheng nodded: “You speak it!”

Chapter 1546

Fredmen said: “I’m wondering, the metaphysical things are true, but they are also macroscopic. For example, it may gradually affect the quality of luck, but it is unlikely to affect a person’s fertility in an instant. So I think that kid must have used some kind of slamming method.”

Yanzheng asked: “Sounding? What do you mean? Why do you say that?”

Fredmen explained: “This is like making magic. In addition to blindfolding, the most commonly used method for magicians is to make noises. Generally, when he points his right hand to show you, things are usually hidden in his left hand. When the hat is shown to you, things are usually hidden in the sleeves.”

Yanzheng nodded solemnly: “You go on.”

Fredmen hurriedly said again: “Look, Charlie seems to be engaged in metaphysics, but I think this grandson must have used some secret method to quietly poison us, but We were distracted when the poison was given, so we didn’t notice.”

Yanzheng suddenly thought of something. He straightened up and blurted out: “It makes sense! It makes sense! I have been thinking why two of my men had their necks choked by him, so they had muscle weakness. Now think about it. It is very likely that he quietly used poison on my men! Otherwise, if two top masters take good care of them, how can they become two wastes inexplicably?”

Yangang on the side was busy saying, “Second brother, if the grandson really poisoned us, then he must have an antidote! Does this mean that as long as we can get the antidote from him, there will it is possible to recover?”

“Yes!” Yanzheng also said immediately: “This kid must have a way to recover us! When we finish our business tomorrow, we will find a way to let him take out the antidote!”

When Fredmen heard this, he was immediately excited!

During this period of time, he has been troubled by the treatment of his roots, and he has even given up a bit these days.

But this does not mean that he is really willing to accept this status quo, but that he is really powerless.

If he can heal his own roots, he is willing to pay no matter how great the price is!

So, he hurriedly knelt on one knee, folded his fists on top of his head, and pleaded: “I am also Charlie’s victim. After suffering from this kid, if you two have the opportunity to get the antidote, please give me a chance to heal next!”

Yanzheng nodded slightly and said, “Mr. Willson rest assured, you know everything about us today, and we will not forget you when we get the antidote in the future!”

Fredmen said excitedly: “Second Lord, thank you so much! Your great kindness is unforgettable!”

Yanzheng gave a hum, and said to him: “Mr. Willson, it’s late, and you should go back to rest early. We will keep in touch with you about this matter, and we will notify you if we have any news.”

Fredmen nodded hurriedly, and said respectfully: “Second Lord, then I will leave first!”

As soon as Fredmen left, Philip hurriedly asked Yanzheng: “Second brother, what is your chance of winning and let the b@stard Wade hand over the cure?”

Yanzheng coldly snorted, “Did you not listen to Fredmen’s words? This kid is actually a liar who shows feng shui. He must be looking for money when he comes to Eastcliff to see his eldest brother. As long as he is looking for money, there is nothing to worry about. Yes, when we finish the board of directors tomorrow, I will directly use the money to hit him willingly to kneel down and call me Lord!”

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