Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1479 – 1480

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Chapter 1479

Claire didn’t question Charlie’s remarks.

In her impression, he gradually got to know a lot of influential people in Aurous Hill because he knew Feng Shui.

To be honest, Charlie really helped the family a lot by looking at Feng Shui.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the family to live in such a good villa and lead such a superior life.

In the past, Claire was very worried that Charlie was fooling others by seeing Feng Shui, for fear that it would explode with thunder one day.

However, with the development of time, she discovered that none of the big people Charlie saw Feng Shui for had turned against him.

This also proved that Charlie’s ability to see Feng Shui should have real talents, so she didn’t need to worry too much.

Therefore, she softly said: “Eastcliff is not Aurous Hill. There are many very powerful characters in the place where dragons and tigers are hidden. If you go to Eastcliff, don’t do whatever you want like in Aurous Hill, especially don’t create conflict with others, just do things, and come back as soon as you are done.”

Charlie hurriedly nodded and said: “Good wife, I know, don’t worry, I will definitely not have any conflicts with others, I will come back immediately after I finish Feng Shui.”

Claire nodded: “Okay, you have to pay more attention to yourself.”

Charlie thought, after he comes back from Eastcliff, he should be going to Japan, and he has to get Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in his hands, so that it would speed up the production of JX Weisan.

Moreover, when the production capacity is sufficient, he can also prepare for the trial production of the liver protection tablets.

Therefore, he simply gave Claire a vaccination in advance and said: “By the way, Claire, after I return from Eastcliff, I may have to go to Japan again.”

“Go to Japan?” Claire and her family of three were very surprised.

Claire blurted out and asked, “Is it? Does someone in Japan invite you to see Feng Shui?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Do you remember Liang from Wei’s Pharmaceuticals?”

Claire nodded: “Remember, didn’t you also show him Feng Shui?”

“Yes.” Charlie said: “His JX Pharmaceutical wants to acquire a Japanese pharmaceutical company next, so he wants me to go to Japan to help him see if the company’s Feng Shui is the same as that of his head office.”

Claire asked in confusion, “Does Feng Shui still needs to have so much attention to detail?”

Charlie said: “My wife, don’t you know that Feng Shui is very particular. If his head office is without a good Feng Shui, the Feng Shui of the company to be acquired in Japan belongs to Gold. After the completion of the acquisition, it will naturally be smooth sailing.”

“However, if the Japanese company is a water company, then water will overcome fire. After the acquisition is completed, he will not only not rise to the next level, but it may even be affected by that side, so that the entire company will go down. The road is downhill, so he asked me to go over and help him take a good look. If there are any hidden dangers in Feng Shui, I will help him change the Feng Shui Bureau directly in Japan.”

Jacob was fascinated by it, and said excitedly: “Oh, good son-in-law, you can talk a little bit more quickly, I’m listening enthusiastically, just talk a little bit more so I can brag to others in the future!”

Elaine on the side was very pleased and asked: “Good son-in-law, they invite you to visit Eastcliff and give 8 million. Then, if you go to Japan, wouldn’t it be tens of millions?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Almost.”

“Oh!” Elaine applauded happily: “Good son-in-law, good son-in-law! How fast is your money-making speed different from opening a money printing machine! Why didn’t you learn how to look at Feng Shui earlier, in that case, It’d have not been necessary for our family to be looked down upon everywhere in the past few years, don’t you think?”

Jacob said solemnly: “You know what a bullsh*t, it’s a good meal, not afraid of being late!”

Elaine exploded: “Jacob, are you sick today? Why do you have to put nose in every matter I have? I will give you a face when the time comes, right?”

Jacob owes a bit, always looking for a chance to run on Elaine, but if Elaine is really aggressive, he is not an opponent at all.

Chapter 1480

Charlie came out and ended the game: “Parents, you two don’t need to always quarrel and fight. After all, you are still a family. Don’t be so unpleasant.”

Elaine said to Jacob: “For the face of my good son-in-law, I won’t have the same dealings as you!”

After dinner, Jacob watched TV in the living room, Elaine cleaned up in the kitchen, Claire said to Charlie: “Husband, I am a little tired today, so I will take a bath first to relieve fatigue.”

Charlie nodded and said, “My wife, fill the bathtub with water, put some bath salt, and take a good bath.”

“Okay, then I’ll go up first.”

As soon as Claire went upstairs, Issac called Charlie and said, “Master the dozen or so masters that Jiro has gathered from Japan have already set off.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked hurriedly: “Where did they start? Where did they go?”

Issac said: “They all set off from Aurous Hill International Hotel and went to JX Pharmaceutical. Recently, Liang worked at JX Pharmaceutical until late every day. I suspect they want to kidnap him.”

Charlie asked: “How are your people preparing?”

Issac said: “My men have been arranged. There are more than 50 people, all with guns. These Japanese masters have no weapons. It is not to be afraid. In addition, Mr. Orvel has also sent more than 100 people. They will be ambushed near the factory, we will make sure that they will never get back!”

Charlie asked again: “Where is Jiro? Where is he?”

Issac said: “Jiro also set off. I guess this time he wanted to personally attack Liang.”

Charlie said: “Okay, you send me a location, I will rush over now.”

Issac said: “Master I just pretended to set up a foreign bus here to avoid exposure. Should I stop by and pick you up?”

Charlie said, “Come here as soon as possible.”

A few minutes later, Issac told Charlie on WeChat that he had reached the door of Tomson.

Charlie hurriedly got up and said to the old man, “Dad, I have something to go out for.”

The Old man smiled and said, “Do you want to use the car? I will give you the key?”

Charlie waved his hand: “No need for it Dad.”

After speaking, he stepped out.

At the door of Tomson, a luxury bus with more than 40 seats was parked at the door.

The bus is a Suzhou license plate, and the words “Su-Hang to Aurous Hill” are written on the huge windshield in front.

Charlie smiled knowingly, it seemed that Issac really had some tricks.

If you are Jiro and set up an ambush on Liang’s way home, in addition to paying attention to Liang’s own vehicles, he will definitely pay attention to other cars coming and going because Liang may have bodyguards to protect him in secret.

However, he will never pay attention to a bus with a foreign license.

If you see such a long-distance bus with a foreign license plate in the process of setting up an ambush, you will definitely treat it as a passing car.

In this way, Jiro will surely be caught off guard!

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